03 Foreword By The Secretary For The Environment Table of 05 Permanent Secretary / Director’s message Contents 06 Pollution Prevention and Control Air 07 Noise 13 Water 16 Environmental Assessment 20 Environmental Compliance 23 27 Resource Management Waste Reduction 28 Waste Facilities 33 Energy 37 Nature Conservation 40 43 Stakeholder Engagement Building Partnerships 44 Community Awareness 48 52 Sustainable Development 56 Cross-boundary and International Co-operation

Foreword By The Secretary For The Environment

-02- ùùwww.enb.gov.hk ùùwww.epd.gov.hk ENVIRONMENT HONG KONG 2018

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Statement on the State of the Global Climate, 2017 was among the three warmest years on record and FOREWORD BY the warmest year without an El Niño event. The major cause of global warming is anthropogenic greenhouse THE SECRETARY gas emissions. For Hong Kong, 2017 was also among the third warmest since records began in 1884. The FOR THE subsidence effect ahead of Super Typhoon Hato’s circulation brought oppressive heat to the territory ENVIRONMENT on 22 August as the temperature at the Hong Kong Observatory soared to an all-time record-breaking high of 36.6 degrees. The peak electricity consumption on that day also hit a record high in Hong Kong. With the attack of Hato coinciding with the astronomical tide, storm surges induced resulted in serious sea water flooding and damage in many low-lying areas. The water level at Quarry Bay reached a maximum of 3.57 mCD (metres above Chart Datum), the second highest since instrumental records began in 1954. Actions are called for combating climate change.

In January 2017, the Government, in response to the Paris Agreement, unveiled the Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2030+ which mapped out strategies and actions on mitigation, adaptation and resilience to combat climate change transcending 2030, including the carbon reduction target and key measures for 2030. Among others, a target was set by the Government to reduce Hong Kong’s carbon intensity by 65-70% by 2030 using 2005 as the base, and one of the major considerations was changing the fuel mix for electricity generation. By introducing

Foreword By The Secretary For The Environment

-03- ùùwww.enb.gov.hk ùùwww.epd.gov.hk ENVIRONMENT HONG KONG 2018 cleaner sources of energy and promoting more efficient countryside and biodiversity as legacy for our future implement a PRS targeting at plastic containers containing combat climate change, promote energy saving for all, energy saving, we will not only reduce carbon emissions generations. Meanwhile, the Government has implemented beverages and personal care products. enhance ecological conservation, encourage people to to help combat global climate change, but also improve Hong Kong Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2016- “Use Less, Waste Less” as well as enhance environmental the local and regional environments, including improving 2021 to enhance the protection of our natural resources and The Cross-Harbour Race was re-staged in late October livability. We hope that the public will join hands to reduce air quality to create a healthier and better place for living. encourage the community to participate in it. 2017 with swimmers racing across the Victoria Harbour. carbon and waste and to be a “Hanson” (Champion of Over 3,000 participants swam from Tsim Sha Tsui to Energy Saving) instead of a “Big Waster”, so that Hong At the end of April 2017, the Government signed the In October 2017, the Government announced some Wan Chai, which was the classic swim route of the Kong can become a greener and more livable city with post-2018 Scheme of Control Agreements (SCAs) with modifications to the proposed implementation Cross-Harbour Race 40 years ago. After the completion scenic mountains and seas for public enjoyment. the two power companies respectively. Their main arrangements for municipal solid waste charging to of the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme in recent years, provisions fully reflect the Government’s commitments to expand the use of pre-paid designated garbage bags, the water quality of the Victoria Harbour has improved reducing energy intensity and combating climate change which would enable the charging regime to achieve the markedly. T·PARK in Tuen Mun carries out centralised in line with the vision of the Hong Kong’s Climate Action polluter-pays principle to a greater extent and provide treatment of the sludge generated from the Harbour Area Plan 2030+. Featuring enhanced promotion of energy financial incentives to waste reduction at source, “Dump Treatment Scheme and other sewage treatment works, so efficiency and conservation and introduction of Feed- Less, Save More”. Meanwhile, the Government has been as to turn waste into energy. T·PARK has won a number in Tariff to encourage the development of distributed pursuing a multi-pronged approach to reduce waste, of local and international awards, and the Harbour Area renewable energy in the community, the new SCAs are the including promoting a “Use Less, Waste Less” culture Treatment Scheme was also awarded the 15th Tien-yow “greenest” ever reached with the power companies. amongst the commercial and industrial sectors and the Jeme Civil Engineering Prize. general public, and soliciting their support for a circular In early April 2017, the Government announced the economy. The Yuen Long Community Green Station (CGS) The -Hong Kong-Macao Delta commencement of a series of programmes celebrating , Kwun Tong CGS and Sham Shui Po CGS commenced Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network Report for 2017 the 40th anniversary of country parks with the theme of operation successively during the year to provide released by the Government pointed out that the annual “Country Parks Our Legacy”. As at the end of last year, recycling support at the district level. We have also been average concentration levels of nitrogen dioxide, sulphur we had 24 country parks and 22 special areas which actively taking forward the implementation of producer dioxide and respirable suspended particulates in the Pearl covered about 40% of the land in Hong Kong. In recent responsibility schemes (PRSs), including awarding the River Delta Region fell by 26%, 77% and 34% respectively years, their total area has increased slightly by about 50 glass management contracts for Hong Kong Island and the in 2017 compared with the 2006 levels. The figures hectares. The main functions of country parks are nature New Territories regions under the PRS on glass beverage show that not only the local air quality of Hong Kong has conservation, education and countryside recreation. containers, which would expand the collection network for improved in recent years, but the regional air quality has While sharing and enjoying the country parks, the public waste glass containers; and launching the Removal Service also improved significantly through regional cooperation should work together on environmental protection and Trial Scheme to prepare for the implementation of the PRS in emission reduction. waste reduction, including “Take Your Litter Home” to on waste electrical and electronic equipment. Meanwhile, Mr. Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP conserve the nature, and preserve the beauty of the we also commenced a consultancy study on how to The Government has been striving to improve air quality, Secretary for the Environment

