Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, XVI, 2014, 2, pp. 307-340 A Painted Republic: the Constitutional Innovations of Cicero’s De legibus Lex Paulson Université Paris IV - Sorbonne
[email protected] ABSTRACT This article proposes three arguments concerning the constitutional innovations offered by Cicero in the De legibus. First, these innovations are much broader and deeper than commonly appreciated, none more so than the very attempt at a prescriptive written constitution for Rome. Second, Cicero’s amendments to traditional Roman practice follow a consistent set of four principles, principles encapsulated in his metaphor of the republic as a painting in need of fresh colors. Finally, the reframed institutions within the De legibus reveal Cicero to be neither the reflexive optimate his critics lament, nor the far- seeing political diagnostician he considered himself. The senate, for all its faults, remains the sole center of gravity in his constitutional system, and the legitimate grievances of Rome’s citizen majority remain unrecognized and unaddressed. Though a failure on its own terms, the De legibus represents antiquity’s last major attempt at original political thought, and an essential if unrecognized bridge to the modern idea of a constitution. KEYWORDS Cicero, De legibus, constitutionalism, institutional rebalancing “Suppose that some one had a mind to paint a figure in the most beautiful manner, in the hope that his work instead of losing would always improve as time went on—do you not see that being a mortal, unless he leaves some one to succeed him who will correct the flaws which time may introduce, and be able to add what is left imperfect through the defect of the artist, and who will further brighten up and improve the picture, all his great labour 307 LEX PAULSON will last but a short time?” 1 – Plato, Laws 769c.