a story

Star Trek and all related names are registered trademarks of CBS and Paramount Pictures. This work of original fiction is written solely for non-profit purposes.


Story by: Jon Van Pelt

Written by: Jon Van Pelt

Edited by: Bart Vandezande

Episode 205 – Green Seeds Of Vengeance

Main Characters:

John Kendrick ...... Aaron Jakubenko Moa Andersson ...... Ruby Rose Tolena ...... Zoey Deutch Brikane ...... Adam Godley

Guest Characters:

Nausicaan ...... #1 ...... Human ...... Pedro Alonso ...... Gilbert Gottfried Xarina ...... Maggie Ka Adillo ...... Idris Elba William “Bill” Kendrick ...... Michael Harney Natalie Kendrick ...... Vanessa Kirby Clerk ...... Tracee Lee Cocco Admiral Chuck Nelson ...... Danny Glover

Alien Races:

Bolian Ferengi Nausicaan

Orion Kalari


View of the STATION last seen in episode 105 "The Art Of Pulling Wool".

Half a dozen of ALIEN SHIPS are docked at the modular built station.

As we zoom in on one of the MODULES:


The room is festively decorated. The walls are dressed with vibrant colored sheets as backdrops.

In the middle of the conference room, sitting at a richly filled dining table, we find an ECLECTIC GROUP of Orion Syndicate bosses.

There are two ORIONS, a NAUSICAAN, a FERENGI, a XEPOLITE and one HUMAN. They are all enjoying the delicious meal that is being served and don't seem to be paying any attention to the mysterious FIGURE sitting at the head of the table. We can only see his or her LEATHER HANDGLOVES resting on the table. The rest of her or his body is almost carefully hidden in the shadows.

An ORION FEMALE walks in, carrying a BOTTLE OF WINE. We can only see a part of her, just up to her shoulders. She moves from one guest to another, filling their empty glasses.

As she stops at the Nausicaan to fill his glass:

NAUSICAAN (deep and loud voice) I can't wait to taste this little green delicacy!

He pulls her down onto his lap, giving us a clear look at her beautiful face: it's XARINA!

NAUSICAAN (CONT'D) I've always had a soft spot for you.

One of the Orions seems to be getting annoyed by the Nausicaan groping Xarina's body.

ORION #1 She is Orion and therefore ours!

The Nausicaan pushes Xarina off his lap and jumps up from the table: NAUSICAAN (challenging) Then fight for what is yours!

Both Orion men stand up from the table whilst flexing their muscles. They are more than ready to meet the challenge presented by their Nausicaan colleague.

The Human, fearing things are about to run out of hand, tries to mediate:

HUMAN Gentlemen, please. Let's keep this civilized.

The Ferengi grins:

FERENGI (at Orion #1) Let him have the female . (at the Human) And we'll share Akbar's other assets between the rest of us. Sounds like an honest deal to me.

Now the Nausicaan directs his anger towards the Ferengi:

NAUSICAAN Do you take me for a fool?

As he pushes Xarina away from him:

NAUSICAAN (CONT’D) This female is worth nothing.

As the Human picks up his glass:

HUMAN Just look at yourselves: bickering like petty thugs. We are supposed to be the Syndicate’s best and brightest. Let us behave as such.

His words seem to bring everyone back to their senses.

HUMAN (CONT’D) Now, why don’t we all just sit down and enjoy this wonderful meal in peace? We've got plenty of time to discuss business in the morning.

2 As the Orions and Nausicaan take back their respective seats at the dinner table:

ORION #2 suddenly starts coughing up blood. It’s an ugly mess. As the other Syndicate Leaders begin to panic:

FERENGI What is this?

Orion #2 tries to get up from his chair but falls straight down onto his plate: DEAD.

HUMAN We've been-

But he is not able to finish his sentence. He grabs his throat, making choking noises until BLOOD starts to pour out of his mouth too.

NAUSICAAN Poisoned! We've been poisoned!

Xarina slowly moves to the wall, smiling as she sees them, one by one, suffocate in their own blood.

