Y 3 Iim Trlftattr Leumttm Hpralh
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W . ! ' ^ t i o i SATURDAY, MAY 81, 1968 Avmgv Drily Nilt Ron ilanrbifBtrr Etnftting IfrraUi Ptmm Tlie Weather I Symon, Wtadbom; a son to Mk. ■Uy 1 7 ,1 8 * Warm, humid tonight vM l About Town Manchester wid M n. Roger Bourque, IS aeattarad ohowan and Ihundar - Area Graduates Hospital Notes Hickory Dr., Ooventiy: a iimtrlfTatTr lEumttm Hpralh •tonna anaompanlad bgr OtroBg daughter to Mr. and Mka Roger «IU aasst 15,590 frtaOa. Low about 60. Tmuuimw BrumuB, Fonot l^ew Dr., Ver NOTICE Manehe^er— A CUy of Village Charm coolar; laoa humid. t:M aJB. hi Om non. aa o f dM daaoh. VniTINO HOURS Intermediate Care Semi- DISCHARGED THURSDAY: TOL. LXXXVlll, NO. 206 Advwltelag Pag* 84) PRICE TEN CENTS privafe, neon-t p.m., and 4 p.m.- M n. Carole Gordon, Btest Hart (TWBNTY-BIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS—TABLOID) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1969 Camreh 8 p.m.; private rooms, 16 a.m.- ford; Wendy Bin^eoe, 80 Vein- OPEN SUNDAY ___________________________________ _ _ k . sad ToUdi Chain will 8 p.m., aad 4 p.m.-8 p.m. wood Dr., Venxm. ' mt 6:45 p.m. Pediatrics: Parente allewed DISCHARGED YESTER aaiy time except noon-* p m .; DAY: Joeeph Fisher, Stafford TO 1 P.M. •thera, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Springs; Mn. Elsie MeVey, 88B Cricket Offer masaoB’a loolaty of Christian Self Service: 16 a.m.-X p.m., Bluefield Dr.; M n. Audrey Ahl- DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST More Wells Urged SAUNA, Kan. (AP) — •anted of Notth United Metho- neas, 45 C a^ e R d.; BSlmar Every peuatroopar who made 4 p.m.-8 p.m. OPEN DAILY 8 AJ«.-9 PJL^ dtet Chnrdi wm b a n a auppar Intensive Care and Coronary Manker, 668 Center St; Paul the lump into Normandy on Court Applies Rights Law aad pngnm Monday at 6:W Otre: Immediate fenilly only, Hov6y, East St, Vernon; Mn. D-Day, June 6, 1944, carried pja. at tha dnrdt. aaythne, limited to five EUena Brochetto, KeUy Rd., an identifying- device known minutes. Vernon; M n. June I*age, 18 To Cure Oil Leak aa a "cricket." Kaiiiliaia o f Miapah-Spencer Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m. • Beelzebub I^ , W^iping; Mn. WASHINOTON (AP) —A ape- oontrolUng present oU seepage Now, 28 years tater, veter ans of the 500th Paradiute Cteda of South Uaitsd Methodist 16:46 p.m., and 8 p.m.-8 p.m .; Gladys Stitnam, Rt. 44A, Bol Pine Pharmacy oial piMidential panel reoom- preventing future mishaps. ton; John Hartl, 213 TaylOT St, Infantry Regiment of the Cteaoh wOl Isare the Susannah o4hoia, 8 p.m.-4 p.m., and 6 mended today (bet Union OH from thero preoau- Wadny pniktag )ot Tuesday at p.m.-8 p.m. TaloottvlUe; M n. Sharon Kim«, 664 CENTER ST^49-9814 _ . ^ A tkms the recommendation would 82nd Airborne Dlvtalon are having difficulty finding Just U d6 a.m. for tha Altaaveigh In Age limits: 16 In maternity, East Hartford; Mn. Rose Oo. be authocised to drUI up to Union, in.effect, to com- To Non Bona Fide ‘Clubs’ one of the toy-like nolsemak- ■la tat Htn (or Its annual hnveh- U in other areas, no Umlt In GudaiUa, WTndeorvUle; M n. 50 wells and oomptete oil pro- plete the pr^uetton program It oeU-eerrioe. Lorraine Diiedzic, 21 Ashworth era. duction from the platform off had planned. Milton B. Sohleaener of WASHINGTON (AP)—The Supreme Cook ruled 7 St.; Mn. Janet Olcott, 408 W. Santa Barham, rfau* DuBrldge told the news Center St.; Mn. Helen Rod Herlngton, Kan., a veteran to 1 today that privately owned areas that offer rec I artlea Guild of tha Church of The administration reminds A runaway weU caused mas- «»- NANCY O. DONNA KnBJNA KATHLEEN WARD rigue, 174 Benton St.; M n. Bon H O U SE & H i of the 60M, said his outfit reation facilities for white “memberg”. only but which Iha Aasa npUany will nominate vlottoro that with conetnicUon s4ve pollutfoa of tha channel wants to make a gift of a are not bona fide private clubs cannot exclude Negroes. 