Genesis 1-11

January 10, 2016 to April 24, 2016

Are you in the right place?

1 Genesis 1-11

 Genesis, the book of beginnings. It could also be called Foundations.

 We will examine these chapters from ...  Historical  Hermeneutic (what the text says and means)  Scientific viewpoints

 The purpose is to ...  Build trust in and understanding of God's Word  Learn to identify and reject the attacks on the truth of Scripture  Become better equipped to lead others to trust God's Word.

Here is what you signed up for ...

2 Today: Introduction

 Why is this important?

 Where did it come from?

 An overall look at the book.

If you want copies of the slides, give me your email address

3 Beginning Assumptions

 The Bible is God's Word to us

 Divinely Inspired  Meant to be Understandable

 Inerrant

 Our Primary Authority:

 Instructions on Faith and Conduct

 Refers to Historical or Scientific Matters

 All Absolutely True

4 Beginning Assumptions

 Science:

 Not Magisterial

 Ministerial

 Miracles

 Expected from a great God

 Not permitted in Science

Magisterial: Stand in Judgment of Scripture

Ministerial: Science can fill in some areas that Scripture skips over - it is not a science book > It can also help filter out incorrect interpretations

Miracles do NOT violate natural laws Natural laws describe behaviors in a Closed System. The universe is NOT Closed - God is not only Creator but also Sustainer = Outside Force

5 Sources

 The Genesis Account

 By Jonathan Sarfati, PH.D., F.M.  Reviewed by 7 other Doctor and Master Level Experts  Thoroughly Documented: 47 Pages of Source Identifications

 Other articles ...

Reviewers in various areas of > Science > Theology

Creation Ministries International Associates for Biblical Research

6 Addition: Per Request in Class

Some good, useful web resources: • Answers in Genesis: • Associates for Biblical Research: • Creation Ministries International: • Institute for Creation Research:

7 Addition: Per Request in Class Sources to avoid (At least be extremely cautious about these) • BioLogos: - Tries to blend Evolution and Creation – Contains heresy - BioLogos president, Darrel Falk, wrote: “[that Adam and Eve are actual historical people] is the standard argument put forward by those who believe in a young earth created by God in six twenty-four hour days less than 10,000 years ago. BioLogos exists in no small part to marginalize this view from the Church. • Hugh Ross' Reason to Believe: Misrepresents what sources say, Supports Long Ages and Death before Sin • : - Poor science and bad personal conduct

8 Today: Introduction

 Why is this important?

 Where did it come from?

 An overall look at the book.

If you want copies of the slides, give me your email address

9 Is Genesis Important?

 Just a Side Issue?

 Divisive?

 Keeps 'real scientists' out of the Church?

 Evolution is 'real' but Creation is just made-up myths and legends

10 Just a Side Issue?

 In Genesis we Learn …

 About God (theology)  About us—mankind (anthropology)  About sin (hamartiology)  About salvation (soteriology)  About angels (angelology)  About the Church – People of God (ecclesiology)  About the last things (eschatology)

Genesis—the seedbed of all Christian doctrine; by Russell Grigg; 26 April 2007;

11 Genesis Challenged

12 Genesis Ignored

13 Genesis Ignored

Even worse ...

In Naturalism, everything is > determined by natural processes = NO FREE WILL: But they don't see that > random! - Nothing should flow from logical sequences. > So thoughts are random

14 Just a Side Issue?

15 Just a Side Issue?


 It is the Foundation of our Faith

16 Is Genesis Important?

 Just a Side Issue?

 Divisive?

 Keeps 'real scientists' out of the Church?

 Evolution is 'real' but Creation is just made-up myths and legends

What about the claim that it is Divisive and should be avoided?

17 But it is Divisive!

 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. (Matthew 10:34 - NIV)

 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother- in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.” (Luke 12:51-53 - NIV)

 But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. They said to you, “In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” These are the men who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit. (Jude 17-19 - NIV)

Truth divides!

Messiah College meetings: > Vicious attacks toward someone who said Biblical Creation is true > Proffs and students: denied NASA published observation that proved their claims were wrong! Visible light from distant galaxies

18 Is Genesis Important?

 Just a Side Issue?

 Divisive? Yes, but Truth is Divisive!

 Keeps 'real scientists' out of the Church?

 Evolution is 'real' but Creation is just made-up myths and legends

I personally heard this from another SS teacher in another 'church'

19 Does it Keep 'Real Scientists' out of the Church?

 Who am I?

 A Research Engineer for 40 years  Designed solutions for the

 US Air Force, US Navy, Automotive Industry, Telephone Industry, Power Industry, …  All Designs Must Consider All Areas of Science  Gee, am I a 'real scientist' that believes in Biblical Creation?

 Many of my coworkers also believe it!

Designs get pass/fail test: Any part of science not considered can cause failure - temperature - humidity - chemicals - human factors - pressure - strength of materials - stress and aging effects - atomic physics: distance between gold atoms determined failure and had to be circumvented

Origin theories (Big-Bang & Evolution) ignore all of science outside the immediate topic > Often all scientific principles: peer review, testing, duplication, ... > Biologists often ignore physics and chemistry > Logic/probability and mathematical analysis are not just ignored but actively refused

20 Is Genesis Important?

 Just a Side Issue?

 Divisive? Yes, but Truth is Divisive!

 Keeps 'real scientists' out of the Church?

 Evolution is 'real' but Creation is just made-up myths and legends

21 Evolution is the 'Real Stuff'

 In Schools and Colleges, Our Children are Taught and Tested on Natural Origins: Big Bang, Evolution, Long Ages, Death as a natural part of existence, …

 A few Churches may teach some Creation, but that is just 1 day against 5. There is no Testing. No one 'fails' if they don't believe.

