Council Luii. Week Tional Continuation Committee
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MOST POPULAR MAN CONGRATULATIONS AND WOMAN TO DICK ORGAN AND NANCY COOPERRIDER BETTY HOUSER STUDENT PUBLICATION OF YOUNGSTOWN COLLEGE JUNIOR PROM QUEEN Vol. 19—No. 13— -Youngstown, Ohio, Friday, April 11, 1947- -Official Student Organ Student Center Official Pleads May Queen Nominations Annual junior Prom Will Be Will Take Place April 14 tt i i . a*. 1 i a *i For Co-operation of Students r Candidates— fo—r the queen of Held at stambaugn April 19 MaCandidatey Day wilsl bfoer nominatethe aueed nApri ofl OA Mr. Jack Appleton? Y. M, C. A. official, asked student 14 from 11 to 3. Five candidates The annual Junior prom, the most gala affair of the school council and the students of Youngstown College to lend a help• will be selected by vote of all men year, will be held Saturday, April 19, at Stambaugh audi• ing hand to-the co-ordinators of student activities at the Stu• students who are carrying more torium. Art Jarrett and his famous orchestra will plaV for dent center. The request was made at the regular meeting than 12 hours of school work. dancing from 9 until 1. The danc6 :is to be semi-formal, ad-"" The girls nominated must be held by council April 2. ' mission is by activity book and all students are invited to at• members offthe senior class, and Mr. Appleton stressed the desire of the Y. M. C. A. to do also carrying more than 12 hours. tend. everything in their power to run the center so that college stu• A list of the eligible girls will be Nancy Cooperrider will reign as queen. Nancy is tall and dents can get the maximum amount of pleasure and utility out posted at the booth on the main of this arrangement. floor where the voting will take blonde, an art major and a member of Phi Lambda Delta "As fast as we know what is place, S sorority. She-will receive the crowu. from last year's queen, needed, we're going to do every• Faculty Members Attend Alpha Delt Margy Nicewaner, dur• thing possible to satisfy that ing intermission. Chairman and need," he said, and added, "I al• Convention in Columbus junior class president Bill Slifka most plead for a deep sense of will be master of ceremonies dur• partnership—a free and easy ex• On Friday and Saturday, April ing the coronation ceremony. At• change of ideas. You'll find us 11 and 12, the 76th annual meet• tendants to the queen are Leona ' ready to listen to any ideas, eager ing of the Ohio College Associa• Ehrha rt, Indepenguin; Cathleen to work with council in the man• tion will be held at the Deshler- Naughton, Alpha Theta Delta; and agement of the program facilities Wallick hotel in Columbus. Presi• Betty Houser and Marge Uray, for the college students." dent Howard W. Jones and Dean Gamma Sigma. The candidates Mr. Appleton also pointed out George M. Wilcox will attend both were chosen from junior class that council has a responsibility in days of the convention. girls by a vote of junior class men. that it is up to them to find out After registration and the open• Miss- Cooperrider was selected by what the students want and see ing session Friday moi'ning, lunch• judges to reign as queen. that the officials of the Student eons and section meetings will be Slifka announces that the Charm center are informed. held. Prof. Karl W. Dykema, Mrs. school located .in the Schween- After the speaker left, council Dykema, Mr. Werner W. Schultz, Wagner building has offered to decided that a suggestion box and Prof. Hubert Howard will give the Junior prom queen a would be set up on the main floor represent Youngstown College's charn-.. eourse at their school free and would be used by the students English department. Following ad• of charge. The course,.will be for suggestions on the improve• dresses by various speakers from either in modeling or photographic ment -of the center as well as sug• colleges throughout^ the state, modeling depending upon the field gestions directed at student coun• there will he discussions on utiliz• for* which the school feels she is cil. A committee was appointed to ing this vicinity as a background best imited. Further information work with the center officials for creative writing and also on concerning the offer will be given using the ideas submitted by the available literature in Ohio. following her coronation. students. Prof. William H. Taft will at• Th«: dance which has the largest tend the business education meet• budget for any social event of the ing. Dr. Joseph- S,mith will attend year is sponsored by student College to Try New Exam the meeting for deans of men; council and the junior class. As• Mrs. Smith will represent the sisting Slifka are: Frank