Arxiv:2006.01140V3 [Cond-Mat.Str-El] 28 Jul 2020

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Arxiv:2006.01140V3 [Cond-Mat.Str-El] 28 Jul 2020 arXiv:2006.01140 Deconfined criticality and ghost Fermi surfaces at the onset of antiferromagnetism in a metal Ya-Hui Zhang and Subir Sachdev Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA (Dated: July 29, 2020) Abstract We propose a general theoretical framework, using two layers of ancilla qubits, for deconfined criticality between a Fermi liquid with a large Fermi surface, and a pseudogap metal with a small Fermi surface of electron-like quasiparticles. The pseudogap metal can be a magnetically ordered metal, or a fractionalized Fermi liquid (FL*) without magnetic order. A critical `ghost' Fermi surface emerges (alongside the large electron Fermi surface) at the transition, with the ghost fermions carrying neither spin nor charge, but minimally coupled to (U(1) × U(1))=Z2 or (SU(2) × U(1))=Z2 gauge fields. The (U(1) × U(1))=Z2 case describes simultaneous Kondo breakdown and onset of magnetic order: the two gauge fields induce nearly equal attractive and repulsive interactions between ghost Fermi surface excitations, and this competition controls the quantum criticality. Away from the transition on the pseudogap side, the ghost Fermi surface absorbs part of the large electron Fermi surface, and leads to a jump in the Hall co-efficient. We also find an example of an \unnecessary quantum critical point" between a metal with spin density wave order, and a metal with local moment magnetic order. The ghost fermions contribute an enhanced specific heat near the transition, and could also be detected in other thermal probes. We relate our results to the phases of correlated electron compounds. arXiv:2006.01140v3 [cond-mat.str-el] 28 Jul 2020 1 CONTENTS I. Introduction 3 II. Ancilla qubits and gauge symmetries 7 III. Mean field theories 10 A. FL* 10 B. AF Metal 12 C. SDW Metal 13 IV. Kondo lattice 14 V. Structure of Critical Theories 16 A. Lattice symmetry 17 1. DQCP1 17 2. DQCP2 17 3. DQCP3 18 B. Action for ghost fermions Ψ 18 1. DQCP1 18 2. DQCP2 and DQCP3 18 C. Action for Higgs bosons Φ 19 1. DQCP1 19 2. DQCP2 20 3. DQCP3 21 VI. Instability of Critical ghost Fermi surfaces 21 A. Self-Energy of the photon 22 B. RG flow from expansion 23 C. Instability to pairing 23 D. Phase diagram 24 VII. Higgs boson fluctuations 26 A. DQCP1 26 B. DQCP2 27 C. DQCP3 27 VIII. Non Fermi liquid behavior of the physical Fermi surface 28 A. Marginal Fermi liquid at weak coupling 30 2 B. Strong coupling regime: Instability of \FFLO" order 31 IX. Discussion 32 A. Physical meaning of ancilla qubits and variational wavefunctions 33 B. Deconfined criticality 35 Acknowledgements 36 A. Photon self-energy for U(1) × U(1) theory 36 1. Leading order 37 2. Ward Identities 38 3. General result 39 4. Vanishing of Pc − Ps up to three-loop 41 B. RG flow of the ghost Fermi surface coupled to a U(1) × U(1) gauge field 42 C. Pairing instability for the FL*-FL transition with U(2) gauge theory 45 1. Pairing instability 46 D. Marginal Fermi liquid behavior in three dimensions 46 E. Relation to Hertz-Millis theory 49 References 50 I. INTRODUCTION The study of the quantum phase transition involving the onset of