a journal of Pross, Tillmann and Antje Roßdeutscher. 2019. Towards a correlation of form, general linguistics Glossa use and meaning of German ge-prefixed predicative participles. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 4(1): 93. 1–31. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.753 RESEARCH Towards a correlation of form, use and meaning of German ge-prefixed predicative participles Tillmann Pross and Antje Roßdeutscher University of Stuttgart, DE Corresponding author: Tillmann Pross (
[email protected]) We argue for a split semantics of German predicative participle constructions, depending on whether or not the formation of the participle involves prefixation with the dedicated morpheme ge-. Against the background of the analysis of participles of German be-prefixed verbs proposed in Pross (2019), and using the licensing of superlative constructions and ung-nominalizations as tests, we show that ge-prefixed participles denote a result relation between a property of an event and an individual. In contrast, be-prefixed participles, like adjectives, denote properties of individuals. We cast the distinction between event properties and individual properties in a compositional semantics of ge-and be-prefixed participles and show how the resulting semantic distinction allows to predict the distinction between target and resultant state participles drawn in Kratzer (2000) without using the questionable immer noch ‘still’ test. Keywords: German; Lexical Semantics; Adjectival Passive; Predicative Participle; Stativity; Target State; Resultant State 1 Introduction 1.1 Goals of the paper This paper is about German participles. More specifically, its focus is the analysis of predicative uses of German participles, the formation of which requires prefixation of the base verb with a dedicated morpheme ge- as in (1-b).