OUR TOWN to Keep a Public Record of the Mit Chamber of Commerce with Lartloj Berry and Adolph Cor- W

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OUR TOWN to Keep a Public Record of the Mit Chamber of Commerce with Lartloj Berry and Adolph Cor- W COMB ie Summit Record, Su OFFICIAL Summit N Official Newspaper of City and Subscription County. Published Thursday A. M. by The Summit Pub|shing Co., 22 Telephone Si Bank Street. Entered at the Post Office, Summit, N. J., as Second Mailed in confor Order N rlERALD Class Matter, 55th YEAR. No;;3j FRED L. PALMER, Editor & Publisher THURSDAY, JANUARY T3, 1944 J. EDWIN GARTER, Business Mgr. & Publisher 6 CENTS ATHENAEUM SPEAKER 105% INCREASE New Class Starting Monday A. First National Bank For Nurses Aides; Volunteers Needed Destroys D Has Hew Directors tr * - Volunteers Needed There will be a new class for For Fourth Nurses Aides starting on Mon- In Oakland day, January 2t at 9:00 a.m. New Trust Officer The course will cover a period of A general fire alarift-. Richard J. Dearborn and Donald War Loan Drive • 7:10 a.m. was caused ljjf- two months; eighty hours alto- Volunteers are needed to carry R. Vreeland, both residents of Sum- gether. AH the training and made a total wreck mit, the latter having lived here all on the work of the Fourth War at 36 Oakland place. work takes place at Overlook Loan Drive which will open on his life, were elected to membership Hospital, where the need for vol- was occupied by tht on the Board of Directors of the January 18 and run until Feb- *\ Harry H. Dampm unteer helpers, is great. Several ruary 15. Those who wish to vol- First National Bank asd Trust additional volunteers are needed Loughney and Jere: Company at the annual meeting of unteer are asked to leave their 0 none of whom were to fill out the required quota for names at the Herald office or to that institution held at the banking the new, class. For further in- Mr. Da'mpman d house on Tuesday morning. They call John N. May, Jr. at Summit fire after smelling s formation call Mrs. John J. 6-2287. succeed Atwood L. DeCoster and Sommersby, Summit 6-0128. he saw flames shoot; Arthur D. Welch, who are retiring. L. J. MacGregor continues us the furnace, the fire! Mr. Dearborn has been a resident chairman for Union County, \V, worked its way up tl* B'enton Johnston as chairman and 5 of Sunimit since 1918. He has for building's frame and 25 years been patent counsel in John N. May, Jr. as co-chairman t start in the third flo charge of all patent and trademark Overlook Drive of the Summit War Finance Com- The whole third matters for the Texas Company, mittee. Other members include molished, much of tht and is president of its subsidiary, Harry W. Edgar, chairman of tho was ruined and some Texaco Development Corporation, Off to Good Start local banking committee; J. Edwin caused in the first fl The Countess Alexandra Tolstoi New York. Carter, chairman of the publicity the Dampman prope ill speak on -Why the Russian committee; Robert J. Davidson and ildicr Fights," before the Athe- Mr. Vreeland has been a life-long Henry C. Thompson, Jr. /J floor apartment can resident of Summit living now at With Poster Display • Three Sunimit re teum tonight. Since Mr, Thompson, who is vice- She is the daughter of the Rus-83 Maple street. His father was the With $152,000 set as the quota for estimated the dama late George F. Vreeland, former president of the First National' about $15,000 if the bi ,n writer and economist, Count the Overlook Hospital drive the Bank, will be out of town during mayor of the City of Summit. He campaign began this week with the .be reconstructed. •a Tolstoi, and was his companion has his own business in New York, the campaign, Dean H. Travis, Firemen were on the later years of his life. She distribution of posters to all the president of the bank, will substi- ,s forced to leave Russia in 1929, being a distributor of woolen stores and to the towns which will tute for him during the present Monday noon. Ace fabrics as sales agent for several f* Chief Thomas J. d is now an American citizen. [participate in the drive. Two newdrive. Story in Sixth Column New England woolen mills. vice-chairmen have been appointed * firemen suffered si At the organization meeting in to .supplement the four previously For the residential canvass tho ^-* from nail wounds. the afternoon the board of direc- announced. They are William H. town has been divided into the usual The fire gave an' tors elected Henry C. Thompson, Kay, Jr., and James W. Bancker. geographical subdivisions, each I number of High Scho_ Jr., vice-president