Explanatory Memoir to Accompany Sheet 18 of the Maps of the Geological Survey of Ireland, Comprising Portions of the Counties Lo
It, 18. EXPLANATORY MEMOIR TO ACCOMPANY SHEET 18 OF THE MAPS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF IltELAND, COMPRISING PORTIONS OF THE COUNTIES LONDONDERRY AND TYRONE. BY J. NOLAN, N.R.I.A., AND F. W. EGAN, B.A.., WITH PALBONTOLOGICAL NOTES BY W. H. BAILY, F.G.S. Published by Order of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury. DUBLIN: PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE: AND SOLI) BY ALEX. THOM & CO. (LIMITED),87, 88, & 89, ABBEY-STREET, THE QUEEN’S PRINTING OFFICE. HODQES, FIGGIS & CO., 104, GRAFTON-STREET. LONDON: LONGMAN & Co., PATERNOSTERRow;- TRUBNER & Co., LUDGATEHILL. 1884, THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF UNTT.ED KINGDOM IS CONDUCTED UNDER THE POWERS OF THE ~TH& STH VICT.,CHAP. 63.-31s~ JULY,1845. DIRECTOR-QENERAL OF THE QEOLOQICAL SURVEY 017 THE UNITED ICJNODOM : PROFESSOR A. GEIKIE, LL.D., F.R.S. Geological Survey O&e and Museum of Practical Geology, Jerrttyn-dract, Lovdon. IRISH BRANCH. Ofice, 14, Huirae-street, Dublin. DTRECTOR : EDWARD HULL,LL.D.,F.R.S.,F.G.S. DISTRICT SURVEYOB : (3. H. I(INAHAN, M.%I.A., &C. t SENIOR GEOLOGTSTS : W. H. BAILY, F.Q.s., L.S. (Acting Palmontologiat) ; R. (3. SYMES, M.A., F.u.s.; S. B. N. WILKINSON ; J NOLAN,M.R.I.A. ASSISTANT GEOLOQISTS: R. J. CRUIRE, M.R.I.A. ; F. R. EGAN, B.A.; E. T. HARDMAN, F.C.S. ; J. R. KlLROE ; W. F. MITCHELL ; ALEX. M'HENRY, M.R.I.A. ; A. B. WYNNE, F.G. s. (Resident Geologist, Acting Secretary). FOSSILCOLLECTOR : R. CLARK, The observations made in the course of the Geological Survey are entered, in the Arst instance, on the Maps of the Ordnance Townland Survey, which are on the scale of six inches to the mile.
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