“THERE IS NO FUTURE WITHOUT THE PAST. SCIENCE ON THE INTERFACE OF 19TH– 21ST CENTURIES” Purpose of the Conference Ignacy Domeyko This international conference is dedicated to the 215th birth anniversary of a famous geologist, mineralogist, ethnologist, Rector of the University of Chile in Santiago, an outstanding scientist, a member of the November 1830 Uprising, a spokesperson for Lithuania, Poland and France Ignacy Domeyko (1802-1889). I. Domeyko moved to Vilnius in 1816 and lived on the Pilies street. Being only fourteen years old I. Domeyko started studying at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of Vilnius University. The conference is divided into the following sections ● Life and Works of I. Domeyko ● The History of Science ● Higher Education and its Reforms ● Chemistry and Geosciences The Scientific Programme of the Conference Presentations (approx. 20 minutes each) of the invited speakers will be presented in the plenary meeting; oral presentations (approx. 10 minutes each) and poster sessions will be held separately for different sections. The Organizers Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius University, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Lithuanian Society of Ignacy Domeyko. Conference Date and Location The conference will be held from the 28th to the 30th of July, 2017 at Vilnius University and Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. Registration of the participants begins on the 28th of July at 9 am. Opening ceremony of the conference is on the 28th of July at 10 am. Contacts of Organizing Committee Vilnius University, Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences, Naugarduko st. 24, 03225 Vilnius, Lithuania. Phone number: (+370 5) 2193110. E-mail:
[email protected] Language Official languages of the conference are English and Lithuanian Conference Fee Conference registration fee is 100 euros; 50 euros for students and seniors.