Only the Nausicaan seems to be fighting off the effects of the poison. He can barely keep himself straight, holding on to the edge of the table.

Xarina takes out a KNIFE from underneath her skirt and moves up to the Nausicaan. As she holds it up in the air, ready to strike:

XARINA You men are all the same. Blindsided by desires. Unable to see danger as it stares you right in the face. Pathetic. I will finish you.

The Nausicaan looks up. Terrified by the shining blade above him.

She stabs him in the neck. Not once, but twice. Like the rest of the Syndicate bosses, he falls dead onto the table.

As she cleans the blood stained knife with her dress, the FIGURE sitting at the head of the table starts to speak. His voice is raw an sizzling:

VOICE An interesting spectacle. But tell me: why spare my life?

3 XARINA You know why.

As he gets up from his seat and steps into the light, we finally recognize his voice and the man himself: it is Kalari General KA ADILLO!

KA ADILLO Yes. I can guess why. Without our financial support, the Syndicate's efforts to establish business in this sector would fall apart.

As he approaches her:

KA ADILLO (CONT'D) But somehow I don't think you have the Syndicate's best interests at heart.

Xarina feels uncomfortable as he comes closer to her. She puts a few steps back, but KA ADILLO snatches her around the neck. As pulls her close and stares deep into her eyes:

KA ADILLO (CONT'D) So tell me (a beat) What is it that you want from me?

KA ADILLO's grip is so tight that Xarina starts choking. Barely able to speak:

XARINA Akbar. I want to-

Gasping for that final breath of air:

XARINA (CONT'D) Avenge his death.

As he loosens his grip:

KA ADILLO And why would we be interested in supporting your personal quest for vengeance.

XARINA I know of a weapon. A powerful weapon.

Curiosity peaks in his eyes. As he lets go of his grip from her throat:

4 KA ADILLO Think carefully before you speak for you get one chance and one chance only. And if I can sense lies underneath your words, I promise you I will skin you alive.

As she puts her hand on her bruised throat, ready to tell KA ADILLO everything she knows, we go to:


KENDRICK'S PALACE. The 4-armed space station orbiting the blue gas giant called GOLIATH and home to the Universal Trading Company.

At DOCKING PORT 1 we find the BLUE STAR.


BILL and JOHN are both sitting next to each other in front of the old OAK DESK.

Behind them are the BIG WINDOWS, giving view to the buzzing activity on THE FLOOR.

Bill looks very saddened.

BILL (fragile) This is just terrible news son.

He gets up from his chair and walks over to the big windows:

BILL (CONT'D) All those people. All those innocent lives.

JOHN I promised Elly we'd be shipping them food supplies as soon as possible. I hope you'll help me keep that promise.

Bill turns round, facing John again:

BILL Yes. Yes of course, son. We will.

As he walks back over to his chair:

5 BILL (CONT'D) I'll talk to Wren. Let him make the necessary calls. Don't worry about that. We'll help them out. Your word is as good as mine. People should know that.

JOHN Thanks dad. That means a lot to me.

As Bill puts his hand on John's shoulder:

BILL Now tell me, son: how are you holding up under all of this? I know you've seen your share of violence during the war. But back then you had a ship full of seasoned officers to back you up.

JOHN (smiling) The crew of the Blue Star may not be as sophisticated as your average Starfleet officer- (proud) But they all acted damn bravely if you ask me. Guess it shows you don’t have to be part of Starfleet to make a difference in this galaxy.

Bill smiles again, realizing his strategy is bearing fruit: John seems to be feeling more and more part of the company, leaving his Starfleet life behind him.

As he pads John on the back:

BILL Come. Let's see your mother.

John gets up from his chair. As they both walk to the door:


MOA sits on one of the three BENCHES, looking out through the WINDOWS at the magnificent STAR FIELD in front of her.

As she brings a GLASS OF WHISKEY to her lips, we see a SET OF LEGS walking up to her.

As this PERSON sits down next to her, we see it is NATALIE Kendrick.

6 NATALIE The Bolian girl told me I could find you here.

MOA (to herself) And why I'm not surprised? (smiles) She's too loose-lipped you know. You can trust Tolena with your life. Secrets on the other hand. Not so much.

