8. Data Report: Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Characterization of Rocks Recovered from Leg 173 Sites1
Beslier, M.-O., Whitmarsh, R.B., Wallace, P.J., and Girardeau, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results Volume 173 8. DATA REPORT: PALEOMAGNETIC AND ROCK MAGNETIC CHARACTERIZATION OF ROCKS RECOVERED FROM LEG 173 SITES1 Xixi Zhao,2 Brent D. Turrin,3 Mike Jackson,4 and Peter Solheid4 ABSTRACT We present detailed paleomagnetic and rock magnetic results of rock samples recovered during Leg 173. The Leg 173 cores display a multi- component magnetization nature. Variations in magnetic properties correlate with changes in lithology that result from differences in the 1Zhao, X., Turrin, B.D., Jackson, M., abundance and size of magnetic minerals. The combined investigation and Solheid, P., 2001. Data report: suggests that the magnetic properties of the “fresher” peridotite sam- Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic ples from Site 1070 are controlled mainly by titanomagnetite, with a characterization of rocks recovered from Leg 173 sites. In Beslier, M.-O., strong Verwey transition in the vicinity of 110 K, and with field- and Whitmarsh, R.B., Wallace, P.J., and frequency-dependent susceptibility curves that resemble those of tita- Girardeau, J. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. nomagnetites. These results are in excellent agreement with thermo- Results, 173, 1–34 [Online]. Available magnetic characteristics where titanomagnetites with Curie tempera- from World Wide Web: <http:// ture ~580°C were identified from the “fresher” peridotites. In contrast www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/ 173_SR/VOLUME/CHAPTERS/ to the magnetic properties observed from the “fresher” peridotites, the SR173_08.PDF>. [Cited YYYY-MM-DD] low-temperature curves for the “altered” peridotites did not show any 2Institute of Tectonics, University of Verwey transition.
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