

VOLUME XXV QUITAQUE BRISCOE COUNTY. TEXAS THURSDAY, MAY 17. 1951 Se Per Coi:y NUMBER 16 C. E. Bedwell Leaving MRS NORMA RUSSELL IS This And That About Farewell To A Soldier 1 End Of School Exercises SPEAKER FOR WSCS STUDY One Thing and Another I Begin Friday Night To Head Sunray Bank The closing study from the book Thru his comments in this space Close of School exercises will be- C. E. Bedwell tendered his resig- "We Seek Him Together" was pre- last week Gaston has cleared up gin at Quitaque with the Eight nation to the board of directors sented to members of the Method- several points for us—also Gas- Grade Commencement program at Tuesday as cashier of the First ist WSCS Tuesday night in a ton has put us cn the spot. He the school auditorium Friday National Bank at Quitaque. Mr. meeting at the church. Mrs. Mar- filled this space with witticisms night, May 18, at 8:30 p. Bedwell Is leaving Quitaque to as- vin Fisher has directed the study. sume the office of president of the and judging from the numerous Mrs. Ray Persons will make the , Following the opening song: the and entirely favorable comments graduating address to the class. board of directors of the newly speaker of the evening, Mrs. Nor- he evoked, that is what our read- Glenda McCracken is valedictorian organized state bank at Sunray. ma Russell gave a very interesting ers want. and Onne Farley is Salutatorian. He had been with the Quitaque resume of church buildings of all Or do we have any readers? Cer- There are 28 students in this class bank since 1928 and cashier since denominations ip the United tainly Gaston has They told us who are ready for high school. early in 1932. States, from the 'earliest dating about it all the past week. But Baccalaureate services for the Organization of the Sunray from the 1600's to the newest; and the only response we ever received seniors will be held Sunday morn- bank, as reported from the Dumas from the simplest and smallest to from our comments placed in this ing at 11 o'clock, May 20 at the newspaper follows: cathedrals and temples of grand- space was from some disgruntled First Methodist Church. Rev. Mar- Dumas—A charter for the estab- eur. Skillfully interwoven with the bachelors who wanted to argus the vin Brotherton of Matador will de- lishment and operation of the architectural descriptions was in- advantages (and vice versa) of a liver the mesage. The Baptist Sunray State bank has been gran- teresting information cf the cus- clean shave. church will dismiss their morning ted by the Texag State Banking toms and rituals of the various service so that the congregation Commission. The Board of Direc- We do not profess to Le as witty creeds. may attend the Baccalaureate tors believe that the bank will be- as Gaston. and he admitted that The speakers concluded her dis- gin operations within the next 30 he's not even a half-wit—and service. cussion with an inspirational note, Commencement exercises for to 60 days. where dces that leave us! We'll beautifully presented, describing the seniors will be held Tuesday The bank will be housed in a not pursue that any further or the loveliness of the Bellingrath night, May 22, at the school audi- building especially constructed for we'll end up a nit wit. Floral Gardens at Mobile, Alaba- torium. The program will begin at the purpose. The structure is lo- ma. She told how the perfection of cated between the Palace theater One thing Gaston did for us. He 8:00 p. m. The commencement beauty in the gardens diffused an address will be delivered by Joe and the post office in Sunray. found us a signature—Mrs. This- atmosphere of sanctity, and the Findley, of the Education Depart- For more than a year, the build- reverence with which they were And-That. A perfect description, There are times when we are The rodeo was Bruce's favorite ment of West Texas State College. ing was untenanted while the viewed annually by many hun- if we ever heard one, and we con- called upon to do that which we sport and from the time he was a Canyon. board of directors was organized dreds cf tourists who never touch- fess, the appellation fits. Too often feel is beyond our capacity. We little shaver he entered any event There are eighteen members of and the capital raised to start the ed or marred a single blossom. In we find ourself so busy with face that now, when we try to tell he was permitted to. Bronc riding the graduating class, which is bank. the center of the garden Is a sign little this and thats, we can't find you about Bruce Wise, the gallant was his greatest thrill and he was composed of Jo Dean Bedwell, Luke Johnston, brother of Steve reading "Who would mar a thing time for real accomplishments. spirited youth who left a few short beginning to get wide recognition Lynn Rhoderick, Henryetta Fin- Johnston who operates the Steve of beauty?" months ago In answer to his for his skill when military service ney, Una Lee Duck, Barbara Johnston Chevrolet agency in Du- Another thing Gaston did. He country's call, his mind perplexed ended his rodeo career. Mrs. Fisher concluded the study Buckelew, Glenna Monk, Teddy mas, came from Arkansas to be lifted this space to the dignity of as to the purpose of his action; with a beautiful devotional, read- When he finished high school Dunavant, James Baird, LaJuan the first banker for Sunray, but a a COLUMN. We'd never thought puzzled, but obedient to the call ing the 23rd Psalm to musical ac- he worked on the JA ranch until Steil, Gordon Riley, Junior Sperry, heart condition forced him to of it that way. The items we plac- of duty, Bruce crossed the sea to companiment with Mrs. Norval his call to the service in April, Charley Ramsey, Jean Pigg, Buddy withdraw from the board of direc- ed under this head were merely war in the little country of Korea. Hamilton playing softly at the or- 1946. He asked for and was grant- Holcomb, C. L. Boggs, Roy Monk, tors of which he was president. to fill up space—born cf necessity, He is not coming back, and we gan. ed assignment as a paratrooper, Chester Hamilton and Ben Cross. New president of the board of like Topsy they just grew. We nev- want to tell him goodbye. Following the business session and for awhile he rode the sky- Jo Dean Bedwell is valedictorian directors and banker will be C. E. er dreamed that we were author- We can say that Bruce was which was held at the conclusion ways on a parachute, true to his and Lynn Rhoderick is salutatori- Bedwell of Quitaque. He has been ing a Column. And Gaston said born on February 16, 1928, at of the program, refreshments of love of untrammeled freedom. He an. These two young people start- in the bank there for 23 years and Columns could be lucrative. That Quitaque, and that he died April ice cream and angel cake were completed his term of service and ed school together at Quitaque in will be in charge of the Sunray is yet to be proven, but here's hop- 10, 1951, in Korea. But that is not served. was discharged In October, 1947. the first grade, and their grades State Bank when it opens. ing. enough. We want to remember In September, 1950, he was re- have run nip-and-tuck throughout Capital stock in the new bank NEWS OF OUR SERVICEMEN that he lived. called to duty and in October their school work. amounts to $112,500. This repre- Postmaster Bogan had a letter And we might add, that being We want to recall the happy shipped overseas with a replace- sents $12,500 in undivided profits. from his son Sgt. Lit of the First fore warned Is fore-armed. We are curly haired child; the little fel- ment group assigned to the sig- THIS AREA GETS SHARE $75,000 in capital stock and $25,000 Marines this week, postmarked not paying anybody to listen to us ow with the big hat, his nal corps. But in this branch of OF GENEROUS MOISTURE reserve stock. Japan, and Lit said that he would talk about our grandchildren. But arms and his heart always open service Bruce felt cramped, he For awhile it looked like every- The board of directors under more than likely be home In a few we'll work on an exchange basis to all of God's creatures; the lad wanted to do the work he had body was going to share in the which the bank came into being weeks. He' had been in Korea since with any one who wants to talk with the paint pony; the youth trained for, and asked for trans- copious moisture but Quitaque. are C. E. Bedwell, banker and pre- July, 1950. a-a-stout theirs. who loved the freedom of the wide fer to the paratroopers. He was With record breaking gulley- sident of the board; Marshall Cat- Sid McFall, Jr., came in Sunday prairies. and the high blue skies, granted the transfer and joined or, vice-president, Guy R. Sweeny, Some months ago when this washers reported all around us, with his discharge from military whose spirit rebelled against res- his unit the latter part of January, Ben T. Howard, Clay Spurlock, and v. newspaper received a note from up until 4:30 Wednesday after- service. Sid was inducted in Sept- traint. 