Masked Bandits Rob Pullman Passengers On Katy Special

'HOME E AP-DMOREIT-E EDITION DAILY EDIT In Z -T- hrift-Progress & FULL LEASED WIRE ASSOCIATED PRESS ARDMC , WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1921. VOL. 28. NO. 138. TEN PAGES Backward, Turn Backward, Oh Time In Your Flight; Bring Us Al Jennings Again, Just For Tonight!


IS O0D'; COURT OVERRULES MOTION mm WILD AND WODLY ROBBERY TO QUASH; SUSTAINED ON DIVISION sr,ji ON FLYING CRACK TRAIN ON o liJJL 1 r Presiding Justice Prevents y LEGISLATORS TIRE OF & "L Passengers Relieved of MUNICIPAL COURT FIXES Over Introduction Evidence to WHITE LIGHTS AT $2 PER vuMMAMA'.tiVl1.1 US I V WA K IV I M1NLMUM CASH BOND r 91 U i J Thousand Dollars After When per Show Party Caucus Had the diem reached the Ernest Ford and Cecil Byrd, who lonely mark of two dollars per Corn Liquor Supplied . p were arrested yesterday rourning Instituted Frame-U- rtiem, Oklahoma r? begin A- 1 S S X H f I IS . J i 8 charged with assaulting Policeman to white-wa- y Bandits With Nerve tiro of tha and thu Jackson on East Main street, and fhort skirts and '.ong to return tJ who put up bonds of '0 each to MAY quietude RECONSIDER the of the pastoral lifo. Insure their appearance when their They to sct back WILL GANG LEADER want to tie farm case was called In municipal court, VOTE OF SENATORS wl'ero they may , unsliMuroed - failed to appear at morning to 'hogs Ij?- this GO INTO THE MOVIES?- - tho iu they choic;) the bonds were de- corn sesalon and their FATE OF STATE OFFICER WILL and alfalfa. clared forfeited. BE DECIDED WITHOUT RE- WOMAN BROKE PRECEDENT AND COURSE TO DEMURRERS AND J? SAVED DIAMONDS BY KEEPING OTHER TECHNICALITIES IUiR MOUTH SHUT AND HER HOUSE WORKS ON STILLMAN ACCUSES TONGUE SILENT. (By SiMH'iaJ Staff Correspondent) , March 23. Trapp's APPROPRIATIONS Muskogee, OUIa., March 23. The bomb-she- WIFE amount of loot ll is a dud, if the senate CRIMINAL obtained last night when two men held up and robbed abides by the decision it mado yester- WHILE IS Pullman passengers aboard the day. By a tormul vote, tho court of SENATE IS INTIMACY AN Texas Special of Missouri, Kan- wRiMTJcuiiiiigjiiwio;iiy WITH the impeachment hus endorsed the ruling sas and Texas railroad, near Chockle, Wife of the new nt of Wife oX tho new Postmaster Gen- Okla., was placed at $1,809 by rail- made by its presiding officer, Chief BUSY WITH .WiX U ih new, SOTitary, of Sw TRAPP the United Stat os. i eral, ABORIGINEE LOVER road .officials today. The bandits ap- Justice Harrison, and ordered the first parently made good their escape, but two paragraphs from re- i e stricken the a pos-i- and four bloodhounds from spondent's motion to quash articles WITH REMUNERATION TWO the OF ATTORNEY FOR BANKER MILLION-AUt- E the state penitentiary at McAlester, of impeachment. In effect, tho court BONES A DAY AND EXPENSES MANUFACTURE OF BENZINE near which city the bandits left the said no to go SAYS CLIENT'S WIFE baa it has right back THREE TIMES AS GREAT LEG- BUGGIES INCREASES FAST Defiant and Arrogant is Attitude train, are reported searching for tho of the articles and question the evi- "YD2LDED TO ILLICIT EM- robbers. ISLATORS LONG FOR HOME dence on which they wore based or Detroit, March 23. Production of BRACE OF INDLAN GUrDE" Brakeman H. C. Stinnett was fore-e- d the motives which prompted the house autouHblles in the Detroit urea of Germany in Refusal to Comply at the point of a pistol to accom- of adopt (By Associated pany representatives to them. The Press) has reached approximately 5,000 White Plains, N. Y., March 23. A def- the bandits in their looting of Party Caucus Contention survey cars number 3, 4 and 11, Kansas City Oklahoma City, March 23. When cars a day, according to a n, inite charge that Mrs. Anna V. Still-ma- sleepers. He was The court's decision prevents Trapp's the linpeachmont trial of Lieut Gov-ern- or of the leading factories. Accbsory With Terms of Peace Treaty in