u{n Encyclopedia of WORLD HISTORY

-\ncient, Medieval, and Modern, Chronologically Arranged


,Coolidgc Profesor of Histor!, Hcrrard Unilersir!

RE\rISED EDITIOII Iil-rstrated with Maps

HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY BOSTON @t. 3i!et6ab. Sr.rs €arblibq. 966 EI]ROPE TEE BRITISH ISLES, 1918 A"I Mar. r3. German annexation oI Memel bt, incidents on the Danzie-Polish fi L Premier Daradi€r of lrance same d-al'- ;b after pressure upon Lithuanizt the lung-,rnticipated crisic brohe E:'e?led to lfirlcr, re.ei\ins in fied the F{ which €xtracted a Deace{ul setdement. At Albert Forster, Nazi leader in Dani =:ly 1Aug. ,7) a pka for German- claimh-g i:i the same time Hiiler submitted stifi de- nourced publitly thct the hoLrr oi Fr€Dch peace but also a reiteration mands reg&rdins Danzis and Pof,orze (the ance was near. At the same time ttr a the German demands on Po- SepL L ( "Polish Coridor") to WaNa\'. Faced by rvas startled by the conclusion oi a :id. Ltt the project of limitless German expansion lreaty between Germanyand Soviet ,le Tbe British sovernment repljed FoFter pl;o., on the continent, follo\red by :o Hitler, again urging a truce and Mar. 31, I'he British government Aug. 21. The announcement tiaa. i; icrmer rvarninss of British action bilized b!. e Dledaed Anelo-Irench aid to th€ manw and Russia l'ere Germrn rggression. BritisL shirr- iJ Gerc;l : Poles in ra.e of a(Lion rhrea'ening Polish conclude a non aggression pact. rccelled frurn rhe Brhic rnd Medi- Polarid. It: irdpncrdcncc. ThL Nls Iarer (Artr. o) after months of negotiation betsea F_. In Ger]]l.1ny eder3ency ration e*panded into a pr,jt of mulual a'cist- land, France and Russia and t-he mi= *s rrrodrrred On rll qirleq militrr- Sept. t- a military delegalinn to trIos(o\v, tilt treparations were accelerated. Ap!. 7. Italian invasion and corquest wrq resrrded as a demonstmtion oi B t9. Hitler reiterated to B tain ation. bnt I of Albada (p. ro2ol. DesPire tbe vik perlidy. 'lhe wlte-jdce of the ris extrcme demands on long ;s -3e ! iolation ol ihe Anglo-ltati;n pcct, was evidently due in large measure - :E-..jsed to negoti:Ltc until these de- soil. Eir;s' Rritain made no move. land's refusal to admit Russian forces i i," -ere met. He called for arrival of AngleFrtee Apr. ?. The victorious nationa.list €vent of war. Discussion of Russi k& plenipotentiary in Berlin within an ultisa:n governrncnr in Spaio joined Ger- clusion in a Deace lrunt\vis at once drq :4 hours, note bla=ilg many, l1.ly and JJp-n ir the In EngJand and Irrance as rt ell as ir lE: 30. The Poles decreed partial Poles ill a F Arti-CominierD Pact. m.rny mitiury preparations \r€re iqili Eobilizarion, while in Germanv a cation- Th Apr. 13. 'lhe Franco-British pledge was the Germans concentrattng torces r si:-man "crrbiner council for ?e rejected th. e:itended to Rumania atrd . vakia as well as along the fense of the Reich" \as set uo riiir Apr. 15. Presidetrt Roosevelt, in a letter Aug. 22. The B tish govern$a under the presidency ot Goering.' Sept i to Hitler and Mussolini, asked iterated its pledges to PolaDd td- 31. The Cerman Soverrment pub DE{ assurances against attack on 3r nations at the same time aDpealed tE lished a 16-point proposal to-Po- xt of Europe and rhe Near East. ln re.ponse many for r, truce in eastem - ThistDrS was oIot rather moderate tenor Fliller publicly r€"lrred Cermrn gricvances and negotiation of Gerrnall d .E-ore it could be transmitted to Warl and chim. and deri"d aggreisive inlen Aug. 23. The German-Russilr nEmunications were cut ofi. On this tions. was signed at tr'IoscoiY blr May 1t.. Announcement of an Anglo- Germun Ioreien rninister, artisan .i Tulkish mutual assistance pact, Anti-CominternAnti-aominter; PactPa(l of ro16.1936. ltIt Drq 2. THE BRITISH IS to be follolved bv a FrencL not only for abstention of either P Turkish asreement-purchased at attack on the other, but for the de€.:ed the expense of the Sanjak of Alex- either party if the othel were atta A. GREAT BRITA I N and t-he lret audretLa. a lhird Do\ver. Ea..h sisnatory I goods i: G- May 1?. , Norrvay and Finland not Lo i;in any sroup of Po\aeIS &€?t Britain's losses in the Filst World rejc.red a Cerran ofrrr ot a bi' is dircrtlv or indircLtly aLned !r Irr *ere Tio.ooo (illed -nd ab"uL r,5oo- lateral non-aggression pact, prefering to other parLv." As a resuit of thL aa taouodrd. Her ru. rl er:t,ense exceeded maintain a rigid neutrality. , agreenent the Anti Cominter! hd .!'-u.ooo.ooo rnd ber burde,: of ciome.tic 1919-19tt- C Estonia and Latvia, however, accepted the oice collatsed, Jatan resLrming ioreign debt was ten times what it had orl Cerman nronosal. ln r1'e irrrerral the -:k ir r9r1. S\e wrs l.cFd \,'rh rhF 1919, M.r. I Brirish made ererv efiort to drarv Ru

