Australia 1300 888 225 New Zealand 0800 440 055
[email protected] From £1,485 GBP Single Room £1,610 GBP Twin Room £1,485 GBP Prices valid until 30th December 2021 7 days Duration New South Wales Destination Level 1 - Introductory to Moderate Activity Convicts and Colonials in NSW | Summer School in Blue Mountains Jan 16 2022 to Jan 22 2022 Convicts and Colonials in NSW In 2021 Odyssey is offering a week long course on the early years of white settlement in NSW at our Summer School in the Blue Mountains. Each day we’ll begin with a discussion of some aspect of the subject and then take an excursion to a local (or relatively local) place of colonial interest. The subject is vast and, obviously, impossible to cover in just one week. This course will, however, serve to whet the appetite Convicts and Colonials in NSW | Summer School in Blue Mountains 24-Sep-2021 1/8 Australia 1300 888 225 New Zealand 0800 440 055
[email protected] for further study, and will also provide the opportunity for an interest filled week in pleasant surroundings with congenial company. This course should appeal to seniors with an interest in the history of white settlement in Australia, but with a rather shaky memory of primary school lessons. Blaxland, Wentworth and Lawson crossed the Blue Mountains in 1813 and Edward Hargreaves discovered gold in Bathurst in 1850. We were drilled with these facts. But, how far did the explorers actually get, and what about Willian Tipple Smith who discovered gold three years before Hargreaves? Conflicts with the indigenous population were hardly mentioned, and it seemed that all convicts were sent out for stealing a loaf of bread.