the forced to stop the . wife A. Stillman.presl-den- attorneys from Introducing, evidence M. E. Trapp was resumed be- plants also show a steady improve-- of James t train In the outskirts of McAlester to support their contention that un- fore the senate court of impeachment aiei:t in business While admitting of the National City Bank vf New and allow the bandits to alight with willing house Republicans were bound today, of that 'production was but little York, was the mother of a child by an their loot where a waiting automo- the third section the motion Payment Indemnities Agreedupon supremo by party caucus to vote for impeach- to quash the indictment against ihc ahead of Dae demand, manufactur- Indian guide, was made in bile whisked them southward In the (here ment. This contention, forming one lieut governor was presented for ar- ers said they regarded present con- court today by counsel for Mr. direction of Savanna, Oklahoma. argu- grouna of the motion to quash, was gument by J. D. Lydick, counsel for ditions us ii.jv i.g u permanent CLAIMS TO HAVE MADE FULL Stillman during the preliminary Board Train at Denis on in suit, the president The 'bandits boarded un- tho sensation sprung by the defense the respondent. Chief Justice Har- Improvement. ATTEMPT TO KIDNAP PRO PAYMENT OF INSTAL- ments the divorce the train, FIRST brought. Denison, Monday when tho case opened. There rison, presiding, called the court to GERMAN HAS KICK-BAC- K has masked at Texas. The train' MENT AND URGES IMPOSSI- Addressing Morschasser, who makes no stops between Is little doubt that much was expected order at 1:45 o'clock. Justice that city BILITY OF KEEPING FAITH. presided at the hearing on alimony and and McAlester, Oklahoma. While pas- from it. if the defense could have Rulo 20 of the proceedure was sus- New Tork, March 23. Wlro ad- counsel fees, Delaney . Nicoll, chief sing through Chokle, they masked, placed a few Republicans on wit- pended on motion of Senator Nichols vises from overseas, are to the the ounsel for Mr. Stillman said: forced tho brakemen and Pullman ness stand and wrung from them ad- and each side was given r.ufflclcnt CARDINAL GIBBONS effect that the American detectives Berlin. March 23. Germany's reply present arguments. who territory sel for Mr. Stillman said: porter to accompany them through missions that the Trupp impeachment time to lis "invaded" neutrul to the demand of the entente for the fil- In to "Evidence already before you Shows the three Iullman cars, locking the was the subject of u Republican cau- The third section of the motion effort arrest and bring back ed by attorneys for Mr. Trapp con- to United million- payment before March 23 (today) of that Mrs. Stillman took as her lover an doors behind them. cus, that they hud been threatened HOVERING AT THE the States, tho stitutes a demurrer to tho urticl.'S aire deserter, now a fugitive from LOOO.OOO.OUO mark, gold, to apply on Indian guide, by whom sba has an in- Pullman Conductor Dolan threw out with the political cold shoulder unless a Kiowa, of Impeachment filed by thi house. Justice In Germany, were handled reparations nega- fant eon, whom Mr. StlUman must note to tho station agent at they voted for the articles of : im- obligations is in the Sections one and two wire qua.ih.ed PORTAL OF DEATH without glovea by tho court. tive. either acknowledge us & member of his Informing him of tho robbery and peachment, arid that they would not yesterday. family or repudiate as illegal and Ille- a posse was awaiting the train at the voted o they did otherwise McAlester have the The Allied Rpparatioa.1 Commission, gitimate. station. backfire upon those bringing the intimacy began In 1910 Conductor Dolan describes the lead- After Board of Affal's EMINENT CHURCHMAN'S CONDI- in u note sent March 16 demanding "This criminal charges against the lieutenant-governo- 1919. Still- er of tho bandits as six tall, The committees' report on the