los Walt3r Taylor 9/52 Rt. Q THE QUITAQUE POST YOUR HOME-OWNED NEWSPAPER VOLUME XXV QUITAQUE BRISCOE COUNTY. TEXAS THURSDAY, MAY 17. 1951 Se Per Coi:y NUMBER 16 C. E. Bedwell Leaving MRS NORMA RUSSELL IS This And That About Farewell To A Soldier 1 End Of School Exercises SPEAKER FOR WSCS STUDY One Thing and Another I Begin Friday Night To Head Sunray Bank The closing study from the book Thru his comments in this space Close of School exercises will be- C. E. Bedwell tendered his resig- "We Seek Him Together" was pre- last week Gaston has cleared up gin at Quitaque with the Eight nation to the board of directors sented to members of the Method- several points for us—also Gas- Grade Commencement program at Tuesday as cashier of the First ist WSCS Tuesday night in a ton has put us cn the spot. He the school auditorium Friday National Bank at Quitaque. Mr. meeting at the church. Mrs. Mar- filled this space with witticisms night, May 18, at 8:30 p. Bedwell Is leaving Quitaque to as- vin Fisher has directed the study. sume the office of president of the and judging from the numerous Mrs. Ray Persons will make the , Following the opening song: the and entirely favorable comments graduating address to the class. board of directors of the newly speaker of the evening, Mrs. Nor- he evoked, that is what our read- Glenda McCracken is valedictorian organized state bank at Sunray. ma Russell gave a very interesting ers want. and Onne Farley is Salutatorian. He had been with the Quitaque resume of church buildings of all Or do we have any readers? Cer- There are 28 students in this class bank since 1928 and cashier since denominations ip the United tainly Gaston has They told us who are ready for high school. early in 1932. States, from the 'earliest dating about it all the past week. But Baccalaureate services for the Organization of the Sunray from the 1600's to the newest; and the only response we ever received seniors will be held Sunday morn- bank, as reported from the Dumas from the simplest and smallest to from our comments placed in this ing at 11 o'clock, May 20 at the newspaper follows: cathedrals and temples of grand- space was from some disgruntled First Methodist Church. Rev. Mar- Dumas—A charter for the estab- eur. Skillfully interwoven with the bachelors who wanted to argus the vin Brotherton of Matador will de- lishment and operation of the architectural descriptions was in- advantages (and vice versa) of a liver the mesage. The Baptist Sunray State bank has been gran- teresting information cf the cus- clean shave. church will dismiss their morning ted by the Texag State Banking toms and rituals of the various service so that the congregation Commission. The Board of Direc- We do not profess to Le as witty creeds. may attend the Baccalaureate tors believe that the bank will be- as Gaston. and he admitted that The speakers concluded her dis- gin operations within the next 30 he's not even a half-wit—and service. cussion with an inspirational note, Commencement exercises for to 60 days. where dces that leave us! We'll beautifully presented, describing the seniors will be held Tuesday The bank will be housed in a not pursue that any further or the loveliness of the Bellingrath night, May 22, at the school audi- building especially constructed for we'll end up a nit wit. Floral Gardens at Mobile, Alaba- torium. The program will begin at the purpose. The structure is lo- ma. She told how the perfection of cated between the Palace theater One thing Gaston did for us. He 8:00 p. m. The commencement beauty in the gardens diffused an address will be delivered by Joe and the post office in Sunray. found us a signature—Mrs. This- atmosphere of sanctity, and the Findley, of the Education Depart- For more than a year, the build- reverence with which they were And-That. A perfect description, There are times when we are The rodeo was Bruce's favorite ment of West Texas State College. ing was untenanted while the viewed annually by many hun- if we ever heard one, and we con- called upon to do that which we sport and from the time he was a Canyon. board of directors was organized dreds cf tourists who never touch- fess, the appellation fits. Too often feel is beyond our capacity. We little shaver he entered any event There are eighteen members of and the capital raised to start the ed or marred a single blossom. In we find ourself so busy with face that now, when we try to tell he was permitted to. Bronc riding the graduating