Abstracts www.anatomy.org.tr doi:10.2399/ana.10.019x Abstracts for the 2nd International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy, prof. Josef Stingl JUBILEE, July 9th - 11th, 2010, Prague, Czech Republic Anatomy 2010; 4 Suppl 1: 19-90 © 2010 TSACA Lectures (L-01 — L-96) Saturday, July 10 clinical disciplines, started to develop first professor Karel 08.45: Opening Lecture (Syllaba´s Hall) Weigner during the thirties of the 20th century. In his tradi- tion continued successfully several generations of Czech Moderator: Báča Václav anatomists on all seven Czech medical faculties. The most intensive advancement the Czech clinical anatomy enjoys, as L-01 both scientific as well as pedagogic discipline, during the last 30 History of the Czech clinical anatomy years, above all in connection with the intensive technological Stingl Josef development of most clinical disciplines. Department of Anatomy, Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Praha, Czech Republic
[email protected] 09.15: Honorary Lectures dedicated to prof. Stingl (Syllaba´s Hall) Moderator: Báča Václav The Prague University was founded 1348 as the 27th one in Europe. The Medical Faculty was its part from the very begin, L-02 but the medical curriculum had for several hundreds years a medieval scholastic form, without anatomy. The history of the Scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion Czech anatomy started in fact in June 1600, when professor casts: a means to study growth and regression of blood Johannes Jessenius presented the first public anatomical dissec- vessels in normal and diseased tissues and organs? tion in Prague. But the real development of the anatomy as a Lametschwandtner Alois, Bartel Heidi, Tangphokhanon full-value part of the medical curriculum began in the Wasan, Gerlach Nicolas, Minnich Bernd Bohemian Kingdom first after the reforms of the Empress Department of Organismic Biology, University of Salzburg, Maria Theresia and Emperor Josef the Second during the sec- Salzburg, Austria ond half of the 18th century.