14 Gerard St 186 Ludlew Ed. 61 Alton St under way, parking qmoe Is nie Smith, 9 Hickory Rd., He sStean at a poUuck Tueaday Mafaoheeter bron; Mn. Evelyn Foglio, 188 thaw tour months ago, and «^olud^ "cricket” to David Elsen The ruling, delivered by Justice William J. Brennan at tdO p.m. at tha church halt Manchester Manchester Umlted. Visitors are asked to PROTECTION BUSINESS- brought a halt to drUU^opera- oU was tha best BlS. la BJL S t Prande Hospital Soh Birch St.; JuUe MariOtti, 80 hower, grandson of President Jr., put such areas under the sweeping antiracial p(ro- tU a final era ^ of the aenaon hear with the hospital while the rtnaw . Msr. ■ 0011211011. Dwight D. BisMihower, their 4 Ve e f Nnreteg paridng problem exlota. ‘ Homestead St. and we're tough about it, too! TivMiffti fiwh anmin ifos>ir iltuatlon whlidi xnakos tection of the 1964 federal civil rights law. But he said la opMt to w n a n of the Also, Mn. Rita Bump, 28 wartime commander. ehni^Thane idannlnt to attend ^ poaslble," he said, "Is the the law’s protection does not extend to di^rimination Loveland Rd., RockvlUe; Mn. ^ lact there is oil down there. The David, If he receives one, ana ram bided to bring food will present it to the Elsen or. segregation at clubs which are truly private. Pattepte Today: 646 Helen Tu, S tom ; David Sulli Let’s not kid. flaaures ^„,y p „v en t futur* leaks 'The only dteoenter was Joa- Itawis lor thf pothick. ADMITTED THURSDAY: van, 78 School St.; Mn. CamU- arouM the yna. is to get the oil out" hower museum in Abilraie, your furs are _ Kan. tioa Hugo J. Bteok. M n. Ann Hyson, East Hart la Zagonki, East Windsor HIU; WMbdrawl^ the oU from , tjj, precautions which were 'The ruling conoecned a prt- Osntar Oongnt atinnal Church ford; Mra Loretta Keith, 4 En- M n. Margie MacDonald, 89 to you — and roucturea under the platform recommended might add to Un should be — after allj vote ncroatlonal aroa naor lit- baud Of deeoona will meet sex S t; M n. Rosa Mendltto, Deepwood Dr., Wapping; Ralph is a .neceasary port of any plan ion’s expenses and thus cut into Other tie Rook, Aik., colled the Lake Tiasaday at 8 p .^ . in the Rob- WUUmontlc; M n. Christine Lanzano, East Hartford; Mn. they are expensive to the oil seep,” said the ita profits, but otherwise ■ the Nbeon Cbiki htan Room of tjte dnuch. OUach, 11 Hazri Dr., Wapptng; NeUle Irwin, 16 Elro S t; Tim well aa beautiful . panel headed by Dr. Lee A. company apparently could ex- No Comment Federal courte in littla Rook M n. Mary RoUmm , 149 Bte- othy Jensen, Montauk Dr., Ver- that’s why your D uB ik^e^tbe preaklent’a eel- poet normal profit# under the . and St. Louis had rulad ttwt the North United Methodist Rulings seB 6 t; FTedertdi Rocker, 251 nop; MicheUe Durnokowskl, 16L Should have the best{ enoa adviaer. provlalona of its lease. Olub HIH0 bCVYMld UM I ■ HfYTM10 OC Church win have a Teacher Rec- South S t, RockvlUe; Mra Doro Forest S t; JtUin Grenier, WiUl- protection. Under the propooed planv it "The rest ((rf the oil income) ognKlon Dinner Tuesday at 6:M thy Shtrghio, VHlUmantlc; Jac mantic; M n. Gladys TopeUus, will take 10 to 20 yeoiv of drill- is part of the economic sys- By Dempsey WASHINGTON (AP)— iS p^m. at the obpreh. quelyn Smtlh, 47 Spruce S t; 49 Thomas St., Wapping; Ste ing and pumping to remove the tern,” Pecora explained, The Supreme Ckiurt rul^ SJuSsSrStifStarS jS J Winston Turhlngtan, 575 Cen phen MUler, 26 Grove S t; Den ★ We’re Tough— oil. Dr. Hamilton M. Johnaon, Ih Santa Barbara, Mayor Oer- About Veto today servicemen have the ^J^tnittteRookN ^tv-. Dor- Saudi United Metbodlat ter St. nis Shea, 128 Harlan St. about our faciUtlaa . panri member and chairman of old S. Firestone said: " I think right to be tried in a civil- ^ doiM and Roaalyn Kyteo. 1 Church administrative board ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Also, Ronald ETetcher, 13H the Tulane Untverslty Geology It’s a mistake. After what we’ve our speclaUy HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — ian eburt for crimes that The Supram* court found, wffl maot Monday at 7:W p.m. Julia Dougherty, 69 Charter Church St.; Mn. Eleanor Em- alr-oondlUonM vaults Department, tok) ai news confer- been through I think the proper have no connection to their howavar, that the Lake Nixon at tha chnroh. hoff, Stafford Springs; Gordon completely moth - proof! wica. solution Would have, been to Gov. John Dempsey expreased Oak S t ; WUUam Farmer, Wind disappointment today over the military duties. Club won a ‘public eccomnooda- sor Locks; Peter Gorman, 68 Lassow, 102 HoUlster St.; M n. heat and humidity proof] The final election on the re- eliminate drilling altogether." ^ hos -fireproof, too. The 6-8 ruling cut substantial- ticn" auhjact to Tltia n of the Manctoesber Garden Club will Bowers St.; Mrs. Lucy Han Nettie DeRagon and dau^ter. oommandattons is up to Secro- Flreetone said exports have ly into the power of military 1964 law on several grounds: Ite ham n buffet w a p p tr Tiasiitej sen, 7 Ldneoin S t; Barbara East Hartford; Mn. Gall Pede- tary of the Interior WWtar J. convinced him that continued courts to try servicemen.