Anales Galdosianos
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ANALES GALDOSIANOS Homenaje a Peter A. Bly BOSTON UNIVERSITY AÑOS XLII y XLIII 2007 y 2008 ANALES GALDOSIANOS ANOSXLII yXLHI 2007 y 2008 Fundador. Rodolfo Cardona Directores honorarios: Rodolfo Cardona y Peter Bly Director: Alan E. Smith Recensiones: Toni Dorca Redactara Asistente: Liana Ewald Asistente del Director. Alison Carberry Consejo de Redacción Yolanda Arencibia Leonardo Romero Tobar Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Universidad de Zaragoza Jean-Francois Botrel John H. Sinnigen Université Rennes 2 University of Marvland-Baltimore County Germán Gullón Akiko Tsuchiya Universiteit van Amsterdam Washington University-St. Louis Jo Labanyi Harriet S. Turner New York University University of Nebraska Carmen Menéndez Onrubia Diane F. Urey C.S.I.C, Madrid Illinois State University Stephen Miller Noel Valis Texas A & M University Yak University Agnes Moncy James Whiston Temple University University of Dublin Joan Oleza Universidad de Valencia REDACCIÓN Y ADMINISTRACIÓN: Dept. of Romance Studies Boston University 718 Commonvvealth Ave. Boston, MA 02215 EMAIL: [email protected] ANALES GALDOSIANOS AÑOS XLII Y XLIII 2007 Y 2008 Anales Galdosianos, en colaboración con la Asociación Internacional de Galdosistas, publica anualmente artículos, reseñas y documentos, en español o en inglés, sobre la vida y obra de Benito Pérez Galdós y otros autores del siglo diecinueve y la historia intelectual y cultural de la España de Galdós. Agradecemos el apoyo importante de la Casa Museo Pérez Galdós y el Cabildo de Gran Canaria. Agradecemos también el apoyo del Consulado de España en Boston y de Boston University. Los manuscritos deben ser enviados preferentemente por correo electrónico, en Word. También pueden enviarse por correo ordinario, impresos y con copia en disco. Anales Galdosianos sigue las últimas normas de documentación del MLA Handbook. Favor de contactar para reseñas a: Toni Dorca Dept. of Híspanle Studies Macalester College Saint Paul, MN 55105 dorca®macalester. edu PRECIO DE SUSCRIPCIÓN Y VENTA: Individuos: US $35 Instituciones: US $40 I.S.S.N.: 0569-9924 Nota del Director Cualquier estudiante que comience a conocer el panorama vasto de los estudios galdosianos muy pronto se encuentra con la presencia fundamental de Peter A. Bly. Además de sus numerosos libros y artículos enriquecedores sobre la obra de Galdós, Peter fue director de Anales Galdosianos desde 1991 a 2002, a la vez que ejercía el cargo de Secretario-Tesorero de la Asociación Internacional de Galdosistas. La deuda de todos los estudiosos de la obra del maestro canario con Peter es patente, y aunque no se pueda saldar, nos alegramos profundamente de brindar este número doble de Anales Galdosianos en homenaje a nuestro querido y admirado amigo. ÍNDICE RODOLFO CARDONA. Peter A. Bly 13 ESTUDIOS YOLANDA ARENCÍBIA. Galdós y Unamuno en la misma hoguera 31 VERNON A. CHAMBERLIN. Lame characters and the devil in Fortunata y Jacinta, Miau and Ángel Guerra 47 BRIAN J. DENDLE. Three Novéis of José Selgas y Carrasco, 1882-1883 55 JO LABANYI. Time-Space Compression and Memory in Fortunata y Jacinta 67 STEPHEN MILLER. Pérez-Reverte as Seen from a Galdosian Perspective 77 EAMONN RODGERS. Galdós, Castelar y "la noche de San Daniel" 87 HARRIET TURNER. Mariano and Moreno: Changing Men of Fiction and Fashion 97 DIANE F. UREY. La atracción del abismo en Cuarenta leguas por Cantabria y dos novelas de Galdós 107 DOCUMENTOS KARLO BUDOR. Galdós y dos conmemoraciones (de Antonio Alcalá Galiano y del general Torrijos) 121 CRISTINA PATINO EIRÍN. Una carta olvidada de Emilia Pardo Bazán a Luis Vidart 131 MICHAEL SCHNEPF Y MELIZA RAMÍREZ. The Graphic Component of the Original Manuscript of Galdós's La desheredada: Results, Relevance, and Ramifications 139 RESEÑAS LIEVE BEHIELS. Misericordia de Benito Pérez Galdós, edición, introducción y notas de José-Carlos Mainer, estudio de la obra de Juan Carlos Ara, ilustración de Francisco Solé 153 MARYELEN BIEDER. Negotiating Sainthood: Distinction, Cursilería, and Saintliness in Spanish Novéis, por Kathy Bacon 155 VERNON CHAMBERLIN. Jenseits von altem Gott und «Neuem Menschen»: Prasenz und Entzug des Góttlichen im Diskurs der spanischen Restaurationsepoche. (Beyond the oíd God and the "New Man": Presence and Withdrawl /Absence of the Divine in the Discourse of the Spanish Restoration Period), por Karimi Kian-Harald 157 MARY L. COFFEY. Realism as Resístame. Romanticism and Authorship in Galdós, Clarín and Baroja, por Denise Dupont 160 MARK HARPRING. Galdós's Torquemada Novéis: Waste and Profit in Late Nineteenth- Century Spain, por Teresa Fuentes Peris , 164 SALVADOR OROPESA. Retórica y cursilería. Notas a El amigo Manso de Galdós, por Carlos Moreno 166 RANDOLPH POPE. The Canon and the Archive: Confíguring Literature in Modern Spain, por Wadda Ríos-Font ; 168 JENNIFER SMITH. Doña Berta de Leopoldo Alas ("Clarín"), edición de David R. George, Jr 170 HARRIET TURNER. Misericordia de Benito Pérez Galdós, traducido del español, editado con una