Foreword By The Secretary For The Environment

-04- ùùwww.enb.gov.hk ùùwww.epd.gov.hk ENVIRONMENT HONG KONG 2018

Achieving sustainable improvements to the environment are also expanding producer responsibility schemes to and help counter the global smuggling of ivory, the is not an easy task, but Hong Kong has been making firm cover more products. Government has introduced the Protection of Endangered PERMANENT progress towards that goal. In 2017, we unveiled major Species of Animals and Plants (Amendment) Bill 2017 to policy decisions in two areas – waste and energy – that Energy was another major focus during the year as part the Legislative Council to phase out local trade in ivory by SECRETARY / also have positive side effects on other environmental of our efforts to reduce both greenhouse gas emissions end of 2021. The Bill also seeks to increase the penalties issues, such as air pollution. These policies will take us in and air pollution. We released Hong Kong’s Climate to provide a stronger deterrent against the smuggling and DIRECTOR’S new directions and facilitate positive change in the wider Action Plan 2030+, which sets a target of reducing carbon illegal trading of endangered species. community. intensity by 65-70% by 2030, using 2005 as the baseline. MESSAGE This is a major step towards meeting our obligations The outcome of our work is set out in greater details in Waste reduction is a particularly urgent priority because towards climate change and will involve sourcing fuel for this report. Their inter-connectivity means that as the Hong Kong has limited land space for disposing of waste. electricity from cleaner sources (e.g. natural gas), making Government makes progress improving each individual One option is to reduce the waste volume through high- more efficient use of energy and controlling emissions. area, the impacts ripple into other areas too. The temperature clean waste to energy treatment, which has Government is embracing this more holistic approach to been successfully applied to handling sewage sludge Along that vein, new Scheme of Control Agreements protecting Hong Kong’s environment and is well into the and will be used in the near future for treating municipal have been signed with the power companies to promote process of implementing more sustainable policies and solid waste (MSW). In 2017, we awarded a design-build- energy efficiency and conservation and renewable solutions for attaining green, low-carbon living. operate contract for the Integrated Waste Management energy. Emission caps from power plants will also be Facilities Phase 1 that will reduce waste bulk by 90%. This further tightened. These measures will benefit both the facility is scheduled for commissioning in 2024. environment and public health by lowering pollutants in the air. Treating waste at the end-of-pipe is only part of the solution. More importantly, we must reduce waste at Another notable area of focus in 2017 was the water source in the first place, by producing less waste and environment. Water quality has improved under the reusing and recycling as far as possible. MSW charging Harbour Area Treatment Scheme and the Government has proven to be an effective means of achieving this is now turning efforts to reducing near-shore pollution. end in other cities. In 2017, the Government announced Surges in marine refuse, particularly following storms, the modified arrangements for implementing MSW have led to the establishment of a notification mechanism charging following engagement with the community and with Guangdong authorities to alert each other in the key stakeholders. Upon implementation, the charges are event of such surges. expected to provide an incentive for waste producers to Donald Tong, JP Permanent Secretary for the Environment / Director of reduce waste based on the polluter-pays principle. We To support international efforts to protect elephants Environmental Protection

Permanent Secretary / Director’s Message

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Pollution Prevention and Control

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Cleaner Air • Continued to review the Air Quality Objectives and launched a public Efforts to control air pollution and improve air quality in engagement exercise to gather Hong Kong continued to progress in 2017. Levels of most views on possible new measures to improve air quality. major pollutants have fallen at the local and regional levels, although persistent actions continue to be needed • Announced tighter emission caps for to tackle the on-going problems of rising levels of ambient power plants. ozone and the high level of roadside nitrogen dioxide. • Continued to phase out pre-Euro The Government is implementing actions against the key IV diesel commercial vehicles. By sources of air pollution, including power plants, motor the end of 2017, 60,200 had been removed from the roads. vehicles, marine emissions and other sources. It is also working closely with its counterparts in Guangdong to • Supported trials of greener vehicles, address regional air pollution. including electric buses.

• Progressively tightened emission standards for first registered vehicles.

Photo of clear sky

Pollution Prevention and Control

-07- ùùwww.enb.gov.hk ùùwww.epd.gov.hk ENVIRONMENT HONG KONG 2018

Air Quality in Hong Kong RSP FSP SO2 O3 NO2 CO

RSP FSP SO2 O3 NO2 CO Local: Local levels of most major pollutants in the 1800 1800 900 900 1600 1600 ambient air and at roadsides have fallen since 1999, 800 800 1400 1400 700 700 1200 1200 600 600 1000 1000 including sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide 500 500 800 800 ) (NO2), respirable suspended particulates (RSP) and 70 70 ) 140 140 60 60 120 120 fine suspended particulates (FSP). However, two key ( µm/m³ 50 50 ( µm/m³ 100 100

Concentration 40 40 Concentration 80 80 challenges remain. Although roadside NO2 levels are 30 30 60 60 indeed on a reducing trend and dropped 30% from a peak 20 20 40 40 10 10 20 20 in 2011 to 2017, they are still high. Meanwhile, ambient 0 0 0 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 ozone (O3), which is formed by the photochemical Year Year reaction of nitrogen oxides (NOX) and volatile organic compounds in the presence of sunlight, has been Long-term trends of ambient key pollutants in Hong Kong from 1999 to 2017 Long-term trends of roadside key pollutants in Hong Kong from 1999 to 2017 increasing in recent years. The programmes described Reviewing Air Quality Objectives (AQOs): The current in this report aimed at reducing those levels and keeping AQOs took effect in 2014 and the Government has other pollutants on a downward trajectory. committed to reviewing them at least once every five years. An AQO Review Working Group was established in Regional: Hong Kong is affected by regional air pollution. 2016 that is exploring the practicability of implementing The Government has engaged in deep collaboration new air quality improvement measures in relation to road on the issue with its regional counterparts (see Cross- transportation, marine transportation, energy and power boundary chapter) and is part of the Guangdong-Hong generation, and other emission sources. The Working Kong-Macao Air Quality Monitoring Members of the public were invited to attend the public engagement forums to express their views direct Group held two public engagement forums in 2017 and Network. Results for 2017 revealed a similar situation will complete its review in 2018, after which there will be a to Hong Kong’s local air quality – the major pollutants public consultation on the review outcome. of SO2, NO2 and RSP have fallen by 77%, 26% and 34%

respectively since 2006, but O3 shows an upward trend, photochemical smog pollution in the region thus remains a concern.

