
Ultrafast amplification and non-linear magneto-elastic coupling of coherent modes in an antiferromagnet

D. Bossini,1, ∗ M. Pancaldi,2 L. Soumah,2 M. Basini,2 F. Mertens,3 M. Cinchetti,3 T. Satoh,4 O. Gomonay,5 and S. Bonetti2, 6 1Department of Physics and Center for Applied Photonics, University of Konstanz, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany. 2Department of Physics, Stockholm University, 106 91, Stockholm, Sweden 3Experimentelle Physik VI, Technische Universit¨atDortmund, Otto-Hahn Straße 4, 44227 Dortmund, Germany 4Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo 152-8551, Japan 5Institut f¨urPhysik, Johannes Gutenberg Universit¨atMainz, D-55099 Mainz, Germany 6Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 30172 Venezia-Mestre, Italy. We investigate the role of domain walls in the ultrafast magnon dynamics of an antiferromagnetic NiO single crystal in a pump-probe experiment with variable pump energy. Analysing the amplitude of the energy-dependent photo-induced ultrafast dynamics, we detect a yet unre- ported coupling between the material’s characteristic THz- and a GHz-magnon modes. We explain this unexpected coupling between two orthogonal eigenstates of the corresponding Hamiltonian by modelling the magneto-elastic interaction between spins in different domains. We find that such interaction, in the non-linear regime, couples the two different magnon modes via the domain walls and it can be optically exploited via the exciton-magnon resonance.

Antiferromagnets (AFs) have recently surged as candi- by taking into account the role of the domain walls in the dates for a novel paradigm of spintronics devices able to ultrafast dynamics of the N´eelvector. outperform ferro- and ferrimagnetic materials in terms Our specimen is a 100 µm-thick free-standing single of operational frequency, storage density and resilience crystal of NiO, cut along the h111i direction and has a 1–4 to external fields . Intrinsically the long-range antifer- multidomain structure. A specimen in a multidomain romagnetic order presents domains, which can hardly be state can be described invoking as many antiferromag- manipulated. This magnetic texture and the magneto- netic vectors (defined as n ≡ M⇑ − M⇓, where M⇑,⇓ elastic coupling - which is intimately interconnected to represent the magnetisation of the two sublattices.), each the domain structure - have been very recently shown to belonging to a T-domain (Fig. 1(a)). play a major role in the mechanism allowing electric ma- The domain structure of NiO, comprising spin (S) and nipulations of the N´eelvector5–7. The quest for an ever twin (T) domains, is tightly connected with the magneto- faster and more energy efficient control of AFs motivates elastic coupling, since when the crystal enters the mag- the use of ultrashort light pulses as stimulus to drive netic strained magnetic domains are formed18,19. (sub)-picosecond spin dynamics8–17. However, the role The magneto-elastic energy is also the major contribu- of domain walls in magneto-elastic AFs on the ultrafast tion to the the anisotropy gap in the magnon dispersion20 N´eelvector dynamics has been hitherto not addressed, . although being a crucial issue, since the overwhelming majority of AFs in nature display a multidomain magne- As a of fact, the magnon dispersion of NiO toelastic groundstate. can be described in the first approximation in terms of two branches, so that at the center of the Brillouin Here we demonstrate that the domain walls can acti- zone two modes are active (Fig. 1(b)-(c)). A 1.07 vate a novel functionality in an antiferromagnetic crys- THz mode, which we are going to refer to as the high- tal, namely a non-linear magneto-elastic domain-walls- frequency (hf) mode, has already been excited by means 10,11

arXiv:2103.11203v2 [cond-mat.other] 12 Aug 2021 mediated coupling between coherent spin wave modes of two different approaches: resonant THz excitation belonging to different branches of the magnon disper- and non-resonant impulsive stimulated Raman scatter- sion, affecting the ultrafast dynamics of the N´eelvector. ing9,13,15,16,23(ISRS) mainly by means of optical laser We realise experimentally the tailored amplification of pulses. The ISRS mechanism succeeded also in inducing coherent THz oscillations of the N´eelvector by pump- a lower frequency magnon mode, which will be labeled as ing a magnon mode in an antiferromagnetic NiO crystal. low-frequency (lf), with a frequency on the order of 130 This process is triggered by driving a combined electronic GHz9,13. The previous time-resolved investigations re- and magnetic transition and results even in the ampli- porting the photo-activation of both modes, mostly per- fication of a different GHz magnon mode via the afore- formed focussing the pump and probe beams into a single mentioned coupling. Finally, we formulate a macroscopic T-domain, do not show any form of coupling or interac- phenomenological model able to explain the observations tion between the two magnetic eigenmodes. 2

