Application of Space Based Technologies for Disaster Risk Assessment at the Level of Communities A. Shomahmadov
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Asian Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction January 23 rd 2013 , Kobe, Japan Application of space based technologies for Disaster Risk Assessment at the level of communities A. Shomahmadov Head of the Information Management and Analytical Center (IMAC) of the Committee of ES and CD, Tajikistan SSpacepace Based Technologies Application GIS mapping and application of geospatial information systems, which have become widespread and recognized in Tajikistan, allow to use innovative and effective approaches for the analysis of the information about disasters and solve tasks on their prevention and risk reduction. They play an especially important role for decision-making in socio- economic, economic, political and ecological spheres of development, disaster and natural resources management. A lot of agencies and departments are getting more and more concerned with the lack of qualified specialists who can effectively use GIS technologies and geospatial information systems for scientific research and decision-making. 1 SSpacepace Based Technologies Application Recent important achievements of the GIS technologies and remote sensing: 1. Monitoring and Early Warning System was installed in 2004 at the lake Sarez and it conducts the following kinds of measurements: Surface displacements on the body of the Usoi Landslide Dam; Registration of strong movements during earthquakes; Water level of the lake and maximal wave height; The water discharge of the Murghab river; Turbidity of the drain flow from the lake; Meteorological data. Components of the Monitoring System are used for the activation of the warning system and they are integrated into EarlyWarning System. The transmission of all data, warning signals and remote supervision over the system is carried out through the satellite system INMARSAT, or locally, through cables on short distances. All the data received by the system, are available on the website of the Committee of Emergency Situations of Tajikistan – Data Transmission System MU9 a 2 Flow sensors 2 x 2 Flood sensors Satellite Barchidiv (Automatic activating) (Inmarsat IOR) MU9 b Alarm control Barchidiv 1 Inmarsat D+ panel (Manual activating) (Manual activating) MU1 GPS Dushanbe 1 HF Right landslide (voice+ alarm desactivaton) 1 Inmarsat D+ MU2 Near right landslide on firm rock 1 SMA with own Phone line levels 2, 3, 4 MU3 (existing Tajik HydroMeteo services station) Irkt Flow meter CU + MU6 1 HF existing (voice) (Automatic activating) 1 SMA, 3 VHF, Khorog 1 Inmarsat D+, MU4 1 Meteostation 1 HF (voice) 2 lake level (PLL) 1 Inmarsat D+ Bay 2 Lake level (WLL) wires levels 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 MU5 Control panel Dam crest, (Manual activating) central part Villages Villages Villages 1 HF (Voice) zone 3 zone 2 zone 1 1 Inmarsat D+ 1 HF (voice) 1 HF (voice) 1 HF (voice) MU7 1 Inmarsat D+ 1 Inmarsat D+ 1 Inmarsat D+ Dam (downstream) 2 x 2 Flood sensors House Murghab river 1 VHF Level 4: Back to normal signal Level 3: Escape signal Level 0: Normal situation. Transmission of parameters Level 1: Abnormal situation. Check to be done MU8 Level 2: Get ready signal 1 SMA Dam toe Кадам Маскаев 2-4.09.2009 2 Data Processing 90 daily average 2004 100 100 80 daily average 2005 90 90 lower-upper decile 1940-1994 70 mean 1940-1994 80 80 min-max 1940-1994 70 70 60 60 60 50 50 50 40 40 40 30 30 20 Discharge in Barchidiv 20 30 Lake level 10 10 C orrelation R x100 (365 days) 20 100xR Discharge inBarchidiv (m3/s) 0 0 10 Lake level (m ) (+3200) - D ischarge (m 3/s). 0 3 6 0 1 30.04.38 24.01.41 21.10.43 17.07.46 12.04.49 07.01.52 03.10.54 29.06.57 25.03.60 20.12.62 15.09.65 11.06.68 08.03.71 02.12.73 28.08.76 25.05.79 18.02.82 14.11.84 11.08.87 07.05.90 31.01.93 1.01 .0 1.04 .0 .07 1.08 1.09 .1 .1 1.12 0 01.02 01 0 01.05 01 01 0 0 01 01 0 3270 1941-1991 1941 1956 1973 1976 3265 1978 2004 2005 3280 3260 3259 60 3275 Tendency curve : y = 0.3442x + 3237.5 3258 Lake level 3270 Discharge 55 3255 3257 3265 3256 [m] level Lake 50 3250 3260 3255 3255 3254 45 3245 Lake level (m ) 3250 3253 Lake level (m ) 40 Discharge (m 3/s) 3252 3245 3240 3251 35 3240 3235 3235 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Discharge in Barchidiv [m3/s] 3230 02.1 1.75 22.1 2.75 10.0 2.76 31.0 3.76 20.0 5.76 09.0 7.76 28.0 8.76 17.1 0.76 06.1 2.76 25.0 1.77 1 9 3 8 1 9 4 1 1 9 4 4 1 9 4 7 1 9 5 0 1 9 5 3 1 9 5 6 1 9 5 9 1 9 6 2 1 9 6 5 1 9 6 8 1 9 7 1 1 9 7 4 1 9 7 7 1 9 8 0 1 9 8 3 1 9 8 6 1 9 8 9 1 9 9 2 1 9 9 5 1 9 9 8 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 4 Кадам Маскаев 2-4.09.2009 Space Based Technologies Application 2. Participation in the implementation of JAXA mini-project called “Representation of susceptibility to landslides of Khatlon province and Central regions of Tajikistan”. This project has been implemented by the Geoinformational Centre of Asian Institute ofTechnology in Thailand: During the implementation of this project 32 satellite images have been received and processed; Multispectral satellite images have been used for identification and designing of landslide susceptibility maps of 2 most populated regions of Tajikistan; The satellite data obtained within the frame of this project will be used for the monitoring of important objects, such as nature reserves, dams, glaciers, glacial lakes with outburst flood risk. These data will also help designing developmental maps of regions (for state authorities and decision-making officials), and solving DRR tasks. 