SwamiYatiswarananda READINGS ON THE GOSPEL OF SRI RAMAKRISHNA VolumeI(Madras1911) VolumeII(Madras1922) Wiesbaden,Germany April26,1934throughJanuary9,1935 VedantaStudyCircle Athens,Greece 1994 Publishedby: JohnManetta Beles28(Koukaki) GR11741Athens,Greece Phone:[+30]2109234682 email:
[email protected] website: www.vedanta.gr Printedin Athens,Greece Printing 1st—September,1994 PrintedtoCD—August2004 Processedwith: VenturaPublisher Typesetin: Helvetica10/12 PUBLISHER’SNOTE Dear Friends, Further to Swami Yatiswarananda’s READINGS on SWAMI BRAH- MANANDA’S SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS, and the READINGS on the VEDANTASARA, the NARADA BHAKTI SUTRAS, the DRG-DRSYA VIVEKA and the BHAGAVAD-GITA, we are happy to share with you Swami Yatiswarananda’s READINGS ON THE GOSPEL OF SRI RA- MAKRISHNA VOL. I & II, the notes of class-talks delivered at Wies- baden, Germany, to an intimate group of European students, from April 25, 1934 through January 9, 1935. Our search in Germany for Readings generated between 1933-1938 had already revealed a German translation of the Gospel Readings, and we were lucky to find a copy of the English original during our 1993 search at Sri Ramakrishna Math, Bangalore, India. Along with the original carbon copies of class-notes, there was also a slightly edited version with topic-titles, compiled by Mr. Wolfram K. Koch (Swami Yatiswarananda’s host at Wiesbaden) apparently intended for eventual publication, which we have verified and supplemented for the present publication. In view of its historical interest, we give Mr. Koch’s Introduction to the Gospel Readings, just after this Publisher’s Note. It is due to Mr. Koch’s painstaking labour that these notes were manually taken down, decoded, verified, and hard copies made for circulation among the members of the Wiesbaden Group.