2. THE BRITISH ISI,F,S Lhc. defer'ed lo.vers or tlc .osfs of war, A. GREAT BRITAI N rrr

i. POLI-I'I CAI, A}iD IN'I-ERNATIONAI, AFFAI R S 1939 -1.9 + 5 1939, Se!t. 1. POIAND WAS INVADED A!r. 4. \\ inston Chrrrchjll n.rs rssic.ed by the cerman armcd forces. {crrr3l dire, rjuD orer Lhe Britisrr Sept. 2. Italy proclaimed its neutraliiy. defense program. Sept. 3. GREAT BRITAIN AND Apr. 9. GERMAN ARMED FORCES FRANCE DECI,ARED WAR ON OCCUPIED GERMANY. DXNMARK AND INVADED (p. rra6). Se!t. 5. cea. Jan Christiad Sduts be, May 10. THE GERMANS ca / I.ri-lc I : -re" of Lh. I iu INVADED ot S,ur. \t ,. r. A pr. , r ... BEI,GIUM, T}TE NETHER- .-rrr to LANDS AND S.L'b Uri x i r rr. rrrrl r.-. LUXEMBURG (p. r146). deiearcd iD the legislature. NEVII,LE CHAMBERI,AIN RESIGNED Selt. 21, Premier Armand Calinescu as British prime ninister ard a coalitio! of Rr:mania \l'as assassinarcd Ly , r"rret. i- iuJi re r ojr" rrJrirc. . ,l Lj nr, ,Lcrs ut lr,c lron Guard, :, 1,r,, lr- i., bor:r." r".\ o'i, e J Jrr WtNSToN group. Gen. ceorse Argeseanu succceded CHURCIIILL. him, (Scpt. was rcplaced ,8) bv constantiie May 28. l€opold III of Belsium ordered Arsetoianu, aDd rhc ].|fter lo1lo\€ct in turtr his aimy to cease fishting. Lcrrl_ Ly Jorse Tarareicu \ ,\ I . ers oi the (TERMANY llelsian soverrment otr serr. 28. AND RUSSTA r. .l ,"ri, .fr J- l..r.J L"o ., ll ARRANGED TO DIVIDE PO. {lepoqcn. LAND (P. BETWEEN THEM June 10. IIALY DECLARED WAR r i4s). ON T'RANCE AND GREAT Oct, 2. The Pan,American CoDferexcc BRITAIN. procldmcd a salcty zone r"round June 13. THE GERMANS oCcUpIED ti,i\\,.r.-r,Tl"- i.nher. p. r r"a7. PARIS. I e I r.r'. lr Noe. 3. Ihe UDited Eur e.,,mcnr stares I{eurrality mo\cJ ro lLu-s rr' I rl., n ro Bor,lcrux, Act of May, 1937, was amended, Marshal Hedri-Philippe Pritain !eplaci,,s repealing Lhe embarso on arnrs and placins as head oi rhe adminis- exporrs to bcllisercnts- tration (JLrne 16). Irelanr's drsl on a cash,ard carrv basis. olici: act rvas to sue for perce (June Nor. 30. Ihe l{ussian-armv inr-aded r ?). Finnish terrirory, ol,innrg the Jure 22. FRANCE AND GERMANY Russo-Finnish War $hich cor- CONCI,UDED AN ARMISf'ICE. Tl-e Ii 1F,l 5r,,1. . ao Li ucdL'lril IIrr. rr r9ro.p. r rr;l __ !re". l.r ", il r 1940. Jar. 14. Admiial Mirsunasa yonsi Aatronal lJefense Tax Bill to | | \..rLL 3.o I d i j, . l. i..r ,..61,;n"'. r...oo.ooo r t., r, r.d.. -, d L - i. Lt.r-.1 'r,,, J.rLir !eb. 14-18. f.r. . -l , .i q n1rl. *c'rl '1

r, r: : Aus. 24. prirDe ifrrr!!f i{injsier Churchj]l i:!r. ple(l!aed British aid io ',Iey 17. The Icetandic pailament the United rr.,, Statcs il i-hr lllier sIor:lrl tr,:corr_r: norl.e(i llrNr I rl:l]l.i rroLrld s.r)l ,l j, I \ 1. .,,1 l I , ,rLie fr(nn l)L,r,,ltr.i. A, .25-29. \"r.: l,1ar'27. B.r t1.".a, .,., Presideit Ro.se!elt J)r!.li inri.l i ,, ad-d t.rr .rn urdirured srire oi ratiolal t errergencJ, rirL:r.. Stlihuir,ti, rrrd llay 31. The distrrbariccs ir .;a.iza isrt)1. Irao I!re r', ,.rtj ,,,r: sLr.,.r1-, rC t,\ l,is s,,l ''ri. iUuhrnned Riza Patrter:i. lJriii,.h rrirri'n.rrr]ln1r. r,rd rr S.!t. 20. A lrnitcd Sr3le! r.rerue Irisii(1, l r:s ()ir.lu1l,LL irt1,..n rIr, fr.t.i,i113 Lr:drr Jjritj.tr rrtjl,l '"",1 -r'" r .LmL 1.,., 16. I I SFn.. 24. F r.Fr po\"rn1 cn,s _ e\il.l erdorse.t the A anti; Ctjr_ : )!i!|r)ir1 r. ci u|rrt rl.,sLril .l.]rrre \,. I - ;. hLtL:: thc ce.n]lln ir;,1 lrr]iru !9^ l " 5)rurF { i.r. I ris rL-.1c.1 lIr.t Liiiiil Sirtes,.ofsnhrrs 1;ref.i ljriri:i.r. (;ir..r. l,LLrrrni) rg. it,. \ \. r' 1,.].] 'l J!!e 22. GERM/.I{ ARMiiS IN- ,Lf( \,r!,ist,Lrix RUSSIA ,, , VADID rlL,i r t, Oct. 8. The Runanle go!lrnment lr; L il ;,, . :.-:o L,d,.s,.r rL\j.!.f'\ 'r.:.i r I L. l J, n. 2J. I: I j \'J ,. I LrL,.,.i i Oct. 9. noii:tcat orerlorn in panahl sfun1i'd r|! l,L1r,l]rrs,: rlrnrrrrrt nr ^ D . r...r.', Ar'r niliiarl conrroi ol fr.nch L:{1o- ' rl I P.