(a) Exciton Magnon 1600 peak sideband

1200 T = 5 K

T = 40 K (a) 800 T1 Domain Wall T2 T = 60 K DDomainomain DDomainomain T = 77 K Absorption (1/cm) 400 T = 90 K

0 ξ T = 110 K 0 (b) (c) 0.960.965 0.97 0.975 0.98 hf-modehf-mode Energy (eV) lf-mode

(b) Shift exciton-magnon (Fig. 2(a)) 1.4 5.4 Frequency (THz) n n 1.3 5.0 1.2

E (meV) E 4.6 1.1

Magnon energy (frequency) Raman 1.0 4.2 spectroscopy (Ref. 22)

20 40 60 80 100 T (K)

FIG. 1. (a) Two of the four possible T domains and the corre- FIG. 2. (a) Absorption coefficient of NiO around the exciton- sponding orientation of the N´eelvector (green arrows). The ma- magnon resonance detected at different . Traces are genta area represents the wall; the order parameter (dark arrows) displaced vertically for the sake of clarity. (b) Blue symbols: rotates in this region. At the center of the wall (ξ ≈ 0) the orienta- -dependent energy shift between the electronic peak tions of n in the T1 and T2 domain are parallel with each other. (b) and the sideband21. Green symbols: reported values of the tem- In- and (c) out-of-plane dynamics of the order parameter induced perature dependence of the 1 THz magnon mode, detected with by the low- and high-frequency magnon mode. Raman spectroscopy22.

An unexplored pathway to the femtosecond optical hf-mode. We aim at answering two open scientific ques- generation of the hf-mode relies on the exciton-magnon tions. First, whether the X-M transition can actually (X-M) transition24,25. This process consists in the si- resonantly induce coherent on the femtosecond multaneous excitation of a spin-forbidden (i.e. ∆S = 1) time-scale. Second, whether the domain walls play a role electronic transition and of a magnon (i.e. ∆S = -1), in the ultrafast spin dynamics of a multidomain AF and, restoring the overall conservation of spin as required for in case they do, what this role is. electric dipole transitions24,25. We thus measured the We tackle these questions in a magneto-optical pump- absorption spectrum of our sample as a function of tem- probe experiment, in which the pump photon energy can perature (for the details see21). The spectra obtained for be tuned in the 0.92 - 1.07 eV spectral range (Fig. 3(a)), T ¡ 100 K display a peak centred at approximately 0.97 allowing to compare the spin dynamics triggered by a eV and a sideband at higher energy (Fig. 2(a)). The resonant pumping of the X-M with the signal detected position of the sideband is temperature dependent, and by exciting NiO non-resonantly (set-up described in21). the energy shift between the two spectral features (≈ 4 The rotation of the polarization detected in every trace meV) is consistent with the energy of the hf-mode (Fig. shown in Fig. 3(b) reveal oscillations at the frequency of 2(b)) observed by Raman spectroscopy22. Our observa- approximately 110 GHz. Considering the value of the fre- tions are in excellent agreement with the literature22,26, quency, we ascribe this harmonic component of the signal so resonantly pumping our sample in the 0.97 eV spec- to the lf-mode9,13. The slight deviation of the frequency tral range is expected to result in the generation of the from the reported value is due to magnetostriction in- 3

trend of the hf-mode. The off-resonant photo-excitation (I) does not induce THz magnons, implying that an im- pulsive stimulated Raman generation of the hf-mode is not observed. The amplitude of the hf-mode increases (a) steeply as the spectral range containing the X-M (II) is Pump NiO θ 0.92-1.07 eV Wollaston to balanced covered by the spectrum of the pump pulses. A com- prism detection parison of the spectral dependence of the hf-mode with the absorption spectrum of NiO (both plotted in Fig. 4) reveals the amplification of the magnon mode to occur Probe in a broader spectral range than the X-M itself. This 1.55 eV behaviour is due to the bandwidth of the pump pulses, 〈111〉 (b) which being ultrashort (≈50 fs) are intrinsically broad-

E = 1.07 eV band (≈ 40 meV). As the pump photon-energy is further increased (III), so that the X-M is not directly induced -0.02 E = 1.01 eV anymore, the amplitude of the hf-mode is reduced. Two E = 0.97 eV other transitions (PS1 and PS2) are photo-induced in

