Expert: "Claims •D ,Er Reiative to P Opulatio!N - • By'keith ALFORD " " " Reported:Previously, Special' Polar: Solvent : " "
• :.:,"',. ,.11. r- GZSL rZ LZ An f (: *i " viator a, :i 2za ' 'i' '::r/:! :';..'~,: .... •,, . t the ', . • . , } " . • :. ; a) t .... , 1.: .,} , '., - " , . , ' , ,, , , , . , • /. £ , /: North, ! . ,; /, r . :' ....... • " ...... _ ' ":~" ,, . 4 , i-'; r..~:;~,:; ....a. ,: " ' ~. ' ,., I il i : .......,,., •., .... ....... vo ' [5..cents - ,,',,°,,,...,,,• ....., . ,, . " r •.;/: ......•''',' . , ,i . : ~ • . ,...! , ,. .. ,.- ;.. ,-. Methanol:...... ........... expert: "claims •d ,er reiative to p opulatio!n - • By'KEITH ALFORD " " " reported:previously, special' polar: Solvent : " " . Herald 8taffWrlter ~ . foam' is~ available, in Kitimat should a TE CF,-- . me .ul fire i b koui the Terrace , ~bave noticed, large uum~~ii~',~!,., yard, Or abywhere nearby. .... ,. ". osrsee~ingmethand ~.~.~!~~!.i~ //The big' i~roblem/': the:'Canada • . ,,, . .~ ........ • .... .. ,, . .various leugths of time on..~e~.~ ~~, Trnsport spokesman said,, depends on be~een the Sande Overpans.iand~!." ,~ ; where* the accident'oecurs ~ in..,~,e middle • Station,... •. - • ' ,, • . ,.....,i~'.-'," .',.,:~\'~.;~;/: ,: .,; ,*/; "-~. ;:~ .of..a,.~, forester. rightdowntown.'..'". .' ., ., . As reported in the Dally Het=~L..: ;~.~:~'~'F:~rtoo often the difference in dealing CN prommed that never agaJn.~~ ~ . .".'~'with.~,"the: prohleah"i is :the ...amount of potentially ali.ov)ed ' -prepo~Iness.!' ~.:.~ L" :"~.' ' :'".: ,~:~""" I ' .. to occur.. But the ears arebeiug held for • , ~l, offielals."should find :rot what " less: .than.: .six., hours,"
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