A 5-week public engagement exercise was conducted between September and October 2017 to canvass public views on the The public engagement forums enabled the community to better possible new air quality improvement measures identified under the understand the work flow and latest progress of the AQOs Review Review of the Air Quality Objectives (AQOs review)

Pollution Prevention and Control

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Reducing Pollution from Power Generation Power plants are a major source of air pollution in Hong Kong. In 2016, they accounted for more than 46% of

SO2 emissions, 29% of NOX and 14% of RSP. Emissions from power plants will be further reduced upon the promulgation of the 7th Technical Memorandum in 2017 Black Point Power Station to cap power plant emissions from 2022 and onwards. Compared with the emission caps for 2021, power plants will reduce SO2 by a further 25% in 2022, NOX by 15% and RSP by 11%. The new targets will be achievable because the power plants are building new gas-fired units to reduce their reliance on coal (see also Energy chapter). Lamma Power Station

Lamma Power Station Black Point Power Station

Pollution Prevention and Control

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Controlling Emissions from Motor Vehicles Pollution from motor vehicles is a long-standing and ever- • Tax breaks for new cleaner vehicles. The qualifying evolving issue. The Government’s aim is to phase out the standard for newly-registered commercial vehicles dirtiest vehicles, control emissions from the remainder, to enjoy the first registration tax concessions was and introduce cleaner emission standards and vehicle set at Euro VI standards. For petrol or LPG light-duty technology. Progress in 2017 included: commercial vehicles, the NOX emission should also Electric vehicle • Retiring pre-Euro IV diesel commercial vehicles. be at least 50% lower than Euro VI.

Some $11.4 billion has been earmarked to • Green alternatives. By the end of 2017, the Pilot progressively phase out 82,000 pre-Euro IV diesel Green Transport Fund, set up in 2011, had approved commercial vehicles by the end of 2019. Owners 109 trials of greener commercial vehicles with a receive an ex-gratia payment for removing their total subsidy of $122 million. The Government also vehicles from the road. By the end of 2017, 60,200 funds trials of electric buses by the franchised bus vehicles had been removed. companies, which by the end of 2017 had resulted • Tightening vehicle emission standards. An in 22 single-deck electric buses being on the road. amendment in 2017 tightened the standards for Support for electric vehicles (EV) includes measures newly-registered vehicles from Euro V to Euro VI. The to expand charging outlets and an offer of first change is being implemented in phases according to registration tax concessions. vehicle class from July 2017 (except diesel private cars, buses weighing no more than 9 tonnes, light buses weighing more than 3.5 tonnes, motorcycles EV charging facilities and tricycles). In addition, the standard of newly- registered diesel private cars was tightened from California LEV II to LEV III in October 2017. • Subsidising emission control devices. Franchised bus companies were fully subsidised to retrofit their eligible Euro II and Euro III buses with selective catalytic reduction devices to upgrade their emissions performance to Euro IV or above. The retrofit program was completed in 2017, under which 1,030 eligible buses were retrofitted with $197 million. EV charger Government project for medium charger upgrading at On-road diesel commercial vehicles Selective catalytic reduction device on franchised bus City Hall Carpark

Pollution Prevention and Control

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Scanning Results Second Life for Batteries

About 550,000 scans were made of petrol and LPG Hong Kong’s electric vehicle fleet has mushroomed taxis and light buses in 2017, which were the subject from 100 at the end of 2010 to more than 11,000 in of an earlier subsidising programme to replace their 2017, and so have retired batteries. The batteries still emission-control devices. Only 1% had excessive retain 70-80% of their electric storage capacity, so the emissions. Environment Bureau (ENB) launched the International Competition on Second Life for Retired Batteries to

identify possible uses. Entries came from Australia, EV batteries Canada, Indonesia, Singapore, the UK, , Camera Macao and Hong Kong, and the winners were announced in June 2017.

The two Champions both came from Hong Kong. In the Open Group, a team from Hong Kong Electric Co Ltd and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University proposed using the batteries to store energy from a photovoltaic solar-powered system on Po Toi Island. In the Student Scope Group, students from Pak Kau College proposed that the batteries could provide power in restrooms in RS control system rural areas and country parks and be recharged with renewable energies such as solar or wind.

Reflector RS site layout

Pollution Prevention and Control

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Reducing Pollution from LOOKING AHEAD Other Sources

Marine vessels are another major source of pollution and Complete the review of Air Quality Objectives and conduct a public consultation on the outcome. accounted for 49% of SO2 in 2016. The Government has been tightening controls on sulphur content in fuel in local Prepare to tighten the volatile organic compounds waters. It is also co-operating with Mainland authorities to content in architectural paints. establish a Domestic Emission Control Area (DECA) in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) waters. The Government signed Prepare to introduce a regulation requiring vessels to use low-sulphur fuel within Hong Kong waters a co-operation agreement with the Maritime Safety from 1 January 2019. Administration of the Mainland in 2017 to strengthen regional collaboration on controlling emissions and on Prepare to tighten emission standards for non-road vehicles from 1 January 2019. implementing the PRD DECA.

Volatile organic compounds have been progressively controlled since 2007. In 2017 legislative approval was given to an amendment to extend the control to fountain solutions and printing machine cleansing agents, effective 1 January 2018.

Ocean going vessel

Pollution Prevention and Control

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Noise pollution is inevitable in a city as densely developed • Resurfaced 73 local road sections with low-noise road surfacing as Hong Kong. With this in mind, the EPD has been materials as of the end of 2017, persistently vigilant and proactive in seeking out and benefitting about 132,000 people. promoting new technologies to keep the noise levels • Retrofitted noise barriers at 17 down. Two recent successes have focused on road traffic existing road sections as of the end and construction and renovation works, which are both of 2017, benefitting about 56,000 high-profile sources of noise. In both cases, simple but people, and commenced noise barrier retrofitting works at two other effective solutions were found that can turn the volume sections. down.

