W . ! ' ^ t i o i SATURDAY, MAY 81, 1968 Avmgv Drily Nilt Ron ilanrbifBtrr Etnftting IfrraUi Ptmm Tlie Weather I Symon, Wtadbom; a son to Mk. ■Uy 1 7 ,1 8 * Warm, humid tonight vM l About Town Manchester wid M n. Roger Bourque, IS aeattarad ohowan and Ihundar - Area Graduates Hospital Notes Hickory Dr., Ooventiy: a iimtrlfTatTr lEumttm Hpralh •tonna anaompanlad bgr OtroBg daughter to Mr. and Mka Roger «IU aasst 15,590 frtaOa. Low about 60. Tmuuimw BrumuB, Fonot l^ew Dr., Ver­ NOTICE Manehe^er— A CUy of Village Charm coolar; laoa humid. t:M aJB. hi Om non. aa o f dM daaoh. VniTINO HOURS Intermediate Care Semi- DISCHARGED THURSDAY: TOL. LXXXVlll, NO. 206 Advwltelag Pag* 84) PRICE TEN CENTS privafe, neon-t p.m., and 4 p.m.- M n. Carole Gordon, Btest Hart­ (TWBNTY-BIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS—TABLOID) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1969 Camreh 8 p.m.; private rooms, 16 a.m.- ford; Wendy Bin^eoe, 80 Vein- OPEN SUNDAY ___________________________________ _ _ k . sad ToUdi Chain will 8 p.m., aad 4 p.m.-8 p.m. wood Dr., Venxm. ' mt 6:45 p.m. Pediatrics: Parente allewed DISCHARGED YESTER­ aaiy time except noon-* p m .; DAY: Joeeph Fisher, Stafford TO 1 P.M. •thera, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Springs; Mn. Elsie MeVey, 88B Cricket Offer masaoB’a loolaty of Christian Self Service: 16 a.m.-X p.m., Bluefield Dr.; M n. Audrey Ahl- DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST More Wells Urged SAUNA, Kan. (AP) — •anted of Notth United Metho- neas, 45 C a^ e R d.; BSlmar Every peuatroopar who made 4 p.m.-8 p.m. OPEN DAILY 8 AJ«.-9 PJL^ dtet Chnrdi wm b a n a auppar Intensive Care and Coronary Manker, 668 Center St; Paul the lump into Normandy on Court Applies Rights Law aad pngnm Monday at 6:W Otre: Immediate fenilly only, Hov6y, East St, Vernon; Mn. D-Day, June 6, 1944, carried pja. at tha dnrdt. aaythne, limited to five EUena Brochetto, KeUy Rd., an identifying- device known minutes. Vernon; M n. June I*age, 18 To Cure Oil Leak aa a "cricket." Kaiiiliaia o f Miapah-Spencer Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m. • Beelzebub I^ , W^iping; Mn. WASHINOTON (AP) —A ape- oontrolUng present oU seepage Now, 28 years tater, veter­ ans of the 500th Paradiute Cteda of South Uaitsd Methodist 16:46 p.m., and 8 p.m.-8 p.m .; Gladys Stitnam, Rt. 44A, Bol­ Pine Pharmacy oial piMidential panel reoom- preventing future mishaps. ton; John Hartl, 213 TaylOT St, Infantry Regiment of the Cteaoh wOl Isare the Susannah o4hoia, 8 p.m.-4 p.m., and 6 mended today (bet Union OH from thero preoau- Wadny pniktag )ot Tuesday at p.m.-8 p.m. TaloottvlUe; M n. Sharon Kim«, 664 CENTER ST^49-9814 _ . ^ A tkms the recommendation would 82nd Airborne Dlvtalon are having difficulty finding Just U d6 a.m. for tha Altaaveigh In Age limits: 16 In maternity, East Hartford; Mn. Rose Oo. be authocised to drUI up to Union, in.effect, to com- To Non Bona Fide ‘Clubs’ one of the toy-like nolsemak- ■la tat Htn (or Its annual hnveh- U in other areas, no Umlt In GudaiUa, WTndeorvUle; M n. 50 wells and oomptete oil pro- plete the pr^uetton program It oeU-eerrioe. Lorraine Diiedzic, 21 Ashworth era. duction from the platform off had planned. Milton B. Sohleaener of WASHINGTON (AP)—The Supreme Cook ruled 7 St.; Mn. Janet Olcott, 408 W. Santa Barham, rfau* DuBrldge told the news Center St.; Mn. Helen Rod­ Herlngton, Kan., a veteran to 1 today that privately owned areas that offer rec­ I artlea Guild of tha Church of The administration reminds A runaway weU caused mas- «»- NANCY O. DONNA KnBJNA KATHLEEN WARD rigue, 174 Benton St.; M n. Bon­ H O U SE & H i of the 60M, said his outfit reation facilities for white “memberg”. only but which Iha Aasa npUany will nominate vlottoro that with conetnicUon s4ve pollutfoa of tha channel wants to make a gift of a are not bona fide private clubs cannot exclude Negroes. 