-rooAio. China. d. lz Gulrd .: Julr 13. Great lritair and Rrssia con lr:l:". cluded a !n!!ral aid treaty. Aus. 14. TFIE ATLANTIC CiLAR'tEp.. Oct. 17. Thc cabiiet oi prince l'jri.si,icrrt Fumu, R,rlsf!.t1 nrl l,il t na.o Iionoye r: . i,r, L I to risjrl ,, .t,,1,, : irjr".i . j . ,. I r' , i i.i ,r,)'r I,1,, _\\j. irL tri: ltrillr(L. trl : l,,furir,rj ,rt pcrr r:,rif s 'r i,r. : f,r,,rl,,rf(l 1.J 1'l rl llr. C.r.2i. I -,1,ll ,,.i](rr xl. t\,||11., r r: rL|ri.trrLL lr "r.,;or o n: . Ir,: : .i. flInl ,)i sr\.r rrrrft. rr|,i rjrt,r,t r,, h.sra!,es. .r,r s,,\'ercigrr .1,,r riql rs rr d srii lnnri,rr Nov. 6. :!hc Lrnitr,J Srates eaterd€d 'J. l .1.00t.00u.'^0 t.--.",:FJr ro t!e Solret Lr!i!D. I.,j Ii 'e. 10. .l l ,Uo - D. r.. - \'t e r - .t.l aiion B.ard ,ji i rr l rit(ii Srric. . trr ri: I I \i '' tr.r I | \Ju,k r . A.,,crrLr ''',1. il . r . r,,r.L .rii ! \,, N, \. 25. LJ,r ",:j j, rn ,l rhe Ron r " !. irf(l tIe ,lisrr)r!.rei:t or ljt.,.:i(,1 Pertln-TotiJo altjarce. L- Nuv. 2; I tEIr,-c.n s^tarnmenr \,;. 18. I l. I Jc,t"re I L-h" ''I on "n tpl.rdFnr i , sorerersn state, i"nrl' to krcir' nr.n jr serri.. .i..hjclL Nov.2e. ' - )|i;ii j.jr f,,r J I rir tr,. ',. H,,;- tojo. tr. i . 'WAR 1138 TEE SECOND WORLD POLITICAL AND INTERNATI O NAL AI the influence of Gieat Britain and the Iations with the goverDment of b -.oty-year stual aid keaty betweer I Od. t United States must be eliminated from Selassie. Great Britaifl and the Urliod of Soviet the Orient. Feb. 1. The German coerEi:stu Socisiist RepublJcs. /aDec. 2. President Roosevelt asked a for Norway, Joseph Tert(q. Jdne 9. The Unired Srales aod Creat de6li'ion of Japatrese aiBs in appointed Vidkun Quislins Britain agreed to pool all resources Otr- lt ' "mi.** production Irdo-china, and appealed (Dec. 6) president" oI a puppet r€gime. Q.ifu of food and to assure lo.EmDeror Hi'ohito ro hclp i1 abolished the Norwegian Constitutiotr Ti victor-Y. preservrng peace. ?) and made himself \'irt1lzl & JEne 17. A consulative board lor the Dec. ?. THE JAPANESE OPENED tator. aliairs oI thc East HOSTILITIES WITE A SUR- Feb.23. G?o. Alfredo Baldomir, hr- Irdies was set up in London to llor. I PRISE ATTAC( ON }TAWAII, dent oi Urusuay, dissoked t* assist the Netherlands minister for TIIE PHILIPPINES, GUAM, chambers of the legislature d the colonies- MIDWAY ISTAND, HONG. created a State Council of E-. Jure ls. Pdme trlinister Winston tr('r. I KONG AND MALAYA. bels drawn {rom all parti6 cqa Churchill opened a series of Atrgto- Dec.8. TEE UNITED STATES CON- Communists and Herrerist2a Americaq coderences with Pisi- noEa ir GRESS DECLARED A STATE Mar. 8. The Japaaese occupied I-- dent Roosevelt in \\rashington. 1or rfrrr OF' WAR WITH JAPAN. sood in Burma. The frid June 30. The United States Congre55 the Fra Dec, 11. GERMANY AND ITALY States and British governments app{n{ voted a rccord appropdation of \'eE s!!r DECIARED WAR ON TEE tle appointment of Cen. Joseph W. Sri $+z.ooo.ooo.ooo for nilirrry de- UNITED STATES. to command the Chinese armies in Bd fense. ror- Dec. 15. Congress passed an appropri- and act as chief of stafi in &e CtiE Jdy. Itr the Cortes, the nat-roDal ation of $ro,o7?,o7z,oos for the tleater of $rar. To check tbe sericos a rcpresentative body, vas re- defense of the United States and for leod- flation in China, the Allied govertrd Gtablished by Gen. Fraqcisco F anco, but lease aid. Four days l"ier it exl.Dded the plovided dedits of fso,ooo,ooo and f-a; ot Fascist iines. It was to form ttre supreme dralt for miltary sewice lo men lrom orsaD Lhe of state and to be comoosed oi l,.{-- I 20 to 44, Apr. 4. The United States wrr b- 43"8 members, almost alL se e.led by virtue Dec, 21. A ten-year treety of alliance ductiotr Board halted all Lhe ia.t thcl rhey had quali6ed for ad- \iras signed at Bangkok between essential building, to coE!-- "f mi-istrar ivi or ju ris,i, po.rs. tal Thaila,ld atrd Japan. de- materials. July 6. Presidenr c"sritto oi nrgeotina aY clared war on Great B tain and Apr.11. The Indian Nationalist k- annou-i ed lh:r Ihe repub'i,-would I the United States a month later rej€cted an ofier of autono t L mainllin its policy of neuLrality. (Jan. Irdia IrG. , 25, r94z). ajter the war, fiith the right to s..