Road traffic noise in Hong Kong

Pollution Prevention and Control

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When the Rubber Hits the Road durability to the corresponding asphalt commonly used New Technologies Muffle on city roads, while the specially-designed asphalt tested Asphalt containing aggregates of certain specification Building Noise since 2013 could reduce traffic noise by about 2.5 dB(A) and crumb rubber is set to provide some relief to the Construction technologies have made great advances in on low-speed roads. excessive traffic noise that consistently plagues some of recent years in reducing noise from their operations. The Hong Kong’s urban streets. EPD has been promoting these solutions and in March These results were combined more recently, when the 2017 participated in a sharing session on controlling EPD, the Highways Department and the Hong Kong The asphalt helps overcome a problem that arises on construction noise that was attended by more than 200 Polytechnic University conducted joint tests on the city streets paved with other commonly used low-noise instructors from the Construction Industry Council (CIC). application of rubberised asphalt of special aggregate surfaces. Those surfaces work well on high-speed roads size in roads in Hong Kong. They had two objectives: to but quickly wear down on low-speed roads due to the The session not only covered conventional noise verify this asphalt’s effectiveness in noise reduction, latter’s stop-start nature of traffic and road layouts. This mitigation measures such as barriers, but also introduced and to ensure its application does not lead to durability has in the past hindered the use of conventional low- (i) Measurement before laying rubberized asphalt alternative quieter construction tools that are effective in problems, adverse odour impacts or air pollution noise surfaces on urban roads. Alternatives for noise construction and demolition, renovation works and pipe emissions. As high temperature is a critical factor in mitigation can also be difficult to implement. Erecting rehabilitation. These included: emissions, additives were applied to reduce the necessary noise barriers is often impossible due to the lack of space mixing and paving temperature, which in turn resulted and technical constraints, while planning measures in less odour and fewer emissions of volatile organic cannot be applied retroactively to already-developed compounds. areas. Now, though, rubberised asphalt offers some light on the horizon. Rubberised asphalt is becoming a sound and proven technology around the world – countries such as the Rubberised asphalt is formed by adding small quantities (ii) Laying of rubberized asphalt Netherlands, Portugal and the United States have of crumb rubber reclaimed from waste tyres. The rubber Presentation to the instructors of CIC adopted it – and, when combined with asphalt of special acts like a cushion to reduce the vibrations that produce aggregate size, it becomes a new weapon in the arsenal noise. When it is combined with asphalt that has a to minimise traffic noise in Hong Kong. There is one more “negative texture” surface due to special aggregate sizes, benefit: using crumb rubber reclaimed from waste tyres the noise reduction effect is synergized. Rubberised helps reduce the quantity of waste sent to landfills and asphalt was first tested by the EPD at EcoPark in 2007, promote the sustainable use of resources. while asphalt of special aggregate size without rubber ‘crumbs’ has been tested since 2013. The 2007 results demonstrated that rubberised asphalt has similar (iii) Surface regularity test Over 200 instructors attended the presentation about “Construction Noise Control and Quieter Construction Techniques"

Pollution Prevention and Control

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• Battery-driven fastening tool. This tool can fasten produce new pipes. This eliminates the use of air sockets, water pipes and the like. It can also be The sharing session and collaboration with the CIC cables and conduits and install dry wall or wood compressors and boilers, as well as the need to used alternately with a hand-held breaker to remove received positive feedback from participants. Together tracks into concrete or steel plates. Compared to noisily drag liner material into the host pipe. wall plaster, thus reducing the operating time of the with other information on construction noise, the traditional tools such as hammer drills, it greatly breaker and the noise generated. materials from this session are now included in the reduces noise without compromising productivity. It curriculum of the CIC so that instructors can pass on the is also dust-free. knowledge to their trainees. More collaborative sharing sessions with the CIC will be held in future, with a view to raising awareness in the industry of the options available to reduce construction noise.

Steel-reinforced polyethylene strips LOOKING AHEAD

Continue to promote the use of electronic submissions for applications of Construction Noise Permits, Noise Battery-driven fastening tool Emission Labels and Quality Powered Mechanical Equipment Labels.

Continue retrofitting noise barriers on existing roads. Wall chaser is used for preparing grooves on walls

Continue the trial on resurfacing local roads with different types of low-noise road surfacing materials, including rubberised asphalt.

Keep abreast of innovative noise mitigation measures and update information platforms accordingly.

The battery-driven fastening tool is capable of fastening conduits into concrete

Winding machine • Spiral wound rehabilitation technology. New pipes can be formed within host pipes using this • Wall chaser. This tool has been found to be technology, which is a quieter alternative to the significantly quieter to listeners in an adjacent “open, cut and replace” method. Steel-reinforced room compared to a traditional percussive hand- polyethylene strips are wrapped around a winding held breaker. It can be used to prepare grooves in machine and fused together in the host pipe to interior walls for installation of in-wall electrical The blades of wall chaser

Pollution Prevention and Control

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WATER HIGHLIGHTS Keeping Waste from

Our Waters • Achieved 100% compliance with the bacteriological Water Quality Many years of effort to collect and treat sewage effluent, Objective for bathing waters at the and prevent it from being dumped without treatment into 41 gazetted beaches for the eighth local waters, are continuing to bear fruit. In 2017, the year in a row. waters were clean enough in central Victoria Harbour • Continued with efforts to reduce for the Cross-Harbour Race to move back to its original marine refuse and shore-based location near Tsim Sha Tsui for the first time in 40 years. waste and clean up blackspots, through the co-ordination of Water quality in marine waters, rivers and beaches was Inter-departmental Working Group also generally good. However, marine refuse and near- on Clean Shorelines. shore pollution in Victoria Harbour remained issues of • Established the Hong Kong-Guang- concern. On marine refuse, a review of Government dong Cross Boundary Notification actions taken since 2015 to improve the problem found Mechanism on Marine Refuse and that marked improvements had been achieved. On near- launched a trial of the Notification and Alert System on Marine Refuse shore pollution, several improvement measures were (see also Cross-boundary chapter). initiated in parallel to the Consultancy Study on Further Enhancing Quality of Coastal Waters of Victoria Harbour, which is in progress.

