e user can search for items (such as keywords or quotes) PATROLOGIA ORIENTALIS in the language into which a text was translated in the Patrologia Orientalis. DATABASE [POD] e corpus of patristic texts from the Christian East published in the Patrologia Orientalis series soon available online C - Key Features PDF : Contains the 234 fascicles published in the Patrologia Orientalis series • Updated yearly with new texts • Each text is provided in its original language and in translation • Translations are searchable • Numerous lters (author, title, subject, language, etc.) • Multilingual interface (English, French, German, and Italian) Begijnhof 67 B-2300 Turnhout Belgium PLEASE CONTACT BREPOLS PUBLISHERS FOR: Tel.: +32 (14) 44 80 34 U a 30-day free trial period for institutional users Fax: +32 (14) 42 89 19 U a price quotation
[email protected] U details on, or a specimen of, the licence agreement www.brepolis.net 84PD2187 Liturgy Liturgy is very well represented. Foremost are the Synaxaria, the Lenten antiphonary and the Ethiopic Divine O ce, PATROLOGIA ORIENTALIS DATABASE [POD] the Armenian lectionary (čašoc‘), the Lectionary for Holy Week in Bohairic Coptic, the Greek Euchologium sinaiticum, Le Grand Euchologe du Monastère Blanc in Coptic, and the Eastern martyrology. he Patrologia Orientalis Database (POD) is a collection of patristic texts from the Christian East, including works, Trecorded in non-Latin languages, that come from geographical, cultural, or religious contexts somehow linked to Sacred Scriptures Rome or the Eastern Roman Empire. Its contribution to the study of Sacred Scripture is important because of its lectionaries, exegetical Catenae, several is initial version of the database allows users to access texts included in the Patrologia Orientalis (PO) series in two forms: apocryphal tests (Martyre de Pilate, Coptic fragments, and so on), the Book of Job in Coptic, the Paralipomena in Ethiopic, the original text, available as a PDF le, and a searchable translation.