&, July 16. The War Lrbor Board decreed Dec. 23. Free French lorces took pos- conveyed to them by Sir Stafford Cii!. - th.rt. in tl-e;-teresr of $rge srabi session of St. Pierre alrd Mique- emissaiy of the Bdtish government. Ih-fr lization, wage increases would be gianted Ioa, small islands the demanded ofi coast of New- they immediate indepeDd4 equivalent to the se in living costs bet\reen loundland wNch had b€l]n administered Disturbances developed in India, ald 19a3, J. -- Jan. r, r94r, and May, 1942. This s-as by olicials loyal ro Ihe Vilhy sovernment handas K. Ghatrdi, Jawaha.lal rebr!,I known as the little Steel award. of Franre. Abdul Azad, leaders f,:r :l= I KalaE of the i* Aus. 12, Pdme Minister colq Dec. Hongkors \a'as pendence Churchi[ CaEdfl 25. €aptured by movementJ \4'ere arrested, bG -- men.ed a four-Jay vLiu to the lvho continued leased later in the year. -NIos- cDrj-gED Japanese, to cow where he discussed the estat> extend their hold on southeast Apr. 14. }ltalshal Henri Philipp€ F lishment secord front Asia. removed of a ir tain, who had P- Europe with Stalin. $A, la . L3. Dotrald M. Nelson became Laval from the French goi'Er* Joseph ii': * -!I chief of the United States War council at Vichy (Dec. r+. rg

poLITICAL ArID IIiTnRNATIONAL AFFAIRS, 1939_1945 1141 1r,e rrssr]illi[ l]f .1 rilt .rn(ms rtre.ti;j e ].r.L,.lLr5r.,r!_rr,.,,.,t,.t,g"1.. rt..c I. r'. - Aur. 21. K:1 Boris lrr o: BLt srrLl(isyercloi,riLt:rr.rL.ij)l]ri,lrsorrr.Lry .i,..1 su,j,t.!j;,i,,r-",,...;::*i.i r,y us sa1",,i,,r,r i,;,,,i.'si"*",i iii"'l ii;1,11'1",ir,,,t' ,t,l'.'),,jl,Jl,lt,',1;i::i;::; '.'l '.,..r",-i.i;-;"o'r' .l rrr c\f'rrjn{. . ; .': ri,'s'. '. ;;;l' i;" '.1: ,fllllg 1\' Iii'l:r'|s ,r Li,r i,,iLrr r:,rnni 8o6dan Pdl".. ,;.' juo, .r., 1(,.'ii"l'...; ,.r',, J l ', , ' . , sepr. !. ittf B\.Lr(rLLIo LA;t *"" t1:",1.1'L"':::".r. ACCEPTED tn.,t. oo ,Tll .11Lr1r'rfiries nonoep. ron ri.ri.y, .li: ai,,.',,i,1, a""r..., jil[;'"', ,l i].i",it"11i] bv thc e,,rr.,me,:r. ,,r (irc;it rr," lifirxin rire t.nitil Slrtci .r.,,r,,,,,,_.*-iii_,';i,t.i,,,,t,,,,i i., ii,,li,,i,.,,i"_ i,"a .,rrt i,,,.1.1i,," f ,,. i,r LI," .,, Itussi.L 11,. r;r,:1. jii i Iran dectared r.ar .,,i:. , il;,ii.,r 1,"" on Germary, rlr,j pr;j,rrrc.s rcrc rctca:rd r\i\r :j]",,, . ",.i ancl i.ircd r,lc r_t,ire.r x.,t,,i, ir,,,,.1,- ii,,.i.ii,ir ',,"r Lh lSqrr. r11. ,..i ,,,ir Ll," r."u.r, L.t)mD,irrL! oa -\aLii,nal l_iberari,rn r,rrrs_ Sept. 1i. ucrnrrll fo.rF,ir Iraiy, l- r.,_ r-"..u .ff . l. .,. ,. i , , , , . .,... 1. . r.,.1 :. .. , ..,.. , r, . i ,," ,.,. ,; it.l r. ' .:r ' 1 . sFi -r con r,rof r"dtinc t-,., .,'..;.. .",1r". cirie" i.. i .. ... r .:, .. \, , 1 . ,. Nov.28 J rr. 12. 19t4. TI FIRA.v coN_ Lier!-i, iju ,rr,., \ Lr,fi. ( , ,, ti..r..,.!. . .,n,t " ,'1, ., \.,nlini, ... r.,i,, ..., ,..,l',ttl,,l 'r, i.xrd tr! r ILrn, ir rr,^,r,_ ." , sept.- 13. (rn. chjans K,ai_shsk ',1.,'ii:,j,",i1 ,,". .,,,1 .,,,,,-r,",1 .,,,"i;i." ,,,, ,r,- elected rresideoi of the chinese s,,,p,,.,,,1 r;,,,,,rq.if,,r,,,,:ilt"".."li,iil".i,,ii Republic.r,y rhr ccJ,,r.r rjrt:,:Lrrire t,,, .,, L cor, ;.,ill,r',, ,i";'i,,;ii;r,lli ir".i,,, ., , ..'v., rr,. .,r irr, ", 'r. I,.' i .r.j....i. :.i .,, . cri,,esi,.\nny. I I rrrre r:.mnirree,rnn<,iu,,_r i"Jij," ,,.,1,,',ii,t, r,.,ir .iii],i,i ttrit,,J.nlo, rilLi lr ,,",i.r, . 'a..l,,n:it 6,,r.1rJ,,(]ft ",,,,,iLirts orrLLl)n1i s,)lllrrlr t:rLf, .rl1L .(,ire ' ','.."....'.]-,i 'i "" l, ',. r." .'.... ,,.ii]::i,:ll: sert.2s. 'r.he uJritr.j srares oirice.,i ,.lllll ' L ,.. \ r,... ,t,.t, lli,;...... i , lJ;ili,,;, ' - i I \,1 t"' , :l-, ,...i,,, ,ri r,,rrir ,,,, once or E.onnnic 1" . .. L"n'j " ,.i;:;", J,,;;,;, i,;' li,li""iiii, 1c"r," \.rrY"rta? '!. Ler.e A rmi.,r"rrarior. D".l:lrsr.un, D",.t. ofll.c ur For"j,n k"ri",ard R". o".. -;,.zr. in t;:i;1,-"-..'. lanir rar'9r. t__ . r,._..,. .:, ,J. :.i. 1 i;:i"," i-i"-uno, ILomrodrl, ( ., li, (-nroo . .. r. inn, .. .l , ofr,.F.o. ."t. .j... t",to V;tr"i, i , r co.,roina,,-n r.. 1.. .. .,.r., :".:1,i..t,,,onir l .,i -o;,,.-,. - ,. ' '1 " ' i t J r. . ' .1 . ; ,,.'' 1 ," l. , r' Forp.-n r.unor,,c Ad De". r. ministration. zz.zg. " . ;. . e oct. e. yusosrav sue.r',a rorces .-. ,* ,. I !T.r",rr.l T,ro rhc rair.oad.. . ,.. .. I "",,"1'11'li:,Ji::ll::l]";,"i:::li:"?...... ,. t) i: I r\\is ^''- -_ r.r!,tr:r irL r|c rc;riL,n ot r.iiesLe. arrd .rrnL_v .,a ,."i r",,,.] .., ,t.,. No\, 9. l re Ui, p,t Nd.i. n. Re,icr I :. ",,,,. R-hab t lirdriol Adn ,,i. -arjo. 1944, Ja1.27. .v ot . , , ,- '\ r\\ I I ,..