'^^^^•ppppppppppli A&MMHM WMMMMtt Put some tackiness Buzzer Ethnic traditions beater, 1C at the holidays, 1B ' Volume 26 Number 55 Monday, December 24, 1990 . Westland. Michiaan 38 Pages Fifty Cente ::! u:-.^-= w^'^'m^TTl ; : 1 E 'N'.', f-l> , i x 1¾ vr.-a<.'^?j 1- ^¾ t',;'^i,;Ui"t^l Wj>U rfr^vl . c 1990.Suburban Corrimunlcatkms CorporaUon places and faces ByTedd8chholdor" WILLIS WILL be arraigned in De­ troit Recorder's Court 8:30 asn. Jan. HOMEOWNERS can staff writer mark their calendars to make . 3. ; A Wayne Memorial High School sure their rubbish is put out at He has pleaded innocent to one senior was bound over for trial curbside on the right day during count of assault with intent to com­ Thursday in the shotgun attack on a the next two weeks when holidays mit murder and one count of posses­ Ypsllanti youth after a Dec. 7 bas­ will disrupt normal collections. sion of a firearm during the commis­ ketball game at John Glenn High sion of a felony. The Westland public services ; School. The attempted murder charge department said that those homes Mack Arthur Willis, 17, of Inkster carries a maximum life prison sen­ with a Monday pickup will not be waived his preliminary examination tence. The felony firearm charge affected. Those who have rubbish before visiting 18th District Judge carries a mandatory two-year sen­ collected the other four days of John H. McCartney. tence. the week will have their bags The victim in the parking lot | picked up one day later than shooting, Kenneth Daniel Mayes, McCARTNEY ON Thursday d* normal with the Friday collection was readmitted Thursday to the Uni­ nled a motion by defense attorney being made on Saturday. versity of Michigan Hospital, Ann Thaddeus Dean to lower Willis* The changes start this week Arbor, for surgery on bis left eye, po­ $100,000, 10 percent bond. Willis re- and continue through Saturday, lice said. mains in the Wayne County Jail. -; Jan. 5. Normal collections will ' Mayes, an Ypsllanti High School "It is a very unfortunate Incident resume Monday, Jan. 7. junior, was shot once in the face with and fortunate that the victim was a, .20-gauge shotgun, police said. He not killed," Dean said. "I understand suffered Injuries to his face, neck it is a very volatile situation. THE WESTLAND Sports and head, police said. "But this defendant is 17 years old Arena, on WHdwood at Hunter, is "The extent to which (the victim's) and only has a minor Juvenile taking registrations.for the vision is going to be affected is still record. We submit to the court that upcoming winter skating classes In question," Frank Bernacki, assist­ (his) lack of previous (criminal) in- from 4-6 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 2, ant Wayne County prosecutor, told and 941 a.m., Saturday, Jan. V the court Please turn to Page 2 ' Classes will be Mondays or Saturdays for nine weeks, said arena manager Tammy • McKinstry. Fee for classes Is.$86. Skates may be rented. Classes are available for all Wbman faces trial U: ajjea aad skill level*, M^Kimtry . said.' :••/' '.'A :';•''•" •"•;'•".' ''•:?' •. Call 729-4560 during business hours for more Information;. rucj case By Todd 8chneidor with Wall at the Westland Park' JPAMI LIES with relatives staff writer Apartments, off Cherry Hill between In the service may make a video Merriman and Henry Ruff. .: tape with a personal message to A 36-year-old woman Thursday Wall Is charged with one felony be sent to the men and women in : was ordered to stand trial on count of operating a house of prosti­ uniform — thanks to thecity of charges that she sold sex and co­ tution and one count of delivery of Westland's community relations/, caine out of her Westland apart­ cocaine. cable TV department. ment If convicted on the cocaine charge The taping Is part of Project Sheryl Ann Wall was bound over Pride and Is offered free to she faces a maximum 10-year prison for trial in Detroit Recorder's Court sentence. residents. .'.: -^m^mmp^^'M^^m® by visiting 18th District Judge John •^j-.iii.-.iHt. Call Diane Abbott or David H. McCartney, after testimony from Monak at 467-3198 during J!M JAODFElD/staff photoQrapher THROUGH HER attorney, Gerald two police officers identifying her as Surowitz, Wall waived a preliminary business hours to make . the woman who placed a classified appointments at the Tonqulsh Happy holidays examination on the drug charge. advertisement in an adult magazine Testimony was heard primarily On Centerstudio, 33455 Warren billing herself as "Mistress Shall- Road, between Venoy and Wayne This decorated Christmas tree in Westland Wednesday morning for the traditional rush the prostitution charge. Center's east court reflects the holiday of shoppers looking for bargains and return- mar" of the "Executive Internation­ Wall, who Is free after posting a Road. al Massage Service." Family members may bring shopping season, which ends today. Retail ing Christmas gifts, $10,000 bond after her Nov. 26 ar­ businesses are expected to open their doors The officers testified that through rest, faces arraignment in Recor« poems, photos, drawings, special the ad, they made arrangements to messages or friends with them exchange sex and drugs for money for the taping. Please turn to Page 2 Each tape will be limited to five minutes. ; ommi irked by ouster move what'W»^lW*ttJt^#**rtJ*f**r-**WfUi*!