1951. R. L. McDaniel, secretary. the state wildlife and game com- noon, Quitaque caught only .35 of ember, 1950, military medical ex- Bruce was a true son of the Bruce saw acticn in the fiercest mission stating that Briscoe and an inch. aminers disregarding a leg Injury West. He loved horses. He loved to combat of the Korean war. He was Mr. and Mrs. Barney Bogan and Hall were included in those coun- And then it happened. A cloud which the boy had suffered when work with cattle. Before he was caught with the Marines in the daughters and Mrs. Bobby Jack ties closed to "wild turkey" hunt- paused just overhead, somebody a horse fell on him in 1944. The out of high school he was working frightful trap at Hagaru. For his Ham were here from Denton for ing, we chuckled a bit, thinking sneezed, and the heavens opened leg soon gave him trouble as a re- on the ranches near home, help- ready response to duty and his a Mother's Day visit. Bobby Jack how little they knew down at up. sult of stiff training and he enter- ing with the roundups and the heroism in this action he received was busy with exams and could Austin about the game in our The gauge at the city hall mea- ed the hospital in February, and branding. He was adept with all the commendation of his com- not get off for the week end. county. But lately we've learned sured 2.38 inches at 8 o'clock this had been under treatment since. the little tricks of the cowboy. To manding officers. that the laugh is on us. There are (Thursday) morning. And it was He was sent to Fort Lewis, Wash- him it was an art, and he worked No further particulars have The Morris Wilsons have moved wild turkeys here. We won't say still raining. ington, and had remained there to perfect his skill. been learned since the message into their new home in the north- they "abound" but they evidently As we go to press there is a until his discharge. He returned He was devoted to animals—any from the war department received east part of town. are here, in the brakes and break in the clouds. But we have home with a decided limp which kind. He tenderly cared for a April 19 told his mother of his was hardly noticeable when he en- around. If the wild turkey tales enough moisture now to do us for NW, VaaalfiCIR11111150 crippled hawk, and sheltered some death at 9:35 a. m., April 10 at tered the service last Fall. which folks have been telling us awhile and for all we care the homeless canaries. He made pets Kangwang-Dong, Korea. Besides Pvt. James C. (Duke) Woods lately are not true, at least they clouds can pass us by—for a few of coyotes and armadillos. He had his mother Mrs. Gladys Wise of was home from Fort Bliss to visit sure make good listening. And re- weeks. a veritable menagerie at his hOme. Quitaque, Bruce is survived by a his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. E. cently we noted that Laura Ham- The North Plains and the South GEM THEATRE Any cast off pet or unwanted ani- sister, Mrs. Richard Tibbetts of Woods over the week end. ner, the lady who knows all about Plains are flooded. Roads are im- TURKEY, TLILAS mal waif could find a haven with Lubbock. and loves the Panhandle tells how passable and traffic for the time Bruce. We are sure that in the deep re- Turkey town got its name. Miss being is interrupted. Thursday-Friday May 17-18 Bruce was ten years old when a cesses of his heart. Bruce found Hamner says: tragic accident, in January 1938, the answer to his questions of the Call Me Mister "Inez Baker, historian of Hall PARENT-TEACHER PICNIC took the life of his father, Glen war in Korea. His letters home re- In Technicolor County, says that this town was Attendance at the Parent Wise. The Wise-James Post of the vealed that he was moved acrd Bette Grable, Dan Daley, QUEEN THEATRE once known as Turkey Roost. This Teacher picnic Monday night was American Legion at Quitaque is troubled by the tragic hopelessness Danny Thomas, Harry Von Zell. QUITAQUE, TEXAS was due to the huge flocks of wild not too good, but for those present named in memory of the father, a of the lives of the people there. He Dale Roberson turkeys that roosted along the the evening was a pleasant one, veteran of World War I, and of a was one to whom freedom was the Short: Thursday-Friday May 17-18 creek that was given the name with lots of good food and fellow- young man who died in World mainspring of life , and to help WOODMAN SPARE THAT TREE Turkey Creek, because of these ship. The threatening weather, Kim War H, George James. An only those in need was not a task but a Pathe News In Technicolor roosts. and the wind sent the picnic in- son, the less of his father bound joy. We are sure that Bruce will One of the year's biggest! When a postoffice was applied doors and the group gathered at Bruce closely to his mother, and know when victory is won, and he Saturday Night May 19 Errol Flynn, Dean Stockwell, for in 1893 several names, such as the school house where the fried as he grew to manhood, the ties will rejoice in the part he had in Paul Lukas, Robert Douglas, Badger, Antelope, Turkey, were and baken chicken, salads, beans, So This Is Washington of affection and understanding upholding the principles of free- Lum & Abner Short: TABLE TOPPERS suggested. There was no town in pies, and cakes, iced tea and other between them were knit ever dom and justice for all peoples of Alan Mowbry, Mildred Cole Paramount News all the United States by the name good things were spread along the stronger. the world. • Short: DOPEY DICK of Turkey so this was chosen. The tables in the school lunch room. Chapter 13 of Serial: Satrday Mat. & Night May 19 office was located in the dugout ROY GRUNDY WINS GENE 31AYFIELD WILL Following the supper the meet- KIT CARSON of Alfred P. Hall, the first post- SCHOLARSHIP AT WTS RECEIVE DEGREE FROM WTS ing convened in the auditorium. Salt Lake Raiders master. John M. Gist bought out Roy (Rancho) Grundy received Mrs. H. W. Cross gave an inter- Allan "Rocky" Lane, Eddie Waller, Canycn, May 10—Clurel Eugene Sunday-Monday May 20-21 Alfred Hall and took over the notice last week from Coach Frank Mayfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. esting report of the district meet- Martha Byer postmastership. It was discontinu- Kimbrough of West Texas State Mayfield of Quitaque, is a candi- ing held at Childress in April, and Al Jennings Short: HE FLEW THE SCREW ed at one time then reinstated and that he has been given an athletic date for the bachelor of science urged more to attend the district Of Chapter 10 of Serial: KING OF THE ROCKETMEN today Turkey is a growing town." scholarship, the results of a try- degree at West Texas State Col- meeting which will be in Canyon In Techiocolor out for the Buff football squad a lege this spring. next year. , Gale Storm. May 20-21 LEGION AUX. TO few days ago. Degrees are to be conferred at New officers were installed: Mrs. Dick Foran, Gloria Henry Sunday-Monday SELL POPPIES MAY 26 Rancho will make a nice big the college commencement exer- W. E. Helms, president; Mrs. E. E Guinn "Big Boy" Williams September Affair The American Legion Auxiliary target at an end position for the cises Monday morning, May 21, at Berry, and vice president; Mrs. H. Short: Gerald MeBoying Buying Joan Fontaine, Joseph Cotten, met Tuesday night in the home of Buff passers to shoot at. 10 o'clock. P. Parker, secretary; Mrs. B. K. Francoise Rosay, Jesica Tandy --. .-- Mrs. Odell Johnston with 11 mem- Hamilton, treasurer; Mrs. H. W. Tuesday-Wednesday May 22-23 Short: FRESH YEGGS bers present. MEETING NOW IN PROGRESS For the first time in 14 years, all Cross, parliamentarian, and Mrs. Duchess Of Idaho Plans were discussed for the sale AT ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH of the children of Mrs. J. W. Had- W. R. Scott, reporter. Mrs. A E Tuesday-Wednesday May 22-23 In Techiocolor of poppies and the auxiliary de- Rev. Arthur Boatman of Turkey Gragson, the new first vice presi- away were here to spend Mother's Esther Williams, Van Johnson. Cariboo Trail cided to sell them on Saturday. is conducting a meeting at the Day with her. Present were Mr. dent. was not present. John Lund, Paula 'Raymond In Technicolor May 26. Quitaque Assembly of God Church, and Mrs. David Hadaway and son This meeting marked the close Lena Horne, Eleanor Powell Randolph Scott, Bill Williams, Next meeting of the auxiliary the meeting starting last Sunday of the year's work for the associa- Pat, Floyd Hadaway and Mr. and Short: MOMENTS IN MUSIC Geo. "Gabby" Hayes, Karin Booth, and will continue thru Sunday, tion, which has some splendid will be in the home of Mrs. Morris Mrs. Shep Martindale, all cf Victor Jory Wilson. May 20, and perhaps the follow- , Mrs. Venus Gilles- accomplishment to its credit for Thursday-Friday May 29-25 Short: ANTI CATS , ing week. His parents Mr. and pie and Venus Jr of Crosbyton the past months. Mrs. Bob Boatman of Arkansas Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lewis of San and Truman Hadaway and family Smuggler's Island Thursday-Friday May 24-25 Angelo came Saturday . to bring his are here helping him with the of Turkey. Marvin Loving also had Mr. and Mrs. Orb Payne spent (Pirate part of the China Seas! mother Mrs. Nora Lewis to the meeting. Everyone is invited to at- dinner in the home Sunday. Sunday in Quanah, the guests of In Technicolor Cause For Alarm home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Per- tend. Mr and Mrs. J. Baumgarner, form- Jeff Chandler, Evelyn Keyes, Loretta Young, Barry Salta an ■ sons where she plans to spend the --•-•• ••-111-- Mrs. Paul Jones was here from er residents of Quitaque. In the Philip Friend. Marvin Miller Bruce Cowling, Margalo Gillmore summer. The Lewises remained Miss Gladys Stroup visited her Lubbock over the week end visit- afternoon they heard Mrs. Baum- Short: SLEEP HAPPY Short: Old Rockin' Chair Tom until Sunday evening visiting re- parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Stroup Mg Mrs. W. M. McKay and with 'garner sing over the Quanah radio Pathe News Paramount News latives. over the week end. other friends here. station.