2017 Cross-Harbour Race

Pollution Prevention and Control

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Water Quality in 2017 These achievements have resulted from persistent Village sewerage programme: Unsewered village effort to ensure polluting discharges were diverted to houses are progressively being connected to proper Most waters in Hong Kong achieved good quality or the sewerage system through proper connections, and sewers and sewage treatment works to divert their better in 2017. All 41 gazetted beaches were 100% treated (93% of the population was connected as of sewage away from rivers, streams and coastlines. By the in compliance with the bacteriological Water Quality 2017). The current initiatives include: end of 2017, about 12,100 village houses in 221 villages Objective (WQO) for bathing waters for the eighth year in were connected to the public sewerage system. a row. The compliance rate for rivers and streams was Enhancing the water quality of Victoria Harbour: 90% (in fact, 87% achieved “Good” or “Excellent” grades as The Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) Stage compared with 26% in 1987). Marine waters also achieved 2A, commissioned in December 2015, has significantly a high level of 85% compliance with the WQO. improved water quality in the harbour. For example, the E. coli count in central Victoria Harbour has dropped sharply to an annual geometric mean of 300/100ml, which has enabled the Cross-Harbour Race to move back to this

area for the first time in 40 years. Midstream of River Indus, North District

With the success of HATS, which now has the capacity EPD staff collecting beach water samples and measuring field data to serve more than five million people, attention has turned to near-shore pollution in Victoria Harbour. In 2016, the Consultancy Study of Further Enhancing Quality of Coastal Waters was launched to identify odour and aesthetic problems and their sources, and recommend remedial action. While the study will be completed in 2018, actions have already been initiated to rectify the sewer misconnections and identify pollution problems. Victoria Habour with Dr. Catherine Lam in monitoring operation Downstream of Tseng Lan Shue Stream, Sai Kung District In the meantime, construction of a number of new storm water dry-weather flow interceptors got underway to reduce coastal water pollution in West Kowloon. A major, territory-wide sewer rehabilitation programme is also being launched to prevent sewage leaking from ageing sewers which can also affect the water quality of the Bathers relaxing at Shek O Beach in Southern District (up) and Big Wave Bay Beach in Southern District (below) harbour.

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Keeping the Shorelines Clean Priority sites Infrastructural support • The contractor for the Marine Department began • Since 2015, the Government has increased the total • Drinking fountains continued to be installed at public providing about 80 scavenging vessels to clean Refuse at shorelines has become a more high-profile number of clean-up operations per year at 27 priority recreational areas to reduce the chance of waste up floating refuse, starting from 1 October 2017. issue in recent years, even as water quality has improved. sites for marine refuse by nearly 50%, leading to plastic bottles entering the sea. So far, the Leisure In addition, another foreshore cleaning team was This issue is being addressed by the Inter-departmental noticeable improvements in cleanliness. A review in and Cultural Services Department has installed formed, bringing the total to three. Working Group on Clean Shorelines, which comprises 2017 found 12 of the sites had improved sufficiently 184 water drinking fountains at its beaches and eight departments and is chaired by the Permanent that they are no longer priority sites and will now other venues, while the Agriculture, Fisheries and Secretary for the Environment. In 2017 it made the receive maintenance cleaning. The remaining 15 Conservation Department has installed eight water following progress: priority sites, plus 14 new ones, will continue to be fountains in country parks. treated as priority sites and receive stepped-up • Solar-powered CCTV surveillance cameras were cleaning and monitoring. installed by EPD at Sam Pak Wan to test real-time monitoring of marine refuse accumulation. The trial runs from September 2017 to March 2018.

Cameras installed at the Sam Pak Wan of Lantau provide a real time update about the status of marine refuse deposition

Community involvement • $10 million has been earmarked under the Environment and Conservation Fund for community and education projects on clean shorelines organised by non-profit-making organisations. The first round in November 2017 awarded more than $3.6 million to 6 projects. • The Working Group on Clean Shorelines held an engagement session for community groups and the public to learn about the progress of its work and

EPD completed the review on the list of Marine Refuse Priority Sites in November 2017 for a better redeployment of resources to improve share views in October 2017. shorelines cleanliness. The map shows the new list of Priority Sites after the review • “Marine Conservation, Cleaner and Greener Tai Long Wan of Lantau before (up) and after cleanup (below) Shorelines” was a theme for the Student

Pollution Prevention and Control

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Environmental Protection Ambassador Scheme Response to marine refuse surge Palm Stearin Spillage organised by the Environmental Campaign • The Hong Kong-Guangdong Cross Boundary In early August 2017, a collision of vessels in the Committee. Notification and Alert Mechanism on Marine Mainland resulted in palm stearin leaking into the sea • The EPD co-organised monthly Shoreline Clean Day Refuse was established in 2017, allowing one side and washing ashore on 13 gazetted beaches on Lantau events with community groups. Since its launch to notify the other of possible surges of marine Island, Lamma Island and Southern District, leading to in April 2015, 21 clean-up events involving 758 refuse resulting from heavy rain or other significant their temporary closure. The EPD co-ordinated the clean- participants have been held. environmental events. up and monitoring of the incident, which involved about • The Government also launched the Notification 300 employees from the EPD, Agriculture, Fisheries and and Alert System on Marine Refuse for trial in May Conservation Department, Food and Environmental 2017 to monitor rainfall data in Hong Kong and 13 Hygiene Department, Government Flying Services, cities in Guangdong, and to notify relevant parties of Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and Marine potential areas affected by possible marine refuse Department during the peak period. Green groups and surges so they can take appropriate actions. Relevant community organisations also volunteered in the clean- Continuous on-site and aerial inspections kept track about Government departments in Hong Kong were notified the movement of spilt palm stearin for informed resources up operations. In total, about 214 tonnes of palm stearin deployment in the interception and cleanup operations 19 times in 2017, while Guangdong authorities were was recovered from the sea surface and at the beaches. notified seven times.

