Influx of Oriminals Aot
1856. VICTORIA. INFLUX OF ORIMINALS AOT. Return to WIt Address qf the Legislative Assembly, 9th December, 1856. (Mr. G?·eeves.) Ordered by the Legislative Assembly to be p1'inted, IOU. Dccembel', 1856. No. 43. SIR, Toorac, neal' lVlelbourne, 14th April, 1856: In transmitting for the consideration of Her Majesty's Government an Act passed by the Legislature of this Colony, on the 23rd day of January last, entitled "An Act to continuefQ1' a,limited period WIt Act entitled, 'An Act to prevent the influx qf Criminals into Victoria,''' I have the honor to state that acting under the advice of the Attorney-General of this Colony, I have given my assent thereto in the name of Her Majesty. The reasons lYhich actuated Governor, the late Sir Charles Hotham in assenting to the Act of which the present Act is the renewal, and with respect to which he pointed out the policy and expediency in his despatch, No. 150 of the 18th November, 1854, have also greatly influenced my own decision. I have, &c., &c., (Signed) EDWARD MACARTHUR. The Right Honorable, Hy. Labou,chere, M.P. (Gopy.) No. 44. SIR, Toorac, near Melbourne, 15th April, 1856. an tJns occasion I do myself the honor to refer to a despat<lh of Governor, the late Sir Chas. Sir Cbas. Hotllam, to See. Hotham, on the subject of the infiu.."{ of Criminals into Vietoria from tIle neighbouring Colony of of State, No. 1M. of Tasmania. ' 18th November, 1854. As ilie Secretary of State in replying to ws despatch, W!J.'l pleased to address several remarks Lord John R.ussell to Sir to Sir Chas.
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