board fulfillment by Germany of Art. 235 of and continued through Mr. feet TION IS MOST GRAVE FOLIXW-IN- G slender, can be imagined.' of affairs was being copied this af- JAIL SENTENCE IS peace treaty, notified Ger man believes it his duty to his father's wearing dark clothes and a the the part- Han Was a Flivver ternoon, it was learned, and was ex- RELAPSE WHICH CAME man Government that it must pay memory, to Iris family and to ibis chil- wldo brimmed brown hot. His But the plan fllvvered. Seven Demo- pected to be completed about 4 o'clock. SUNDAY AFTERNOON 1,000,000,000 dren to press this matter to a conclu- ner was five feet, eight Inches in gold marks before March height, crats and 17 Republican senators, com- It wns understood the report would GIVEN AMERICANS 23, and that she must complete the sion. wearing dark clothes and a felt hut. prising a majority of the court of be filed in the house sometime there- payment of 20,000,01)0,000 marks, gold, "Had It been possible to do this oth- dark Baltimore, March 23. Cardinal Gib- Frisk Both Men and Women impeachment, voted yesterday to sus-lul- n after. by May 1. Germany wxs; given until er than In court proceedings, h would Men woman were the motion of tho house managers The conduct of the board in the bons who suffered a relapse last Sun- BY GERMAN COURT April 1 proposal pay have dona It. But there was no other and aliko scorched to submit a to by to strike from the motion to quash disburvmcnt of money will be criti- day, was reported to be in a critical the bnlanc? of tho 20,000,000,000 murks way than to make the mother and the bandits. The shorter man stood of level- the paragraphs dealing with the al: cised by the reMrt, which also will than in cash, having the child In a suit." in front the taller and condition. Ho is cvnsolouj only a part ed his gun at the passengers, whllu loged motives of house Republicans ask the resignation of two member.', DETECTIVES WHO ATTEMPT AR- privilege to bring forward a plan for Mr. Nicoll said he could not "unde- of tho board. It was learned in well of tho time and virtually all hope I t rstand the feelings of a fatJher "whose tho taller relieved them of their and the alleged lack of evidence be- REST OF KERGDOLI DRAFT-DODGE- a foreign loan tho proceeds of which recovery by In- money. Threo Muskogee passengers, fore the house to support tho charges. informed circles1. his has bwn Abandoned should bo payablo to thu commission. wife yielded to tho embrace of an members his household, who hud GIVEN SMALL CON- If. 11. Ogden, president of the First There may bo an attempt today to of It wa.1 annuunced by the commission, dian gukle," but that he could under- clung to belief prelate's SIDERATION "OVER National Bank;; R. S. Adklns, mer- reconsider the vote by which the court Oklahoma City, March 23. The sen- the that the THERE" however, that Germany had virtually stand why ho would hesitate to take to- naturally vigorous would chant, and Irvin Donovan, attorney, yesterday sustained this motion; It has ate vf the Oklahoma legislature is constitution refused to pay tho balance, asserting court action under such circumstances again morning pull him tttivugh the present attack 20,000,000.000 al- The hearing lasted only half on hour. were relieved of fmall amounts. been suggested one or two of the day to hold but a brief Mosburh, Baden, March 23 Carl that the marks have session before returning to duties a it hud those of the past. ready been paid In full. Tho allied When It adjourned Justice Morschauser In car number 3, tho first car, seven Democrats might have a change its Ncuf of Impeachment The Cardinal paased a restless night and Frans Zimmer, American great- reserved decision on motions before "Cognltua," the bandits secured. $129. of mind. as a court in the representatives stated that tho the against Lieut. Oov. M. K. Trapp. The and was uwake curly this morning. His detectives, have been sentenced to est