THE QUITAQUE POST Q UITAQUE 'TEXASI POST THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1951 Published at Quitaque, Texas The Queen City of the Valley' On Thursday of Each Week

W. R. SCOTT Owner and Publisher • ealer Merrell Food & Produce Mrs. W. R. Scott, Editor Member Panhandle Press Assn. I • and Marianne were here from Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hunter of PHONE 5-M Quitaque, Texas Entered at the postoffice at Quita- Amarillo over the week end, and Turkey: Mr and Mrs. Wayne que, Texas. as second class mail returned home Sunday accom- Hunter and Anita Lee, Cecil Price matter under the act of Con- panied by Ray Gene who had been , and family and Joyce King. gress, March 8. 1879 here since earlier in the week. I The Jim Baird family and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rogers spent and Mrs. Rayburn Burgess fished Friday & Saturday Specials the week end In Clovis with her last Thursday at Lake Childress. LOCALS mother, Mrs. J. A. Berry and Mr. Jimmy caught a fish, Rayburn got Mr and Mrs M. L. Roberson Berry. Mrs. Rogers also had a sick. checkup at the Clovis hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Drake ar. ,. 3 lb Ci1aIrrtso.nTuckers spent Sunday in Hereford visiting her brother Boyd Knox who Is Mr. and Mrs. Berry Harbest of Dick Hooks left this week for Cali- Shortening 95e quite ill following an operation Denton came in this week for a fornia to visit their mother Mr- performed in the hospital there surprise visit in the home of Mr. R. D. Hooks at Shafter and wr last Thursday. and Mrs. E. A. Puckett. Mr Har- other relatives there Washing Powder Mr. and Mrs. Dick Witten and best is Chief of Police at Denton. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tibbc girls came in Friday to visit her Rev. and Mrs. Marvin Fisher and children visited in the hon. , Tide Large box-3 for were called to Littlefield last week 99e parents Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Grundy. of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elm, and Mrs. Witten and the girls re- by the serious illness of her sister, Tibbitts and her mother Mr a U mained to acompany the Mrs. E. B. Carter. They took Mrs. Gladys Wise over the week end o'xansdown Grundys to Houston later in the Carter to Dallas for examination The Seventh grade was enter - znit week where they will visit the by a specialist and returned her to ake Flour Large SbNs tained Friday night, May 4 with ., C 42e mit Jack Grundy family. the home of her parents, Rev. and wiener roast at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Curtis of Mrs. J. M. Dye at Littlefield. Mrs. and Mrs. Johnny Brummett. A tha Venice, Calif., arrived this week Ither remained over the week large group attended and enjoyed 113 eetoes Crystal sal for a visit with his mother Mrs. H. end while Bro. Fisher came in for 5 the games and refreshments. ngtivF14t E. Curtis and other relatives. They the services Sunday and drove Syrup jar 590 had been visiting in East Texas back Monday to Littlefield and CARD OF THANKS and were accompanied to Quito- brought Mrs. Fisher home We find It difficult to put into que by Mrs. Esker Curtis and small Visitors in the J. T. Phelps home words our appreciation for the Pamela of Arlington who are over the week end were their sons kindness shown us, following the visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Phelps and children of Am- news of the death in Korea of our A. B. Ramsey. arillo and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Blackeye Peas No. 2 `'c'arr°T loved one. 14° Mr. and Mrs. Bungy Rhoderick Phelps and boys of Plainview. We are grateful to those who and children of Snyder visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Carpenter. remembered him with cards, let- here over the week end with his Betty, Billy and Jimmy we:v nere ters, and packages, while in the Witeh parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rhod- from Ruidoso, NM., for a week service. Also, for the many prayers 24 oz. can crick. Sr., and other relatives. end visit in the home of his that were offered for his well-be- Pork L Beans I9e Mr. and Mrs.D. J. Anderson and parents Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Carp- ing. children and Mrs. M. E. Loving enter,also H. K.. Jr.. and his wife Bruce would often say, when went to Bushland Saturday and were here from Amarillo to visit writing, "Tell everyone hello, I visited until Sunday evening with his parents. think a lot of my friends," and in Mrs. Anderson's sister Mrs. John Dinner guests in the H. G. Hun- this way he expressed much of our 3-Minute Oats 3 lb box 38° Bourland and family. ter home for Mothers Day were own feelings. ASK FOR your Trades Day tickets her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. R. We will not try to enumerate all at Burgess Pharmacy. 17tfc Young and her brother J. V. the kind deeds of friends, far and Sunsweet Mr and Mrs. Billy Hutchescsn Young and family, and his parents near, instead may we say, humbly, Thanks for everything. And may Dried Prunes 1 lb bag 29e The Lord bless and keep you. Mrs. Glen Wise Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Tibbetts and children Libby At Grundy Variety Tomato Catsup 14 az. bottle __ _ 19 0 TURKEY MEN VERY ILL John R. Lusk suffered a stroke WE HAVE . . . . early Thursday morning and was taken to Stanley hospital at Mata- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cooper Teddy daughter and grandchildren, Mrs. erson, Jr.. home Sunday were 25-Ft. and 50-Ft. Plastic Hose—Lawn dor where he is reported to be get- Bob and Glenda visited her Harley Eddleman. Patsy and Le their parents and brothers Mr. and Sprinklers—Lawn Rakes—Garden Rakes ting along nicely. parents Mr. and Mrs. Otis Purcell Dora. and their son Jack. Mrs. Austin Bailey and son of -Hoes--Lawn Mowers. Charley Franz suffered a stroke over the week end. FOR SALE: Coolerator Ice Box, Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. And- 1:00 p. m. Thursday and was Mr. and Mrs. James Brooks and 50 M. size, in good condition. Price erson, Sr., and Floyd Alton Ander- New Shipment Pictures and picture taken to Plainview Sanitarium children of Levepand were here $10.00. See W. H. Giles at Shoe son and family. where he is reported to be in ser- for a Mother's Day visit with her Repair Shop. 17-2 d-CON for Raks.—Burgess Phar- frames. ious condition. parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hulsey. Dinner guests in the C E And- macy 17tfc present for dinner in the Straw Hats-49c to $4.29. pewriter Ribbons – Post. Hulsey home were their other