3 Space Based Technologies Application 3. FOCUS, JICA, JAXA and Sentinel Asia trainings on the usage of GIS technologies, remote sensing for Disaster Management (loading and processing of satellite images, before and after the disaster), and also for disaster risk assessment: The obtained spatial data and GIS trainings allow to solve problems of Disaster Prevention, Risk Assessment and Disaster Risk Reduction in a more efficient and reliable way. 4. Disaster risk assessment and vulnerability assessment of Tajikistan communities: GOOGLE images are generally used; Space images received from free spatial information systems (satellites), such as GOOGLE, USGS, Sentinel Asia (for example, flooding in Vose’ district; earth flows in Kulob, Asht and Muminobod districts in 2010-2012), UN-SPIDER (a massive landslide and a mud-stream in Khuroson district in 2009), NASA (the Medvezhiy Glacieradvancing in Vanj district in 2011) are also used. Some examples of the application of space based technologies for disaster risk assessment at the level of communities. 4 INTRODUCTION The first practice of IMAC carrying out disaster risk assessment on community level was realized within the framework of the UNEP/UNDP/OSCE/NATO international project “Environment and safety in the Fergana valley” in August 2006. Within the framework of this project: 18 settlements in Isfara, Konibodom and Asht districts of Sughd province were preliminary examined; 12 most vulnerable settlements were detected, and detailed examinations of dangerous exogenous hydro-geological processes were carried out, with the help of experts from corresponding organizations; A detailed report was compiled, and hazard maps were designed. Оценка риска селевой опасности масштаб 1 : 25 000 Условные обозначения Селевой бассейн Направление смыва и транзита селевого материала водными потоками Основные направления движения селевого потока в зоне непосредственной опосности Пролювиально -селевой конус выноса Селесброс (180 м длинна в метрах ) в рыхлых отложениях 1620,2 Дамбы каменные Отстойник Участки , наиболее пострадавшие при активизации селевыхНеподтопляемые потоков и, нонаводнений требующие и которомпроведения существует превен Ворух угрозативных затопления мер и организации при повторных охранных наводнениях зон . Зона риско - ванного земледелия при отсутствии защитных соо - Огород 1636,1 ружений Производственные объекты расположенные в зоне непосредственной опасности селевого воздействия Рекомендуемые участки размещения населения при эвакуации в случае возникновения чрезвы - чайных ситуаций а 1388,4 Сады и огороды з а б р Автодороги Сада на селевом конусе вноса а 1579,1 Д Тропинки ы р Калача о Г Линии электропередач Забор Отстойник Огород Реки м 1353,2 0 8 Огород Государственные границы 1 1360 1236 Высотные отметки Подготовка к стихийным бедствиям и снижение риск а для общин рассположеных в зонах высо - кого риска Ферганской долины Таджикистана UNEP- /UNDP/ /OSCE/ NATO 5 Оценка риска селевой опасности Условные обозначения масштаб 1 : 10 000 Защитные сооружения . Берегозащитные дамбы из камней и бетона Участки рек ,где отсутствуют защитные сооружения . Зона подверженная воздействию наводнений и селевых потоков Русло селеопасных горных водотоковк Джайрахона Возможные направления движения селевого потока Типы водных потоков : Водный без твердой составляющей , Грязевые , Грязекаменные Неподтопляемые , но требующие проведения превентивных Ш ай д ан мер и организации охранных зон . Зона рискованного земле - делия при отсутствии защитных сооружений Зона , где возможно прохождение селевых потоков при интенсивных ливневых дождях в горных районах Шк ола Гора Шутарсая Населенные пункты Махалла Миенаи -Туда Рекомендуемые участки размещения населения Пулизаргар при эвакуации в случае возникновения чрезвы - чайных ситуаций Участки , наиболее пострадавшие при активизации селевых потоков и наводнений и которым существует угроза зато - Ленина пления при повторных наводнениях Места возможного перекрытия русла рек и каналов при запорах (мосты , переходы , трубопроводы ) Эрийгитов Сады и огороды Автодороги Реки ня а Б Культуры Парк К П М F Подготовка к стихийн ым бедствиям и снижение риска для общин рассположеных