Drug Abuse Films, Second Edition. INSTITUTION National Coordinating Council on Drug Education, Washington, D.C
DOCUMENT RESU E ED 058 096 SE 013 234 TITLE Drug Abuse Films, Second Edition. INSTITUTION National coordinating Council on Drug Education, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 71 NOTE 64p. AVAILABLE FROMNational Coordinating Council on Drug Abuse, 1211 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 ($3.00) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS *Audiovisual Aids; *Directories; *Drug Abuse; *Drug Education; *Evaluation; Films; Filmstrips; Instructional Materials; Phonograph Records; Resource Materials; Slides; Transparencies ABSTRACT This second edition updates and expands a 1971 evaluation of films and audiovisuals related to drug education performed by the National Coordinating Council on Drug Education. Materials in this edition are evaluated both for accuracy and effectiveness as a communications tool. They are separated into two sections--films and other audiovisuals including filmstrips, slides, transparencies, and recordings--with particular recognition given to those titles which are unusually noteworthy and those using questionable approaches or containing many inaccuracies. Each entry identifies the title, year produced, Intended audience, producer, source, rental fee, nurchase price, physical description, synopsis of the film or audiovisual, and evaluation of the item. A subject index is included together with a list of additional recommended films to appear in future supplements of this publication (BL) , . .;:, I 'I, , ..'",",,it'.4.401 " 1 , I No , ,61, 11 110, IN i i h . ..I ,, x ", ' .''.... ' " ' . .: 1. i: '..",',',".7, $',,,,,,,',. .,.. , . , , v . ,. , . I 'III/ I , ' I ' I I I I I / I ' NN, .1 ,0 Drug Abuse Films Seccod Edition o,= an evaluation by the National Coordinating Council on Drug Education (formerly the National Coordinating Councilon Drug Abuse Education and Information, Inc.) lit Contents INTRODUCTION vii FILMS Acid 1 *Almost Everyone Does Anything for Kicks 2 Are Drugs the Answer? 2 tThe Ballad of Mary Jane 3 Beyond LSD 3 The Circle 3 *Darkness, Darkness 4 t David 4 A Day in the Death of Donny B.
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