antiferromagnetic order in metals is a central topic in modern quantum condensed matter theory. There are applications to numerous materials, including the f-electron `heavy fermion' compounds [1{6], the cuprates [7{9], and the `115 compounds' [10, 11]. The standard theory involves a Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson approach, obtaining an effective action for the antiferromagnetic order parameter damped by the low energy Fermi surface excitations [3, 12, 13]. However, a number of experiments, especially in quasi-two dimensional compounds, do not appear to be compatible with this approach [7, 14{16]. In this paper, we shall present a `deconfined critical theory' [17, 18], involving fractionalized excitations and gauge fields at a critical point, flanked by phases with only conventional excitations. Our results here go beyond our previous work [19], which only considered transitions between a phase with fractionalized excitations, to one without. For the case of the metallic antiferromagnetic critical point, we realize here a theory with simultaneous Kondo breakdown and onset of magnetic 3 Physical layer C<latexit sha1_base64="oPVbAVFO+YO64/Z/w+i58s6Orj4=">AAACCHicbVDLSsNAFJ34rPUVdelmsAgupCRSUHfFblxWtA9oQphMJ+3QmUmYmRRK6A/4DW517U7c+hcu/RMnbRa29cCFwzn3ci4nTBhV2nG+rbX1jc2t7dJOeXdv/+DQPjpuqziVmLRwzGLZDZEijArS0lQz0k0kQTxkpBOOGrnfGROpaCye9CQhPkcDQSOKkTZSYNuNwFN0wNFl5oUcPk4Du+JUnRngKnELUgEFmoH94/VjnHIiNGZIqZ7rJNrPkNQUMzIte6kiCcIjNCA9QwXiRPnZ7PMpPDdKH0axNCM0nKl/LzLElZrw0GxypIdq2cvF/7xeqqMbP6MiSTUReB4UpQzqGOY1wD6VBGs2MQRhSc2vEA+RRFibshZSQp534i43sEraV1W3Vr19qFXqd0U7JXAKzsAFcME1qIN70AQtgMEYvIBX8GY9W+/Wh/U5X12zipsTsADr6xfLdpm+</latexit> σ, S J<latexit sha1_base64="+nl5cvTarGxi7SD+HsCN/ksD+mM=">AAAB6nicbVBNS8NAEJ3Ur1q/qh69LBbBU0lEUG9FL+Kpov2ANpTNZtIu3WzC7kYopT/BiwdFvPqLvPlv3LY5aOuDgcd7M8zMC1LBtXHdb6ewsrq2vlHcLG1t7+zulfcPmjrJFMMGS0Si2gHVKLjEhuFGYDtVSONAYCsY3kz91hMqzRP5aEYp+jHtSx5xRo2VHu56Ya9ccavuDGSZeDmpQI56r/zVDROWxSgNE1Trjuemxh9TZTgTOCl1M40pZUPax46lksao/fHs1Ak5sUpIokTZkobM1N8TYxprPYoD2xlTM9CL3lT8z+tkJrr0x1ymmUHJ5ouiTBCTkOnfJOQKmREjSyhT3N5K2IAqyoxNp2RD8BZfXibNs6p3Xr26P6/UrvM4inAEx3AKHlxADW6hDg1g0IdneIU3RzgvzrvzMW8tOPnMIfyB8/kDFsiNsQ==</latexit> d <latexit sha1_base64="Y3rVZ7ESTD5LWei8U+yMmnvuStM=">AAACCHicbVDLSsNAFJ3UV62vqEs3g0VwISWRgrorunFZ0T6gCWEynbRDZyZhZlIoIT/gN7jVtTtx61+49E+ctlnY1gMXDufcy7mcMGFUacf5tkpr6xubW+Xtys7u3v6BfXjUVnEqMWnhmMWyGyJFGBWkpalmpJtIgnjISCcc3U39zphIRWPxpCcJ8TkaCBpRjLSRAtv2mooG6CLzQg4f88AN7KpTc2aAq8QtSBUUaAb2j9ePccqJ0JghpXquk2g/Q1JTzEhe8VJFEoRHaEB6hgrEifKz2ec5PDNKH0axNCM0nKl/LzLElZrw0GxypIdq2ZuK/3m9VEfXfkZFkmoi8DwoShnUMZzWAPtUEqzZxBCEJTW/QjxEEmFtylpICXluOnGXG1gl7cuaW6/dPNSrjduinTI4AafgHLjgCjTAPWiCFsBgDF7AK3iznq1368P6nK+WrOLmGCzA+voFdJWZhw==</latexit> a, S1 Hidden J<latexit sha1_base64="/0U+7EQQxJVcOmaCdqeT+V3e+x4=">AAAB6nicbVBNS8NAEJ3Ur1q/qh69LBbBU0mkoMeiF/FU0X5AG8pmO2mXbjZhdyOU0J/gxYMiXv1F3vw3btsctPXBwOO9GWbmBYng2rjut1NYW9/Y3Cpul3Z29/YPyodHLR2nimGTxSJWnYBqFFxi03AjsJMopFEgsB2Mb2Z++wmV5rF8NJME/YgOJQ85o8ZKD3d9r1+uuFV3DrJKvJxUIEejX/7qDWKWRigNE1Trrucmxs+oMpwJnJZ6qcaEsjEdYtdSSSPUfjY/dUrOrDIgYaxsSUPm6u+JjEZaT6LAdkbUjPSyNxP/87qpCa/8jMskNSjZYlGYCmJiMvubDLhCZsTEEsoUt7cSNqKKMmPTKdkQvOWXV0nrourVqrX7WqV+ncdRhBM4hXPw4BLqcAsNaAKDITzDK7w5wnlx3p2PRWvByWeO4Q+czx/H0415</latexit> 1 J<latexit