North Atlantic Treaty Organization Chair: Abhey Sur

Novice Committee

Topic A: Infringement upon Countries’ and the Role of NATO in the World


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is primarily a military alliance that unites the governments of various countries to form a collective defense. Founded on April 4th, 1949, NATO is comprised of 28 countries whose essential purpose is to safeguard the freedom and security of its members through political and military means. Each country involved mutually acts as a defense for every other member state (country). Initially NATO was founded to provide a sense of security for the member states’ people as well has to have a large military force upon command due to the rising Soviet Union. Over the years, NATO has maintained militaristic stability and prevented oncoming threats, most witnessed during the . On the other hand, NATO has shifted its approach to crisis by developing and promoting the ideas of Peacekeeping and Peacemaking. Peacekeeping is the ongoing maintenance of peace between . Peacemaking is resolving disputes in order to create peace between nations. Although NATO is a “military alliance,” it is focused on the peaceful resolution of conflict.

NATO is closely interconnected with and works collectively alongside the World Health Organization, the countries of the , as various economic organizations. Although NATO is currently involved in an extensive list of operations, they are prioritizing on discussing infringement upon countries’ sovereignty and their stance on air and missile defense.

What is sovereignty and what is NATO’s role in countries’ sovereignty? The official definition for sovereignty is “the authority of a state to govern itself or another state.” In other words the state of governing force has full authority to govern itself without involvement or interference of outside sources. There are varying types of sovereignty including domestic, interdependence, international, and the historic Westphalian sovereignty. In this committee we will be focusing on international sovereignty and in particular the policies and role NATO holds behind the protection of states. Due to the continuous progress of global technology, there has been a drastic rise in the use of aerial equipment infringing international boundaries. Countries are suffering from the leaking of governmental documents and are placed in a position where their sovereignty has been compromised.

NATO holds its prime focus on developing solutions to diplomatically combat Russia’s future aerial invasions. This issue has reached the top of NATO’s priority list due to the recent invasion of Russia into Ukraine. Information has been leaked that Russia is using newly developed aerial drones to plot their expansion through Ukraine into surrounding Europe. NATO believes that preventing the infringement of international boundaries would decline Russia the access to expand.


Infringement, the action of breaking the terms of , upon countries’ sovereignty, the authority of a state to govern itself or another state, has been comprised by aerial technologies in use by the Russian government. The potential of Russian expansion places the whole continent and potentially the world in danger, thus, this issue must be taken seriously as a serious and detrimental world problem.


1. The livelihood of many countries are at stake. 2. International policies are being openly rejected. 3. The lives of millions of innocent people are in danger. 4. Aerial technology is being used to compromise governments and international sovereignty. 5. Ukraine has been invaded as Russia continues to plan to expand. 6. International space is being breached for selfish needs.

Past NATO Actions

Due to the historic negative relations between Russia and the NATO countries, NATO took a lead towards improving infrastructure bordering Russia. Although Russia and NATO were in opposition during the Cold War, they diplomatically created policies regarding the Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security, agreed in 1997 and reaffirmed at NATO-Russia summits. The relations were once again put at risk when Russia, not long into the Russia Winter Olympics, planned and then followed through to invade Crimea, Ukraine. Without international or national authorization, Russia forcefully brought its troops into Crimea claiming the territory as its own. Although they did not publicly declare this, the movement of troops into government buildings and airports greatly emphasized there goals. NATO is now using its surrounding infrastructure, previously used to monitor Russia, to monitor Russia in Ukraine. This is a key example of one of NATO’s recent actions with Russia.

Keys of the Resolution

1. How can you safeguard the security of countries with less military capabilities? 2. Modify international policy to ensure the protection of countries government. 3. Determine and enforce laws governing international airspace. 4. What is appropriate drone/aerial technology, and what restrictions should be placed on their use? 5. How would you prevent Russia and ensure they do not continue to go against international law? 6. Determine methods to prevent future infringement of national sovereignty, like Ukraine’s. 7. Ensure that countries’ sovereignty, especially Ukraine’s, is maintained and not under threat.