and trust officer. P. V. G. Mitchell, h«ad of the cam- headed by a captain. New Provi- /play hookey from scht&»J'« fis Williams Made dence Borough and Township will 1 Mr. Thompson's former title was paign, announced that in his opin- j part of the morning. I'A vice-president and assistant trust! ion the drive had' gotten off to a be separately represented. The cap- • The building, own esident of 1944 officer. While the bank has had fine start which promised well for tains will include the following men: Madeleine McCormicli no ' trust officer since William J. the future of the hospital. Section A, W. A. Klncaid;, Section formerly known as. Darling's death last April, Mr. Since 1938, Overlook Hospital has had an-increase of 105% in maternity c'ases. Shown here is the B, Elans Miller; Section D, C. S. house, is mciv. tht.nl At a meeting which, was held on Voorhees; Section F, D, R. Vree- ard of Health Thompson as assistant trust nursery at the hospital. Herald Photo—Jrwln Monday evening, January 10, Oliver and was insureu as w| officer has exercised general super- land; Section G, R. W, Salmon; hold effects of tho •tis P. Williams, newly appoint- Thurman and Ralph E3. Peck talkedSection H, H, G. Kenagy; Section momber of the Board of Health, vision over that department for to the group of workers who will be -f Chief Murray, whg nearly two years. He has been in I, R. P. White; and Section J, P, N. cause of the blaze, elected lo the presidency of in charge of the campaign and laid Trowbridge. • * . board at the annual organiza- the employ of the bank, for the last "Housekeeping out the plan of organization for .undetermined origin. twenty years. All business and industrial. in- L meeting which was held on the whole drive. terests will be covered by the^Sum- nday evening, January 10, Dr. Directors re-elected were! James OUR TOWN To keep a public record of the mit Chamber of Commerce with lartloj Berry and Adolph Cor- W. Bancker, Edward S. Bancroft, In Arctic," Talk progress of the campaign a model Adolph Root as general chairman Blood Doqoi werc nlso present for the first "'arroll P. Bassett, G. Harry Cullis, of the hospital will be erected on and Messrs. Spencer M. Maben and . Mr. Williams und Dr. Berry Conover English, H. Donald tile facade of the Summit- Trust W. Gilbert Baker as vice-chairmen. i been appointed for three-year Holmes, Judge John L. Hughes, Na- WHAT'S YOUR.P'QST-WAfe PLAN? By the "Snowbaby" Company building. A blank rain- George' Sagan wilL, work, directly ns which' will end in 1947. Mr. than C. Lenfestey, Elmer L, Reyn- bow divided into :sections ^Will be To Visit Sui : Marie Peary Staff orxL known as with'the War Finance' Committee fcadl is serving the remainder ofolds, Thomas L. Smith; Henry C. In the midst -nl all the iSrixeVbforfunds for various war"- over the model and the colors will (Continued on Page 3) |unexpired ierrn of Dr. Peddicini the "Snowbaby", wilf talk"to the Thompson, Jr., Dean H. Travis and time and eternal needs, there is one drive which is all our own. Fortnightly m;xt Wednesday, on be added to this rainbow as the February! will end In 1915. Frederick,W. Wilfard. That's the Fourth War Loan drive which begins officially "Housekeeping in the Arctic." . money comes in. Miss Clara Hires pointments to the standing The other officers chosen, all re- Mrs. Stafford is the daughter of of .Millbur. n is the. origiriato. _ . r of thi-s f" With oiie pint of littees for (he year 1944 were elected, were: Carroll P. Bassett; January 18 and runs for almost a month. In that drive each 4 ty sohelne ^ man in service set the late Eear Admiral Robert Ed-i?? -"• - Posters advertis- Council Praises by the board Those included: chairman -of -the board; Dean H. of us is soliciting himself for the benefit of himself. You arewin Peary, discoverer of the North ing the campaign and giving statis- Bed Cross Blood Henry B. Tvoinbly, Dr. Berry; Travis, president; Edward S. Ban- gfoal for 1944, reaideaj saying to yourself:, : Pole, and has the distinction of tics on the hospital ahd ita needs ice, Mr, TwoniHy und Mr, Cor- croft, .vice-president; Robert P. having been born' farther north have been distributed to all the will have a chance t tenements and garbage, Mrs. "John (or Mary) buy this bond so th?tyou will take with Civic Work quota when the mo), (Continued on Page 2) than any other white person in themerchants in Summit for display in Dampnijtn anci Mr. Corradi. world, their stores and windows. The r ' lo the Y.M.C.A. on Fi al appoiritreienU were made by you into the post-war world some of the rroney which, you are %•:>.