sum they could compute as having him for alimony of $10,000 a month, and In car number 11, "liuonewold," tha Session of Technicalities passengers yielded $9C0. huuso plans a full day of work. condition ut midday was said to be terms In prison in criminal court been paid by Germany against this ac- counsel fees of 125,000 for Mrs. Still- The entiro session of the court yes- 4, For the first time In severnl days unchanged, a little weaker If anything. hero for "illegal assumption of pow- count could hardly reach 8,000,000,000 man. In cir number "Varlck." the. last terday was devoted to settling (Continued on Page Two) the tho house will convene tvday without Ever since he was taken ill, the er," in attempting to arrest and ab- by May 1. It Is, therefore, the. ini- When court opened so many spec- status of the first two paragraphs of .'V. having the institutional appropriation Cardinal's condition has phown marked duct Grover Hergdoll, American draft tial puyment of 1.000,000,000 marks tators crowded into tho room that dep- " the motion to quush after a little pre- bill awaiting action. reaction to extreme weather condi- evader in Kberbarh last January. and a balance of at least 11,009,000.000 uty sheriffs had to be iplaed at tho PRELIMINARY HEARING O liminary procedure had been disposed Concluding consideration of the tions. During the very sold spell some Ncuf, against whom a charge of marks that tho allien are demanding doors to prevent entrance f any NEWT ASHCRAFT NOW its PROGRESS of. One of the preliminaries was a mo- mutter in commit too of the whole yes- weeks ago, liio Huffcred a relapse "Inflicting bodily injury'1 has been of tho German government. morn. Not only were all tho seats IN tion by Woods of Purcoll that tho court terday tho houso recommended that a preferred, was sentenced to Jail for 15 It Is maintained In the German note filled but many persons stood on the legis-latar- Ashrraft Is bound iMs stand adjourned until after the o vt I9.4S4.027 should be expended Cardinal Olbbons passed a s tnonihs, while Ziminers time in prison tho 20,000,000.000 marks which window sills. over to the total that court adjourned; it lost. Tho other In next years on night and was weaker mvrniug, was fixed nt six months. The addi- the peace treaty provided should be Justice Morschauser called; several trlct without ball for trial tT the two salaries, this Jury. was the proposal of a new rule by equipment and maintenance of all his secretary, Rev. Albert K. Smith, tional churgo against Ncuf arose, from handed over by May 1, luis been minor nses but reiucsti that they Senator Nichols of Kufaula, which bill calls for said, adding however, tho doctor a bullet wound suffered by a young more than paid. be docketed until later In tho morning. state Institutions. The that The) provided there should be no argument tho expenditure of $;IC?,37S more than had rcjMrted the patient's pulse to be woman when a revolver was fired Tho note asks that a Joint commis- Then ho turned to attorneys for Still- preliminary hearing of Newt' on a motion made by a memlmr of the tho original bill reported out by the good and had told the members of the during the attempted ubduction. sion of experts tx the value of the man vs. Stillman, why in reply to a Ashcraft charged with tho murder of' court unless tho court was In execu- appropriations committee and household that tihero was no imme- Four Uermans who were tried as German deliveries on reparations question as tw whether they were Charles Dixon, opened this afternoon 2 o'clock Davidson of Tul- less than tho recommendation of diate danger unless something unfore- accomplices of tho Americans, were but it declares thut in any ready, nodded. at In tho County Oorut, tive session. Senator Judgu Winfrey presiding. sa, spoke against proposed rule, Governor Robertson in his budget. seen set in. found guilty and sent to Jail for event it would bo impossible for Ger- "We shan't