EPD oragnised Shorelines Cleanup Days regularly to engage the active participation of citizens in the protection of our marine LOOKING AHEAD environment In addition, the Government has been engaging in regional collaboration on marine refuse issues through Continue to monitor the performance of the Hong Kong-Guangdong Marine Environmental HATS Stage 2A and assess the improvement in Victoria Harbour’s water quality. Management Special Panel (see also Cross-boundary chapter ). The Special Panel met in April 2017 to follow up Continue to enhance the quality of the on the development of the Notification and Alert System coastal waters of Victoria Harbour. and efforts in addressing the marine refuse issue. Review the operation of the Notification and Alert System and related notification mechanisms for tackling marine refuse, and collaborative arrangements for tackling major cross-boundary marine environmental incidents, through the

In the engagement session organised in October 2017, the Hong Kong-Guangdong Marine Environmental representatives of the Government reported the various In August 2017, palm stearin was spilt from a cargo ship Management Special Panel. improvement measures being implemented by the Government and collided at waters near Hong Kong. The spilt palm stearin was their progress. This was followed by an open floor discussion with consequently drifted to beaches of Southern Hong Kong Island, representatives of community groups and members of public to Lamma and Lantau exchange their views with Government representatives

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Green Fixes for • Approved the environmental impact assessment (EIA) reports for new Old Problems development areas at Yuen Long South and Siu Ho Wan. Hong Kong’s environment has undergone a remarkable transformation in the past couple of decades. While • Provided environmental advice on strategic housing studies in the the city has achieved continuous economic growth and northern New Territories and North developed new towns to provide a better quality of living Lantau. for citizens, the Government has made diligent efforts to • Vetted the environmental implications pre-empt environmental problems at the outset through of some 280 funding and policy the environmental impact assessment (EIA) system. The proposals considered by various result has been better protection of ecologically-sensitive key bodies, such as the Executive Council and Legislative Council. areas and enhancements to the general environment. Some challenges still persist, but they are now being • Continued professional exchanges addressed through a mix of new technologies and and co-operation between Hong Kong and Mainland, as well as the creative thinking. Two prominent cases are the closed international community, on EIA contaminated mud pits, whose sediment contains toxic matters. metals discharged long ago by industries that have since been phased out or transformed, and operating brownfields, which serve storage and other needs in rural areas. Recently, successful ways have been found to overcome the environmental challenges at some of these sites and convert them into uses that are beneficial to the environment and the wider community.

Yuen Long South

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Runway Remedy: Forming Land mixing cement slurry into the soft contaminated mud to reclamation and land formation in Hong Kong: it means without Dredging form cement clusters that create a stable foundation for there is no need to dredge up and release contaminated land formation. Compared with conventional dredging sediments into our oceans. The marine environment The planned third runway for Hong Kong – officially of marine sediments, this non-dredge method not only – and organisms that reside in it – are thus protected known as the “Expansion of the Hong Kong International minimises the release of contaminants into the water, but from undesirable pollutants and impacts. Going forward, Airport into a Three-Runway System (3RS)” – is also eliminates the need to handle and dispose of huge and riding on the experience in the 3RS project, DCM more than just another path for airplanes. It is almost amounts of dredged sediments, hence minimising the will be considered in the EIA process for future major equivalent to developing a whole new airport next to the impacts on marine ecology and fisheries. reclamation projects in Hong Kong. existing one. The proposed 3,800-metre-long runway, 280,000-square-metre passenger building, 57 new The use of the non-dredge DCM method, as parking stands and new automated people movers and recommended in the EIA, represents a breakthrough in baggage handling systems will have the capacity to process 30 million passengers per year. This huge project is being built on 650 hectares of reclaimed land, of which about 40 per cent will be formed over old contaminated mud pits that have been closed and capped. These underwater pits were developed to contain toxic mud from other sites and ensure it does not affect the marine Environmentally friendly non-dredge reclamation method environment. The challenge with the 3RS project has Turning Brownfields into been to find a way of reclaiming land without disturbing a Green Town the contaminated mud or releasing it into the water. Yuen Long South has for years been dominated by The EIA hence forms a major part of the 3RS project in brownfield operations, such as open storage yards, minimising the water quality impacts associated with the warehouses, car repair workshops and industrial uses. reclamation. At the same time, the open land in this area constitutes a rich bank of potential resources to address Hong Based on research findings from overseas applications of Kong’s housing needs. The planned Yuen Long South non-dredge reclamation methods and local trial results, Potential Development Area (PDA) combines both of the EIA recommended deep cement mixing (DCM) as these factors into a new plan to revitalise the brownfields the best option for the 3RS project, a method that has for housing and green living, while also providing for been used extensively in Europe, Japan, South Korea and the needs of the existing industries on the brownfield the United States. DCM works by slowly injecting and sites. With environmental considerations duly taken into Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into a Three-Runway System - Airport Layout

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Existing view of Yuen Long South The EIA has ensured that development objectives of improving the environment can be achieved and bring benefits to residents and visitors, who will be sureto enjoy the green and healthy living made possible by transforming brownfields into a green town.

View of Yuen Long South after proposed development with mitigation

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Keeping Our Land • Conducted more than 700 inspections of electronic waste Safe and Clean recycling sites, resulting in 88 successful prosecution cases. Some open spaces in Hong Kong have become the receiving ground of unwanted waste and hazardous • Inspected more than 700 cargo containers for suspected illegal recycling activities. Over the past few years, the EPD import or export of hazardous waste has been co-ordinating efforts with other departments and completed 65 prosecutions. to identify instances of illegal storage and recycling of • By the end of the year, completed hazardous electronic waste, as well as illegal dumping installation of surveillance cameras of construction waste, and to raise awareness of these at about 50 construction waste fly- problems among operators and the public. Stringent tipping black spots. The information gathered was used in 69 successful regulations to control these activities are also being prosecution cases and 23 fixed developed. In 2017, major advances were made towards penalty notices against construction regulating electronic waste recyclers and shipments, as waste fly-tipping. well as expanding surveillance of the illegal dumping of • Engaged a contractor to produce a construction waste. plan for implementing an electronic trip-ticket system for the Clinical Waste Control Scheme, to replace the conventional paper-based one.