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    wmmtfm^^mmm^w ^^^"^«i •^^ r»> :-. ,- • -. V? 1 ' " • -~ -\ • V •';'•• \ • •'. K *. , . •,-. * A ... ...i:, : -. ..v- - ''•;•• ' ' ,7 : *• : : '.*/" -'.- •:' - • ••",'" fj '"••'•'-'• ; •"'•• -'h ^fio^/^'Siii : ; : •'- 5 . '•••*' - - ' -: • •' .'•-••.- ''-'•''}'•:-••• ; i * - " \, Ett - aHic il> '••r* * •>' trifij ^V " ~> "er-s -r^. R( HfSrtv fe ri ''.'••' •: :.;..*;..•'--•*«. -, y.MwMi ; L/v v - ; •'./ -h.-: * ' .. <^HK^H LJK^I^ 1ll~i.#"Tk 1 f*£S.' STvllQ >v' c T IIIJ f-. j --- ^^ f-••il"? '•', 1%/Wf:,' '•' •:-•'-.•':.' FV t.: : . .- •• •• - - : >l 9 • '. * - ' * ' i .. -'.* *' PUf . riv> • -• • i --..•..•-.h- )i ir tA/ i if line %:-; ;*i- •. *tV, : (•] v/r Mf< *i< : FY * / .^ * >l III It L/ piii-.'-..- ^ j :; •.-•"(_ • ,-..--..-.-^p. v'\»j - -.-', •-, y- IvII \ -M> w ^^ '.'<.£•>; >' .... .^I^Pact. ^^. ~ k•.. ~ 0^T ' ; flfllS >' ;.-.. -V ...' ;' ".-''-. " •'-'• ,'.'•'•''-: .' * ;;'-;-' -- ••'':.':• -': .'*, *•" -^ * '•:v -'<:':[•' : : -•-V--A'.»- ! "r']:.:;';-^\.-r •'• "-] - * - - *• -- ' •-" ; /h ',~:. h'.>:h^:Vh;h :.'';:~/ '..' - - - ;. -. -. _--/. - - - . r Volume 24 Number 6-1 Monday, January 16, 1989 "West'fancl rfi^TgarT" ^44-pages, Twpmy=tive;t!en tf^ ••»•" ™rMi™"™'™'" Jit'-M •',.:•. :4:>H*)ii4lt%>,--H4 ^ C1SS? Suburban ConVninVaUorj Corporation, All RJjriuR^ttvtd. 'Lenient' sentence spurs lawsuit As of Friday, no trial date had off easy, and he knows that he's goU ^— ^ By Tedd 8chnelder The charges against Shippy : been set. — teh^way with something." •-•- staff writer stemmed from—sexual — assaults The manias— — Mr. Shippy told the Observer that. JOHN SHIPPY, 53, was sentenced against two neighborhood children. he was told by his attorney not to sentenced to five years Enraged by what they feel is. an to five years probation by Detroit He was arrested In November after- discuss the suit. overly lenient sentence, a Westland Recorders Judge David Kerwin Webster's daughter told her parents probation for sexually couple has filed a lawsuit against the Webster expressed sorrow for her Tuesday.
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