New, Low INSURANCE Rates SPECIAL! SPECIAL! WOODY The Builder's Friend Attention Mr. Farmer! S on Do you want to grow more Grain and Cotton per acre? HERE AT WILLSON & SON COMBINES Are you willing to try a method of increasing the yield Our insurance, always rea- at little cost? WE TAKE CARE Of THE UTILE MAN/ sonably priced, is now lower than ever before, YOU CAN FERTILIZE BUILDI r sUPPL giving more protection for less money. Prompt adjust- PFP- ' ment service helps you Grain Sorghums at a Cost of only 4 & 1/3 replace or repair valuable cents per acre — Cotton at 15 cents per acre. Don't lose that combine combines, tractors, mowers, grain drills and other farm You can do this by using "NA-CHURS" Liquid Fertilizer. just when you need it most. machinery. a 5-10-5 balanced ration. We arc ready at all times to serve you. Phone se aerie. 1, , Protects Against Loss From Easy to use—no extra equipment needed. Just apply to Seed before planting. No fertilizer is lost, 100 ,, usage is obtained by today. • THEFT • COLLISION this method. • UPSET • FIRE For further information see us at • TORNADO- C. A. HAWKINS • TRANSPORTATION All Kinds of Insurance • LIGHTNING • EXPLOSION • RIOT MERRELL FOOD & PRODUCE Rep'', • who g ■ • FLOOD ••• •••••••••••. CIAVINS, OASOAN • COMPANY Phone Si Quitaque, Texas /.....msc• • CIVIL COMMOTION and other perils WE HAVE ALL SIZES OF hemp, Ad.tw••g Liar i r Conditioners Quitaque 4-H and FFA Exhibits Attract Big Crowd For the small room or a large building. We also have the Pads for re-padint air conditioners. LAWN ('HAIRS kNI) GLIDERS t; WHEN HOES, 121KES. FORKS, SPADES, SH %RP-SHOOTERS. ETC. Sprinkle your lawn with VERT.UiREFN and Ivatch it grow.


,lomestic, 1 vase, 2 water pitchers, urday morning at 10 o'clock in the QUITAQUE (TEXAS) POI THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1951 I baking dish, 1 set mixing bowls, Central Christian Church with picture. 1 knife set, 2 trays. Rev. Frank Crow officiating. stocks totaled 217 million bushels. age of Parity as the Support for plates. cups and glasses. 1 sauce Burial was in the Childress Disappearance since January 1. is 1951 Crop Oats, Rye and Barley. For ; ran. 1 bread warmer, 1 dish pan. Cemetery under the direction of indicated at about 291 million Wheat and Corn are still support- 5 Refrigertor sets, 1 ash tray. Newberry Funeral Home. bushels, slightly below the 1946-50 ed at 90 percent of Parity. average. The National Average Support ice bags. 3 thermometers, 1 Besides the widow, survivors in- Price for 1951 Grain Sorghum. .,,Iverware and tray. 12 pieces silv- clude a son, J. Rye Stocks, at 13 million bush- Roy Leverett. Colo- grading No. 2 cr better will be Better Baking i•rware, 1 broilerette, 1 vaporizer. 2 rado City, two sisters, Mrs. els, nearly equaled those of a year 52.17 per Hundredweight. This will ayrex plates, 1 berry set, 1 cookie Sigloch, Oklahoma City, and Mrs. earlier and were much larger than mean that the Briscoe County -beet, 1 shredder. 1 tea pot. Lewis Keck. Cobazon. Cal., and April 1, stock in the 1946-49 period. USE Farmers would receive about $2.09 The following is a list of project three brothers, Roy Leverett. Am- Corn Stock. of 1880 million per CWT. for their grain locally. .terns given since list was publish- arillo. Jim Leverett, Longview. and bushels, 7 percent less than a year •.1: Elbert Leverett, Willett, Cal. earlier and barely exceeding those PIONEER DAY AT Leverett was well-known at of 1949. were much larger than on ,steel porch chairs: Rev. M. E. PLAINVIEW MAY 19 ..'usher, Rev. Ray Riley, Rev. E. G. Quitaque • having called here for any other April 1 of record. Dis- Plainview.—On Saturday, May isnson. Dick Hooks. many years in the interest of his appearance since October 1 is in- 19, the Plainview Business and business. dicated at about 1826 million Light Fixtures for 5 rooms. hall Professional Women's Club will :nil porch—West Texas Utilities bushels less than in 1949-50 but again sponsor their 23rd Annual GRAIN SUPPLIES REPORT more than in the sitnular period Pioneer Round Up here in Plain- FROM BRISCOE PMA of any season since 1943-44. 'lEEDED PROJECTS OFFICE view. X-ray and anesthetic machine. Large Grain Stocks On Hand Oat Stocks of 605 million bush- Each year for the past twenty- Incubator, 3 way screen, fire ex- Stocks et grain stored in all els, exceeded only on April 1 in Harvest Queen Mill & Elevator Co. positions on April 1, were very 1946 and 1949, were larger than in two years, the Business and Pro- .inguisher, obstretrical room fessional Women's Club has Spon- equipment, bed room furniture, large, acording to USDA'S Crop any of the other 6 years of record. Plainview. Texas sored this celebration in honor of swivel lamps, more Venetian Reporting Board. On that date, Barley Stocks of 163 million our pioneers. The full day consists blinds, and other items. wheat, corn, and oats stocks were bushels were exceeded on April 1 the third largest on record. Barley only in 1943. The off-farm portion ofo the reception for Pioneers held at the City Auditc•rium, a parade. • GIFTS TO THE HOSPITAL 66 towels. 38 tea towels, 4 hospital SUDDEN HEART ATTACK IS stocks the second largest, and rye of more than 74 million was the Chuck Wagon Supper, a program The following report was sub- gowns, 7 waste paper baskets, 4 stocks larger than the 1946-1949 largest of record. FATAL TO CARL LEVERETT v.ith a pioneer theme and square mitted by Mrs. E. E. Burgess, com- doz. pillow cases, 2 bed spreads, 48 Childress--Sidney Carl Leverett, average. This favorable supply sit- Higher Supports To dancing closing the days activities. mittee chairman. glasses, 1 set china dishes, 5 52-year-old resident of 30 years, uation does not lessen the need Boost Grain Sorghum Acreage That famous Chuck Wagon Sup- Due to limited space. we regret May 10, of a for increased feed acreage, since Price support for 1951 crop of pillows, 2 garbage cans, 4 wash died Thursday. night. per will be served from 6:00 to that we are unable to publish the livestock increases more than off- grain sorghum has been boosted basins, 2 sheets, curtain lining, heart attack. 8:00 p. m. and anyone who has ev- names of the donors to the hospi- 7 blanket sheets,2 more venetian He was a veteran of both World set the feed grain. from 65 to 75 per cent of Parity, er attended one of the suppers tal shower. Wheat stocks total 709 million B. F. Vance, Chairman of the State blinds have been added. 1 bed box. War I and World War II. He oper- will never forget the Son-of-a-gun. Following is a list of the items 4 bed pans, 1 uninal • ated the Childress Typewriter Ex- bushels, exceeded only Cy the 810 Committee has announced. 6 pus red beans, coffee and above all the given: The support level for grain sorg- basins, 1 heating pad. 2 magazine change for the past 17 years. million bushels in 1942 and 896 sour dough biscuits. 4 wool blankets, 86 wash clothes. racks. 5 hot water bottles, 10 yd. Funeral services were held Sat- million bushels in 1943. Farm hum is now at the same percent- Miss Inez Carlisle, president of the B&PW Club of Plainview, is urging all the Plains folks and old timers to prepare for this day and attend in full regalia to relive the pioneer days for that one day. .sso ° Is MORE rr spotIOS Saturday, May 19, 1951. 0414, '04. ark 4lib LOCALS O. C. Love, Odell Johnston and the latter's father-in-law, Mr. Thomas returned home Sunday evening from several days fishing at Buffalo Lake. Said the wind was high and weather not too favorable for good fishing but ad- mitted that they caught a few. Mrs. Pearl Allen who had been here visiting in the home of her sister Mrs. Pierce White and family, returned Friday to her home at Pampa. Minnie Mae Roberson left Sun- day afternoon for Tyler to visit a toed comfort of the few days with Mrs. Sadie Rice and First see what GMCs got! v will return home when Mrs. Rice From the Weatherseal such extra-alue drives out to Ruidoso to spend the Cab summer. "Six-Footer"features as these—Tocco-l-lardened and Crank-recircu- Mr. and Mrs. Alger Farley and tivrtieit you need a pickup model or children of Lubbock and Mrs. Kel- the best bay full-pressure lubrica tion sey Mayfield and daughters of e rig—a GMC's shaft,lating ballbearing action for steering ease Morton visited Sunday here with a tonnagmae in trucks today for the long keeps! horsepovver built for can help you their sister Mrs. Dexter Ward ,and k efcbuilt MC is, daughter and their father J. W. you ere s tr " o" a H As your GMC dealer, w Mayfield. pull—solidly ahead. engineered to give you raor Mr. and Mrs. Wes Harvey at- select exactly the right/2 to truck 20 tons—wfith for your a When you need it—and GMG's got what 1 tended the all-day Mother's Day service at the Flag Springs church to the hauling needs—from load years it takes to go vvith its heft combination of axle, engine, paytransmission at Roaring Springs where their gs to pro- that will haul the son Rev. Graham Harvey is pastor. Abroad-shouldered frame to put Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barrett load—longer "illow-action" sprin Transmis and frame and son Charles left Friday for ooth Synchro-Mesh longer for less. Wynona to spend the week end sect-ion it. of S pow real truck-sized brakes • with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J mer—and G. Gowin. (extra wide) to control it. And more. Mrs. W. I. True and Miss Mary Alice Johnson spent Mother's Day • with the tatters parents Mr. and Get a Lai truck ! Mrs. Ford Johnson at Flomot, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Merrell also had dinner in the Johnson home. Mrs. J. B. Baird and boys visit- ed Sunday afternoon with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Long at Matador. Take your family to Sunday School.

EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING We have the best Tools and Newest Equipment Available. QUICK SERVICE All Work Guaranteed Why Not Get the Best"

R. Moho . Cs. & W. jew elB e , Turken y

KIMBLE OPTOMETRIC CLINIC J DR. J. W. KIMBLE DR. 0. R. McINTOSH Floydada. Texas Optometrists Yi TO 2.0 TONS

Dr. J. E. Garner key to PHYSICIAN AND SUROB011 Your hauling profits greater Turkey, Taut

- Or. Jr U. Borum Jr. nA OMETRIST HALL MOTOR COMPANY : QUITAQUE Il r%ur E—NF Block East of Coiirt [louse) Childress, Texas Phone 7.11 ,i- 4441 You'll do better ono used truck-iTith our GMC dealer rif.oigkrV*Wkak QUITAQUE (TEXAS) POST THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1951 vation district supervisors, has been instrumental in establishing this observance, both through its editoral support and personal work done by members of its edi- I MR. FARMER - - I toral staff. ViTe-‘4-‘4-‘-‘ This year a more widespread ob- To this date we and our more than servance of Soil Stewardship Sun- 125 Dealers have equipped Bids vv an LCU day has been planned, and Sun- MORE THAN day, May 20, has been designated as the Sunday when pastors of churches will devote at least one sermon to the relation of our soil On Warehouse Building 3,000 TRACTORS to the people and the church. WITH THE Through work of the Soil Con- servation Service, thousands of acres of worn-out farm land has Sealed bids will be accepted on a 40x80 sheet iron ware- been reclaimed and made to pro- house building located at Farmers Gin, Quitaque. FLASHOTRAC SYSTEM duce abundantly again. Good soil TRADE MARK REG. PAT. APPLIED FOR produces good crops, and good Building must be moved immediately. MORE THAN food means a healthy, prosperous 300 in Floyd County 200 in Lamb County people. It is the duty of every per- Bids will be accepted until noon Wednesday, May 23. 300 in Hale County 200 in Bailey County son to encourage soil conservation. 200 in Lubbock County 200 in Hockley County The very future of our country de- Rights are reserved to refuse all bids. pends upon how the soil is hand- led. Food crops produced on rich soil have more nutritive value in For information in regard to sale and inspection of minerals and vitamins than do crops produced on worn-out land. building, see H. G. Hunter, manager, Quitaque, who has figures on cost of moving building and can furnish close SAN ANTONIO BRIDE IS FORMER QUITAQUE GIRL estimates. The marriage of Miss Charleene Gregg, daughter of Mrs. Gertrude Gregg of Amarillo, Texas, to Hom- er 0. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Centralia, Illinois, took place at 3:00 p. m., April 14, Farmers Co-Op Gin in the Laurel Heights Methodist Church, San Antonio. The Rev- H. G. Hunter, Mgr. Quitaque, Texas erend Bruce Medford performed the double ring ceremony, which was followed by a small recep- tion in the home of Mr. and Sirs. smaller amount of acres if a good stern, Blue Panic, Sideoats grama, needs see your Soil Conservation livestock program is maintained. alfalfa and oats. These plantings Service and see what can be done Did they make a mistake? NO—They bought with a money- Roby T. Gregg. are the first to be made with the on your farm to convert those back guarantee —and they don't want their money back.— The bride, given in marriage by As for subsistence paid by the new grass drill, and it is construc- waste and deplated areas into They are buying more—and saving a lot of money—and they her brother, Roby T. Gregg, wore Veteran's Administration, A single production and money making don't have any trouble. — Their gasoline tank and carburetor a powder blue lace dress with man will draw $67.50, a married ted to handle a wide variety of grasses and legumes, seeded crops. WERE NOT removed. — Their tractor WAS NOT CUT UP.— matching hat and white accessori- man $93.75, a married man with broadcast or in rows. The drills are Their tractor starts easy—fills easy and quick—they are es. Her corsage was an orchid. Mrs. one or more children $97.50 per en ten inch centers and by block- happy—you ask them. Johnnie Gregg, sister-in-law of month. All of the Eddleman children, the bride, was Matron of Honor ing all but the two outside and except the three who live in Calif- and John T. Lemmings was Best center drills three 40" rows can be ornia, were home for Mother's Please, In your own %ay, iniestigate, phone, write or come Man. Cap Rock Soil seeded that can be cultivated with Day dinner Sunday and the tables to see us. We will gladly come to your farm and install a Out of town guests were: Mrs. Conservation News regular three row equipment. were laden with whole baked Fash-O-Trac System on your tractor on a- Gertrude Gregg, Mrs. John Smith, Several farmers in the Distirct Dual seeding of grass and 1?gu- hams, roasts, baked hen and dres- Mrs. Gale Wilson and Phyllis Ann, have made grass and legume me or two grasses can be done in sing, fried chickens, cakes, etc. It sister and niece of the bride, Mar- plantings in the past month. The one operation with the new drill was a big day for Mr. and Mrs. 20-Day Free Trial shall, Texas; and Mrs. Carl Stone seeding operation was done with which can handle light bulky and Eddleman and the children, the and Joe, aunt and cousin of the the grass drill recently purchased small compact seed at the same WITH NO OBLIGATION TO BUY— Claude Hickeys and the Brigham bride, Alice, Texas. by your Cap Rock Soil Conserva- time giving a correct seeding rate THINK THIS OVER! Youngs of Memphis, the Bryant The couple will be at home at tion District, and placed under the on each type without waste of ex- Eddlemans of Silverton, the Reg 208 West Craig, San Antonio, Tex- supervision of the Silverton F. F. pensive seed. The correct seeding Cushenberrys' the Murry Morr1- as. A. Chapter for rent to the farm- rate and depth of planting is sons, the Harley and the Bruce er's of the district. highly Important in getting a good Eddlemans and Bailey. ATTENTION VETERANS Jimmy Webb, J. D. McGavock, even stand of grasses and legumes. Rayburn Morgan of McLean afeb A R: Any Veteran who wishes to get Gerald Smith, John Martin, J. T. For information about grasses S filiii0-6 SS spent the week end here with his THE OLDEST BUTANE DEALERS IN THE PANHANDLE" training under the G. T. Bill must Persons, and Jake Merrell have and legumes adapted to this area mother Mrs. John Boyles and PLAINVIEW LOCK NEY TURKEY SILVERTON be enrolled by July 25, 1951. It us- seeded 72',A acres of K. R. Blue- and to your Individual and farm other relatives and friends. ually takes several days to get things ready for enrolling a Vet- SOIL CONSERVATION SUNDAY conservation week and the annual eran so if there are those who may TO BE OBSERVED MAY ES field tour of Floyd County farms be interested in attending Farm Ministers of all denominations on May 17th. School please see Duard Reyes as throughout the South and South- The setting aside of one Sunday soon as possible. Class is held west have been invited to take each year as a special day for re- Monday and Thursday nights in part in the observance of Soil membering our God-given respon- the Legion Hall In Quitaque. Come Why swelter Stewardship Sunday. Bert Bobbitt, sibility as stewards of the soil was on up before, after, or during our chairman of the board of the first observed In many sections of class meting and talk to us. Floyd County Soil Conservation She Southwest several years age World War II Veterans are eligi- District, has announced that this Farm and Ranch—South Agricul- ble to attend Farm School if district is cooperating in this ob- turist 31ag4zines, in cooperation farming 180 acres (some of which again this servance, which will climax soil with local pastors and sell conser- may be grassland) or with a 4 Summer?, FOR HOT WATER MAGIC -- See Now Easy It Is To Install! (0,011 Plebyelle„/ FRIGIDAIRE For the last word in water heating, buy a ucw auto- matic GAS water heater. One of these really depend- Room Air Conditioner obit automatic GAS water heaters will give you years Phone Now for Proof of carefree service. The magic of Nature's perfect Find out how quickly and eas•

