Terrestrial Ecology

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Terrestrial Ecology Chapter 11: Terrestrial Ecology URS-EIA-REP-202375 Table of Contents 11 Terrestrial Ecology ................................................................................... 11-1 11.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 11-1 11.2 Scoping ............................................................................................................ 11-1 11.2.1 ENVIID ................................................................................................ 11-2 11.2.2 Analysis of Alternatives ......................................................................... 11-2 11.3 Spatial Boundaries and Temporal Boundaries ...................................................... 11-2 11.3.1 Spatial Boundaries ................................................................................ 11-2 11.3.2 Temporal Boundaries ............................................................................ 11-3 11.4 Baseline Data .................................................................................................... 11-7 11.4.1 Standards for Baseline Evaluation .......................................................... 11-7 11.4.2 Data Gaps ............................................................................................ 11-8 11.4.3 Primary Data / Baseline Surveys ............................................................ 11-8 Habitats and Flora ........................................................................ 11-9 Birds ............................................................................................ 11-9 Mammals (Excluding Bats) .......................................................... 11-11 Bats ........................................................................................... 11-12 Amphibians and Reptiles ............................................................. 11-13 Invertebrates .............................................................................. 11-14 11.4.4 Data Assumptions and Limitations ....................................................... 11-15 Habitats and Flora ...................................................................... 11-15 Fauna ........................................................................................ 11-15 11.5 Baseline Characteristics ................................................................................... 11-16 11.5.1 Designated Sites ................................................................................ 11-16 Rakitnik Protected Area ............................................................... 11-17 Galata Special Protection Area (SPA) ............................................ 11-21 Galata Site of Community Importance (SCI) ................................. 11-21 11.5.2 Habitats ............................................................................................. 11-22 Oak Woodland ............................................................................ 11-22 Hornbeam Woodland .................................................................. 11-23 Deciduous Shrub ........................................................................ 11-23 Elm Shrub .................................................................................. 11-23 Willow Woodland ........................................................................ 11-23 Coniferous Plantations ................................................................ 11-24 Deciduous Plantations ................................................................. 11-24 Grey Dune Grassland .................................................................. 11-24 Disturbed Dry Grassland.............................................................. 11-24 Swamp ..................................................................................... 11-27 Coastal Vegetation .................................................................... 11-27 Vineyard / Agricultural Land....................................................... 11-27 11.5.3 Flora .................................................................................................. 11-31 11.5.4 Birds .................................................................................................. 11-32 Breeding Birds ............................................................................ 11-32 URS-EIA-REP-202375 i Chapter 11 Terrestrial Ecology Red Listed and Conservation Concern Breeding Birds .................... 11-33 Red Data Book of Republic of Bulgaria Endangered Species........... 11-34 Red Data Book of Republic of Bulgaria Vulnerable Species ............. 11-35 Birds Directive Annex I Species .................................................... 11-36 Galata SPA Regularly Occurring Migratory Species ........................ 11-37 Migratory Birds ........................................................................... 11-37 11.5.5 Mammals (Except Bats) ...................................................................... 11-43 Otter .......................................................................................... 11-43 European Souslik ........................................................................ 11-44 European Wild Cat ...................................................................... 11-44 Other Mammals .......................................................................... 11-44 11.5.6 Bats .................................................................................................. 11-45 11.5.7 Reptiles and Amphibians ..................................................................... 11-48 11.5.8 Invertebrates ..................................................................................... 11-53 Insects ....................................................................................... 11-53 Molluscs ..................................................................................... 11-54 11.5.9 Fish ................................................................................................... 11-54 11.6 Impact Assessment ......................................................................................... 11-54 11.6.1 Impact Sources .................................................................................. 11-55 11.6.2 Defining Receptor Sensitivity ............................................................... 11-56 11.6.3 Defining Impact Magnitude ................................................................. 11-60 11.6.4 Determining Impact Significance ......................................................... 11-60 11.6.5 Applicable Standards .......................................................................... 11-62 European and National Legislation ............................................... 11-62 International Financial Institution Standards and Guidance ............ 11-63 International Agreements ............................................................ 11-64 11.6.6 Ecology Receptor Identification and Sensitivity ..................................... 11-64 Critical Habitat Identification ....................................................... 11-65 Habitats ..................................................................................... 11-65 Flora Species .............................................................................. 11-68 Birds .......................................................................................... 11-69 Mammals ................................................................................... 11-73 Reptiles and Amphibians ............................................................. 11-74 Terrestrial Invertebrates .............................................................. 11-76 11.6.7 Assessment of Potential Impacts ......................................................... 11-77 Impact Avoidance ....................................................................... 11-78 11.6.8 Construction and Pre-Commissioning Phase ......................................... 11-78 Impacts upon Designated Sites ................................................... 11-79 Habitats ..................................................................................... 11-80 Flora .......................................................................................... 11-82 Birds .......................................................................................... 11-82 Mammals (Except Bats)............................................................... 11-87 Bats ........................................................................................... 11-88 Amphibians and Reptiles ............................................................. 11-89 Terrestrial Invertebrates .............................................................. 11-92 11.6.9 Operational Phase .............................................................................. 11-93 ii URS-EIA-REP-202375 11.6.10 Decommissioning Phase .................................................................... 11-93
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