Gone The Way of The Earth Continued on Page 2 Page on Continued Earth The of Way The Gone Preserving Our Past For Our Future f the tribes. the f metal pots, knives and hatchets, fire-starting devices, and—very decisively–-guns and horses. These items changed the values o values the changed items These horses. and decisively–-guns and—very devices, fire-starting hatchets, and knives pots, metal MORONGO BASIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY mirrors, Then Euro-Americans (French, English, Spanish and later Americans) came looking for furs and hides. Indians exchanged furs for for furs exchanged Indians hides. and furs for looking came Americans) later and Spanish English, (French, Euro-Americans Then P. O. Box 2046 • Yucca Valley, CA 92286 tribe. capturing prisoners, torturing them sometimes, trading them, and often accepting women and children as adoptive members of the the of members adoptive as children and women accepting often and them, trading sometimes, them torturing prisoners, capturing www.mbhs.net revenge, Indian culture was often brutal, depending on tribal customs and their neighbors. Most tribes had some sort of ritual warfare, warfare, ritual of sort some had tribes Most neighbors. their and customs tribal on depending brutal, often was culture Indian Email:
[email protected] lasted even after Americans took over the Southwest. the over took Americans after even lasted and ry territo whole the permeated Slavery slavery. Indian with Mexico of Republic the of provinces two the tied Trail Spanish Old The sold them in California. On the return trip, they also took Indians captives and sold them in New Mexico.