Protests Hound Soviet Leader

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Protests Hound Soviet Leader U. S. NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA Kosy gn's Vis1t Protests Hound Soviet Leader (Related story, page 2) OTTAWA (AP)--Thousands of Jews poured into this capital Tuesday in a continuing campaign to embarass Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin. Police cordoned off the vicinity of the Soviet embassy in preparation for the arrival of 110 busloads of protesters from other cities. Police intended to keep protesters five blocks from the embassy in every direc- tion. While authorities were preparing for an orgainzed parade protesting al- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1971 leged mistreatment of Soviet Jews, Kosygin was having another round of what were described as solidly businesslike discussions with Prime Minis- ter Pierre Elliott Trudeau and other Canadian leaders. On the public front the only Canadians who seemed to take notice the visit were those with protests to make and axes to grind, and they have created a . nightmare for both Soviet and Cana- dian authorities. Security has been visibly tighter because of the attempt by a young Hungarian to assault Kosygin Monday. There have been no large crowds of (Please see KOSYGIN, page 5) U.N. China Voting May Begin Monday --Outcome Unclear UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP)--China's future in the United Nations, being debated at a faster than expected pace, probably will be decided early next week. A U.N. observer predicted the de- bate over whether one Chinese gov- ernment or two should be represented here would end Friday evening and the voting begin on Monday. But U.N. vote-taking is a compli- Sorry is the man whose wipers didn't work yesterday. cated process, so the result will probably not be achieved before Tuesday, maybe Wednesday. Besides the numerous procedural resolutions and amendments involved Rains Wash Guantanamo Bay in the China question, delegates get up before or after the various votes By ALLAN SMITH to tell why will or did vote as they Heavy rains continued to pour down School officials announced that if will or did. on Guantanamo Bay this morning after power goes out again, and indica- Both sides in the 22-year-old bat- lightning knocked out power for tions are that it will be out for tle insist they are confident of nearly four hours and rainwater put more than one hour, school would be victory, but a handful of countries some telephones out of commission suspended for the day. appears to control the fate of the yesterday. A spokesman at the Naval Weather Albanian resolution to seat the Pe- It was the fourth straight day of Service early this morning offered king government at Taiwan's expense heavy rain and winds here, but wea- consolation for base residents, not- and the U.S. plan for "dual repre- ther officials could only point to ing that the heavy rains brought on sentation." .kthe weekend for a letup and pre- by a low pressure trough cover the A high source in the Japanese del- dicted only a little breakup in Caribbean area. The bad weather is egation, which is a cosponsor of shower activity today. (Please see RAIN, page 2) (Please see CHINA, page 2) Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, October 21, 1971 GAZETTEER CHINA- F P the U.S. resolution, said more than 10 nations still .a digest of late news are "very fluid" in their positions. Several of those key countries are staying away from the speakers' list, so their positions may not be known until the minute they vote. The deadline for signing up to speak in the China de- bate was last night, and only 77 of the 131 member na- Four gunshots were fired at the Soviet mission tions were on the list. to the United Nations last night, police reported. A The United States, Nationalist China and Albania ask- window on the 11th flor of the building was broken, but ed to speak a second time, meaning there will have no one was injured, they said. been 80 speeches. That is fewer than the 100 predicted A gun was recovered near the mission building, on earlier, but more than in any previous China debate. East 67th Street, according to police, but it was not determined immediately whether it was used to fire the four shots. RAIN- F Page4 In Washington, State Department spokesman Charles not confined to Guantanamo. Bray issued a statement saying the United States "de- Heavy wiids and rain began about 1 p.m. yesterday plores this senseless and cowardly act of violence. We and virtually halted all outside activities for a have expressed our official regrets to the Soviet Em- short period. Lightning struck the power plant's main bassy in Washington and informed it of steps being transmission line causing "a protective relay to open taken to apprehend whomever may have been involved." which isolated the base electrical network from the power plant," according to Neils Hansen, Public Works Eighty crates containing guided missiles were Department's superintendent of utilities. confiscated here at the Brion Wharf, police reported. Hansen said lightning caused a power surge in primary According to the police, the boxes were inspected electrical lines which exceeded the capacity of light- and found to contain surface-to-surface guided missiles ning arrestors in the network. This caused the power of the French SS11 type, weighing about 66 pounds. plant to shut off from the rest of the base system. It was not immediately made public where the crates He said PWD personnel began restoration of power at came from or how they arrived in the island. 