-0.04 E = 0.92 eV spectral region III: they are sidebands of the exci- tonic peak26. Therefore a resonant pumping of such side- bands results again in inducing both the excitonic peak -0.06 0.97 eV and the X-M, as recently experimentally demonstrated30. Rotation (deg) 0.92 eV However, the phonon sidebands implies a stronger optical -0.08 absorption, so that the overall amplitude of the hf-mode Amplitude (arb. units) 1.00 1.10 1.20 is reduced in comparison with spectral range II, since in Frequency (THz) 0510 15 20 25 30 region III a portion of the pump are absorbed by Delay (ps) the lattice. Finally, in region IV the X-M is not induced anymore and, accordingly, the amplitude of the hf-mode decreases to an almost vanishing value. We conclude that the pumping of the X-M unambiguously amplifies the hf- mode. The mechanism is a resonant drive but it is not purely dissipative, implying that pumping the material FIG. 3. (a) Schematic representation of the set-up. (b) Selected with photon energy corresponding to the maximum ab- pump-probe traces for different pump-photon energies. The probe sorption (red dot in Fig. 4) does not deliver the most photon energy is 1.55 eV in each data set. The temperature of the sample was set to 77 K. The polarization of the pump beam intense magnonic oscillations. This result is achieved if is linear and parallel to the [112] direction, while the probe beam the X-M is resonantly driven. ◦ was linearly polarized 45 away from the [112] axis. The pump We now turn the discussion to the lf-mode. Under fluence was kept constant to ≈ 10 mJ/cm2. We have not per- formed fluence-dependent measurements, as increasing the fluence non-resonant pumping (I and IV) the amplitude of the lf- results in damaging the sample and lower fluence value implied mode is not negligible, consistently with the literature13. an unfavourable signal/noise ratio. The incoherent background is The observation of coherent oscillations in a multidomain ascribed to heating of both the lattice and the magnetic system, consistently with the literature27,28. state of the sample is ascribed to the different amplitudes of the lf-oscillations photo-induced in different T do- mains. The ISRS excitation is conventionally described in terms of a light-induced effective field, which torques duced by both internal and external strains of the sam- the spins triggering spin precession31,32. The torque is ple, which can significantly affect the magnon frequency maximum in T domains in which spins lie along a di- 29 in antiferromagnets . Additionally, some of the traces rectional orthogonal to the effective field, implying that in Fig. 3(b) display also a faster oscillatory component, different T domains differently contribute to the overall whose frequency matches the reported 1.07 THz value of detected magneto-optical response, which is hence not the hf-mode. In the inset of Fig. 3(b) the power spec- averaged out. Unexpectedly, also the lf-mode experiences tra (i.e. square modulus of the Fourier transform) of the an amplification in spectral regions II and III, although 0.92 eV and 0.97 eV time-traces are shown, displaying not as pronounced as the THz mode. The lf-mode is the presence and absence of the 1 THz magnon. The not reported to be involved in the X-M transition26. We discussion of the magneto-optical effects involved in our stress that the observed behaviour is strongly surpris- 21 experiments is reported in . ing and atypical. Experiments have demonstrated that Hence we analysed the spectral dependence of the am- the amplitude of magnonic oscillations induced by ISRS plitude of both magnon modes21. The results of the data in a single-domain antiferromagnet, are not affected by processing are shown in Fig. 4. We first discuss the a modification of the pump photon-energy in a spectral 4

the photo-induced magnons and depends on the inten- sity of the pump beam and on the cross-section of the X-M process. We model then how the hf-magnons in T1 can interact with the lf-magnon mode in T2 (ξ ≥ 0), whose amplitude is represented in the following by b, via the domain wall. Considering the standard equations for 1 33 Max the dynamics of n , we obtain: I absorption 0.8 2 2  IIII n × n¨ − c ∆n + γ HexHan (1) 2 Low-Low- = ωhf an × ehf (T1) exp (iωhf t) δ(ξ), frequencyfrequency 0.6 IIIIII Bandwidth modemode pulses where c is the limiting propagation velocity of magnons, PS2 γ is the gyromagnetic ratio, Hex is the exchange field, Han is the effective anisotropy field given as usual by 0.4 PS1 IVIV Han = −∂wan/∂n, wan being the magnetic anisotropy energy21. Absorption Equation (1) can be solved in the stationary case in 0.2 the absence of pump pulses, giving the spatial orientation