bo long," Mr. Nicoll this was) adopti'd. The bill includes appropriations for His heart action was said to bo wiak terms varying from five to eleven many to pay 12,000,000,000 marks by said. The defendant brought In to' but It was tho room by tvery state Institution now In opera- and his temperature lower. months. It was shown one had tho first of .May. "We will be very slxirt," said John court Sheriff Buck Gar. Sits as Judiciary Ilody Deputies Bullcw tion, numbering 37. No uttempt was made to minimise driven the detectives' car and that Tho note concludes ns follows: F. 1'renruin, ono of Mrs. SUilman's rett. and Kendall, Then began the argument of coun- many deputy Tho appropriation for tho Miami the gravity of the Cardinal's condi- the other three bud accompanied the "If, after the experts have confer- attorneys. with as as six other sel on the motion of the house man- In court The, court, School of Mines, stricken out tion by members of his household or two Americans on their trip to ap- red, It Is established tint there is a Tho lawyers tilwn plunged Into the sheriffs tho room. agers to strike the first two para- last room, packed, by was his physician. Tho latter said pre- prehend Hergdoll In Kberdach. deficit In tho payment by Germany, question of Mr. income, and halls wera even graphs of the motion to quash. It. H. week the amendments rein the Stillman's mors peoplo suited. late's condition was very serious uni In pasting sentence, on Ncuf, the sho Is ready to begin negotiations with which finally was admitted by ono of in attendance than at Matthews, chairman of the board of any of days of one two Ubat he would have to. be wutchca German court declared tho American the reparations commission regarding his lawyers to have been $.130,000 In the the Clara Ekntth (Continued on 1'ago Two) With sections and of the Iliunon trial. There was large nunv. motion to set asldo the Imllctmont constantly. He Is unconscious a part of detective was aware that asldn from the floating of a loun ubroad." 1920. Counsel for tho defendant has a tho charge of desertion, no other The reparations commission mot clulmej ber of railroad men and their wives against Lieut. Gov. M. K. Trapp the time. The doctor attributed the It amounted to $500,000 or present. qusKhed by action of the Impenctutient ohurlgo to ainusuuily warm weather of Indictment was pending against Herg- this morning to twnslder the German BEAUTIFUL NURSE court in sustaining the decision of last Sunday. doll, but that nevertheless the de- reply which was transmitted from Mr. Brennnn conceded that the fig- John B. Harrison, chief justice, tho Since his return early In Murch to tective bad attempted to arrest Herg- Berlin last night. ure of $536,000 was correct for the cooperation of pay Is trial Is to enter its third day this nf. the al residence from the doll without tho the The Germans' failure to period uf on year and said that now STARS ternoon with only the third section home of friends at Union Mills, Md., Herman police and tako him Into the deemi-- a violation of the treaty of that he hod boen supplied with this IS MURDER VICTIM was which will In nrotlon to qua&n the Indictment where (ho becutno seriously 111 Inst occupied area, although Neuf Verftilles the commUlon Information ho hud to occa- the constltd-- ( further still standing. December, tho Cardinal's condition aware that such a procedure report to tho allied governments. The sion for pressing fur an examination Continued on Pagu Three) allies will then. determine what mea- PUT BAN ON CLARA Shreveport. 