*r r;\,., 1 i,ed rl ,". ," .\\',Lrtrii,sr()n. Conrr,rt rLrs Lrl't,e A\r: l!nr.s t{ri'"",", rljc '."r*i"""Argentine 1.":il] l.L,ti I,,r,i,,.1 r, i" ,r,ir s""",;,,,""r. t". $.irtr L.rn.s ,r r-J scrrrljycs ior..;Lc Jd!dn. tillitcd SrrrLts, lrilei\ !.eb. 1. An ame!.lment to rhe consri- liussir. xnd Citir.r. 'l hc ccnth t <.,)llnri[r.. httion of i:r Lurr nas re UDion of Soviet ro reforr ro a coLr,(:il ro *.tri, h s""i.ri"t i.pJri." jii",,li,.a-i'ij'.,ii," ..,,,_ WAR POLI?ICAL AND INTERff ATIOlf.l 1142 TIIE SECOND WORLD r7. roar). w.rs established Oct. 20. Bel$ade was occErieC ir' !E missari.ls tor dPfeFc and for foreigD afiairs Denmark \M"y Rus"ian and Yugoslas '"lil as atr ifldePendeDt republic. to:.=. *".o."i'rent republits Each Nov. ?. FraDtlin D. Rooseeeh rE "i ils o'!'n army /wbich Iulv 11. The Udited States reco8Dized iotrLd ttrs -uint"in Commirtee of Natiooal elecred lor the fourrh th€ ! wouLdlorm. hoNe\er, a componenr element the French rihererioD- headed bv Cen. Charles de Presidnnt of rhe Urited Stares. s:rl E-=. i" iL" ,rnl" of rhe U S.S Rt and co'rld S. Trunan as \ i' e Pre.idenr. r: negotiation. wilh foreiqn Crrlte-rs ihe ar fd r.'.ivil aov.rnmeDt oi conduct ils'oun of that county. The French Consultative natiolrt .Ae }L ..r"ia". co;.lude rruaLie" wilh france in libera6d areas s.rnmoneJ warned the German govem- Bembly bj Cen. Cht-= :. Cc them."na Gen. Eisenhowet Caulle held i..6rsr se.sion. \lLni-:a.z-: ment tiat French "Underground" folcts f- Feb. 11. Tl^e .i\il adminisrrxtiol ot deparlmenral ele.tion. for so - were to be regarded as combatants. r-e 4ir;- si.ilv and Sardiria, rnd o[ rhe nent' \\"tc s.h.,l-rled for FeLrulc...- of the northern -fulv ' 18. Cetr. Rideki Tojo, Japt"ne'e -- Ttalian mainiand south resisned wilh his entire the franchise e.tendcd to oll ,,rizer.:. js rt," es nf S:rlcrno cnd Dremier. =-- i,"i,"ar.i"i ot n-'in' iabinet. Cen Kufl aki Xoiso be- and fenrale, over t\yenty-o:e. loLerwa. re' oicd tu lhe lrali' n govern- wa. ca.me nremier and Admiral Mitsu- Nov. 10. In Finland Juho Ps-L,Ir: mtnt ot .ibcraled TralY (P r r6'?)' turmed a nerr cibinet. masa lonai dePurY Premier. The Cr-- Md. 11. Eason de Valera, Prime was murri"r. P-rty. h".ing :e-J.i: re- Jsly 21. Fra*]in Delano Roosevelt _ minisler of Eire. declined a tefl1 as r. oglrlron, lrepdred ro cu:ic_ -j go\crnn^e't Domitrated fol a fourth .tuest from I re U riled Slares by th' Demo- the eleclions. an'L Presidert of t he united Srat's =ir r'hat he .Lse dre Cerman J,pc-ese craLic National Conrert'on ct Chj'ago' Nov. 26. Ivanoe Bonodi. ftalidi E-: curb rl-e posible n ;hl'i;i.' i; Dubu.o Hrre S- Truman rvas nrmed .s candidate ier. resisned, bu' w1. persuac:j intclligcnce by Arrs to lorm crb;r( /D.. lrcnsmis.ion of rililary for Vice-President. I n:,v t . 91. The .{.i-d" Cr""r Brirain srr'lended rll rravei govFr'menls, n'r'rtr Lid gr ,ed lL,l! 24. Russiao tor' es drove Lhe Cer- :': E! lEii."."*"t.. rt'" Urired Kingdom and lreland July last re' ogn:iion rO,r. rJl, -pt rnyed rbe r:,. pr'vileges ol mins fron t he important mini.try, ili^..- i3i limjred"lhe Ru.s;rn citv bv liberar;nA Pslo\' ctrer C.,ar ,Br.r.rin hrd rerL<: "ra Px.ept those 4l l(ussra 1() accePr C_w-n.r Cado .Ls pre--_- foreisn diDlo-al. n".nins the for er aitack oo Sforza " alnd Loe Unired Srate. (Apr. 18). wiv or torelgn mrnrster, di"isions bolding Estonia' occupied Eua' Cer-.i Edrard Mar. 22. German ttoops government Nov. 27. R. Stetriaius sEc- garv a Ccrn"n July 27. The Soviet lecog- ceeded Cordell Hull LnirF: and Pro PuPPet nized Polish CoEmittee of I qovernmenr \-'rs ret up I he lollov_ the SLates Se. reraly ol Srate"s $:e-. Liberation eslalrlished al Mos- irg daY wirh Doeme Sztojay as National ll.. Hull resi;red Lc,.ruse oi p_..: 'dni'rer and mi)isrcr nl cow rnd c"nduded a conrention with it herllh- pr'irre of liberated Polish forcisn aflairs. for the administration Dec. 10. A Franco-Soviet treaiy of al- of IIa"shal terdtorv. Iiafte afld mutual securiry, to ADr. 18. In"ltdlv lLe'-binet Risro rjr buL the Aus. 1- The Dresidenl ot FinlJ'1d, for L\\'enry yerrs. w.rs negotiar:: Pietro Badoslio resiEtred' bis ofli"e xnd