GOVERNMENT. GAZETTE~ Published by Authority

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GOVERNMENT. GAZETTE~ Published by Authority GOVERNMENT. GAZETTE~ Published by Authority ‘ Vol. LIX, No. 76 18th DECEMBER, 1981 Price 30c General Notice 1163 of 1981. RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE ACT [CHAPTER 173} Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe IN termsofsection 20 ofthe Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 173], a statement of the assets and liabilities of the Reserve ~ Bank of Zimbabweas at the 4th December, 1981, is published in the Schedule. B. WALTERS, 18-12-81, , . ; Secretary to the Treasury. Ss - SCHEDULE . ~ STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT THE 4tH DECEMBER,1981 . * ‘Liabilities 5 Assets ¢ Capital 2. we. ~ 2.000000 Gold and foreign assets 150 581 42 General Reserve Fund . 6 000 000 Loans and advances 59 987 000 Currency incirculation -.°. « 234807397 Internal investments— 294 257 480 Deposits andotherliabilities to the public .° : 271342333 Governmentstock . 101 749 012 Otherliabilities .... te ete . 107571921 Other Los 192 508 468 . Other assets . 116 895 748 fr eee ee aeec $621 721 651 $621 721 651 = z tee ‘General Notice 1164 0f 1981.5 ° Any person objecting to an application for the issué OT ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT (CHAPTER 262] amendment of a road service permit must confine his grounds of objection to matters directly bearing on the considerations Renewal of Road Service Permits referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (c) or (f) of section © 8 of the said Act. - _ - HOLDERSof road service permits which are due to expire -- 4G. A, DONALDSON, on the 3ist January, 1982, are reminded that applications for 18-12-81. Controller of Road Motor Transportation. renewal thereof must. be lodged, on form R.M.T.8, with the - SCHEDULE , Controller of. Road Motor. Transportation, P.O. Box 8332, - Causeway, not ‘'MOTOR-OMNIBUSES later than the Ist January, 1982. Amendments Subsection (2) of section 9 of the Road Motor Transportation ‘Act [Chapter 262] provides that the Controller shail’ not P. ‘Ringisanyi. consider any application for the renewal of a road service 0/634/81. “Permit: 22933. Motor-omnibus. Passenger- permit unless it is lodged with him at least 30 days before capacity: 70. its date of expiry... Route: Rusape - Makoni - Ndingi - Rugoyi Clinic - Ganda- at R. 'N, TSOMONDO, nzara -‘Chikumbu - Mupatsi - Bonda. - 18-12-81. "Controller of ‘Road Motor Transportation. | By— uo, General Notice1165 of 1981. (a) extension of route fromi Rusape - Marandellas - Salis- _ ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER262] ury; (b) extension of route from Bonda - Mutasa - Gatsi - Hauna - Loreto Mission Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits - Chinaka; _ (c) deletion of Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday outward XN terms of subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road Motor and Monday, Wednesday and Friday inward services; Transportation Act [Chapter 262], notice is hereby given that (d)' alteration totimes; the applications detailed in the Schedule, for the issue or (e) increase in passenger capacity to 76, ameridment of toad service permits, have been received for the The service operates as follows— consideration of the