 Their rational Conclusion is that School teaches what is Real. Church stuff is just nice stories.


22 We are Losing Our Children!

 Because of their Naturalistic Training, Many Children Believe that …

 The Bible is Just a Bunch of Old Stories  It has no Relevance or Authority  So they Become Lost

 We must do what we are doing here …

 Learning to Defend Our Faith

 BUT, We must then Teach our Children!

 Show them this is Real and that is Imagination!

23 A Solution?

When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalms 11:3 - NIV)

But remember, the FOUNDATIONS are in Genesis!

Notice the naturalists are firing at our foundation

24 A Solution?

When the foundations are being Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old destroyed, what can the foundations; you will be called righteous do?” (Psalms 11:3 - Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of NIV) Streets with Dwellings. (Isaiah 58:12 - NIV)

Strengthening our foundation and Destroying their foundation is what this course is about.

25 The Solution

But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, (1st Peter 3:15 - NIV)

26 Today's Topics

√ Why is this important?

 Where did it come from?

 An overall look at the book.

Any questions, comments or additional thoughts?

27 Where did it come from?

Why that Title?

 The Septuagint (LXX) first used the title Genesis

 Greek meaning Origin

 Also is closely related to Generations, a key word in the book

 This word is used throughout Genesis to open a new segment of the book

LXX written a few centuries BC The Greek version of the Hebrew Scriptures

28 Where did it come from?

Who is the Author? nd  God. (2 Timothy 3:16)

 The Writer (or Compiler/Editor) is Moses

 Just as Jesus is Fully Divine and Fully Human

 Evidence:

 18 Old Testament assertions

 10 New Testament assertions

 Clay Tablets found predating Moses: JEDP

Jahweh-ist YHWH: 900-850BC Elohim-ist: 750-700BC Deuteronomy: Also claimed to be author of that book: 621BC Priestly during exile: 600-500BC

Moses: 1500-1400BC

29 Where did it come from?

• The Book Structure follows Clay Tablet Format – Tablets had a Title Line (More later) – But, there is evidence for One Editor • Structures and Themes Run Throughout – Number Seven and Multiples: • Many words repeated 7 times in Chapter 1 • Number of Paragraphs and words in Paragraphs – Chiasmus ...

What is a chiasm?

30 Editorial Structures: Chiasmus

• Genesis 2:4 A the heavens and B the earth C when they were created C' in the day that the Lord God made B' the earth A' and the heavens

The center is the main topic > unlike our paragraphs - first sentence provides topic

31 Editorial Structures: Chiasmus

• Genesis 9:6a A Whoever sheds B the blood C of man C' by man shall B' his blood A' be shed

32 Editorial Structures: Chiasmus

• Genesis 6:1-9:19 A and his sons (6:10) B All life on earth (6:13a) ...... J Mountains covered (7:20) K God Remembers Noah (8:1) J' Mountains visible (8:5) ...... B' All life on earth (9:17) A' Noah and his sons (9:19)

33 Today's Topics

√ Why is this important? √ Where did it come from?

 An overall look at the book.

Enough evidence for Moses?

34 Overall Structure:Toledot

• Introduction to the Following Section which is what follows from the Previous Section • 1:1 is not a Toledot because there is nothing Preceding • the account / generations of • Example – 1:1-2:3 Overview of Creation – 2:4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens— – 2:5-4:26 What follows from Creation

1:1 Nothing Created, only God

Hebrew words opening each section elleh toldot = these are the generations

35 Overall Structure:Toledot

2:4-4:26 what follows from Creation 5:1-6:8 what follows from Adam 6:9-9:29 what follows from Noah 10:1-11:9 what follows from sons of Noah 11:10-26 what follows from Shem 11:27-25:11 what follows from Terah 25:12-18 what follows from Ishmael 25:19-35:29 what follows from Isaac 36:1-8 what follows from Esau 36:9-37:1 what follows from Esau, father of Edomites 37:2-50:26 what follows from Jacob

the first verse referenced is the Toldot transition

36 Today's Topics

√ Why is this important? √ Where did it come from? √ An overall look at the book.

 More Time Available?

 Documentary Hypothesis

 Questions?

37 Documentary Hypothesis

• The work of unbelieving scholars – The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. (1st Corinthians 2:14 - NIV) • Did not believe writing existed in Moses' time • Believed that religion evolved • Dated the Pentateuch 900 years after Moses

So they see words but miss meaning

With these beginning Assumptions ...

38 Documentary Hypothesis

• Jahweh-ist YHWH: 900-850BC • Elohim-ist: 750-700BC • Deuteronomy: Also claimed to be author of that book: 621BC • Priestly during exile: 600-500BC

• Moses: 1500-1400BC

Use of different names in association with different characteristics of God - not different authors > Jahweh-ist YHWH: 900-850BC > Elohim-ist: 750-700BC Deuteronomy: Also claimed to be author of that book: 621BC Priestly during exile: 600-500BC

Moses: 1500-1400BC > We now have tablets with writing on them that considerably predate Moses

39 Documentary Hypothesis Evidence Against 1. Climate and weather - Egypt-like 2. Geography - compared to Egyptian land 3. Plants and Animals are most common to Egypt 4. Many 'borrowed' Egyptian words 5. Infant Nation - Still in Tabernacle not Temple 6. Jerusalem given little attention 7. Samaritan Pentateuch predates Babylonian Exile and corrects over 2000 copyist errors

1. EG: Crop cycle 2. Instead of Palestinian references which later people would be familiar with 3. in the Pentateuch 4. Fits Moses history 5. In the late dates of JEDP, how could Solomon's Temple not be mentioned? 6. Later dates Jerusalem would be central to the nation 7. Written in ancient Hebrew. Took long to accumulate 2000+ errors. So originals were really old.