class, which is bank. the center of the garden Is a sign little this and thats, we can't find you about Bruce Wise, the gallant was his greatest thrill and he was composed of Jo Dean Bedwell, Luke Johnston, brother of Steve reading "Who would mar a thing time for real accomplishments. spirited youth who left a few short beginning to get wide recognition Lynn Rhoderick, Henryetta Fin- Johnston who operates the Steve of beauty?" months ago In answer to his for his skill when military service ney, Una Lee Duck, Barbara Johnston Chevrolet agency in Du- Another thing Gaston did. He country's call, his mind perplexed ended his rodeo career. Mrs. Fisher concluded the study Buckelew, Glenna Monk, Teddy mas, came from Arkansas to be lifted this space to the dignity of as to the purpose of his action; with a beautiful devotional, read- When he finished high school Dunavant, James Baird, LaJuan the first banker for Sunray, but a a COLUMN. We'd never thought puzzled, but obedient to the call ing the 23rd Psalm to musical ac- he worked on the JA ranch until Steil, Gordon Riley, Junior Sperry, heart condition forced him to of it that way. The items we plac- of duty, Bruce crossed the sea to companiment with Mrs. Norval his call to the service in April, Charley Ramsey, Jean Pigg, Buddy withdraw from the board of direc- ed under this head were merely war in the little country of Korea. Hamilton playing softly at the or- 1946. He asked for and was grant- Holcomb, C. L. Boggs, Roy Monk, tors of which he was president. to fill up space—born cf necessity, He is not coming back, and we gan. ed assignment as a paratrooper, Chester Hamilton and Ben Cross. New president of the board of like Topsy they just grew. We nev- want to tell him goodbye. Following the business session and for awhile he rode the sky- Jo Dean Bedwell is valedictorian directors and banker will be C. E. er dreamed that we were author- We can say that Bruce was which was held at the conclusion ways on a parachute, true to his and Lynn Rhoderick is salutatori- Bedwell of Quitaque. He has been ing a Column. And Gaston said born on February 16, 1928, at of the program, refreshments of love of untrammeled freedom. He an. These two young people start- in the bank there for 23 years and Columns could be lucrative. That Quitaque, and that he died April ice cream and angel cake were completed his term of service and ed school together at Quitaque in will be in charge of the Sunray is yet to be proven, but here's hop- 10, 1951, in Korea. But that is not served. was discharged In October, 1947. the first grade, and their grades State Bank when it opens. ing. enough. We want to remember In September, 1950, he was re- have run nip-and-tuck throughout Capital stock in the new bank NEWS OF OUR SERVICEMEN that he lived. called to duty and in October their school work. amounts to $112,500. This repre- Postmaster Bogan had a letter And we might add, that being We want to recall the happy shipped overseas with a replace- sents $12,500 in undivided profits. from his son Sgt. Lit of the First fore warned Is fore-armed. We are curly haired child; the little fel- ment group assigned to the sig- THIS AREA GETS SHARE $75,000 in capital stock and $25,000 Marines this week, postmarked not paying anybody to listen to us ow with the big Western hat, his nal corps. But in this branch of OF GENEROUS MOISTURE reserve stock. Japan, and Lit said that he would talk about our grandchildren. But arms and his heart always open service Bruce felt cramped, he For awhile it looked like every- The board of directors under more than likely be home In a few we'll work on an exchange basis to all of God's creatures; the lad wanted to do the work he had body was going to share in the which the bank came into being weeks. He' had been in Korea since with any one who wants to talk with the paint pony; the youth trained for, and asked for trans- copious moisture but Quitaque. are C. E. Bedwell, banker and pre- July, 1950. a-a-stout theirs. who loved the freedom of the wide fer to the paratroopers. He was With record breaking gulley- sident of the board; Marshall Cat- Sid McFall, Jr., came in Sunday prairies. and the high blue skies, granted the transfer and joined or, vice-president, Guy R. Sweeny, Some months ago when this washers reported all around us, with his discharge from military whose spirit rebelled against res- his unit the latter part of January, Ben T.
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