fuel assures you of plenty of hot water all the time. ay you con have this good. looking, compact unit in- See the new automatic GAS water heaters at your stalled in your home or place dealer's now. Be sure to buy an automatic GAS water of business!

heater sized to your family's needs.

Get Real 5-Way ♦ ir Conditioning

—Insist on FRIGIDAIRE!

1. Cook air quickly, efficiently

7. filters out dirt, soot, pollen, and sand

3. Dries and cleans air. Put this good-looking new Frigidaire Air 4. Circulates air throughout room Conditioner in your home or office now

—and say goodbye to sticky heat, dirt, 5. Ventilates--adding fresh air in amount and noise! It's compact and completely you select sell-contuined—fits into most any win- dow—yet gives you real Sway air con- 7&st /ergs West Texas Utilities ditioning comfort. Company ► y low y Irliphdoity inef•••AllAbbr- beck•• by ypoclol 3.Y•or Worr•rrty HELPING BUILD WEST TEXAS SINCE 1927 I

qtyrrseue (TEXAS) POST THURSDAY, MAY 17. 1951 Quitaque Seniors of 1951 City Grocery Bert Grundy Quitaque, Texas

Mrs. Newlywed: "I'm so glad you like it, dear. Mother says chicken salad and custard pudding are the only things I really make well."

Mr. Newlywed: "And which is this, dear?" Specials for Friday & Saturday Ginger Snaps 2 th Bag 45e DUST PANS, Colored, each __ 25c

