Ca. 1400 Items in 9 Boxes and 2 Scroll Cylinders)

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Ca. 1400 Items in 9 Boxes and 2 Scroll Cylinders) Ms Coll/Nachmansohn Nachmansohn, David, 1899-1983. Papers, 1918-1981. 5 linear ft. (ca. 1400 items in 9 boxes and 2 scroll cylinders). Biography: Professor of biochemistry, 1942-1967, and special lecturer, 1967-1982 at Columbia University. Organization: Box 1: Cataloged correspondence, manuscripts and photographs; Boxes 2 & 3: Arranged correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, memorabilia and printed materials; Boxes 4-7: Printed materials; Boxes 8 & 9: Awards and memorabilia; 2 scroll cylinders (degrees). Summary: Correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, memorabilia and printed materials primarily concerning biochemistry. Correspondents include 20 Nobel Prize winners, including Otto Meyerhof, Archibald Vivian Hill, Feodor Lynes, and Severo Ochoa. Other correspondents include Sir Hans Krebs, John Farquhar Fulton, Jean Pierre Changeux, and others in Europe, Israel, Japan, and the USSR as well as the USA. Nachmansohn's concern with the place of Jews in science appears throughout the collection, especially in material concerning the Weismann Institute and other academic institutions to which he belonged. There are photographs of colleagues, many signed and inscribed during his many trips. The printed materials consist chiefly of Nachmanson's published works beginning with his 1927 doctoral dissertation (University of Berlin) and continuing throughout his professional life at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, 1926-30; the Sorbonne, 1933-39; Yale University, 1939-42; and Columbia University. Donors: Gift of Professor David Nachmansohn, 1976. Gift of Mrs. David Nachmansohn, 1984. Gift of Professor and Mrs-^^-Rothchild, 1992. Finding Aids: Contents list, 9p. Added Entries: 1. Meyerhof, Otto, 1884-1951. 2. Hill, Archibald Vivian, 1886- 3. Lynen, Feodor 4. Ochoa, Severo, 1905- 5. Krebs, Hans Adolf, Sir. 6. Fulton, John Farquhar, 1899-1960. 7. Changeux, Jean-Pierre. 8. Biological chemistry. 9. Neurology. 10. Photoprints 11. Scientists, Jewish ID: NYCR86-A28 Disk 2 BRC 10/21/76 JL-W 4/85 AN 10/92 Nachmansohn Collection Box 1: Catalogued correspondence, manuscripts and photographs Adrian, 1st baron, Edgar Douglas Adrian Bloch, Konrad Emil Kuhn, Richard Bovet, Daniel Kusch, Polykarp Cannon, Walter Bradford Loewi, Otto Chain, Ernest Boris Lwoff, Andre Changeux, Jean Pierre Lynen, Feodor Cori, Carl Ferdinand Meyerhof, Otto Cushing, Harvey Nagel, Ernest Dale, Sir Henry Hallet Nissen, Rudolph du Vigneaud, Vincent Nitti, Francesco Saverio Eccles, Sir John Carew Ochoa, Severo Eigen, Manfred Podleski, Tom R. Eshkol, Levi Stanley, Wendell Meredith .. r Fulton, John Farquhar Stevenson, Adlai Hannan, Avraham Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert Hartmann, Heinz Taggart, John Victor Hill, Archibald Vivian Theore11, Hugo Hodgkin, Alan Lloyd Von Euler, Ulf Svant Humphrey, Hubert Waksman, Selman Abraham Jacobi, Lotte Warburg, Otto Katchalsky, Ehpraim Weber, Hans Hermann Kennedy, Robert Weisgal, Meyer Wolfe Kirkwood, John Gamble Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf photographs Bovet, Daniel Lynen, Feodor Fulton, John Farquhar Ochoa, Severo Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf Box 2: Arranged correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, memorabilia & printed materials. A - M Box 3» Arranged correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, memorabilia & printed materials. N - Z Box k. Printed material.Publications: Reprint, vol.l-U. Box 5. Printed material. Publications: Reprint, vol.5-8. Box 6. Printed material. Publications: Reprint, vol.9-12. Box 7. Printed material. Publications: Reprint, vol.13-15. • Boxes 8 and 9. 1992 Addition. Awards and Memorabilia: Awards, Honors, Certificates, Medals, Scrolls, and Photographs. Box 9 includes 1 folder of documents relating are. C to h±s degrees. JSIKH OF ARRANGED CORRESPONDENCE .„ toe. *JF-fr.K^Name^prigiiS^tythe following symbols are in these subject folders: f ertd «-F * = (Nachmansohn, National Academy of Sciences) & « (Meyerhof, Meyerhof Festschrift) @ - (Meyerhof, Funeral and Memorial) Names of individuals without symbols are filed alphabetically in the arranged correspondence. When items are filed under both author and subject, the symbol follows the index entry. For this list, see the following pages. Nachraansohn Arranged correspondence: Abbott, Bernard C. (UCLA) * Abelson, Philip Hange, 1913- (Nat Acad of Sci, DN's election) Adler, Leona K. (Nat Assoc of Biology Teachers) Allan, Norman (U of N C) Appelboom, Peter (Elzevir Pub Co, NYC; Meyerhof Festschrift &) Armstrong, Philip B. (Marine Biol Lab, Woods Hole, Mass.; Syracuse) Aron, Ludwig (NYC) Asensio, Carlos (Madrid, Inst de Enzimologia) Aubert, Xavier (Louvain, Uhiv de, Lab de Physiologie) & Augustinsson, KLas Bertil (Stockholm) Bacq, Zenon M. (Uhiv de Liege) Baker, A. Leroy (Worthington Biochemical Corp) Balapleevski, Aleksandr (Leningrad) Barcroft, Prof. Sir Joseph, 1872-19^7 (Cambridge) Barnes, Norman F. (Gen Elec Engineering Lab) Barron, Eleazar S. Guzman, l898-1957(Uof Chicago; Woods Hole lectures) Bauman, Lionel R. (American Friends of Hebrew Uhiv) Baumann, Nicole (Paris, Hopital de la Salpetriere, Lab de Neurochimie) Baynes-Jones, Stanhope (Washington, D.C.) Bean, William Bennett (U of Iowa) Bearman, David (Soc of Amer Archives) Belford, Julius (SUNY, Downstate Medical Center) Bender, Morris Boris, 1905- (NYC) Bender, Myron Lee, 192^ (Northwestern) Bergmann. F (Hebrew Uhiv, Hadassah) Bernard, Prof.Jean (Paris) Bernkraad, Carl Gustav (Stockholm, Karolinska Inst) Bernhard^ Sidney (Cambridge) Bethge, Eberhard, 1909 (Max Planck Inst) Bethge, Heinz (Deutsche Akad der Naturforscher Leopoldina) Betz, E H (Uhiversitas Leodiensis [Liege Univ?]) Beyer, Karl Henry Jr., 191*+- (Amer Soc for Pharmacology and Exp Thera) Blaizot, Jean (Academie de Poitiers) Blaschko, Hermann Karl Felix, 1900- (Oxford) Blumenfeld, Kurt, 188^-1963 (Jerusalem) Bobys, Robert (student, Georgetown Uhiv) Bodian, David, 1910- (Ruxton, Md.) Bonhoeffer, Dr. Karl Friedrich, 1899-1957 (Max Planck Inst) Braunstein, A E (USSR Acad Med Scie, Moscow) Bronk, Detlev Wulf, 1897- (Rockefeller Inst; Johns Hopkins Uhiv) Brown, Joe Robert, 1911- (Mayo Clinic) Brzin, Miro (Ljubljana; Woods Hole) * Buchanan, Jack (Nat Acad Sci, DM's election) Buchthal, Fritz (Univ Neurofysiologiske Inst, Copenhagen) 1907- Bueding, Ernest, 1910- (La State Univ) Bugnard, Prof.L U (U of Paris, Fac de Med) Bujard (?), U U (NYC) Bullock, Theodore Holmes, 1915- (U of