
Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis

I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist - Norman Geisler and Frank Turek

Stealing From God - Frank Turek

Cold Case Christianity - J. Warner Wallace

God's Crime Scene - J. Warner Wallace

Forensic Faith - J. Warner Wallace

Core Christianity - Michael Horton

The Story of Reality - Greg Koukl

Tactics - Greg Koukl

On Guard - William Lane Craig

Reasonable Faith - William Lane Craig

Hard Questions, Real Answers - William Lane Craig

More Than a Carpenter - Josh McDowell

Evidence that Demands a Verdict - Josh McDowell

The Case For series by Lee Strobel … The Reason for God - Timothy Keller

Making Sense of God - Timothy Keller

The Atheist Who Didn't Exist - Andy Bannister

Jesus on Trial - David Limbaugh

The Emmaus Code - David Limbaugh

The True Jesus - David Limbaugh

Hidden in Plain View - Lydia McGrew

Is God a Moral Monster - Paul Copan Finding Truth - Nancy Pearcey

Total Truth - Nancy Pearcey

The Bible Jesus Read - Philip Yancey

Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus - Nabeel Qureshi

Answering Jihad - Nabeel Qureshi

No God But One - Nabeel Qureshi

Jesus Among Other Gods - Ravi Zacharias

God's Not Dead - Rice Broocks

Man, Myth, Messiah - Rice Broocks

Understanding the Time - Jeff Myers and David Noebel

Understanding the Faith - Jeff Myers

Understanding the Culture - Jeff Myers

Refuting Evolution - Jonathan Sarfati

The Genesis Account - Jonathan Sarfati

The Greatest Hoax on Earth - Jonathan Sarfati

15 Reasons to Take Genesis as History - Don Batten & Jonathan Sarfati

The Face that Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution - Hank Hannegraaff

On The Seventh Day - John Ashton

The Authenticity of the Book of (Jonah, Genesis, Daniel) - Bill Cooper

Evolution’s Achilles Heels - Robert Carter


Cross Examined (Frank Turek)

Cold Case Christianity (J Warner Wallace)

Stand to Reason (Greg Koukl)

Ravi Zacharias International Ministries

The Poached Egg (Ratio Chrisit's website)

Mama Bear Apologetics (Regular moms talking apologetics)

Creation Today ( ​ ​ Creation Ministries International ( ​ ​ Creation Moments ( ​ ​ Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus - Michael L. Brown


#STRAsk - Stand to Reasons short answers to questions

The Bible Answer Man (Hank Hannegraaff)

Cold Case Christianity (J Warner Wallace)

Cross Examined (Frank Turek)

Defenders (William Lane Craig's Sunday School Class)

Mama Bear Apologetics

Reasonable Fairth (William Lane Craig's deep thinking podcast)

Stand to Reason (Greg Koukl Tuesdays and Fridays)

Unbelievable (Weekly cordial debate between a Christian and non-believer)

Today’s Creation Moment (Ian Taylor)

Scripture On Creation (Dr. Scriture - Q&A format radio program)