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Flf>PEN(>1 X ~1 ''·· . ·../ flf>PEN(>1 X ~1 'lltllt.rlation of Jl"·ar NtllllrtiJ ·~~.~·,,.,.,( 111 hy tlrr Jloolt'nlr 7.r·cn/;qj:r 1111 · 1/re 2nd J11ne, 1~36. 1. Tl·H~ Ze~nkafs.engagc that the JJo~lan Govcrnmcutmnkc every possible exertion .to .rut down the system of dacoity which bas so long prcvniled nrnongst the inhabitants of .tLc Dooars. ' ' i2.·. Should howcyer any_· aggression be couJmillcd,by the iullabitnnts of the Dooars, the .." offenders shall be deli;:ered up· by Soobahs, on' receiving· the Pe1 wanuahs of the n;;lp,istrntas to that effect, and on their f~ilt1rc· to seize the ~offenders, the Police of the Htitish Uuvcfli;I~CIIt shall have IICCC~S lu the UtiUIIIS.ill SCIItt:h ur the culprits. 3. · The Zeenkafs engage. for the due yearly delivery of'the tribute due f10m nil the. Doonrs to the respective Collectors of Kainroop and. Durrung. 4. To secure the due payment of the tribute, n Zcenknf shnll be deputed to mnko the collections in person, ·and pay them ovc~ himself to the Collectors of Kamroop nnd Durrung, and the appointment of Suzawals on the part of the British Government shall ccnsc. 5. A11tl in case or uny nrrc11rs ugnin nccu1uulntii•g, to the IIIIIUlllll ofono yenr's tribute, the British Gqvcrrmnent shall be at liberty to at.tnch tl1e Doonrs iu a~rcnrs, UJIU to holt! the same, nnd to collect the. revenue thereof until the arrcnrs hnve been fully Jiquitlntctl. G. The Zeenknfs will provide for the sclllcmcnt of oil e:dsting urrcnrs, ufler 1111 examination of account. with the Collectors· and agrceble to the decision of the Governor Gencrnl's Agent on a~1y' disngr~crncnt. · · . 7. The Govcmor General's Agent ogrcc!l on thi~ Jl<rar Nmnch being co111plcted tu ..... give up Duxa Dooar, " that the revenue \vhich hns been collected from it. duri11g the time it uas been attached, shall be carried to the account of the outstundiJJg nrrears. i. 8. ·If any individua~s, inhabitants of the Do oars, commit uacoitics, murders, or other heinous offences in the: Dooars, and take refuge ·in the· Dritish territory, such ,:,· ··offenders shall be delivered up to the l3ooteah ofliccrs on their demanding and identifying them. (Signed) Bazub Rin Sen Zeenknf, on the part of the Phurmn Rajah; ·; Kasung Gampa Chamt~ Zecnkaf,, on the part of the Deb Rajah. " , Poongtakee Zeenkaf, on the part of the Tongsoh Piloo. , Khamakepah Zcenkaf, on th.c 'part of the Dhurmu RnjS\i'i's Father, .Qimsce Soozee. ~ .. ., F. Jenkins, Governor General's· Agent. ;· . ·~·..: ·- ill ".· .. \ ·;:·.. ·~~'"{; •• .i. ...... .. ' 'i J ·\r: 1i49 .;:i: ,' ...i APPEND IX --· 3 · . ·. _;.; Treaty submitted on thq 25th of April, 1838, to' ~he Deb 1~~/ja!J of, 1Jvota11 by ~aptai11. R.~ • ••. - · . JJoiicau Pemberton, Envoy on the part of the British l11dian Government to the Court of tlze . : · . · . ... Deb .and Dl111rma Rajahs~ . Many years having elap~ed since n Mission was deputed from the Government ... .': of British India to the Deb and Dhurma Rajahs o( Bo~n, and the acquisition of the c • Territory of Assam by the Hon'ble the East India Company having· greatly extended the rela lions which fo.nnerly existed between the -two Governments, the Right Hon'blo tho • Governor General of Jndia."in Councilrwas pleased,.on,the.7th of August' 1837,: ..to depute Captain Pemberton Envoy port of Government ', R.· Doilcau os on tho tho Dritish Indian . to the Deb-and Dhurma Rajalis of. Bpotan, with authority to make any' arrangements in concert with the Deb Rajah1 . which should appear best adapted to the present state of nlfairs, and ns likely to ~strengthen ~nd ce1~1ent tho nmicnblo relations of tho _two .. , Governments to n degree not provided for by any, existing treaty.. The following articles t >: have been 'mutually 'agreed -upon by the· Deb Rajah o(Dootan, and'.the Envoy. on the Part of the British Indian Government ns being calculated to remove existing· cnuses or' dissatisfaction, to extend -f~iendly intercourse, and to place the future relations. of tho two Governn1e11ts, on such a basis ns shall.be equally advantageous to both. · · ... Article. 1st. The subjects of Doolan of every description having always had free access to the territories of the British. Indian Government for -purposes of· trafilc, .it is reasonable and just that a similar privilege. should be extended to the ·subjects· of. the .