Calif, San Diego) Busse, Eva-Renate (sec'y to Nachmansohn) Cairns, T L (DuPont, Central Research Dept) Caplan, S. Roy (Weizmann Inst) Carafioli, Ernesto (Ztirich, Eidgenossische Tech Hochschule) Carlyle, R F (King's Coll, London) Chagas, Carlos, 1879-1934 (Univ de Brasil, Inst de Biofisica) Chain, Benny (son of Ernest Boris) * • (Nachmansohn, National Academy of Sciences & = (Meyerhof, Meyerhof Festschrift) @ = (Meyerhof, Funeral and Memorial Nacnmansonn - '£. Carter, H E (Nat Acad of Sci, DHfs election) Clarke, Hans Thacher, 1887-1972 (Yale) (wife: Flora) Clement, M.M.Y. (Elzevir Pub Co, NYC; Meyerhoff Festschrift &) Conn, Josef (Weizmann Inst) Cole, Kenneth Stuart, 1900- (Nat Inst of Health, Naval Med Res, Bethesda, MD) Consolazio, William V. (Bat Sci Fdn) Cordier, Andrew W (CU) Cornatzer, W E (Nat Acad Sci, DM's election) Courtois, Jean Emile (Paris, Soc de Chimie Biol) Cowan, S L (Uhiv of London, 1937) Czapski, Grete (Rambam Lab, Jerusalem) Desmedt, Jean Edouard (Nat Acad Sci, DM's election) Dettbarn, Wolf D. (Vanderbilt) Deuticke, H J (Gottingen, Physiologisch-chem Inst der Univ) di Mattei (?), P (Uhiv di Roma) Dohrn, Peter (Stazione Zoologica, Naples) Dostrovksy, Israel (Weizmann Inst) Dryden, Hugh Latimer, I898-I965 (Nat Acad Scie, DM's election) Dubuisson, Marcel, 19Q3- (Uhiv de Liege) Eagle, Harry, 1905- (Albert Einstein Coll of Med) Edsall, John Tileston, 1902- (Harvard; Nat Acad of Sci, DN's election *) Eigler, Jochen (Munich) Engel, Estella K. (Nat Sci Fdn; Nat Acad of Sci, DN's election ) Engelhardt, W A (Acad of Sci of USSR, Moscow) Ernster, Lars (Stockholm, Kung.I.Univ) : Estreicher, Fred (Kartell Juedischer Verbindungen, Tel-Aviv) Farkas, Hannah (Hebrew Univ, Jerusalem) Farnsworth, Patricia Nordstrom, 1930- (Coll of Med and Dentistry of NJ) Feinberg, Abraham (Amer Com for Weizmann Inst) Feldman, Michael (Weizmann Inst) Fenn, Wallace Osgood, 1893- (Rochester Univ) Fernandez-Moran, Humberto, 192U- (Mass Gen Hospital) Fessard, Alfred Eugene, 1900- (Coll de France) Fischer, Hermann O.L. (U of CA, Berkeley; Meyerhoff Festschrift ) Fleckenstein, Albrecht, 1917- (U Freiburg) Flexner, Louis B. (Nat Acad Sci, DM's election) Florkin, Marcel (Univ de Liege) Folch-Pi, Jordi (Harvard) Frederickson, Donald Sharp, 1921*-- fPub Health Serv, Bethesda, Md.) Fremont-Smith, Frank (Josiah Macy Jr. Fdn) Frey, Charles N., 1885- (Scrasdale, NY) Friedemann, Mrs, Gertrude (Long Island, NY - Woods Hole) Friess, S L (Naval Med Res Inst, Bethesda, Md) Fromageot, Claude (Uhiv de Paris) Frumin, M. Jack (CU - P & S) Fruentov, N K (Khabarovsk State Med Int, USSR) Fuchs, Sara (Weizmann Inst) Fuoss, Raymond Matthew, 1905- (Yale) Gamier, Jean (Uhiv Paris-Sud - Orsay) Gasteiger, Dr. H (Freien Univ, Berlin) Gellhorn, Alfred (Nat Acad Sci, DM's election) Genevois, L (Univ Bordeaux) Gillespie, Colin J. (Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd) Ginat, Jochanan (Leo Baeck Inst, Jerusalem) Goodman, Louis S., 1906- (U of Utah) Gotze, Heinz, 1912- (Heidelberg) * • (Nachxnansohn, National Academy of Sciences) & • (Meyerhof, Meyerhof Festschrift) @ = (Meyerhof, Funeral and Memorial) Nachmansohn - 3 Green, David Ezra, 1910- (U of Wis) Green, Harry, 1917- (Smith Klein & French) Greenberg, Daniel Asher, 193*+- (NYC; Mass.) " Mrs. ' " (Hannah) (student
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