Sunspun Kraut 300 can 10' COFFEE, Maryland Club, lb 89c The 1951 Seniors of QuItaque .,., top row, left to right, Jo Dean Bedwell, La Juan Steil, Jean Pigg. Roy Monk, C. L. Boggs, Buddy Holcomb; second row, Gordon Riley. Teddy Dunavant, Chester Hamilton, Charley Ramsey, Lynn Rhoderick, Ben Cross; bottom row, Softasilk James Baird. Junior Sperry. Henryetta Finney, Barbara Buckelew, Una Lee Duck, Glenna Monk. Cake Flour Box 42' FROM THE PANTHERS DEN 1961, receives his due homage one our greatest wishes for suc- The Seniors ueolcated the An- from the Bobby Soxers as he cess and happiness as we have had na' to the Juniors and they appre- approached the lobby. here. With warm sincerity and P-NITT BUTTER, Peter Pan, 12 oz. jar _ 32c ciated that. The only man who could re- affection we bequeath to the hon- place Bing Crosby, Lynn Rhod- orable Juniors: Brilliant minds so QUITAQUE SENIOR PROPHESEY erick, favorite crooner of the air- that you can prepare your lessons No. 1 Red, peck The other day I investigated the ways went to his seat, accompani- well within five minutes of class- Spuds activity that was going on in the ed by the confusion of his numer- time every day. 55e science department of Quitaque ous children. The right to cut classes at will, high school. I found Mr. Hunter, Colonel Henryetta Finney, dir- and have easy exams. VEL, Large box-3 for $1.00 Gordon, and Sut working on a ector of the Wac Corp and home Lynn leaves his courting circle strange looking gadget. After a bit on leave from the Russian front. to Monte. of inquiry, I found that they were takes her place in the audience— James leaves his ability to prc- Whole constructing a time machine simi- as near as possible to Colonel duce hot air to Claude. Picnic Hams ib lar to that of Alley Oop fame. Ramsey. La Juan leaves the editorship of 45° While I watched, they finished Jo Dean Bedwell, president of next year's annual to Aubrey Lou. the construction of the machine the WCTU, followed by her retinue Jean leaves her smooth alto LETTUCE, 4's, head _ 15c that was to revolutionize history. with their hatchets, parade un- voice to Marie. Now, all the machine needed was smiling to their seats. Roy leaves his friendly smile to testing. so in the interest of Buddy Holcomb, professor of Jimmy, who is already getting a- twelve shoes to Buddy. Poage of Waco indicates a rather their cattle next fall than they science, I volunteered to be a commercial arithmetic at Quita- long. Teddy leaves his absentee slips thorough knowledge of the pro- have to pay new? guinea pig. que University takes his place Jo Dean leaves her young high to Harold. blems of cattle raisers. He makes among the elete. school love life to Clara Ruth. "The same order exempts all Mr. Hunter inquired what I Witnessed and signet this sixth the following statements: "The re- With the last of the audience Gordon leaves his masterful veal (any carcass which weighs would like to investigate. He want - day of March 1951 A. D. cent order establishing ceiling and ed to know whether I would like seemingly seated, the conductor physique for Bart and Billy H. to less than 275 pounds.) The sum rolling back the , price of live takes his place on the podium, fight over. WHAT IS HAPPENING IN effect of these regulations Is cer- to check up on the progress of cattle is an example. This order turns and bows to the audience— Chester Wayne wills his sense THE STATE LEGISLATURE tain to send most cattle to slaugh- atomic energy, the outcome of the will result in an immediate roll throwing his hair out of his eyes, of humor tc Billy Stone. Safety ter before they have put on the Truman-MacArthur debate, or the back of approximately 18 per cent we recognize C. L. Boggs. Barbara leaves her quiet ways to A law designed to take death- weight they should and in the price of cotton ten years from in the price of Texas catte (this is The lights dim, he raises his Shirley. trap jalopies off the highway long run to greatly reduce, not now. Alter giving the matter due in excess cf the national average baton, the orchestra awaits the Buddy leaves his athletic ability was signed Tuesday by Governor the price, but the amount of beef consideration, I decided to investi- because cf the grade of our cat- moment—when amidst a flurry of to Jerry. Shivers. The new law requires an- available to the American people. gate a matter of far more reaching tle.) It is admitted that this first confusion. La Juan Steil enters, Una Lee leaves her magnetic nual inspection of all automobiles. It will doubtless bring many im- importance than any of these. I roll back will not reduce the price dressed in mink and satin—late as personality to Patsy. Failure to pass tne inspection mature cattle to the market at asked permision to check up on paid by the housewife for meat by usual. Charlie leaves his position as would disqualify a car for license once—in an effort to sell them the activities of the 1951 Seniors a single penny. It will only assure manager to Carl D. tags. Inspecticn will cover brakes, before the various roll backs take ten years hence. certain processors a iarger profit LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT Glenna leaves her last name to lights, horn and steering gear. effect, but It can only add to our I stepped into the time machine, at the expense of the producer. We, the Senior Class of 1951 of Betty Ruth. The bill goes into effect 90 days food problem next year and the the lever was pulled, and I was Quitaque High School find it fit- Junior leaves his ability to steer after the end of the current leg- "It is to followed by two more next. Our committee is doing its hurled through time to land in ting and proper that we should clear of the opposite sex to Sut. islative sesison. It was guided to roll backs next fall. These are best to get the OPS tc understand front of the big radio station of make a bequeathal of all our pos- Henryetta leaves her studious final passage by a group of Rep- supposed to help the housewife, the fundamental problems involv- Quitaque. sessions and privileges since we traits to Floretta. resentatives led by Rep. Jerry Ste- but in the meantime how many ed, but until the masses of the Then it fell on my ear—not the are about to make our departure C. L. leaves his cowboy hat and ward of Fairfield. cattle are going to be fed this American people understand, building—but the voice—of famil- from this Institution and leave the boots to Jackie. Livestock summer with the feeders facing there is little likelihood that this iar voice—"Mr. and Mrs. North hall vacated by us. We leave every- Ben leaves his out-grown size A recent publication of Rep. Bob the certainty of getting less for agency will change its position." America and all the ships at sea— let's go to press—flash"—No, this voice was not the voice of Walter Winchell, but the far more famous /, voice of Junior Sperry. Then as I Everything is NEW for Oldsmobile's listened, he announced the big t-vent of the concert season: Revolutionary NEW "Rocket Ride"! The talented violinest, Ben Cross, and the Harry James of the The facts—the FEATURES—speak for themselves! In trumpet—James Baird were the this new Super "88," you see ten years' major featured artists of the year. I at- advancements! Body: low, wide, and handsome—all new! I tended this concert. Teddy Duna- Chassis: springs, shocks,Trames—all new! "Rocket": all vant was standing under the mar- that famous snap and sparkle—plus new economy, quee interviewing the celebraties new dependability! And Hydra•Matic Drive" has new as they arrived. With a thrust of his burley instantaneous reverse gear selection! Smoothness- shoulders splitting the crowd, the smartness—amazing gas savings! They're all new, Chester Hamilton, the plunging all yours in Oldsmobile's Super "88"! Come fullback of the New York Redskins into our showroom! Drive the triumphant S" ER stopped for a brief word with NEW Super "88" Oldsmobile! Teddy and then cn to his seat. Barbara Buckelew, society editor for Quitaque's leading newspaper, was among the early arrivals to cover the event. Jean Pigg, head of the history department of Quitaque Univer- sity,•was able to attend the con- cert as it was Friday and she never goes to school on Friday. With a flourish of military trumpets, Colonel Charley Ram- sey and his staff arrive. Charley, who was drafted upon graduation from high school, liked the army so well, he stayed in and became a regular army officer. Mrs. Glenna Monk takes time out from her growing family to .,dlatoe add to her fame as a costume de- signei. I wonder if that hat she wore to the concert obstructed any Air of the view cf the one seated be- hind her. Olehanobile Super •• 88” 1-Door Sedan. • Hydra. ilatio noire optional AL With a clanging of co•horns. a sera env. Foniprnent. neer..nri-A ..ino sold., rhn..., group of collegiate boys, led by Gordon Riley. who is celebrating OLDSMOB ILE his passing of Plane Geometry A GENERAL MOTORS YALU! after ten years at Bayer and his ultimate graduation, entered. E E YOUR NEAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER Una Lee - Duck, outstanding aviatrix of the time, has juts pil- oted her rocket ship to a new re- HALL MOTOR COMPANY cord for circumnavigation of the globe. Phone 99-J Quitaque, Texas Roy Monk, the Gregory Peck of Scenes From Bridge TURKEY (TEXAS) ENTERPRISE THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1951 Opening