1m., Murch 23. Follow- The demurrer Which constituted the apparently had continued to Improve In wf tho plaintiff. surer shall be taken. ing a post mortem examination early thlrJ section of the motion will prob- spite vt his ii years. II.) h;i been "We have tendered a stipulation," s It Is commented hero tho Ger- today, Willis P. coroner, ably occupy the court today. unable to tnkn automobile rldc-- and thnt said Mr. Nicoll, "to the effect that the Dr. Butler, experts ber-- San Francisco, Marrh !3.Tt vote by which the sonata as a also Is unable to walk about ils homo. man nlrcady have heard plaintiff Is able to pay any reasonable officially expressed the opinion, that The (Continued on Iogo Two) allied amusement Industrie of Miss Gladys Cook, 23, yours old, court of Impeachment Voted late yes- The change for the worse In Ordinal sum to the defendant thnt your hon- California, composed of repr n trained nurse of Shreveport, who died terday to sustain tho chief Justice's Gibbons condition enmo last Sunday WEATHE1 or migfht allow. This amount as stated tallvcs of motion picture theatres, at a local sanitarium yesterday fol- decision was 24 to 20. Tarty lines be- and tho fact was Withheld in the hope In tho stipulation admits that the (rialn Is on record today as opposing; the ing Inngely removed in this action. Ubat the bad turn would prove to be LIONS ARRANGE tiff, Mr. Stillman, had a net Income lowing several hours lllnesn, wns Oklahoma: Tonight and Thursday sppraranca lit (Urns of Clam murdered. Until Dr. Butler's an- tlovernor Robertson today recorded tnly tcmpvrary. for the "past yenr of $536,000. There Sin unsettled In cost portion wltll prol-ab- ly Itli llamon, recently aoqnitted his of a measure passed However, his condition became griv- - were from his gross Inooine nouncement. It was generally thought first veto local showers; generally fair A GOOD PROGRAM several of the killing of Jake L, lUsMa, cause by the present legislature when he re- er and It was decided to let bis friends deductions, Including a federal tax Mis Cook died of natural In west portions; warmer In east hi Ardmore. Oklahoma. not had time senate bill 31 unsigned, with know the unfavorable state of affairs. which left the amount about $530,000." The authorities have turned and soutlh portions tonight; cooler FORTIIURSDAY The motion picture theatre rep. many details, but It Is the explanation that It was "of little to ascertain In northwest portion Thursday. rcsentativM adopted a reaolaUoH reported Miss Cook was unconscious value." The bill was Introduce! by Ourk Fruit Kale . MAJOR GENERAL WOOD containing a clue that rials C. B. Leedy fpurlock. It Pprlngfleld, Mo., March' 23. Cloudy Lion J. W. Rldiinrdson will preside RETIRES FROM when taken from a local hotel whers and James Local Temperature SERVICE that "this asMdatlon Is of tits) Dr. to tru-fl- s pools and would skies Monday night tho Ozark regular Thursday noon lunch-ev- n he roomed, to the sanitarium. relates and raved 47 at the opinion that an exhibit Ion f ttU s Maximum yesterday decrees. opinion Is hs had been put the same restrk-tion- on broker- fruit crop from frost danger and re- session of the Lions club this Washington, March 23. MnJ. Gen. would unduly Butler's that Minimum last night 44 dgrees. sort and Improperly struck a blow on the head. age companies buying wheat. lieved orchardlsts of the necessity nf week at thn Chamber t Commerce. Lot.narJ Wood will retire fiwm active put a premium on vlotenca, T2.0 The governvr In mesmtge burning; rmurige pots. The tempera- Among gervlQo In army Mis Cook who has resided her the tic Rainfall thc'sociul features of the the to become the head members of th Btsorlatloa years, formerly lived at New- - rompnnylng the bill, called attention ture dropped to 34 above lero. Nearly day will be a olo by Mrx. P. B. Jet-reri- es of Pennsylvania University he re- not to several Precipitation last night .43 Inch. when thrm.eWes exhibit agy I J port Arkansas), where a sister bow to the fart that certain members of three Inches, of ruin has fallen in the an) a talk by G. A. Ramsey. turns from the Philippines, It was learn- lores In which Clam IUeso Two) past 41 . t mldea. . ' IContlnutd ob rase Oaark rtglon in the hour. Even Lion Is urged to be present. ed today at the war dtparuns-nt- t .ji.