String unification of particle physics and cosmology I. Antoniadis Albert Einstein Center, University of Bern LPTHE, Sorbonne Universit´e,CNRS Paris Session in Honor of Dimitri Nanopoulos' Retirement Texas A&M University, College Station, 15 May 2019 I. Antoniadis (TexasA&M, 15 May 2019) 1 / 16 I. Antoniadis (TexasA&M, 15 May 2019) 2 / 16 I. Antoniadis (TexasA&M, 15 May 2019) 3 / 16 I. Antoniadis (TexasA&M, 15 May 2019) 4 / 16 A pleasant and fruitful collaboration Met in California in 1985 one paper in collaboration with Costas Kounnas Intensive collaboration while fellow at CERN 1986-88 Phenomenology of four-dimensional strings effective action, model building, finite temperature string cosmology and non-critical strings Continued a few years after my return in Paris Ongoing again recently ··· Here: Flipped SU(5) and linear dilaton background [10] I. Antoniadis (TexasA&M, 15 May 2019) 5 / 16 Welcome to INSPIRE, the High Energy Physics information system. Please direct questions, comments or concerns to
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