introducción por Robert Russell 172 JAMES WHISTON. Episodios nacionales, primera serie, por Benito Pérez Galdós, edición de Dolores Troncoso y Rodrigo Várela 178 PETERA.BLY Rodolfo Cardona Although Professor Bly has deviated occasionally from his study of the works of Benito Pérez Galdós and written articles (and even a short book) on other subjects, his devotion to our author has been unswerving ever since he began his career as a scholar. In addition, this devotion has taken other forms that have made invaluable contributions to his chosen author. He began collaborating in Anales Galdosianos (in capacities other than as contributor) twenty nine years ago when he consented to become Review Editor in 1980, a position that he held until he became Editor of this publication in 1991. He undertook the editorship of Anales Galdosianos at a very difficult juncture. The generous subsidy that the Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria had contributed to our review since 1968 began to falter. Even during Professor John Kronik's tenure as Editor the Cabildo had begun to default payments to our printer in Valencia who, at one point, refused to issue the next volume of the review. Peter Bly, under these difficult circumstances, was forced to forego all previous arrangements and establish new procedures for printing and distributing Anales Galdosianos, scaling down the number of copies printed of each volume and utilizing a local printer in Kingston, Ontario, where he worked as Professor at Queens University. Even so, his work as Editor was heroic and at times he was forced to make personal sacrifices to continué to bring out our publication until, finally, he felt forced to resign as Editor in 2002. The Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria rewarded his devotion to Galdós and to Anales Galdosianos by bestowing on him the decoration and title of "Galdosista de Honor." So, it is only fitting that now that the review has begun again to come out under the expert editorship of Professor Alan E. Smith an issue oí Anales Galdosianos should be dedicated to him as an overdue HOMENAJE. I have already mentioned Professor Bly's continuous examination of Galdós's vast output that has yielded fruit in the many articles and books that appear in the list of his publications printed in this volume. It would be impossible to comment on all of his publications without having to devote the entire volume to this task and leaving no room for his many friends who wish to express their support and admiration to Professor Bly on this occasion. Therefore I shall limit myself to commenting on the originality of his scholarship as demonstrated in his books Galdós's Novel ofthe Historical Imagination (written in 1981 and published in 1983), Vision and the Visual Arts In Galdós (written in 1983 and published in 1986), and The Wisdom ofEccentric OldMen: A Study ofType and Secondary Characters in Galdós 's Social Novéis, 1870-1897 (2004), with some mentions of the collection of essays that he edited in 1988, Galdós y la historia, and his most recent book Celibato y sacerdocio: La novela española (1870-1886) (2006), only part of which deals with Galdós's works. Prior to my reading of his first book, Galdós's Novel ofthe Historical Imagination, a revised versión of his doctoral dissertation written under the supervisión of the British Galdós scholar J. E. Varey and published as a book in 1983,1 had published two articles by Peter Bly in Anales Galdosianos: "Egotism and Charity in Marianela" (VII, 1972) and "Sallies and Encounters in Torquemada en la hoguera: Patterns of Significance" (XIII, 14 RODOLFO CARDONA 1978). I had been impressed from the beginning by the originality of his approach to Galdós's novéis and by the way he always found in them "patterns of significance" in details and themes often overlooked by other critics. His Galdós's Novel ofthe Historical lmagination, for instance, is the flrst full-length study of "all the contemporary historical material in the serie contemporánea" and "whether this material is given any special function in the narrative" (x). In doing so, Bly discovers interesting "patterns of significance" in every one of the novéis that he analyzes: La desheredada (1881), El amigo Manso (1882), El doctor Centeno (1883), Tormento (1884), La de Bringas (1884), Lo prohibido (1884-1885), Fortunata y Jacinta (1886-1887), Miau (1888), La incógnita and Realidad (1889), the Torquemada tetralogy (1889-1895), Ángel Guerra (1890-1891), Nazarín (1895), Halma (1895), Misericordia (1897), El caballero encantado (1909), y La razón de la sinrazón (1915). In other words, his study examines the entire novelistic output that Galdós himself called his "segunda manera" and that goes by the term serie contemporánea. No one, prior to Bly, had attempted such a thorough study of the presence of Spain's contemporary history in Galdós's supposedly non-historical novéis. In doing so he discovers a "subtle allegorical style" successfully used in such novéis as La desheredada, Fortunata y Jacinta, and La de Bringas.