the lll, i-o Rdi. r;sistred aL Mo$o\v bv Cen. Charle ci. Linp. Vi.ror Emm-nuet that rnd lorn e Fi.nish oarlirn.nt voted Gaull1:. Gl; him Lo ren"in 'Karl Gustav Ma[ler- new ministrY. MaBhaL Dec. 25. TLe Briujsh prime mini.:a-. heim should succeed him. May 3. The Spanistr governmeat agrc' d WinstoD Churchitt, end lis !oreir- ' L1!8.29-24 Kias Michael of Rumania sede[ary, Arrho'ly Ldrn, r o resrriir rhe s'iorrenl olrniner'ls arrived i! AtIe; the cabiDet of Ger' Ion to Germany and to li;it the activities dismlssed lo arrange I scrtlcmenl in rhe civil r,-- Antonescu acc€Dted arrtristice terds beLween Creck y ol Ars agenrs ir 51.'n. TLc Unircd SL-tes ard lac.ions. -\ rcSen, gove-- from the Uniled Nations. The Russians EenL was pro,'Jime.J and \r, \Li"hop t-}lereuponit"-.'""i' ,,n*t.id iLE embarsoembargo on oilo'l Da- shipments for Spain occunied Bucharest tAus. :r) maskinos sworn iD as reAen' rfter :- Ci*." t"r""" in Paiis-se.e , orrpelrcd aDpo;irtment 1De.. by r, o Gree\ June 4. THE UNITED STATES rIFTE Jo/ Li:: ARMY ENTERED ROME, the to caoitulate as Allicd armies approached Ceorse lI. citizens libelated the city. The tust European caPital to be liber- and aimed Dec. 31. cefl. Chians KJai-shek was turned ovel to Gen' promisnd CLir.esc ated from Axis dominution administration rl-e teople dr.. :rpproval of the Allied com- a consti'ur oF NORMANDY. de Gaulle with i,,n '!o'ernmeirLFo.- : June 6. INVASION manderc (Aug 29). bc esr-LliJ,rd belore rlre erd .: rit The Supreme Headquarters of the SeDt. Btusscls was liberated by l\e the war, Allied Expeditioncrynerlitioircrv ForresForLes (S11A EF) an- ' 4. Second British ArmY. 1946, Jan. 1, France joired the liaitea - aouncednorn.ed ihattbat AlliedAlliedsea sea and ail borne units Narions pann, on the Cher- Seot. 8. Bulearja accepred arf,istice iI iull rship *::t: had established beachheads - bY lhe year" rf.er IhF l:rc. FrenLb o .- bor,rg flr:s irv-siu1, urder Lbe conditions llid do^'n Penir.ul-. accord crl ment in ,r'lc lUd oUereC comi.nd oI CFn. Dwislrt D ris'n- oner, Russian government in nations. adhcrence. = mrrked rneoocnincof d n. w, weslern front with the Allied Getr BoI Jaa. 6. The Tsrkish governmenr bro;e ir rbe ettr' k on Cerntrn- onr roled Oct. 2. The Polish forces of een.r"i (Tadeo which had od diplon,aLi" re.arious $:,- rerritory (p. : 163 l.l. Komorowski), llre C.rman. a risen against the German army J:rpan. Jure 17. 'onrmen'ed w'ce Jar. 11. Tbe GreFk civil war e!.: . D trew [lDe of bombing bY sendllg o[ oc'uD" ion ;n \Irrsaw, , r' hen Russian hirr. 1 trJ, c bor\een L,:e B-:.-:.: Dilotless Dldnes, loaded rvirh explo"ire drl en tb aPitu'rL. aid Iailed to a ive. and the leI.i"L L ri r. opposing Bri:'.' !nd prop,i.llcd by jet prop.rrsion. against inlervenJion. ln ALI-en. dam ree _*: Oct. 13, Atheft v,as occupied by Allied i; British cities. sir wee^, was r"ri.r-rrd i"c<. \ Icelard, which had seParated from Iorces. "triJe "r SECOND 'W'ORLD WAR 7144 TIiE THE CAMPAIGNS Ili PO Ap!. 28, BEfITO MUSSoI-INI WAS and Lebanese; the French denied tic CAPTURED AND EXECUAED charse (June July 26. THE BRITISE LABOI ,. PARTY WON j88 seats j bv Italian anti-Fascist lorces when he at- June L The United States DeDartmeEt ou: .E o4o in the natioral e errion dmpted to escape to S\ritzerland. Srale annou r"ed tl rt \ enezia ol lulf i: i-- 1 of ballols were rounterl thrne A new provisional Austriaa goverrEent Giulia, including TriesteJ would be placed $eels lad- A a l.bor Cabinet, with Clement R, Atlee was set up afrFr Lh. oc, uprlion of Au.lrix under a temporary military administratioE prime - I by A.llied armies. sidsler, rel'lac.d rhe coaurioo 14- t established by Creat Britain, the United cabinet of \\'in-ron Chur,lriU Nhici May 1. ADOI-F EITLER WAS RE- States, and Yugoslavia. Lj ! held porver since PORTED DEAD in Berlin as the Irlay ro, rqr:. t Jutre 1r. From London, Washingtotr, Aus. 6-14. TEE WAR IN TEE PA- ( RussiDns fought 1.heir r1'ay into the $.recked and Moscow an announcement .