2:16 p.m. and the job was completed by 5:15 p.m. Police, however, said that a 29-year-old Puerto Rican Hansen said severe damage to telephone equipment has was called in for questioning. The crates were regis- caused random telephone outage. About 100 telephones tered under his name, police said. were affected yesterday. His name was not made available. The questioning was Some damage, he said, was caused by flooding of man- based on the possible violation of the Netherlands An- holes which resulted in saturation of telephone cables tilles Fire-Arms Law, police said. Next to the weapons causing short circuits. were other crates containing four airplanes, American PWD personnel are continuing to repair telephone built F86, Sabres, type A. cables. He said continuing rain will hamper repair work because dry weather is better for opening, drying The pilot of an Equadorean airplane hijacked to and resplicing shorted cables. Cuba yesterday by seven Equadorean students said he was Hansen said there was no major damage at the power subjected to "violent" questioning by authorities when plant. he landed in Havana yesterday afternoon. Many students at W.T. Sampson High School were caught Raul Sandoval, 46, a retired Air Force colonel, told in yesterday afternoon's deluge and were sent home be- newsmen the questioning led him to ask whether he was a cause the school has no heating facilities, according "ptisoner of war", but was sharply reminded that he was to Fred Pola, school superintendent. in Cuba and had to abide by what the Cuban Authorities Pola said this morning school would be in session if wanted. no power outage occurred today. He said that includes The four-motored Viscount turbo-jet returned to Tocu- all grades from nursery through high school. men International Airport last night at 9:30, twelve Weather officials reported 1.78 inches of rain yes- hours after it landed here for refueling stop on its terday, the largest amount recorded since the storms way to Cuba. The plane belongs to Seata Airlines. began Monday. Stateside Temperatures Guantanamo Gazette Boston 56 New York ComNavBase. RAdm. B. McCauley 55 Local Forecast Public Affairs Officer.LCdr. W. Boer II Philadelphia 63 Editorial Advisor.JOC Brad Durfee Washington 67 Partly cloudy this morning with Editor.J02 Ira Crew. ASSistant Editor. YN3 Jeff Emricl Atlanta 69 scattered rain showers most of the Sports Editor.L/Cpl. Dennis Roby Miami 81 day, becoming mostly cloudy after Staff Artist. .ETSN Frank KluttZ Detroit sunset. The winds are northerly Beeline Editor.PN Tony Radaski 48 The GUANTANANO GAZETTE is published according to Chicago 50 at 5-8 knots becoming southeasterly the rules and regulations for ship and station news- papers as outlined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the St. Louis 62 this afternoon at 12-16 knots with direction of the Naval Base Public %ffairs Officer. Dallas 83 to 24 knots. Today's high It is printed four days a week at government expense gusts un government equipment. The opinions or statements Oklahoma City 78 will be about 85 with a low this is news items that appear herein are not to he con- strued as official or on reflecting the views of Los Angeles 79 evening of 74. ComNavBase or the Department of the Navy. San Francisco 56 Seattle 53 Thursday, October 21, 1971 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3 Street, Traffic Woes STANG SODEN CARR Top Council Requests Three top officials of the Veterans of Foreign Wars arrive in Guantanamo tomorrow Requests for street repairs and traffic for a four-day visit. The officials include control devices highlighted reports from dis- Pat Carr of Metairie, La., senior vice com- trict representatives at a recent Naval Base mander; Ray Soden, of Bensenville, Ill., Civic Council meeting. junior vice commander; and John Stang, of Requests included: LaCrosse, Kan., judge advocate general. *A stopsign at the entrance of Oceanview The three have some 30 years combined ex- housing area. perience as top VFW officials. They will *Repair of holes in the vicinity of the participate in several tours, briefings and Mini-Mart, at the corner of Sherman Avenue and social events.
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