Controller of Road Motor Transportation. : (a) depart Bonda daily _ Any person wishing to object to any such application must 6.30 a.m., arrive ‘Rusape 11 a.m.; lodge with the Controller of ‘Road Motor Transportation, (b) depart Rusapedaily 2 p.m., arrive Bonda 6 p.m. P.O. Box 8332, Causeway— De me Theservice to operate as follows— , (a) .a notice, in writing, of his intention to object, so as to (a) depart. Bonda Monday 7.05 a.m., arrive Salisbury 2.10 reach the Controller’s office not later than the 8th pm; . ~ January, 1982; and (b) depart Chinaka Wednesday and Friday 5 a.m., arrive (b) his objection and the grounds therefor, on form R.M.T, Salisbury 2.10 p.m., ; 24, together with two copies thereof, so as to reach ‘the (c) depart Chinaka Sunday. 9 am., arrive Salisbury 4,35 Controller’s office not Jater than the 29th January, 1982. pD.m.,; : ‘ + i j “t i {| 1272 ZIMBABWEAN ‘GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 181 DECEMBER, 1981 i (d) depart Salisbury Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 8.05 ©) depart Kwalu ‘Trrigation Thursday 8 a.m., arrive Beit- * am., arrive Chinaka 6.15 p.m.;.; bridge 1.25 p.m.; —() d&part Salisbury Sunday 5.15 pm, arrive ‘Bonda 10.15 -(d); depart Kwalu Irrigation Friday 3 am, arrive Beit- p.m. bridge 8.25 a.m,; -fe) depart Kwalu Trrigation Sunday 6 a.m, arrive Beit- _ S. €. Tawengwa. uO | - Oo / : bridge 11.25 a.m. ‘ee O/1112/81. - Permit: 23283. Motor-omnibus. Passenger- capacity: 76. 0/1201/81. Permit: | 15707. ‘Motor-omnibus. ‘Passenger- “Route: Salisbury -. Marandellas - Macheke - Headlands - capacity: 76.. “Rusape - Chiwetu - Matsika - St. Ainne’s Mission - Matsine - Route ‘I: Bulawayo - Plumtree - ‘Tegwani - Mawanyant - Nhekairo - Wedza - Chigwedere School - Rambanepasi - Mbengwa- ‘Masendo - Ndolwane- Butshe. Gandamasungo. Route 2: Plumtree - Tegwani - Mzwanyani - Mbengwa - ’ By: Alteration to days and times of operation. Masendo - Kungubo -. Woki - Munyeni - Mazitulela - , The service operates as follows— Siwowo. - (a) depart Salisbury Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8 Route 3: To operate as and when required’ during three con- , am., arrive (Gandamasungo 4.45 ‘D.m, secutive days at the beginning and end of each’ school term ) depart Salisbury Saturday 2: Pm., arrive Gandamasungo and on public holidays for the conveyance of‘persons con- nected with schooj activities to andgfrom Umtali; and (i) P.m.; Tegwani Mission; (ii) Cyrene Missién; (iii) Dombocema (c) depart Gandamasungo Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Mission; (iv) Usher Institute; and 2) Mtshabezi (Mission.- ae 6 a.m., arrive Salisbury 1 p.m.; : ‘Condition: ‘Routes 1 and 2: The services may ‘be altered on (d) depart Gandamasungo Sunday|(10 a.m.. arrive Salisbury public holidays to meet the needs:‘of local requirements. p.m By: ‘Route. 1— - The service to operate as follows— (a) increase in frequencies; ; —@) depart Salisbury Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 8 (b) alterations to’ days and times of operation; a.m., arrive Gandamasungo4.45p.m.; (c) deletion of Routé22. ' (b) depart Salisbury Friday 7 a.m., arrive Gandamasungo p.m.; The services operate as follows— ar ‘(c) depart Gandamasungo Tuesday and Thursday 6 am, Route 1 — . arrive Salisbury 1 p.m.; (a) depart Butshe Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 6.30. (d) Gepart Gandamasungo Friday ‘4 p.m., arrive Salisbury a.m., arrive Bulawayo 1.15 p.m; ~ 1 p.m.; (b) depart Butshe Supday 1.30 p.m.,' arrive Bulawayo (e) depo ‘Gandamasungo Sunday 10 am., arrive Salisbury 615, p.m: . 