Ceremony These pictures of the ceremony marking the opening of the bridge over Quitaque river and the barbe- cue feed held on May 3, are fur- nished The Post through courtesy of the Floyd County Hesperian. Fly Time Is Near In the top panel is the crowd of 500 partaking of the excellent bar- becue served by Qultaque Lions and business men following the Flies and other annoying insects will soon be with us. Qultaque bridge traffic opening ceremonies. In the second picture County We have plenty of screen doors, screen wiring for • Judge J. W. Lyon, Jr., makes ready windows, etc. Check your windows and doors and be to cut the ribbon on the north side of the bridge and in the third has sure that your home is fly-proof. Just snapped the red, white and blue barrier while County Judge Frank L. Moore of Floyd county looks on. Personages In the second panel, left to right, Commissioner S. L. Higginbotham-Bartlett Company- Holmes with hat removed, Com- missioners W. C. Plumlee and Fay Phone 74 GOOD LUMBER Quitaque Hart, Judge Lyon, Resident En- gineer James E. Potts, and Com- missioner 0. M. Dudley of Briscoe County. Baptist Church Notes Park in Plainview where a cabin In the lower panel the traffic had been reserved and the boun- Ray line is being led by Pete Rice, to Riley, Pastor teous basket lunches were spread The formerly inaugurate traffic over Daily Vacation Bible and enjoyed sheltered from the PALACE THEATRE School will start at the Baptist wind. the span. Church Monday May 21 and run This thirty-year project for the SILVERTON, TEXAS Those attending were Mr. and to June 1. A Big Parade will be people of this territory in getting Mrs. W. R. Carter, Mr. and held Saturday. Come to the church the bridges. for an all-weather Ithursday-Friday May 17-18 Mrs. Jess Ray Carter and at 3:00 and we will organize and road between these two points was daughter of Muleshoe ; Mr. and The Groom Wore Spurs parade the teem. We will use the completed at a cost of around Ginger Rogers, Jack Carson Mrs. J. D. Orr and daughter and Fire Truck and sound the sirene. 683,000.00 and marks a new era Joan Davis, Stanley Ridges Mr. and Mrs. Joe Young of Tulia: We will begin registration May In the advancement of communi- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Orr. Mr. and 19 at 3:00, but you can come any cation and travel for many famili- Satrday Mat. & Night May 19 Mrs. Frank Jones and girls, of es, which heretofore were cut off day during the school If it is im- Lockney: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde possible for you to be here at the from medical attention and many Tarzan & The Amazons Monk and daughter, and Mr. and Johnny Weismuller beginning. other conveniences when one or Mrs. E. T. Harrison and twins of both of these creeks were on ram- All boys and girls welcome. Re- Hale Center; Mr. and Mrs. Sunday Mat. & Night-Monday page. freshments will be served daily by Lawrence Bedwell and son of May 20-21 Sentiment of the people present the WMU at 10:25. There will be Plainview; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Alan Ladd in seemed to run in the same chan- Bible study, hand craft and note Carter and children, Mr. and Mrs. nel as expressed by engineering Branded bock work. You will enjoy every Boone McCracken and children, inspector Watson Jones who re- In Techiocolor minute. The school opens Monday Maybelle Davis and Mary Joyce marked, "Piling on the Quitaque at 8:30 to 11:30 for 10 days. Woods, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. are twenty seven feet long and Tuesday-Wednesday May 22-23 The Brotherhood Carter of Quitaque. only 10 of that Is above the Emergency Wedding The Baptist Brotherhood en- • ground, and if that won't stay put, Larry Parks, Barbara Hale joyed a good covered lunch and a TULIA JERSEY WINS PLACE I don't think anything will." At fine speech by District Attorney IN "THOUSAND POUND CLUB" any rate, the people are more John Stapleton Tuesday evening. May 9, 1951—Another star is nearly satisfied with their road CARD OF THANKS The men really did enjoy Mr. I glistening in Texas' ever growing and now only look forward to We wish to extend our thanks, Stapleton's address. He told the milky way. The star is Volunteer the day when paving can be tied gratitude and appreciation to our men that about 757 of crimes Winsome Victory, a 5-year-old re- in with the seven and a half mile many dear friends and neighbors, committed in this district could be gistered Jersey cow owned by Vic- strip out of Quitaque with the who were so helpful during the attributed to drinking liquor. We tory Jersey Farm, Tuna, Tex. Cedar Hill road in Floyd county.— illness and passing of our Mother, should fight this evil with all our A Register of Merit record of been In semi-conscious condition Floyd County Hesperian. E. Snow and Mr and Mrs. Bud and for the beautiful floral offer- resources. The law can only be 18,362 lbs. milk containing 1,174 since the accident, It was reported. Polks from across the rivers Morris of and great ings. May God's richest Blessing effective as we desire it. Let's help lbs. butterfat made by this cow Leonard Crowell of Flomot who south of Quitaque have gotten a grandmother is Mrs. Kit Wash- abide upon each and everyone. enfore the law for our protection. earned her a Medal of Merit a- suffered a heart attack about two big thrill coming into town today ington of Flomot. Jack Hulsey and family The Brotherhood will meet every ward from The American Jersey without fighting mud holes and Mr and Mrs. Herb Martin are weeks ago, is improving at a Mat- Annie Whitlock and family 3rd Tuesday in the month. Don't Cattle Club and won her member- ador hospital. Mrs. Crowell who slippery roads, crossing danger- the parents of a daughter born Earcie Barham and family miss it or you will lose. ship In the Jersey "Thousand also has been 111 and under treat- ously saloilen fords. and the other May 9 in the Stanley clinic, Mat- Willie Hulsey and family Pound Club." To be eligible for the ment at the hospital, is better. traffic hazards which have kept ador. She tipped the scales at 7 George Hulsey and family MOTHERS DAY AND BIRTHDAY latter, a cow must produce 1,000 them at home in previous years pounds, 12 ounces and Kathy El- Callie Barham and family PICNIC AT PLAINVIEW PARK lbs. butterfat or more during a Mr. and Mrs. Price Colwell and when it rained. Said It was like a aine is her name. Both daughter Homer Hulsey and family A pleasant family gathering was lactation while on ROM test. dream come true—to drive into and parents are doing fine. Mrs. children of Big Spring were here held Sunday in honor of Mothers to spend the week end with her town across the bridges and down Martin was the former Geneva ATHLETE'S FOOT Treatment.-- Day, and also celebrating the FOR SALE-3 bee hives, will self mother Mrs. Jim Tunnell in the the pavement, safe and sound. It Tanner. Grandparents are Mr. and Money-back guarantee. Burgess birthday of Mrs. W. J. Carter. one or all. See George Ledbetter at really takes the experiences they Mrs. Wade Martin and Mr. and home of her sister Mrs. Alton Pharmacy. 17tfe The family met at the City West Texas Gas Company. 18-1 have had to come to town in bad Mrs. A. L. Tanner. Johnson and family. Both famili- es made a trip to Amarillo Tues- weather, to fully appreciate the A B Cloyd of Flomot Is In seri- day where John Lynn and Felix new bridges and the road. ous condition In a Matador hospi- Johnson had a recheck to see how tal suffering from head Injuries //Vast 5minutes... their broken arm and broken FLOMOT NEWS received Wednesday of last week . finger were mending, and small A daughter was born April 23 A friend reported that Mr. Cloyd Kirby Colwell also had a medical at Matador to Mr and Mrs. Wen- was knocked down by his garage dell Morris of Dimmitt. She weigh- doors when a strong wind slam- checkup. ed 8 and a half pounds and was med them against him as he was Mr. and Mrs. Will Lyon spent named Pamela Ann. Mrs. Morris is entering the building. He was Mothers Day in the home of the former Miss Neva Snow. thrown to the floor his head strik- Judge and Mrs. J. W. Lyon. Jr., at Grandparents are Mr and Mrs 0. ins; the concrete flooring. He has Sllverton. PROVE DODGE VALUE MR YOURSELF Yes, you could pay up to $1,000 more and still not get all the extra room, Swift's Ice Cream riding comfort and famous dependa- bility of this great new Dodge. our Coma in and look over today's big Dodge, Let us show you how sit in it. Drive it. You'll agree Dodge Specials for Friday U Saturday gni, you more of the things you want LIBERAL TRABE-Iii ALLOWANCE in a ear today. Extra head room, own room, shoulder room ... -Watchtower 3U `O visibility for greater safety. May 18 & 19 makes it COSY for y V.3 oo.v.• f1,3:1;:.• The new Dodge Oniiow shock absorber a lets Z.) system you "float- down roads dot SILECTION .t.,j) other cars. No wheel "hop' Of ACT NOW ... Dodge ride* lever over rough- '1 roads. Drive a new Dodge todayl One-halt Gallon Ready Packed Ice Cream - - - 85c OF ML ALS *room so firmer tossorOwir err aft PLUS A Pint Your Choice Flavor Sherbet FREE!

Popsicles, Fudgicles, Dixie tup-. ice Milk Bars l for l ot . Malt-Milk Shakes 19c each lee l'rearn Sodas 9e each Banana Splits 2k each Sundaes tic each

;E BIG DEPENDABLE DODGE Burgess Pharmacy rr S rolowIer and roof/dn,. yoorat •st .1 111101: III Iv %cp. I MORRIS MOTOR COMPANY Quitaque, Texas Phone .19-.1