Storage area of a recycling site

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Regulation of Waste Electronic and • More than 700 inspections carried out at such sites • Large quantities of hazardous electronic waste for The import and export of the above-mentioned waste Electrical Equipment on the Cards by EPD, as well as a joint departmental operation. export seized, including about 27,400 waste CRT/LCD equipment will also come under stricter control. Importers • 88 cases successfully prosecuted (133 since 2015) monitors, 3,400 lead-acid batteries and a batch of will need to have a permit, which the EPD will grant only Controlling hazardous electronic waste is a priority for the and seven other prosecutions initiated. The fines printed circuit boards (PCB). The total export market if the waste equipment is handled in an environmentally Government. Among others, we finalised plans in 2017 to ranged from $3,000-$80,000 and totalled about value was around $4.5 million. sound manner. This will help guard against such waste introduce a mandatory producer responsibility scheme $460,000. The operator of one recycling site was • Continued collaborations with enforcement agencies being dumped or stranded in Hong Kong. Exporters will (PRS) for certain specific waste electronic and electrical convicted for a third time and sentenced to two in Mainland and abroad. One example in 2017 also need a permit and will have to demonstrate that equipment (namely air-conditioners, refrigerators, weeks’ imprisonment. involved EPD collaborating with Japan’s Ministry of the authorities of each importing and transit state have washing machines, televisions, computers, printers, • More than 700 cargo containers inspected, and 65 Environment in the successful prosecution of three consented to receiving the waste, and that the waste will scanners and monitors) in 2018 (see Waste Reduction cases successfully prosecuted for the illegal import exporters who sent hazardous waste PCB shipments be genuinely reused or recycled in an environmentally- chapter). The PRS will help ensure the proper disposal of or export of hazardous electronic waste. The fines to Japan. sound manner. such waste equipment, imposing new licensing control on ranged from $5,000-$60,000. the recycler. In the meantime, the EPD has been actively These efforts will be strengthened under the new PRS, These new tools will ensure that Hong Kong has a monitoring and applying other existing regulations against which will require anyone storing, treating, re-processing comprehensive means of controlling such waste. illegal activities concerning hazardous electronic waste to or recycling eight types of waste electronic and electrical ensure these do not pose threats to the environment and equipment as mentioned above to obtain a licence. human health. Applicants must demonstrate to the EPD that their operations meet environmental requirements and that About 200 recycling sites handling electronic waste are they can achieve a recycling rate of no less than 80% by scattered across North and Yuen Long Districts. Since weight. 2015, the EPD has had a dedicated team that uses chemical waste regulations to prosecute improper or Overview of a recycling site illegal handling of hazardous electronic waste. The team initially provided educational programmes to brief the EPD inspected a marine cargo from the United Arab Emirates and trade about their obligations to contain the impact of found waste printed circuit boards illegally imported into Hong Kong their operations. Subsequently, inspections and joint enforcement actions were taken with the Fire Services Department, Police, Planning Department, Lands Department, and Customs and Excise Department. These activities continued in 2017 and detected numerous illegal

activities. The results included: Taking legal sample from shredded printed circuit boards EPD inspected an air cargo from Brazil and found waste mobile phone displays illegally imported into Hong Kong

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Ready, Camera, Action information and fined $5,000. • A driver and his passenger were successfully Surveillance cameras are helping the EPD control one prosecuted for dumping waste at Kam Pok Road. of the most difficult pollution problems, that of “fly- The driver was traced through the licence plate and tipping” of construction waste. This is when waste such further investigation revealed his friend was in the car as construction and renovation materials is dumped at the time. The friend was prosecuted for conspiracy quickly at roadsides, usually in inconspicuous locations under the Crimes Ordinance – the first time the EPD and at odd hours, making it difficult to detect. In 2015 the has prosecuted an illegal dumping case under this EPD tried out 12 surveillance camera systems at known Ordinance. The driver and passenger were fined black spots and the success of that pilot programme $7,500. has led to an expansion of these systems. By the end of 2017, surveillance cameras were installed at about 50 The use of surveillance cameras will be bolstered construction waste fly-tipping black spots, with more further under a plan announced in the Chief Executive’s deployments being planned. 2017 Policy Address to progressively introduce “smart lampposts” across the city that will be equipped with The surveillance camera systems themselves have been surveillance cameras and smart technology. The EPD is upgraded with advanced technology, such as photovoltaic participating in the pilot programme, which will take place panels, small batteries and mobility, so they can be more in selected urban locations. The expectation is that this effective to capture clearer images of vehicle licence will help step up monitoring of fly-tipping of construction Condition of a fly-tipping black spot in Kwun Tong before (up) and Condition of a fly-tipping black spot in Shatin before (up) and after plates. The information they collect not only helps waste and enhance deterrence, particularly as the after (below) the installation of surveillance camera system (below) the installation of surveillance camera system the EPD identify offenders, but also reveals patterns Government prepares to introduce municipal solid waste and methods of fly-tipping, which can be analysed for charging (see Waste Reduction chapter). The pilot scheme planning ambush operations. is expected to be gradually implemented by mid-2019.

In 2016 and 2017, the information collected from these There is one further step against fly-tipping of systems contributed to 69 successful prosecutions and construction waste. Alongside enforcement, the EPD will 23 fixed penalty notices against fly-tipping of construction conduct a public education campaign to inform different waste, such as these examples: sectors of the community about its efforts to combat • A driver was captured on surveillance camera illegally illegal construction waste disposal. A public relations dumping 20 bags of renovation waste at Lai Chi Kok consultancy study on this will get underway in 2018. Road. The driver was traced through the licence plate

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Modernising Clinical LOOKING AHEAD Waste Control Complete preparations to implement a new licensing requirement from 31 December 2018 for anyone Clinical waste disposal has been controlled by a trip- engaged in the storing, treating, reprocessing or ticket system since August 2011, but with one hitch: recycling regulated electronic waste. Controls on the import and export of electronic waste will also be the system uses a paper form. To save paper and introduced. labour, improve efficiency, reduce errors and track

the flow of waste centrally, an electronic system is Complete a trial run of the electronic trip-ticket system being planned. A contractor was appointed in 2017 for clinical waste and consult stakeholders. to study details and propose a system. Site visits and discussions have been held with all licensed collectors and disposal facility operators, as well as numerous clinical waste producers. Concerns have been noted and addressed, such as those raised by producers who cannot operate computers. The new paperless system will have a trial run in the first quarter of 2019 when further feedback will be sought from stakeholders. Locations of construction waste fly-tipping black spots installed with surveillance camera systems