7 - 5 p.m. , ‘(c) depart Bulawayo ‘Monday, Wednesday and. Saturday '- 2pm., arrive Butshe 5.46 p.m.: I. Mishumayeli (Pvt.) Ltd. (d)° depart ‘Bulawayo Friday 6 p.m., arrive ‘Buiche. 9.46 p.m. O/1152/81. Permit: 23307. Motor-omnibus, Passenger- Route 2— capacity: 76. (a) depart Siwowo Tuesday and Thursday6 a.m., arrive Route 1: Bulawayo - Gwanda-- Colléén Bawn ~ West Nichol- Bulawayo 12.15 p.m.; ; son - Tod’s Hotel - Mokado Halt - Mazunganga - Mteten- (b) depart ‘ gwa - Beitbridge, Bulawavo Tuesday and Thursday app.m., arrive, ‘Siwowo 6.03 p.m.- Route 2: Beitbridge - Nottingham - - Masera - Toporo - Swereki - Machuchuta - Whunga The’operate as follows— School - Zezani Mission - Route b— Sitauze turn-off - Chief Sitauze - Sitauze turn-off - Kwalu Irrigation. (a) depart Butshe ‘Monday, Wednesday,. Friday and » By: Routes 1 and a Saturday 6.30 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 10.37 a.m.; (b) (a) alterations to davs and times of operation: depart ‘Butshe Sunday: ‘1.30 P.M, arrive ‘Bulawayo 3.37 p.m.; (b) increase in frequencies. (c) depari Bulawayo The services operate Tuesday .and Thursday 9.30 am., as follows— arrive Butshe 1.31 p.m.; ‘Route 1— (d) depart Bulawayo, Friday and Sunday 6.30 p.m., arrive (a) depart Bulawayo Monday i a.m., arrive Beitbridge ‘Butshe ‘10.31 p.m.; 3.25 p.m.; + (e) depart Bulawavo Saturday 1.30 p.m., arrive Butshe, (b) depart Bulawayo Saturday 8 a.m., arrive Beitbridge 5, 31 p.m. 2.25 p.m.; (c) depart Beitbridge Friday i a.m., arrive Bulawayo Kuwirirana, Bus Service ‘(Pvt.) Ltd. 5.25 p.m.; 0/1220/31. ‘Permit: 18749, Motor-omnibus. Passenger- (d) depart Beitbridge Sunday 12 noon, arrive ‘Bulawayo capacity: 64, p.m. ‘Route: Triangle - Hippo Valley - Chiredzi Route 2— - Stockill Store - , £ Ruware Ranch - Vudzi School - Jerera Township - Zaka - (a) depart Beitbridge Tuesday and ‘Thursday 10 a.m., Ndanga Hospital - Farmers Hall - ‘Chitando Guta, arrive Kwalu Irrigation 3.25 p.m.; By: Alteration to times. (b) depart Beitbridge Saturday’ 3 p.m., arrive Kwalu- The service’ operates as follows Irrigation 8.25 p.m.; (a) depart Triangle Monday ‘and Wednesday 10.30 a.m., © depart Kwalu ‘Irrigation Wednesday 8 am., arrive arrive Gutu 4.50 P.M; ‘Beitbridge 1.25 p.m; (b) depart Triangle | Saturday 2 p.m., "arrive -Gutu 8.40 @ depart Kwalu Irrigation Friday > a.m., arrive Beit. p.M.; bridge 10.25 a.m.; (c) depart ‘Gutu Tuesday and Friday 10 a.m., arrive ©) depart Kwalu Irrigation Sunday 6 a.m., arrive Beit- Triangle 4.50 p.m.; - bridge 11.25 a.m. (d) depart Gutu Sunday 3 pm. The services to operate as follows—_ arrive Triangle 9.40 p.m. Theservice Route '1— to operate as follows— ‘ {a) depart Triangle {a} depart Bulawayo Monday and Wednesday. 7.30. a.m., Monday, .Wednesday and Saturday arrive Gutu 1.50 p.m.; - 8 a.m., arrive Beitbridge 2.25 p.m.; (b) depart Triangle Saturday 12 noon, arrive Gutu 6.40 (b) depart Beitbridge Tuesday and Friday 8.30 a.m., p.m.; arrive ‘Bulawayo 2.25 p.m.; (c) depart (c) Gutu ‘Tuesday and Friday 8 a.m., arrive depart Beitbridge Sunday 12° noon, arrive Bulawayo Triangle 2.50 p.m.; 6.25 p.m.
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