\''as CIFIC EN DED in a seek oi c_= city. Admiral Kall Doenitz headed a endorscd ro tlrF (Tccr r'raL a td- asler for provisional council ffhich opened negoti- Japan. An atomic boEb, tarrire.omnicsio.l \rould rid in formu'e ior nbi, h nad been secrerlv DE-=E ations for surrender with the Allicd govern- the organizatiou of a Polish Iecled ments (p. r165). governdent, by UniLed S{ares ard Bn"Eii ! sciertisls. and rncnLlaLturcd thJous_r z- May re- '-_---- -_ '-":^_ *: a 6. severed diplomatic June 17. In Italy, lerruccio Parri suc- : , ;-^ $as oro>fti ri lations with d1e German govern- ceeded Ivanoe Bonomi as premier. 01 the j-pa ese cily or Hiroshilr-i- I: June 19, At San Frsncisco the repre- LiJJed over 5o.ooo p.ople, injured as ma:s s May 7. THE GERMAN PROVISIONAT- sentati\.es of the United Stat€s, more, and levclcd lour sq,lrre miles ci C GOVERNMENT UNDER AD- Great Britain, l{ussia, France, and Chitra bomes and factories. Two davs iater. TEE T MIRAL DOENITZ SURREN- decided that states vbich had sided with DERED UNCONDITIONALLY. the d\is would not be admitted to the neF Spain broke diplomatic !ela- s€cudty Ieague until the Council invited 2. tions with Germany. them to become membels. THE CAN{PAIGNS I\ PC May 9. Formal ratifcation of the Ger- June 23. A Polish natioral soverDdert I 93 9-l! mai: su'reode! sas signed in was formed by adding 6ve new Berlin. members to the provisional (Rus- 1939, Sept. 1. POLAND May Premier Ivanoe Bonomi V/AS INVADED 12. oI sian inspired) r6gime at Lublin. by German forces €stimated a: Italy requested the Allied govern- June 29. ceded Ru- LToo,ooo Den. Herded by me.bardz4 ments 10 send troops to occupy Trieste. thelia to the , divisions and supported by or erwbelnirg Marshrl 'fiLo w.s hlrned bv Britcil ard The A{-Itrdia Cotrsress failed to asec air poher, Lhe Ceiman rhrusn disorsanizci Lhe United Stxres thar T-ic.'; nrust remaio on a common list ol midsters for the DeIY aod delcared the poorly equipped-Polis! under Allied control. government and the deadlock between Mo6. armies. ThouAh rhe laLter had a DrEericd May 18. President l'rulran informed lem and Hindu leaders continued, strength oI 600,000 men) they *'ere ulzble tlle French ambassador that toe Jure 30. The Frerch Commsnist Prrty to mobilize e6e, rively or Io ioocen their United States rvould relinquish voted for unity with the Socialist resislin(e. The rapid;iy ol t-be Cermzr part of the American zone of occu- Pa-rty. convergeni e, Irom t-xsl PrLssia, Sil6i- pation in G€rmany to the French. July 3. \ t hree *)ydivisionolresponsi- and , alarmed the Soviet go1'erp May 20. Itdted States troops were biJi'y amon; the I{ussian. .A.meri I witbdrqwr frcm Trieste. Nlarchal can, and British forccs of ocdr- Sept. 17. Russian troops th€refo.e h- t Tito agreed to withdrav Yugoslav pation in Berlin rcplaced the single trcops from Carinthia. vaded Poland from Ll-e e.rst, mer:. control which had been exercised jrg the advan.ing Cermans :i May 21. The of Syria atrd rej soverDments l,y the Ru.-irns for rwo monr-bs, Brest Litovsk 1w;drvs larFr Lebanon broke relations with the July !.0-19. The Jalanese hoDe islaDds French becruse rLe larrcr.err;o rrooDS \icre aitacked rdr\ mountine in- Sept. 2?. AJter heroi, ,esistan.. a:: wi hout asling con.enr. Tne lrer"h forc.s rensity. O,er rooo .r. ier planes raided desbuctive bombing, Warsav t $€.e confined to barracks as rioting and ToLyo (July the l-nired 6ert surreDdered and Poli.h organized opp_- 5l ro,; SrsLes sition ,ame rLsistanre snre-d. ln rn allempt to asserL moved in to shell Ilonshu and Hokkaido to rn end. The Blit:hrtut-t=: J (ontrol. Ihe Ire_.h armv of occuoariur rluly r4 r5); t"e BritLh llee' juined ir lasled less than tour weeks and the ou- shelled Demascui (t{cy zq)'. come hid bern dercrmiled in Lhe 6rii -.L carrier raids against Japanese centers (July May 30, The aovernmeDt of Iran rc- r7); and American and British fliers sanE daYs. quested the United States, Great some of the last remnants of t-he Japan€se Sept, t9. The cerman and REssi'a Britain, and ltussia to withdraw Navy in'lokyo Bay (July r9). On July govelnmerts divided Potand. Ce- their forces from the country. 26 the Unitcd States, Great Britain, and many annexed outright the Free Ci:\- May 31, Pdme Ntinister Churchill de- China demanded that Japan surender of Danzig popularlon ari,oool and 3J.z manded that Gen. de Gaulle order unconditionally) but th€ demapd was ig- sqJare mile. Letseen Edst lrussia :-: the I-rFn,h for,e. in Slria ano Silesia. In addition an area of 3g.:c: Lebanon to cease fire. July 20, Gen. Fratrcisco Franco dade square miles, knowl} as the Gotzetnnry; Jun€ 1. Iishting continued in Danas- changes in the Spanish cabiDeL Gantrul, tema:n?d urder Cermao f-:- t! le,tion. lhe rorrl Cerman grins cus. De Gaulle accused thc 'lled sereral governmFDl pnrrs $it.r 'ne-n .