The visit of the representatives of Kraków City Hall and of the Jagiellonian Univer­ sity to Chile took place in 1999 and was the part of Polish Science Days in this country (see: „ Newsletter”, no 11/1999). The tour gave us an opportu­ nity to visit the House of Domeyko in and we could also meet Ignacy Domeyko’s granddaughter-Anita Domeyko Alamos de Salazar. The substantial con­ tribution of Ignacy Domeyko to the founding and the development of the Chilean Alma Mater was emphasized during the meeting of Prof. Maria Nowakowska, Vice of the Jagiellonian University with Prof. Luis Riveros Cornejo, Rector of the (Universidad de Chile). The visit was an occasion to ponder on the life and output of Ignacy Domeyko as Doctor honoris causa of the Jagiellonian Univer­ sity. The Symposium „Ignacio Domeyko - Doctor honoris causa of the Jagiellonian Uni­ versity” was initially planned as the Polish-Chilean meeting, but it has gradually trans­ formed into the event of international character. The representatives of the main Domeyko family branches met at the Jagiellonian University, on 10th October, 2000. We hosted Mrs Paz Domeyko from Australian branch (Sydney), Mr Andrés Domeyko from American branch (Washington), Mr Pablo Domeyko and his wife Carmen Luisa from Chilean branch (Santiago), Mrs Rita Domeyko from Lithuanian () and Mrs Barbara Domeyko from Polish branch (Opole). On the day preceding the celebration, Prof. Franciszek Ziejka, Rector of the Jagiel­ lonian University and Prof. Maria Nowakowska, Vice Rector of the Jagiellonian Uni­ versity held the meeting with Prof. Luis Riveros Cornejo, Rector of the University of Chile and his wife. Both parties expressed a vivid interest in taking up research co­ operation between our universities when certain conditions are fulfilled. After the inauguration of Symposium by Prof. Maria Nowakowska, we could watch Anita Domeyko de Salazar presenting her address to the participants of the Symposium. The address was filmed by Prof. Zdzisław Jan Ryn a few days before, in Santiago (TV Universidad Católica, Canal 13). The descendants of Ignacy Domeyko regarded Kraków meeting as a wondrous occasion, because it was the first meeting attended by the representatives of all branches of the rich genealogical tree. 196 ARTYKUŁY

The scientific programme of the symposium was divided between the two sessions. The first one was devoted to the presentation of Ignacy Domeyko’s contribution to the founding and development of the oldest Chilean University i.e. University of Chile [see: S. Prenafeta, Universidad de Chile, 150 Afios (1842-1992), Santiago, 1992]. It also covered the connections of Ignacy Domeyko with the Jagiellonian University. The second session comprised exploration activities of Domeyko in Chile, includ­ ing geological, mineralogical and ethnographical research. The lecture of Prof. Luis Riveros Cornejo, Rector of the University of Chile can be interpreted as the expression of recognition and homage which the Chilean nation pays to the eminent Pole. The reason for this exceptional respect is that Ignacy Domeyko, together with Andres Bello - the first rector of the University of Chile, created the educational institution which has had the leading role in science, humani­ ties and art and which has had immeasurable intellectual influence on the country and whole Latin America. According to Mr Riveros, Ignacy Domeyko left an indelible mark of cultural and educational pioneer spirit on the University of Chile, the spirit which has prevailed throughout theyears. Domeyko, being ahead of his time, pointed out the necessity to integrate experi­ mental sciences with classical studies, that is merging the former with the discovery

Since our early childhood we were acquainted with the authentic relics of Saint Casimir, with the picture of Our Lady ofOstra Bramf, the picture ofAdam Mickiewicf and Odyniec, the medals of KingVladislaus Jagidle? and Saint Hedwig, the Queen ofPoland*, King Jan Sobiesk? and others who kept up the spiritual contact with Poland and its eternal values, said Pablo Domeyko in his speech. The interior of the house, and especially Ignacy Domeyko’s study constitute not only the biographical museum, but also, in a sense, the sanctuary of Poland. The Domeyko family collections are worth cataloguing, renovating and publishing. This house was the place of the meeting of President of the Polish Republic Lech Walesa with Polish emigrants in Chile. The meeting took place in February of 1995 and it was the occasion to decorate Mrs Anita and Hortensia Domeyko with the highest national medals. The last paper Autoportrait of Ignaty Domyko, prepared by the author of this sum­ mary, presented the personality of Ignacio Domeyko within the family context and with the background of his times and emigration. Subsequent themes of this paper are: „patriotism”, „altruism”, „faith”, „schoolmaster”, „love and marriage”, „in sickness and in health” and „memory”. The above mentioned aspects of life fully justify form­ ing of the group of those who postulate launching the endeavors to recognize Ignacy Domeyko Blessed, as the award of his unprecedented and heroic Christian life on emigration and away from his country. Domeyko embodied and cultivated such tran­ scendental values as faith, love of one’s neighbour, solidarity, justice and international brotherhood. Former Ambassador of Chile to Poland, dr Máximo Lira Alcayaga said the follow­ ing words on the occasion of giving over Ignacy Domeyko bust to the University of Chile by the Rector of the University of Warsaw: Outstanding human and intellectual virtues, his extensive output, his achievements in science and the servia to Chilean country, made Ignacy Domeyko an exallent advocate of spiritual and civili­ zational heritage ofEurope, who took an active part in scientific and technological revolution ofhis times. We pay homage to this splendid representative

1 Our Lady of Ostra Brama (Matka Boska Ostrobramska) - is a famous picture of St Mary which is placed in the cathedral in Vilnius and has been traditionally ascribed the miraculous powers and there­ fore it attracted innumerable pilgrimages of those who sought her assistance. 2 - renowned Polish poet and dramatist, author of numerous pieces which are representative of Polish Romanticism and which were treated as the consolation by Polish people throughout the occupation period, recognised as the Polish literary prophet. 3 Władysław Jagiełło (1386-1434) - Grand Duke of and King of Poland who married Hedwig, the heiress to Polish throne, they were founders of the Jagiellonian dynasty and of the Cracow Academy. 4 Saint Jadwiga (1374-1399) - Queen of Poland, renowned for her charity and kindness to her peo­ ple, she founded the Jagiellonian University with her husband and later made generous donations for the Academy. 5 Jan III Sobieski (1629-1696) - distinguished ruler and man of war who has led his army to liberate Vienna from Turkish siege (1683) and in fact won the battle thus saving Europe from the danger of Turkish raids for numerous years. Ignacy Domeyko - Spiritual Bridge between Poland and Chile. Symposium Summary 199

into the creative work for his New Country [see: Z. Wójcik, Ignaty Domeyko. Litwa. Francja. Chile, 1995, p. 13). The participant of the symposium, especially the representatives of the Jagiellonian University, the University of Warsaw, the University of Vilnius, the University of Chile and the University of La Serena joined in the homage. The Symposium was made even more lustre by the concert of “Ensemble Bartok” from Santiago de Chile, which took place in Collegium Maius. The soloist of the en­ semble is Mrs. Carmen Luisa Letelier - the wife of Pablo Domeyko. After the concert Prof. Maria Nowakowska hosted the official dinner at the Jagiellonian University Manor House in Modlnica. The conference materials were enriched with personal ex- libris for Mrs. Anita Domeyko de Salazar, prepared by Dr. Krzysztof Kmieć from Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University. The exhibits presented at the con­ ference came from the Jagiellonian Library, the Archives of the Jagiellonian University and the Library of Polish Academy of Sciences-Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, The Museum of Ethnography, in Kraków and from the private collection.

Zdzisław Jan Ryn

Translated by: Elżbieta Ciężki