Cooking the Wrecking the Reef The global impact of coal exports from Australia’s Galilee Basin The Alpha Project test pit is the first coal mine in the Galilee Basin. ©Greenpeace/Andrew Quilty For more information contact:
[email protected] Published in September 2012 by Greenpeace Australia Pacific Level 2, 33 Mountain Street Ultimo NSW 2007 Australia T: +61 2 9281 6100 Cover photo: Abbot Point coal terminal, with the Caley Valley Wetlands behind. ©Greenpeace/Tom Jefferson 02 Greenpeace Australia Pacific Cooking the Climate Wrecking the Reef Section September 2012 The global impact of coal exports from Name here Australia’s Galilee Basin Advanced plans are in place to build nine mega mines in one region of Queensland, Australia. Located in the Galilee Basin, five of these projects would each be larger than any coal mine currently operating in the country. If these go ahead, they could produce more coal than Australia currently exports. If the Galilee Basin were a country, the carbon dioxide produced from using this coal would make it the seventh dirtiest fossil fuel burner on the planet. The Galilee Basin coal boom is not just one of the greatest ever environmental threats to Australia, its climate implications are global. 1 Hay Point coal terminal, Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, Queensland ©Greenpeace/Tom Jefferson 2 Greenpeace Australia Pacific Cooking the Climate Wrecking the Reef Section September 2012 The global impact of coal exports from Name here Australia’s Galilee Basin Contents Introduction