Parish Office Email: [email protected] Mass Schedule on the HORIZON
St. Veronica Church Established 1951 A Stewardship Parish - Grateful Living through Faith, Fellowship, Service, & Giving 434 Alida Way South San Francisco, CA 94080 Phone: 650-588-1455 Fax: 650-588-1481 The Last Supper by Juan de Juanes 1523 – 1579 The Crown of Thorns by Howard David Johnson Palm Sunday and Holy Week April 9-14, 2017 St. Veronica Parish Parish Office Hours Mass Intentions Monday to Friday for the Week of April 9, 2017 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Closed for lunch from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Sun 04/09 7:00 † Edna Semien 8:30 † Ambroscio Sr. & Cresencia Pablo (unless otherwise posted) 10:00 † Patrick Kerrigan Phone: 650-588-1455 Fax: 650-588-1481 11:30 † Juan Escalante 6:00 † Guadalupe Sanchez Parish Staff Mon 04/10 6:30 Viola Baldonado Fr. Charles Puthota, Ph.D., Pastor 8:30 † Emeliano & Teresa Valdez Fr. Nicasio G. Paloso Jr., Parochial Vicar Tue 04/11 6:30 † Angela Ancanan Fr. Don Sharp, S.J., Weekend Assistant 8:30 † Anthony Piety Gomes Fr. Al Grosskopf, S.J., Weekend Assistant Deacon Roger Beaudry Wed 04/12 6:30 † Ethel & Henry Ware 8:30 † Concordia Pascual Deacon Joseph LeBlanc Thu 04/13 Holy Thursday - No Morning Masses Patricia Spiteri, Parish Secretary, Ext. 301 6:30 p.m. - No Intention Oneyda Perez, Parish Bookkeeper, Ext. 304 Fri 04/14 Good Friday - No Morning Masses Karen Guglielmoni, Faith Formation & Wedding Coordinator, Ext.305 Sat 04/15 Holy Saturday - No Morning Masses Christopher Lindstrom, Music Director, Ext. 308 8:00 Vigil - No Intention Jim Rodriguez, Custodian/Maintenance Sun 04/16 Easter Sunday - No Intentions St.
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