Smal- System May ZO tO May 51 health department. Librarian R. dino, decorations; Mason Dyer, Maurine Brunner and Registrar publicity; Albert Ortenzib, pro• A new system for final examina• Paul P. Buchanan will attend grams ; Leona Ehrhart, flowers tions has been devised whereby their respective branches of the and p:rocession; Pat Ford, gift and students will have the opportunity convention. \ R crown; and Cathleen Naughton, to obtain their final grades befoi'e 'miscellaneous arrangements. making their new schedules. Ex• aminations will begin May 26 and Pres. Jones, Dr. Smith continue through May 31. The Attend NCA Convention Manche, Brienze Win Jambar will publish a detailed President Howard Jones and Dr.' schedule in a forthcoming issue. Joseph E. Smith, dean of students, Short Story Contest All classes will <meet! once dur• recently attended the regular an• ing the 18th week and Tom Manche and Edward Brien• nual meeting of the North Central Junior Prom Queen 1947 — Nancy Cooperricfer (seated in'chair) with ze won firsthand second place, re• the balance of the week will be Association held at the Palmer, her four attendants. Standing on each side of the queen is Leona spectively, in the Jambar short used for registration for summer House in Chicago. Ehrhart, left, and Cathleen ^Naughton, right. Seated on the floor from story contest. Manche's "For the school. Summer school will start - The discussion centered on the left to right are Betty Houser and Marge Uray. Love of Mike" was selected, by Monday, June 14. colleges and secondary schools Prof. Karl W. Dykema as being Exams will be held Memorial within the North" Central Associa• Visual Aid Sponsoring the best of the stories submitted Day in order to finish "during the tion. Social Calendar with Itrienze's "Out of the Dark• 17th week. Educational Movies April r—'— ness" running a close second. Visual Aids class is sponsoring a 11 Phi Sigma Epsilon Initiation Other stories which "ranked very YoCo to Send Delegates series of educational movies in the 14 Danna Music Forum Debate close to the leaders were "Jeanie's ORGAN & HOUSER WIN main study hall on Wednesdays at Alpha Delta Theta Dance Cooking Triumph" by Tom Perjol To Student Conference 4 p. m. Currently being shown is Sigma Delta Beta Banquet which'received honorable mention, POPULARITY CONTEST the Ohio series, a group of five 16 ETPC Meeting and "Chain of Gold" by Henry L. Two delegates, Bob Billett and Dick Organ and Betty Houser films about the industries, the his• 17 Newman Club Raffle Musoman. Oliver Davis have been selected are the winners of the popularity tory and the beauty of_ Ohio. 18 Indepenquih Meeting 1 The short stories will appear in by Student Council to represent contest held in conjunction with These motion pictures are secured 19 Junior Prom, Student the Jsoibav in the order they were Youngstown College at the Ohio the Phi Gamma popularity dance through the board of education, Council selected by the judges. The win• Region of the National Student held last Wednesday. the Y. M. C. A. and- the public li• 22 Gamma Sigma Meeting ning swry will appear in t)he next Organization to be held at Cleve• Dick is a tall, well-knit football brary. ' Sigma 0elta Beta Party issue with the rest of the stories land College April 12-13. player, a Sig Delt who lives at The last of the Ohio series is 25 Phi Sigma Epsilon Dance appearing in order of their se• The conference, which is a re• 20 East Auburndale Ave." "Ohio at Play," to be shown April 26 Omega Eappa Upsilon lection in the succeeding issues. gional meeting of the Chicago con• Betty is a tall blonde, the school 16. Other films of the series were ference, will be attended by eigh• nurse, and was one of the candi• "Ohio Trails," "Ohio Country," iinimiMimniiiniiiMiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiniinniiiiiiniiiiii teen Ohio colleges. This is accord• dates for the Junior Prom Queen. J'Ohio Soldiering" and "Ohio In• ing to. a release sent from the Na• A three-way tie featured the dustries." Films to be shown later Council lUii. Week tional Continuation Committee. men's race with Chuck Cahill, Jpe are "Dawn of Better Living," More colleges will probably at• Sontich, and Bill SJifka as runner- "Ready Made Magic" and "Sum• APPROVED the Alpha Tau Gamma accounting fraternity and granted tend.. up. Betty Houser and Peg Ram• mer Storm." it a charter. sey ran a close race until the last APPROVED the constitution of Sigma Pi l>otany fraternity and placed The agenda for the coming Lecturers or social organizations vote was counted, with Houser wishing to supplement their meet• it on probation for four months. meetings will include an opening winning by a nose.