NATALIE I've read the reports on the Orions and the Kalari. It's just terrible what happened out there.

MOA (in a matter-of-fact tone) We made it back here in one piece. Guess that makes us lucky.

Taking another sip from her drink:

MOA (CONT'D) Truth is we wouldn't be sitting here if it wasn't for your brother. The Starfleet kid sure made a difference out there.

NATALIE (caring) I can't tell you how glad I am to see you back here at the Palace, safe and sound.

She puts her hand on Moa's. Moa looks slightly surprised by the gesture.

MOA I didn't realize you cared so much about little me.

NATALIE I'm not always comfortable talking about my feelings. Guess I'm a lot like my father that way. (a shy smile) But that doesn't mean they aren't there.

Moa leans in a bit closer.

7 MOA Last time I tried to kiss you, I remember you leaving my quarters in quite a hurry.

NATALIE (playful) That's because you were drunk! You didn't know what you were doing.

MOA I was not! (beat) How else would I remember the taste of those strawberry lips of yours?

As Natalie looks at the glass of whiskey in Moa's hand:

NATALIE And how do I know it's not the whiskey talking sweet things into my ear this time?

MOA Well, guess we’ll have to find out, won’t we?

She leans in closer and places a gentle kiss on Natalie's lips.

MOA (CONT'D) Strawberry.

They both smile and lean back in for another, more passionate kiss. On this romantic moment we go to:


The Blue Star, still docked at Kendrick's Palace.

As we watch two FREIGHTERS moving away from the station:


Almost every cupboard is empty.

The table is stocked with kitchen accessories and food supplies.

Amidst this chaos we find BRIKANE. He scratches his head as he runs down a LIST on a PADD.

8 The door to the galley slides open. TOLENA walks in. Taking in the chaos around her:

TOLENA Work. It’s always work with you.

As he looks up from his PADD:

BRIKANE It's been months since we made a proper kitchen inventory. Now that we've got a few extra days here at the Palace, I'm trying to catch up on things.

TOLENA Well, I just popped in to see if you'd be up for a little party at the Palace. (smiling) But it looks like you've got your hands already pretty full down here.

BRIKANE You just go ahead and enjoy yourself. I don't really feel like socializing much anyway. After what happened to us- (beat, more serious) Guess I just need some time on my own right now.

TOLENA Okay. Guess I understand.

As she walks out:

TOLENA (CONT'D) See you in the morning!

OFF Brikane as he continues his kitchen clean-up:


The doors slide open. John strolls in. He looks tired. As he starts to unzip his uniform:

A soft RINGING SOUND echoes through the room.

He walks over to the VISUAL COMM SYSTEM on the wall. As he pushes ONE of the buttons, a female Bajoran CLERK appears on the little screen.

9 CLERK Good evening, sir. I'm sorry to disturb you at this late hour but we've finally managed to establish a stable comm link with Starfleet Headquarters. I have admiral Nelson for you on the line, as requested.

John seems happy to hear the words "starfleet" and "admiral".

JOHN Thanks. I know it mustn't have been easy for you to get that comm signal halfway across the galaxy. (with a smile) You and your colleagues definitely earned this year’s bonuses.

The clerk smiles at the prospect.

CLERK We’re only doing our job sir. (playful) But we don’t say no to bonuses either.

As we see her working the controls on her end of the line:

CLERK (CONT’D) I'm putting Starfleet through now.

JOHN Okay. Thanks.

The image of the Bajoran clerk is replaced by the FEDERATION EMBLEM before jumping over to the familiar face of admiral NELSON, last seen in episode 101 “The Dearly Departed”:

ADMIRAL NELSON (with a certain surprise) Mister Kendrick.

As we see the admiral leaning closer to his view screen:

ADMIRAL NELSON (CONT’D) Now that’s a face I didn’t expect to see again in my lifetime. Nevertheless it’s good to see you again. I hope we can get a clear signal through. There aren't that many Federation communication arrays in your sector.