·.... British India Government.. • It is therefore mutually agreed, that the· subjects of .hoth states shall.be equally unr.estricted in any friendly intercourse they moy wish to carry on, and. shall qe en~itled to the protection of the respective Governments, as long as they. conduct themselves peac~ably in _their _several vocations. Article 2d. 1f any ryott or other inhabitant of the Hon'ble Company's territory shall desert into the territory of the Deb Itajah, he sh_nll be immediately given .up· on application being made for him-and· if any individual, iniwbitants of the Bootnn territory, commit robberies, Inurders, or other heinous offences, and take rcf!1ge· in the British Indian territory, they shall be surrendered on the Dootnu nuthorities demanding and identifving thern ., . Article:'· 3d. lf any inhabitant of the Dritish Indian territories shall commit offences :-:.~::~·:;- in the Dooars, for which· the· Dootun Government now pays, or has heretofore pnid, , ' tribute to the Hon'ble Company, such ·off_ender shall be seized and mnde over for trial to the _·~ nearest resident British officer, by wh~)m ·his offences, if satisfactorily proved will be .. ·, ,·~·. .­ punished in· accordance w'lth the laws whi~h prevail in.the Hon'ule Compan;y,'s territory· •. ·'·' -but if any British subject shall commit: offences in ·the independent Hill territory of the Dootan Governme1it, he will be amenable to trial in conformity with the customs which prevail there, the circumstances being ~uly reported at the time to the British Indian Government. ... Article 4th. Should any aggressions be c'ommitled by the i!llwbitnnts of ~he Doonrs under the Doolan Government, against the subjects· of the Hon'ble. Con;puny, such offenders shall be immediately surrcnder.ed by the Bootan frontier oJllcers,_ on receivi11g U10 ptii'II'Wmahs o[ tile Magistrates of Districts to that cll'cct, and on their failing to sei1.e the offenders, the Police of the British .lndinr1 Government shall have free access to the Doocu-s in.search of the culprits. Article 5tlz. Should the Uooteahs, _or other subjects of the Deb Rnjnh, have uny demands upon, or disputes with, uny inhabitant of nny part of the llon'blc Company's Territories, they shall prosecute them bnly by nn application to the Magistrate of the· District in which such disputes may have.· arisen, by whom an examination will be imme­ dintc!y made into the 11nturc of the CO)llplaint, nnd re(ircss, if necessary, n!l'orded. 152 ·-· >f•·-~ •.::;?' -· 1 Article 6th. The present mode of' paywg . tribute ·for .the - Doo.ars, ··partly 'in goods . d rses and p' artly in money having )e"d to much misunderstondlllg, and tho accumu- · ' c\11 110 ' . ~ w ' • 1 'b 1 11 . f tur be latio11 of hea.vy arrears,· the Doolan· Governp1ent agr~ tl·.~t.. t le tn ute 5 la 111 u e. paid in.cnsh ; the revenue for cnch Doonr hcinlrtnken nt the present ~mount, there ~cll1~ ·t f' til" JJ 1·Jtlsh I 1'1diun Uovemuu:nt to lncrcuse the tnbute iu the sllghtest uu wl s I1 ou ll te pnt o u • • . degrc~;tic~e lth. To i~s-~re the p~~ctual· payrn~nt ·of t_ribute,' .andto protect the Bootan ': Government as much as possible from imposition or loss, it is agreed, that at the customary 'Zeenkafs shall be ·deputed by the Doolan Government for the purpose season o f tl1e year,· , of paying the amount d~e, directly·. to the Collec_tors of Kamroop and_ Durr:ung, wh~ wll~ . : grant receipts for the a.mount so paid ; and not, as w~s f~rmerly the case,· to any mter · .' ·· d' t · t' ·nts ,: In the event of any Dooar falling mto arrears to the extent of one, ; . me 1a e na tve age . ·· . 9 . · ~· .: • :·tribute· the British 'Indian Government shall be at liberty .to take posseSS!Oll ot, ·: year. s ' . 1 b f 11 d d . ·. d · t' ue to hold.· such Do oar . until the .. balances 1avc een u Y rea r12;e , an · , ~nd. co~fitp.t.. btal·n d' for· any extra· ~xpense to which the British Indian Government · 111 emm1ca 10n.o e , · , , . .' may have been subjected, by such temporary possesston of the Do~a~. bewangiri RaJ'ah having seized nnd kept lll confmement twelve A rt I cI e 8 t I t. Tb c f · d 1 · . t f · tl e · Hon'ble Company '. in violation of the nen slip Kac1 1aree su b~ec s o 1 • . b db. etween the two· Governments ; the Deb Rajah havmg for the first an d prac ttees o serve . , . • . time, been moue acquainted .wit.h tho circumstrinccs by the Dn.LJ.sh Envoy: l.'sr:es to send ·rrnme d·.ra t e 1y a perc m p tory order .for their·. · surrender. to the. Dntlsh. nuthontrcs 111 Assam, <-by whom they will be tried, in conformity with the 3d arttcle of tlus treaty._ . ·Article 9th. · The Deb Rajah having now been made fully acquainted with tt1c 'I <2.misconduc~·of, and aggressions committed by .the Bootan officers in charge of the Dooars, ,, · against the. ·subjects of the· Hon'ble Company,· will apopt decisive measures for putting ' an effectual stop to conduct of so un~arrantable a nature; and will issue an order for the immediate apprehension and ·surrender of five escaped convicts from the Gowhatty' jail, now concealed .in the Dooars, who had been condemned to imprisonment for participation in these offences against the British Indian Government.
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