Embryology of the spine and spinal cord Andrea Rossi, MD Neuroradiology Unit Istituto Giannina Gaslini Hospital Genoa, Italy
[email protected] LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1) To understand the basics of spinal 1) To understand the basics of spinal cord development cord development 2) To understand the general rules of the 2) To understand the general rules of the development of the spine development of the spine 3) To understand the peculiar variations 3) To understand the peculiar variations to the normal spine plan that occur at to the normal spine plan that occur at the CVJ the CVJ Summary of week 1 Week 2-3 GASTRULATION "It is not birth, marriage, or death, but gastrulation, which is truly the most important time in your life." Lewis Wolpert (1986) Gastrulation Conversion of the embryonic disk from a bilaminar to a trilaminar arrangement and establishment of the notochord The three primary germ layers are established The basic body plan is established, including the physical construction of the rudimentary primary body axes As a result of the movements of gastrulation, cells are brought into new positions, allowing them to interact with cells that were initially not near them. This paves the way for inductive interactions, which are the hallmark of neurulation and organogenesis Day 16 H E Day 15 Dorsal view of a 0.4 mm embryo BILAMINAR DISK CRANIAL Epiblast faces the amniotic sac node Hypoblast Primitive pit (primitive endoderm) faces the yolk sac Primitive streak CAUDAL Prospective notochordal cells Dias Dias During