14 Gerard St 186 Ludlew Ed. 61 Alton St under way, parking qmoe Is nie Smith, 9 Hickory Rd., He­ sStean at a poUuck Tueaday Mafaoheeter bron; Mn. Evelyn Foglio, 188 thaw tour months ago, and «^olud^ "cricket” to David Elsen­ The ruling, delivered by Justice William J. Brennan at tdO p.m. at tha church halt Manchester Manchester Umlted. Visitors are asked to PROTECTION BUSINESS- brought a halt to drUU^opera- oU was tha best BlS. la BJL S t Prande Hospital Soh Birch St.; JuUe MariOtti, 80 hower, grandson of President Jr., put such areas under the sweeping antiracial p(ro- tU a final era ^ of the aenaon hear with the hospital while the rtnaw . Msr. ■ 0011211011. Dwight D. BisMihower, their 4 Ve e f Nnreteg paridng problem exlota. ‘ Homestead St. and we're tough about it, too! TivMiffti fiwh anmin ifos>ir iltuatlon whlidi xnakos tection of the 1964 federal civil rights law. But he said la opMt to w n a n of the Also, Mn. Rita Bump, 28 wartime commander. ehni^Thane idannlnt to attend ^ poaslble," he said, "Is the the law’s protection does not extend to di^rimination Loveland Rd., RockvlUe; Mn. ^ lact there is oil down there. The David, If he receives one, ana ram bided to bring food will present it to the Elsen­ or. segregation at clubs which are truly private. Pattepte Today: 646 Helen Tu, S tom ; David Sulli­ Let’s not kid. flaaures ^„,y p „v en t futur* leaks 'The only dteoenter was Joa- Itawis lor thf pothick. ADMITTED THURSDAY: van, 78 School St.; Mn. CamU- arouM the yna. is to get the oil out" hower museum in Abilraie, your furs are _ Kan. tioa Hugo J. Bteok. M n. Ann Hyson, East Hart­ la Zagonki, East Windsor HIU; WMbdrawl^ the oU from , tjj, precautions which were 'The ruling conoecned a prt- Osntar Oongnt atinnal Church ford; Mra Loretta Keith, 4 En- M n. Margie MacDonald, 89 to you — and roucturea under the platform recommended might add to Un­ should be — after allj vote ncroatlonal aroa naor lit- baud Of deeoona will meet sex S t; M n. Rosa Mendltto, Deepwood Dr., Wapping; Ralph is a .neceasary port of any plan ion’s expenses and thus cut into Other tie Rook, Aik., colled the Lake Tiasaday at 8 p .^ . in the Rob- WUUmontlc; M n. Christine Lanzano, East Hartford; Mn. they are expensive to the oil seep,” said the ita profits, but otherwise ■ the Nbeon Cbiki htan Room of tjte dnuch. OUach, 11 Hazri Dr., Wapptng; NeUle Irwin, 16 Elro S t; Tim­ well aa beautiful . panel headed by Dr. Lee A. company apparently could ex- No Comment Federal courte in littla Rook M n. Mary RoUmm , 149 Bte- othy Jensen, Montauk Dr., Ver- that’s why your D uB ik^e^tbe preaklent’a eel- poet normal profit# under the . and St. Louis had rulad ttwt the North United Methodist Rulings seB 6 t; FTedertdi Rocker, 251 nop; MicheUe Durnokowskl, 16L Should have the best{ enoa adviaer. provlalona of its lease. Olub HIH0 bCVYMld UM I ■ HfYTM10 OC Church win have a Teacher Rec- South S t, RockvlUe; Mra Doro­ Forest S t; JtUin Grenier, WiUl- protection. Under the propooed planv it "The rest ((rf the oil income) ognKlon Dinner Tuesday at 6:M thy Shtrghio, VHlUmantlc; Jac­ mantic; M n. Gladys TopeUus, will take 10 to 20 yeoiv of drill- is part of the economic sys- By Dempsey WASHINGTON (AP)— iS p^m. at the obpreh. quelyn Smtlh, 47 Spruce S t; 49 Thomas St., Wapping; Ste­ ing and pumping to remove the tern,” Pecora explained, The Supreme Ckiurt rul^ SJuSsSrStifStarS jS J Winston Turhlngtan, 575 Cen­ phen MUler, 26 Grove S t; Den­ ★ We’re Tough— oil. Dr. Hamilton M. Johnaon, Ih Santa Barbara, Mayor Oer- About Veto today servicemen have the ^J^tnittteRookN ^tv-. Dor- Saudi United Metbodlat ter St. nis Shea, 128 Harlan St. about our faciUtlaa . panri member and chairman of old S. Firestone said: " I think right to be tried in a civil- ^ doiM and Roaalyn Kyteo. 1 Church administrative board ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Also, Ronald ETetcher, 13H the Tulane Untverslty Geology It’s a mistake. After what we’ve our speclaUy HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — ian eburt for crimes that The Supram* court found, wffl maot Monday at 7:W p.m. Julia Dougherty, 69 Charter Church St.; Mn. Eleanor Em- alr-oondlUonM vaults Department, tok) ai news confer- been through I think the proper have no connection to their howavar, that the Lake Nixon at tha chnroh. hoff, Stafford Springs; Gordon completely moth - proof! wica. solution Would have, been to Gov. John Dempsey expreased Oak S t ; WUUam Farmer, Wind­ disappointment today over the military duties. Club won a ‘public eccomnooda- sor Locks; Peter Gorman, 68 Lassow, 102 HoUlster St.; M n. heat and humidity proof] The final election on the re- eliminate drilling altogether." ^ hos -fireproof, too. The 6-8 ruling cut substantial- ticn" auhjact to Tltia n of the Manctoesber Garden Club will Bowers St.; Mrs. Lucy Han­ Nettie DeRagon and dau^ter. oommandattons is up to Secro- Flreetone said exports have ly into the power of military 1964 law on several grounds: Ite ham n buffet w a p p tr Tiasiitej sen, 7 Ldneoin S t; Barbara East Hartford; Mn. Gall Pede- tary of the Interior WWtar J. convinced him that continued courts to try servicemen.
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