sha1_base64="2k1mzRvQUFL1/GpzOzn/0XUMAbc=">AAAB7nicbVBNS8NAEJ3Ur1q/qh69BIvgqSRSUG9FL+Kpgv2ANpTNdtIu3WyW3Y1QQn+EFw+KePX3ePPfuG1z0NYHA4/3ZpiZF0rOtPG8b6ewtr6xuVXcLu3s7u0flA+PWjpJFcUmTXiiOiHRyJnApmGGY0cqJHHIsR2Ob2d++wmVZol4NBOJQUyGgkWMEmOl9n2/J1HJfrniVb053FXi56QCORr98ldvkNA0RmEoJ1p3fU+aICPKMMpxWuqlGiWhYzLErqWCxKiDbH7u1D2zysCNEmVLGHeu/p7ISKz1JA5tZ0zMSC97M/E/r5ua6CrImJCpQUEXi6KUuyZxZ7+7A6aQGj6xhFDF7K0uHRFFqLEJlWwI/vLLq6R1UfVr1euHWqV+k8dRhBM4hXPw4RLqcAcNaAKFMTzDK7w50nlx3p2PRWvByWeO4Q+czx8+fY+I</latexit> layers ? { <latexit sha1_base64="2cPh/Bp12XW0K5T2tFY97/RFMhY=">AAACEnicbVDLSsNAFJ34rPUVdaebwSK4kJKUgrorunFZ0T6gKWEyuW2HziRhZqKUUPAj/Aa3unYnbv0Bl/6J08fCth64cDjnXu69J0g4U9pxvq2l5ZXVtfXcRn5za3tn197br6s4lRRqNOaxbAZEAWcR1DTTHJqJBCICDo2gfz3yGw8gFYujez1IoC1IN2IdRok2km8feo8sBM14CF5VMZ+cZV4g8N3QL/l2wSk6Y+BF4k5JAU1R9e0fL4xpKiDSlBOlWq6T6HZGpGaUwzDvpQoSQvukCy1DIyJAtbPxD0N8YpQQd2JpKtJ4rP6dyIhQaiAC0ymI7ql5byT+57VS3bloZyxKUg0RnSzqpBzrGI8CwSGTQDUfGEKoZOZWTHtEEqpNbDNbAjE0mbjzCSySeqnolouXt+VC5WqaTg4doWN0ilx0jiroBlVRDVH0hF7QK3qznq1368P6nLQuWdOZAzQD6+sXruqeAw==</latexit> a, S2 J<latexit sha1_base64="Pbfvx/c1NBc2S8tKcB0Qb49crEA=">AAAB6nicbVBNS8NAEJ3Ur1q/qh69LBbBU0lKQY9FL+Kpoq2FNpTNdtIu3WzC7kYooT/BiwdFvPqLvPlv3LY5aOuDgcd7M8zMCxLBtXHdb6ewtr6xuVXcLu3s7u0flA+P2jpOFcMWi0WsOgHVKLjEluFGYCdRSKNA4GMwvp75j0+oNI/lg5kk6Ed0KHnIGTVWur/t1/rlilt15yCrxMtJBXI0++Wv3iBmaYTSMEG17npuYvyMKsOZwGmpl2pMKBvTIXYtlTRC7WfzU6fkzCoDEsbKljRkrv6eyGik9SQKbGdEzUgvezPxP6+bmvDSz7hMUoOSLRaFqSAmJrO/yYArZEZMLKFMcXsrYSOqKDM2nZINwVt+eZW0a1WvXq3f1SuNqzyOIpzAKZyDBxfQgBtoQgsYDOEZXuHNEc6L8+58LFoLTj5zDH/gfP4AyVeNeg==</latexit> 2 FIG. 1. The top layer is the physical layer coupled to two `hidden' layers ofe ancilla qubits (spin-1/2 spins) Si;1 and Si;2. The physical layer is taken to be either a single band model of electrons Ci;σ, or a Kondo lattice of electrons Ci;σ coupled to a separate set of spins S. The lattice sites are labeled by i, and can form any d-dimensional lattice (only one dimension is displayed above), and σ ="; # is a physical spin index. We develop a theory with the exchange interactions finite, and take the limit J? ! 1 of infinite antiferromagnetic exchange between the hidden layers at the end. This leads to a (SU(2)S ×SU(2)1 ×SU(2)2)=Z2 gauge theory, with all gauge symmetries acting on the hidden layers. The hidden layers are described by `ghost fermions' Ψi;a,Ψi;a which carry neither spin nor charge; a = +; − is a SU(2)S gauge index. e order; such a scenario has been discussed earlier [5], but no specific critical theory was proposed; reviews of related ideas are in Refs. 20{22. We note that a deconfined critical theory for the onset of spin glass order in a metal was obtained recently [23] in a model with all-to-all random couplings. There will be no randomness in the models we consider here, and only short-range couplings. Our theory relies on the recently introduced [19] `ancilla qubit' approach to correlated electron systems. In addition to the `physical layer' corresponding to the lattice Hamiltonian of the system of interest, we introduce two `hidden layers' of ancilla qubits (see Fig. 1). By entangling the physical degrees of freedom with the ancilla, and then projecting out a trivial product state of the ancilla qubits, we are able to access
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