**JlWs insid^ e GENE (SANTA) Reaves is in the middle of his busy By Todd 8chnolder season. But Thomas Thursday wasn't backing down criticism Thursday even from commissioners not staf f writer from his decision last month to seek resignations directly affected by the change in city policy. On a recent holiday stop;Gene Building scene 1F received a $200 check from the for eight non-residents who are currently serving "The (Leticia) Baldridge book of manners Members of Westland's Economic Development Calendar , ... 4A WestlandJ^arnber of Commerce, .boards or.commisslons. Thomascited a city char­ might be-sent j)ut_lo-the mayor," said EDAC Adisory Commission are bitter arid confused by Classifieds C,E,F presented during a recent ter residency requirement. - member Rob Millard, speaking during the com­ Mayor Robert Thomas' request that non-resident Christmas luncheon with the "I don't have much choice as far as the charter mission's regular monthly meeting. "(Chairper­ Creative living 1E board and commission members resign. Wayne Chamber of Commerce at is concerned," Thomas said. "I'm going to follow sons) weren't even notified that their boards were Entertainment 5D New Hawthorne Valley banquet Don Hoffman, one of three non-resident EDAC it as close as I can." going to be disrupted." Obituaries 4A hall, Mcrriman north of Warren members affected by the policy change, has reluc­ The change in policy would hit the nine-mem­ Sports 1C tantly agreed to resign. "The business climate of Westland Is Important Road. ,. ber EDAC particularly hard. The term for a to all of us, whether or not we live in the city," Street scene 1D Marilyn Ziegler said she hoped there would be fourth commissioner, George Eisenstein, wasn't said EDAC member and local business owner Taste 1B "a reconsideration" and Dan Vaslloff said he in­ renewed by Thomas when it expired last August. tends to remain on the board unless forced to quit Margaret Harlow, who Is a resident. REMEMBER the 1968 by legal or other action. THE MAYOR'S move - and its timing — drew NEWSLINE . .591*2300 Mustang, the last model of that Please turn to Pago 2 SPORTSLINE . .591-2312 car In the first generation of the CIRCULATION .591-0500 popular auto? Tho Wetland Chamber of CLASSIFIED. .591-0900 Commerce is selling tickets now. through Sept. 8 with the prize Local scores mixed tracking students' MEAP scores being a'66 Mustang. The ticket salo is part of tho The Michigan Education Assessment Program (MEAP) Is «*«*c»cw:*:"Bi.M^^:fcw*i»:.-n«.i-r>i.wu .TJiM^^flrj*] *a »• chamber's observance of tho city on state reading test administered each October throughout the state's public of Westtnnd's 25th anniversary of school system. Here's how students in tho Livonia School incorporation. District fared thlsycar. Drawing of the winning ticket By Mario Chootnoy "That's a significant shift, to bo up Is scheduled for Sept. 8 during tho staff writer that much," said At Edwards, school JOY. intermission of an outdoor district research specialist and test ?, • • Livonia dchools Concert At Central City Park, on Livonia school district reading director. PEACE. Ford between Wayne Road and test scores soared for 10th graders In previous years, school officials MAtH Grado 4 Grado 7 Grado 10 - Newburgh, directly behind City but dropped slightly for fourth and said any change of five points or LOW. Hall. seventh graders In the annual Michi­ more is significant. '1990 93.1 82.6 79.0 ' Tickets aro being sold by gan Education Assessment Program '1989 94.2 85.2 01,3 FRIENDSHIP. chamber members. Ticket buyers academic tests. LAST YEAR, school officials ex­ pected reading scores to bo low be­ mu3tbel8oroldor. ' The district Includes the northern SCIENCE Grado 6 Grade 8 . Grado 11 section of Westland. cause the test had been changed to Groups and individuals may Tho best news, school officials emphasize reading comprehension. 1990 ?a.9 56.6 48.0 The state added an information- mbinit announce me nts to the said, was tho 10th grade reading test 1989 78.2 46.3 / Places and Faces column, scores, up nearly 10 percent over tho reading section to tho test wherein 61 •! 8tudchts had to Interpret moro tech­ b information must contafn a previous year.
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