Save the Trees, Says Outing Club Ment of the Landscape

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Save the Trees, Says Outing Club Ment of the Landscape Arc*» JAMES Q. LbYBURN LIBHAHY WASHINGTON & LEE UNIVERSITÀ < * 5 5 2 . loo 1 Phi seniors, Mayurnik Skank against Men’s lacrosse upsets and Swensen, give racism; Ska festival Roanoke in OT. Men’s good riddance to the in Norfolk, tennis claims third place at paper. Harrisonburg and W&L Invitational. W ashington D.C. PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Bulk Rate US Postage PAID Permit No. 7 Lexington, Va. Washington and Lee University (She ÎRing-tum phi Monday VOLUME 100, NUMBER 19 MARCH 30, 1998 Save the trees, says outing club ment of the landscape. Coordinator of Facilities Planning, rotting and ready to come down any- B y K a t h r y n M a y u r n ik “I feel that the woods in that area are Frank Parsons, said “ he didn’t know” if way, Parsons said. -------------------------------------Managing Editor a valuable resource to W&L and the the trails would be affected. “Those pine trees by the Junior Rhett Stook, an avid Lexington community,” said Stook. “But I do know that this school needs pavillion are only there because outdoorsman and a member of the Out­ Stook is also concerned that the con­ a new baseball field, and that is very they were planted by the university ing Club, stood on top of Jump Moun­ struction will affect the trails in that area. important to the atheltic program,” said in the first place ... And those trails tain Saturday, looking out over the ter­ “I spend a lot oftime back there moun­ Parsons. “And there are trails that cross haven’t been there since the Indi­ rain of the Lexington area. tain biking,” Stook said. that area where the baseball field will be ans either.” One of the main reasons that Stook However, President Elrod be­ built... I think ifthe Outing Club is con­ Nonetheless, Stook feels that the came to Washington and Lee was to lieves that Outing Club’s concerns cerned about the removal of the trails, master plan is an omen of doom for take advantage of the outdoors. As he are “ill founded” and the new base­ they should meet with us and suggest W&L’s landscape. soaked up the view, Stook wondered if ball field and other projects will not where we can build new ones.” “I foresee this campus expanding the several million dollars worth of ad­ affect the trails. Parsons said it is unfortunate that into the woods even more as the ditions to W&L, which will be added in “The stand of trees in that area where trees need to be cut down, but says that years go on,” he said. “Before you the next several years, will be visable some­ the trails are will not be removed,” Elrod this is a necessary step toward improv­ know it, nothing will be left.” day from die peak of die mountain. said. “Thewoodedsightlinewillremain.” ing the university. Stephanie Miller, a member of the He, and other members of the However, Elrod does admit that the “Sometimes its impractical to put a Outing Club, agrees. Outing Club, feel that the master woods where the baseball field will be lot of money into saving trees when the “It is just a valuable resource,” plan, especially plans to build a new built will have to be cleared. trees end up having to be taken down Miller said. “Chances are, the deple­ basebalL field between the pavilion “But, to my knowledge, the baseball anyway,” said Parsons said. tion of that resource will continue, and the law school parking lot, will field will not affect the trails in any way,” Many of the trees, like the ones on and it seems like such a shame to BAMBI ENJOYS the woods that some feel are doomed by the Master Plan. encroach on the community’s enjoy­ Elrod said. the sorority house site, are old and lose that.” SAB stands behind band, money choices Homsby and the “Gibb Droll Band.” B y G in g er P hillips -------------------------------------------- Staff W riter According to Noland, more than 35 As the legend goes, “REM”, once bands were considered based on price played at Washington and Lee’s Fancy and availability. Some bands like “Wide­ Dress. Every year people talk about the spread Panic” were out of the country what ifs and the maybes and the “I will during the week of FD. Barret said the definitely go ifs” SAB looks to spend between $30,000 * This year, the big names thrown and $50,000 on an FD band. around the colonnade included, “The At a total cost of $30,000, the “Vio­ Mighty Mighty Boss Tones”, “Black lent Femmes” were cheaper than Coolio Crowes” and the “Beastie Boys.” Real­ or “Widespread Panic.” Top dollar ity? The “Violent Femmes.” bands like the “Beastie Boys” are too ^ The SAB sold around 1300 of the expensive. 