Drug Abuse Films, Second Edition. INSTITUTION National Coordinating Council on Drug Education, Washington, D.C

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Drug Abuse Films, Second Edition. INSTITUTION National Coordinating Council on Drug Education, Washington, D.C DOCUMENT RESU E ED 058 096 SE 013 234 TITLE Drug Abuse Films, Second Edition. INSTITUTION National coordinating Council on Drug Education, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 71 NOTE 64p. AVAILABLE FROMNational Coordinating Council on Drug Abuse, 1211 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 ($3.00) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29 DESCRIPTORS *Audiovisual Aids; *Directories; *Drug Abuse; *Drug Education; *Evaluation; Films; Filmstrips; Instructional Materials; Phonograph Records; Resource Materials; Slides; Transparencies ABSTRACT This second edition updates and expands a 1971 evaluation of films and audiovisuals related to drug education performed by the National Coordinating Council on Drug Education. Materials in this edition are evaluated both for accuracy and effectiveness as a communications tool. They are separated into two sections--films and other audiovisuals including filmstrips, slides, transparencies, and recordings--with particular recognition given to those titles which are unusually noteworthy and those using questionable approaches or containing many inaccuracies. Each entry identifies the title, year produced, Intended audience, producer, source, rental fee, nurchase price, physical description, synopsis of the film or audiovisual, and evaluation of the item. A subject index is included together with a list of additional recommended films to appear in future supplements of this publication (BL) , . .;:, I 'I, , ..'",",,it'.4.401 " 1 , I No , ,61, 11 110, IN i i h . ..I ,, x ", ' .''.... ' " ' . .: 1. i: '..",',',".7, $',,,,,,,',. .,.. , . , , v . ,. , . I 'III/ I , ' I ' I I I I I / I ' NN, .1 ,0 Drug Abuse Films Seccod Edition o,= an evaluation by the National Coordinating Council on Drug Education (formerly the National Coordinating Councilon Drug Abuse Education and Information, Inc.) lit Contents INTRODUCTION vii FILMS Acid 1 *Almost Everyone Does Anything for Kicks 2 Are Drugs the Answer? 2 tThe Ballad of Mary Jane 3 Beyond LSD 3 The Circle 3 *Darkness, Darkness 4 t David 4 A Day in the Death of Donny B. 5 The Distant Drummer 5 tDriving and Drugs 6 tDrug Abuse: The Chemical Tomb 6 Drug Abuse: Everybody's Hang-up 6 Drug Abuse: One Town's Answer The Drug Scene 7 Dvugs: Facts Everyone Needs to Know Drugs Are Like That 8 tDr ugs Prid the Nervous SyGtem Drugs and You 9 11:59 - Last Minute o Choose = 9 Escape to Nowhere 10 t False Friends 10 tFight or Flight 11 t Focus on Drugs (series) 11 iv CONTENTS t From Runaway to Hippie 12 *Grooving 13 t The Hang-Up 13 *Help 14 Here's Help 14 Hide and Seek 15 The Hippie Temptation 15 t Hooked 15 *I Think 16 It Takes a Lot of Help 16 t LSD 17 t LSD: Insight or Insanity 17 LSD: Lettvin vs. Leary 17 = LSD: The Spring Grove Experiment = 18 t LSD: Trip or Trapl 18 t LSD: Trip to Where 19 LSD-25 19 The Mad Chemist Marijuana 20 *Marijuana (CBS) 20 Marijuana: The Great Escape 21 t Narcotics: The Inside Story 21 1 Narcotics: Pit of Despair 21 t NarcoticsWhy Not? 22 *A Nice Kid Like You 22 t The People Next Door 23 t The People vs. Pot 23 t Pot's a Put-On 24 Rapping 24 Research Report THCThe Chemistry of Marijuana 24 t The Riddle 25 Scag 25 The Seekers 25 *Skezag 26 *Speedscene: The Problem of Amphe amine Abuse 26 CONTENTS Three 27 tThe Trip Back 27 tTrip to Where 28 Tripping 28 Up Pill, Down Pill 28 *Weed 29 t Why Must the Flowers Die? 29 World of the Weed 29 You Can't Grow a Green Plant in a Closet 30 OTHER AU DIOVISUALS (filmstrips, slides, transparencies, recordings) A Doctor Answers Your Questions about Drugs 31 Drug Abuse, Volurne I, II, and III 31 t Drug Abuse - Glue Sniffing and Pills 32 t Drug Abuse - Marijuana and LSD 33 t Drug Abuse Who Needs It? 33 Drug Abuse Education and Information Slide Resource Kit 34 t Drug Decision 34 *Drug Information Series 35 The Drug Puzzle 37 The Drug Threat: Your Community's Response 38 *Drugs: Friend or Foe? 38 Drugs and the Body 38 t Drugs in Our Society (series) 39 t Glue Sniffing: Big Trouble in a Tube 41 Health Education Series - Drugs 41 How Safe Are Cour Drugs? 42 *Let's Talk About Drugs 42 LSD: The Acid World 43 t LSD: Trip or Trap? 43 t Marijuana: Don't Try It 43 *Marijuana: What Can You Believe 44 t The Pied Pipers 44 CONTENTS The Problem of Drug Abuse 45 *School Health Education Study 45 tThe Story of Joe: A Case History of Drug Abuse 46 tThe Use and Misuse of Drugs 47 tWhy Not Marijuana? 