10 The voice of the admiral comes through loud and clear. The image on the other hand suffers from static.

JOHN Clear enough to talk to you without too many hick-ups admiral. Let me first thank you for taking the time to take my call. I know you have a busy schedule. (beat) But to be honest, I didn't know who else to contact at Starfleet Command.

ADMIRAL NELSON (more serious) I've read your report on the whole Kalari situation in Butterfly City and I want to congratulate you on the way you handled things over there. I know you resigned your commission, but it's good to see you've carried over the Starfleet spirit into your new job. Well done.

Taking the compliment with pride:

JOHN Thank you, sir. I just wish we could've done more for those poor colonists. The Kalari acted ruthless. Word about what happened in Butterfly City is already spreading around. People are getting scared. If they're bold enough to annex one colony and kill its entire population, who knows what they'll try next? Is Starfleet going to dispatch a ship to this sector to follow up on the situation?

The admiral clearly looks uncomfortable by that last question.

ADMIRAL NELSON As you probably know the bulk of our fleet is assigned to the Cardassian sector and our border with the Confederacy. Peace in the Alpha Quadrant is still a very fragile one.

His answer puts a frown on John’s face. It’s pretty clear the admiral is stalling here. Pushing further:

JOHN Which is the diplomatic answer for: we won’t be sending any ships soon.

11 ADMIRAL NELSON Since you are no longer part of Starfleet I cannot disclose any tactical or intelligence reports. All I can say is that the colonists of Butterfly City chose to settle down on a world outside Federation controlled space.

JOHN (controlled anger) So you're saying they brought this all on themselves?

A brief sigh as the admiral rubs his forehead, displeased where the conversation is heading to:

ADMIRAL NELSON Look son. Once you decide to build a life away from the Federation, you can't expect Starfleet to fight your battles. You're on your own then. It may sound harsh but you know it's the truth.

JOHN (challenging) What if the Kalari are just testing Starfleet's resolve to confront them? What if the Kalari see your choice to not send ships as a sign of weakness and decide to attack a Federation colony next?

ADMIRAL NELSON (firm) We will evaluate every situation and act accordingly. (beat) Again: we appreciate you sending us the report on the Kalari. No doubt the information you gave us will help our intelligence services to map out potential threats to our interests in the sector. Unfortunately there is nothing more we can do at this moment.

JOHN (disillusioned) I joined Starfeet because I wanted to serve and give something back to society. But I can see now that Starfeet is part of the same bureaucratic system as the Federation Council. Turning a blind eye to evil as they enjoy the fruits of paradise.

That last sting clearly annoys the admiral:

12 ADMIRAL NELSON I'm sorry to hear you feel that way, son. But I will not start an argument with you over Federation policy. (beat) Now, if there’s nothing else you want to talk about, I would suggest we end our call here -amicably.

John takes out the optolythic DATA ROD from his pocket. He stares at it for moment. A thousand thoughts seem to be going through his mind. As he looks back up:

JOHN (resigned) No, sir. That was all. Thank you for your time.

ADMIRAL NELSON No trouble at all. It was good to see you again, mister Kendrick. Take good care of yourself out there. Nelson out.

As the image of admiral Nelson fades out to black: John keeps standing at the comm system, in thoughts.

He looks back up at the empty view screen, staring at his own dark reflection. In this moment, probably the reflection of his inner self: devoid of light, of hope.

He slowly turns round and walks over to his bed which is located underneath a WINDOW looking out to the stars.

As he lies down on the bed, he puts up the data rod in front of him.

SHOT ON: the data rod, now looking like a small capsule drifting through space.

As we focus on the star field outside:


Continuous view of a star field but the constellation has slowly shifted.

As we look down we realize we are in DEEP SPACE again.

Suddenly we are being pulled over a GREEN METALLIC HULL.

As we pass over the welded plates of a ship's hull and end up back amidst the stars we see:

13 TWO threatening ORION SHIPS moving away from us. One of them we recognize as the KEI, the scout ship last seen in episode 103 "The Body Snatchers". The other one looks more heavily armed. It's a raider class ship named RAHM.


SHOT ON: Xarina looking VERY determined.

On her look we:



a STAR TREK story