1800 tickets, said Philippe Barret, SAB The SAB is funded by the Execu­ treasurer. Although the concert did not tive Committee through student ac­ sell out, Wes Armstrong, SAB president, tivity fees. Of the $135 fee each stu­ X said the percentage of W&L students dent pays, about 25 percent of that or was greater than in years past. $34 goes to SAB. Armstrong says the In the past four years, only Coolio SAB spends every cent it is allocated and “Widespread Panic” have played each year. Generally students pay be­ to sold out crowds at the Student Pavil- tween $10-12 for tickets to the “big” ’i ion. Armstrong attributes this sell out concerts of the year: Homecoming, to the purchase of tickets by local resi­ Christmas Weekend and FD. The SAB dents and high school students. also funded hypnotist Tom Deluca in Despite the recent wave of criticism February and the band “Right On” a the SAB has received, Chris Noland, during freshman orientation. vice-president of entertainment, feels “We figure if the EC gives it to us the interests of the student body are at we should spend it,” Armstrong said. the heart of its decisions and existence. The SAB is in good financial The SAB encourages any unsatis- shape. It is trying to put together fied student to become personally in­ some Spring Term concerts and it will volved with the SAB in the following put money into the Buffalo Creek years. The current board consists of 62 Music Festival this year as it has in members who vote on the band choice. years past. W e have finals in a week? Senior Bill Warnock vivaciously leaps fo r his “sock ball, ” as senior Reed Deupree looks This year their choices included Bruce Courtney Miller contributed to this article on. Many students took advantage o f the 85 degree weather this weekend. Hollister Hovey/Photo Editor that students’ tastes can be fickle. Students support “If more people [started cycling], all of a sudden it would become the in Delt house, a very, very thing to do,” he said. car, not bike culture Because bicycle racks are already available and parking spaces are fine house, residents say By W ill Hardie tory which gets good use, but stu­ scarce, there is little more that the ---------------------------------------- N ews E ditor dents are seldom seen on bikes!” University can do to encourage cy­ By Chrstina Jullian fords. Elizabeth Harvey, sopho­ rority representative on the hen President John Elrod Parsons said that many students cling. Parsons said that the admin­ -------------------------------------------- Staff W riter more KD, said, “The Delt House Panhellenic Council, and lots were first arrived at Washington use their cars for unnecessarily istration would be reluctant to try What happens when you put 18 is really awesome, and I think it’s drawn to see who the lucky W and Lee, he asked Facilities short journeys, such as from to coerce students away from their girls from four different sororities even better than the frats. Every­ women would be. Planning Coordinator Frank Parsons Davidson Park fraternities to the cars, because such a move would in one house? Not what most thing is new and the house pro­ Georgianna Hickam, a freshmen why there were so few bicycle racks “Corral” parking lot on Jefferson be unpopular and would draw accu­ would expect. vides many amenities. It’s just like Chi Omega, was pleased with the on campus. Street. Such journeys could easily sations of authoritarianism, cur­ In its first year as a residence being at home.” results. “I said to him, ‘it’s hard to park a be made by bicycle, saving parking rently a sensitive issue. facility, the former Delta Tau Delta The house has a living room, “It looks like we’re going to BMW in a bicycle rack,”’ said Parsons. spaces and easing road congestion. Though cycling is healthier than House has proven to be a success. breakfast room, kitchen, and TV have a great group of girls in the A student on a bicycle is still a rare “It ought to be an idea that would driving, Parsons said that some may The house provides a unique room for its residents. Harvey be­ house next year. I’m looking for­ sight at W&L, a fact that vexes Uni­ occur to students who are as smart as be put off by the risk of an accident. housing opportunity for sorority lieves that it far surpasses Gaines. ward to becoming friends with versity planners working on the long­ they are suppose to be here,” Parsons “Riding a bike in Lexington can be members while serving as an al­ Some people think that those in women from other sororities.” term development master plan.

—— Preview end. ——

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