47 You Gotta' Eyen Open Your Eyes 47 MORE RECOMMENDED FILMS 49 BACKGROUND ON NATIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL ON DRUG EDUCATION 50 MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS 52 INDEX 53 *RECOMMENDED FILMS The National Coordinating Council has marked (*) titles of some materials which merit special commendation. This distinction, however, does not signify a blanket recommendation of the items for any or all occasions. The audience and the purpose for using the audiovisuals should continue to be key factors to consider, even though the materials come with special recommendations. On page 49 of this publication the Council lists additional recommended films. Reports on these films are not yet available but will appear in future supplements ofDrug Abuse Films. I-OBJECTIONABLE Fl LMS Materials with titles marked it) are considered objectionable. This includes those items categorized "scientifically unacceptable" under the original terms of the contract, as well as some materials viewed after use of this category was discontinued. The reviewing panel and the Council staff will continue to apply standards which will help readers determine which materials might easily be counterproductive. Introduction Since its original publication of Drug Abuse Films those with other areas of expertise.(In the past the (April, 1971), the National Coordinating Council on Drug audiovisuals were viewed first by a panel composed of Education has continued its evaluative efforts. Prompted by scientific experts and then, if judged -acceptable," viewed a not too surprising proliferation of new drug audiovisuals, by another panel which made additional, general observa- the National Coordinating Council has reviewed, under tions.) The new format presents the observations of all contract to the National Institute of Mental Health, over 20 panelistsunder the"evaluation"section. The change new items which appear in this second edition. We hope to reflects a progression to what we hope is the most valuable continue what we see as a task of prime importanceto kind of review. view and report as objectively as possible on the ever increasing supply of films and othcr audiovisuals available for drug education. SUGGESTIONS FOR USING AUDIOVISUALS The National Coordinating Council and the panelists Thereisno singlebest way to show a film or who performed the evaluations happily note a trend toward filmstrip,butthesesuggestions apply tousing many improved drug audiovisuals. Producers are responding, in audiovisuals. varying degrees, to audience demands for honesty, rational Previewing is an essential first step. Preview with the perspectives and a lack of hysteria when discussing issues specific viewers in mindtheir age, their interests, their related to drug use. A most important trend is the shift environment.Black,low-incomehighschoolstudents from bestowing magical powers on the drugs to honoring probably won't get excited watching middle-class white the "manicof man's individual ability to think, act, and teen-agers tell why they stopped using drugs. respond to his environment. Know what is expected from a particular film. The We feel more strongly than ever that while films can messages of drug audiovisuals vary greatly. If a film's theme play a crucial role, they, like drugs, are no magic potions in (the life of a heroin addict is tragic) doesn't fit the audience and of themselves. Films, filmstrips, tapes and records can needs (to review the extent of drug use in this country), increase knowledge; they can broaden perspectives, induce don't use the film. The wrong film, like a bad film, can be communication and alterattitudes and behavior.But, worse than no film. undoubtedly when these changes occur, they do so because Experiment with audiovisuals: Let students preview of what happens after the film is seen, the record heard. We films.Ask foraudienceevaluations. Use portions of alsofeelstrongly about what purpose this publication audiovisuals. Combine different items. Part of a filmstrip, serves. The reviews are printed as a guide and are not for example, may be effectively shown with segments of a designed to eliminate altogether the previewing step which film or a record. we fe& is essential for successful use of audiovisuals. Expect questions, and if possible, have professional Peter G. Hammond help available to answer the questions. Executive Director, NCCDE SOME DETAILS ON FORMAT A CHANGE IN PROCEDURE For convenience, films have been separated from Readers who are familiar with the original Drug other audiovisuals, which include filmstrips, slides, records Abuse Films will notice that this second edition does not and transparencies. distinguish audiovisuals as scientifically acceptable or unac The "audience" indicated for each audiovisual lists ceptable.Itisthe feeling of the National Coordinating the age groups,in chronological order, for which the Council and the participating panelists that such a distinc- materials are best suited. The guidelines for ages and school tion, convenient though it may be at times, oversimplifies grades follow: the evaluation process. As we observed in our original ages grades publication, many of the materials do not clearly fall in primary 6-8 1, 2, 3 either category; some items in the unacceptable category intermediate 9-11 4, 5, 6 have definitepotentialforutilization; other materials, junior high 12-14 7, 8, 9 although termed "acceptable,- contain inaccuracies.
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