Normalized amplitude High-frequencyHigh-frequency X-M of the N´eelvector from the T1 to the T2 domain across modemode the wall, n0(ξ) = cos ϕ0e0(ξ)+sin ϕ0elf (ξ), parametrized 0.0 21 with the function ϕ0(ξ) and space-dependent vectors . 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 The stationary solution is represented in Fig. 1(a), which Energy (eV) displays how the orientation of the N´eelvector changes in the domain wall. In particular, at the center of the wall (ξ ≈ 0) the n vectors in the two domains are oriented parallel to each other. We calculate 21 the magnon spectra in a two-domain sample and find that they exhibit not only propagating modes, but also lo- calised modes that correspond to oscillations of the do- FIG. 4. Amplification and nonlinear coupling of the two magnon main wall. The frequencies of the latter modes depend on modes. The amplitudes are normalized on their maximum values. both the magneto-elastic coupling and on the exchange The experimentally accessed spectral range is divided into four re- gions, as described in details in the main text. interaction between the N´eelvectors in the two T do- mains. The frequency of one of the localised modes, ωDW, 21 can be approximated as ωDW ≈ ωhf + ωlf . range lying below the band-gap27. The experimentally observed coupling between A key characteristic of our NiO samples is that they magnon modes with different frequencies is an intrin- are in a multidomain state. Since S domains can be sically nonlinear process, as an input signal at a given neglected13,21 the T domains have to be taken into ac- frequency (ωhf ) is converted into an output with a count. Hence, we formulate a macroscopic model. In different frequency (ωlf ). We thus expand n in series of particular, we consider two T domains (T1 and T2) and powers of small deflections δn, around the stationary a wall separating them, and thus the unit vectors repre- solution n0(ξ), so that the lowest-order non-linearity is achieved. We represent further δn as a sum of three senting the two modes (ehf and elf ) have different non- orthogonal orientations in the T1 and T2 domains. In the eigenmodes: the localized domain wall mode, the lf- presence of such a domain wall the two modes can couple, and the hf-mode. Relying on the initial conditions, in due to the between the N´eelvec- which the domain wall is not in motion prior to the tors of the two different domains. In addition, since the photo-excitation, the equations for the corresponding wall breaks the translational symmetry, the eigenstates time-dependent amplitudes bDW, blf , and bhf in the T2 21 in one domain are not eigenstates in the other one. In a domain are single T-domain and in the linear regime the two modes cannot couple, because they have different frequencies 1 ¨b + b˙ + ω2 b = ω2 a exp (iω t) , and are two different eigenstates of the Hamiltonian of DW τ DW DW DW hf hf the magnetic system. As a starting point, we assume 1 1 ¨b + b˙ + ω2 b = ω2 a exp (iω t) , (2) that the photo-excitation induces the hf-mode in a T1 hf τ hf hf hf 3 hf hf (ξ < 0, where ξ is introduced in Fig. 1(a)) domain: 1 1 ¨b + b˙ + ω2 (1 − 4P b ) b = ω2 a exp (iω t) , n = aehf (T1) exp (iωhf t), where a is the amplitude of lf τ lf lf DW lf 3 hf hf 5 where 1/τ  ωlf , ωhf , ωDW is the relaxation time due to This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein- the Gilbert damping and the coefficient P describes the schaft through the International Collaborative Research Centre coupling between the lf- and domain wall-mode. Let us TRR160 (Project B9), the DFG programme BO 5074/1-1 and stress that the source terms in Eqs. (2) are photo-driven UH 90/13-1, by the COST Action MAGNETOFON (grant num- hf-magnons in the T1 domain. The relevant quantity to ber CA17123, STSM number CA17123-44749). M.B. and L.S. ac- compute, for the sake of comparison with the experiment knowledge support from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Founda- is thus blf : tion, grant 2017.0158. SB acknowledges support from the Swedish Research Council (VR), Grant: 2018-04611. O.G. acknowledges ω2 a funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German b = hf exp (iω t) (3) Research Foundation) - TRR 173 - 268565370 (project A11), TRR lf ω2 − ω2 hf lf hf 288 - 422213477 (project A09), and project SHARP 397322108, the −ωlf 4a2ω2 ω2 eλt z }| { ERC Synergy Grant SC2 (No. 610115), and partial support by the + lf hf exp[i (ω − ω ) t], National Science Foundation under Grant No. NSF PHY-1748958. 3(ω2 − ω2 )2(ω2 − ω2 ) hf DW DW hf lf hf She also acknowledges discussions with Oleg Tchernyshyov. T.S. √ 2 ackowledges H. Ueda for providing the single-domain sample. where λ = 2aP ωhf /3 − 1/τ is the instability parame- ter for parametric downconversion. The first term corre- sponds to a non-resonant excitations of lf-magnons with wave-vector high-enough, that they match the frequency 34 of the hf-mode (i.e. 1.07 THz) . These magnons may ∗ [email protected] only contribute to the background signal, once they relax 1. P. Wadley, B. Howells, J. Zelezn´y,C.ˇ Andrews, V. Hills, via scattering events. The second contribution originates R. P. Campion, V. Nov´ak,K. Olejn´ık, F. Maccherozzi, from the nonlinear term in Eq. (2c) and corresponds S. S. Dhesi, S. Y. Martin, T. Wagner, J. Wunderlich, to the beating between frequencies ωDW and ωhf . Cru- F. Freimuth, Y. Mokrousov, J. Kuneˇs, J. S. Chauhan, M. J. Grzybowski, A. W. Rushforth, K. W. Edmonds, cially, we note that quantitatively ωhf −ωDW matches ωlf . Moreover, since ω ≈ 0.1 ω  ω , we can reformulate B. L. Gallagher, and T. 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