Integration in Little ! Coroner Schaefer Said Mlldlng Dlfftoully Determining Hllding To, Let IIS (HAM • WAX ..Daughter of Mr and Mia.'Tjaul Ramlzi
■> ' / .Y * ■ , / ■V f.- V •y \ Rge Daily IVet PreM 'Run 'A The Weather ,WEDNE8D AT .,^ G U S T tO, I f B S l^or. the W eek Ended Foreeaet of p. S.^W^tber Boreen PAOC TWENTT-POUR/ (J«ne tl. 1858. Manrbpstrr lEornittfi V^ralb Sbdwen and tiiundentorne eeii- Uniilng tonight and Friday'morn ter of the road when hs w m h it ths p*dMtrl«n and slowad for tin- ing followed by clearing, cooler Pam Volkert, Rita Johnson; ’ Na Friday aftemoen. Low tonight 84- •Ji- Winnerjp Chosen than Halo, Margaret Rose, Fran Driver Negligenif, by a car going north on Main Sk, trafflo signM At Birch Bt. Aaflis M enlber mt tiiK A udU slowed', he aaldi he heard , the .Bu'renn 68. High Friday 88-85. About Town Declcclo; Waddell, Tony Meek, about four feet east df'the oenter M a n ch ester— CAty o f Vittage In Rec Exhibit Mary Ann Packard; Orean, Valerie CoroiTfer Reports line. Hllding .was stnick by the left sound 'of the ooUlsibn arid beard Fitzgerald, Peter Martlnlck. Patty front fende'r of the car driven by Mri, Hllding cry outt er Urbuettl, SIS ll&tn St.. Hllding was ^ e n by ambu- Martinick; Valley St^ , Michele ' The death of Albert Hild|ng, 44, Aihwell. ' . j chEirmmn of the commtt- The Recreation Liepartment's an Chartter, Janet Tomlinson, Char The accident happened, aboAft laflbe to M aiientsUr Memorial VOL. LXXVIL NO. 274 (W e NTY PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST, 21, 195fK, (Oaulfled Advertteing on ^ fo 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS ^ to idan the »olden ennlvereary of 272 Oak Sti, killed when struck nual Arts and Crafts Exhibit was lotte Riley.
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