--= estrmared aL qi-:. Brilislr of -eddlesome inrFrlFren.e; the ol repurcJ y roy, ist "ympxrhics, rnd an- 7r,866 square n-iles d BriLrsh derlared the F-cnrh $ere iir.r nou .cd thrr tlre SrrrnisL monar.hv uould pupul:tior of 22,r4o,ooo. T^e R,'{-:: . L lenCJease equipment against the Syrians be rcstlr€d at a futur€ date. oc!ul,ied 77,oro squdre nlilcs of Ea-.id: d Poland, with a population of r3.r99.ccc- s TIIE CAMPAIGNS IN POLAND AND FINLAND 7745 Jl1ly 25, ']'HE IIRITISII IABOR SOVIET UNION DECIARED WAR ON PAFIY \{O]\ JAPAN .. . . rp i. L, .o in thc r:Lti,rrel cl:(rior 1)i jrT\- .-i rtre 1r I i.' \._. r sp on,l .,li)ts r'.r...rrrr.d three 1\ccl,s trt.r. A atomic bomb sirxtrer.d Nagasaki. Tl,c :abor Cabinet, wlih Clenent R.,{dee as TrLf.tncse go!cturnrent,ri-rr.1l rr sLLrrerdrr i:ime !rinister, rrt)lafrd 1lr! (rirljli,I rrxr ii tlre I-rl|tcrr'r TIiLLrhir,) r,.r. l).rnritltd 1o : \\ .1.. . ..- rcrxin hi:. Llr.oDr l-he. rc . ,lrrt,,l1 reici|ing i !. this rs$runrc THE JAPANIISE AC- \uJ. 0 14. IHE wAR lN rHl Dl CflTrD TERMS Or 5L dd, ltDlR CI.}IC .L :.I DE D tAUG. 141. :.ir!r ior Jrrill,.1. .\r atonic bomb, rL. Aus. 28-Sept. 2. UNITID STATES L I r . l.l I , FORCXS IANDED IN JAPAN : !trd br l-fit€d Srrl.s r''d i.iii.'h i,,.1 rrtii.-.. rurtttrncfL .l Jr1n,,L,se urilirrrl hrrccs a;rrt '.':tr .Fr l,Jr H,,o",,n,". ' . \14 L ILR\'I: OF I , ,o i.| ^T oo . . .. SURRENDER rcre sisDr(l l,\ rhc Japrnctc llrl,' cnvoys on l,or ihc Li.S.-s. _llirrrijri in 'ioli)n ...r'l r,-. \ '..IHE Ba] -qrt)1. :rl \p. rr;c.r. ]. TIlL, CA\II'.{1G.\S 1N POL.{NI) ]\ND I,'INLAND, 1939_19+0

1939, Sep!, 1. POLAND WAS INVADEI) l.itlrL,:Lni,. alrl Si,,' a-ir rccr:n-rd smlli I-'1. (lcrInrLn ir)rirrs esrirllt€d rL .cssion: ot |olish lerdt(ir\.. i,;oo coo rncn. Helrted l)! rrrr\xnizcd Se!r. 29. l'he Sorjrt g'r'errr:rcnt cou, rnisirns. .rrrrl s,rr)!rrtrd )_l 0rcrrtrclrni!s rludEd x treair siih Estonia liiri.h ...... r, . . ,.i .l ,.rxr c l(r-:rr ,,1n1 rnri rLii basr:; l.'r"i ir llsLorl,rr tcrrir.r\ . ,:.nies. 'lhoLrg,: tl,c l,rIcr 1,r'd I nunerirrL Oct. 5. -\ sirrillr !act eiih the Larvia! irf.ngth oi rro..ooo ilcri. il,c) 1\'cre untlblc sovernrr.ni rll)\\c.l llrt Itussja, LS I l) rr I'f ,t' ',1 'i rsjstanic. Tlrr: rrt)irliiy ol thc Llernn. T,at\ ir. .!lycrscn( r. f,r,n llxn. l,riruria. ,sil!si,', Oci. 10. Russia and lithuania concluded :,,,,1 SlxrLki,L, rLhrniL tl,c So\ir1. si)rrrn a mutual assistance lact. l1,l Russir!rs xc.ruircd 111. rllli t, ,)l]cdrl Se!t. 17. Russian troops thcrciorc in- ''i'l.l vaded Polartd rr !tr 1ir. er:1, !ncr-i- rf d rcilc.l \ il,rr rn(l srfu,,L,rdirg rcrriror, irrg tic arirrrrrirg (;rrnlLns rir.rir .1.r.r... ljrcsi Li1,,!ss i11) dl!s |ri.r:-. pxLit \lr:i lo rL:rr i',i r5 rcars. Nov. 26. The l'inoish gorernfleni re- Seli, 27. -IlLrr hcroi,r rr.i.tlf.r xrrd jected Russian densnds sinriLL, drsLrLri:ln c hrrrrl,i,,g, warsan r".l . l '| r; r"rFrder-J ,l sialcs. Tlrt Solirt g,.\ crnrnili .lenunded il,e I irl,drxn r!1 .i I ;nnisl, rnrops m(,l,iljzinS .,src(1 l(.si Llrrf f(,ur r..Ls rLr,l rhJ'orrL , r)n tlrc i:,, rLi:r I )!r. |,r,1 l!l'r rLLrfrD;rL.(l ir tht trst r., Nov. 3!, 1939-Mar. 12, 1940. RUSSO- FINNISH WAR. li!s:iaD armies Se!t. 29. The German and Rrsslan rLttr.lifrL lirr]]n,l or thrcc lrt)nts: sovernm.nts divided lotan{1. (;cr ' ' ,.-\ :, :-:urv i1trrererl onl.ig|1 1lr. I rr., ( ilr Srx. iu ,,rrr,rl Iirhrd, rurd !n l)' /.. ,. t, .I rhr li.rf,ll rf i:1L,rtus. - :.urre milts I).1,rrc,1 l.,LsL fru::ii l,,Lt Dec. 14. Russia was expelled from the : lLsi,L. lr irdrLt'.jlm xn :Lrrr oi .;o,ooc f,rr aL:ts ol '.il . ti L .r,.r.:.i o irlirinsi lin1lrlrl. rcNrrirL.,L t ,l u'/r,'/d/. rL;:der GrLrnan 1,r,r l!t0. M"r. tz. , . . i.:'1i.rt. I'lre LoLrl (lrrm:Ln !.rLins L,r.rI r_l ..1inried rLt;:,n1rr s(tr,!. rrli.s iiif rL rlrc ltussiinrs lirir( \r1l Lir. lliirr.rIrir r , ,x|Lii xl ol ,:,r.io.ooo. I lr. liu.siLlis I ,.. [jrlr J ...pr-o l-!.". ,.. .. , . t,- t.. rt,\Iosrou, ..rlirg to tlre tfir.i Sorirt" I' lrno, ..fi,.h r. l)!r)dL[joI oI r3,r!!..oo. S,i.jxlisr ltrILrLlirl rhc 1\IreLian lsrhmlr:,