English Books 1550-1850
ENGLISH BOOKS 1550-1850 SUMMER 2017 ALMANACS POETRY SATIRE PSALMS JUVENILES ITALY SPAIN THE UNDERWORLD THE COURT BOSWELL BYRON MILTON SWIFT BERNARD QUARITCH LTD 40 SOUTH AUDLEY ST, LONDON W1K 2PR Tel: +44 (0)20-7297 4888 Fax: +44 (0)20-7297 4866 e-mail: rarebooks@quaritch.com web site: www.quaritch.com Bankers: Barclays Bank plc, Level 27, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP Sort code: 20-65-82 Swift code: BARCGB22 Sterling account: IBAN: GB98 BARC 206582 10511722 Euro account: IBAN: GB30 BARC 206582 45447011 U.S. Dollar account: IBAN: GB46 BARC 206582 63992444 VAT number: GB 840 1358 54 Mastercard, Visa, and American Express accepted Recent and forthcoming Catalogues: 1435 Music 1434 Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts 1433 English Books & Manuscripts 1432 Continental Books 1431 Travel and Exploration, Natural History Recent Lists: 2017/8 Medicine, Sexology, Gastronomy 2017/7 Economics 2017/6 The Armchair Traveller: T. E. Lawrence 2017/5 Parties and Festivals! 2017/4 The Jesuits List 2017/9 Cover vignette from item 36 © Bernard Quaritch 2017 THE DEDICATION COPY 1 [ALMANAC.] GADBURY, John. ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΣ: or, a Diary {astrological, astronomical, meteorological,} for the Year of our Lord, 1689 … Wherein is contained I. A Complete Ephemeris of the Planets Motions and Aspects, Eclipses; and other necessary Matters. II. Some humble and yet loyal Glances upon the long expected, and thrice Welcome Birth of the Prince of Wales. III. A brief Discourse if the original and Antiquity of Westminster … London, Printed by J. D. for the Company of Stationers, 1689. [i.e. 1688.] 8vo., pp. [32], 14, [2, advertisements], with an engraved portrait added as a frontispiece (not called for by ESTC), one woodcut illustration and one woodcut diagram; title-page, dedication and calendar printed in red and black; a fine copy, the calendar interleaved with blanks, in contemporary red morocco, possibly by Samuel Mearne, elaborately gilt with floral, floriate and drawer-handle tools, gilt edges; from the library of Robert of Owen of Porkington, by descent.
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