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Reducing Waste Waste Reduction and Recycling

Waste reduction in Hong Kong has tended to follow a • Announced implementation plans pattern of two steps forward, one step back. In 2016, the for municipal solid waste (MSW) most recent year for statistics, we threw away 10,345 charging. Around 90 briefing sessions were organised to solicit tonnes per day of municipal solid waste (MSW) in landfills, views from the community and 1.8% more than in 2015. Most of the increase was driven various stakeholders. by commercial and industrial waste, which rose by • Continued to provide funding 1.7% on the back of a buoyant economy, and owing to support to non-profit organisations fluctuating outlets for recovered waste. But on the positive for carrying out Community side, the EPD’s waste reduction programmes helped Involvement Projects to gain experience in MSW charging in achieve a 2.7% decrease in domestic waste loads. These different settings. By the end of programmes are being enhanced and expanded with new 2017, more than 50 projects had incentives and support for waste reduction. received a total of about $55 million.

• Opened new Community Green In 2017, the implementation arrangements for MSW Stations in Kwun Tong, Yuen Long charging were announced, significant progress was made and Sham Shui Po. in the preparations for two new Producer Responsibility • Continued to allocate support to the Schemes (PRSs), funding was provided for recycling recycling industry through the $1 and community involvement projects, and food waste billion Recycling Fund. From 2015 to the end of 2017, 115 projects reduction activities were underway. The Government also were supported with total funding of announced a new campaign on the theme “Dump Less, about $90 million. Save More” that will raise awareness of waste reduction and separation at source and clean recycling. These initiatives will start to blossom in the next two to three years and are expected to accelerate behavioural change.

This will help cultivate a culture of green living in Hong At the "Dump Less, Save More, Recycle Right" Kick-off Ceremony cum 2017 Friends of EcoPark Award Presentation Ceremony on 19 December, the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, calls on members of the public to make good use of resources and practise Kong’s residents. clean recycling to achieve sustainable use of resources

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Implementation Arrangements in nine different sizes ranging from 3 litres to 100 litres within the levels recommended by the SDC. Nonetheless, Unveiled for MSW Charging and priced at $0.11 per litre. Oversized MSW collected by to assist those with financial need, the Government HIGHLIGHTS Quantity-based charging for municipal solid waste (MSW) the FEHD would need to bear a designated label, priced proposes a monthly subsidy of $10 per person per month disposal has been implemented in many cities around at $11 each irrespective of the waste size. Oversized to recipients under the Comprehensive Social Security the globe and has been shown to be able to successfully waste collected by private waste collectors using refuse Assistance Scheme. The same allowance will be given Producer Responsibility Schemes (PRSs) drive behavioural change that led to reduced waste collection vehicles, on the other hand, will be charged by to the recipients of Higher Old Age Living Allowance. The • Completed legislative amendments disposal. Hong Kong is taking active steps to implement weight as described below. MSW charges will remain unchanged for three years to for the PRS on waste electrical this critically-important tool. A public consultation in 2012 give the public time to adapt to the charges and modify and electronic equipment (WEEE), launched the Removal Service and public engagement by the Council for Sustainable their behaviour. Trial Scheme, further engaged Development (SDC) in 2014 found majority support for the trade in preparation for the MSW charging. In 2017 the Government unveiled its Enforcement: To facilitate compliance with MSW implementation of the PRS, and began initial operation of the WEEE detailed plans for implementing MSW charging. charging, the Government is providing more recycling Treatment and Recycling Facility (the bins in public places, support for the recycling industry WEEE·PARK). Based on the existing waste collection arrangements, and other recycling support measures (see below). For • Awarded glass management two charging modes will be adopted – one based on non-compliance cases, FEHD staff will reject MSW not contracts for Hong Kong Island designated garbage bags, which will be used for MSW properly wrapped in a designated garbage bag or affixed (including Islands District) and the collected through the Food and Environmental Hygiene Environment Bureau announced the proposed implementation with an oversized waste label. Based on intelligence and New Territories in preparation for the arrangements for municipal solid waste charging glass beverage container PRS. Department’s (FEHD) service and private waste collectors reports from the public, a blacklist of waste reception that use refuse collection vehicles with rear compactors, Charging by Weight: A weight-based charge, also known points of refuse collection vehicles and refuse collection • Commissioned a feasibility study on and the other based on weight for MSW collected by other as the “gate fee”, would apply to premises that hire private points will be drawn up for conducting surveillance and a new PRS for plastic beverage and personal care product containers. private waste collection vehicles without rear compactors. waste collectors to bring their waste directly to landfills enforcement actions. Offenders will be issued either with or refuse transfer stations (RTSs) using refuse collection an on-the-spot fixed penalty of $1,500, or a prosecution

Charging by the Bag: The proposed “bag” charging vehicles without rear compactors. The waste would be summons for serious and repeated cases. mechanism would apply to buildings served by the FEHD, weighed at these facilities and charged at $365 per tonne, as well as most residential buildings, village houses, with a higher rate of $395 per tonne charged in the four Moving forward: A new MSW Reduction Office will be small street shops, institutional premises and some urban RTSs and Northwest New Territories RTS. established under the EPD to oversee the preparation, commercial and industrial buildings served by private implementation, enforcement and review of MSW charging. waste collectors with refuse collection vehicles with rear Affordability: The proposed MSW charges take into While legislative and other preparatory arrangements are compactors. These categories account for about 80% of account their likely effectiveness in waste reduction, underway, a comprehensive range of supportive measures the MSW collected in Hong Kong. MSW would have to be public acceptability, and affordability. The charging is also being introduced to help people reduce their waste, wrapped in designated garbage bags, which would come level is similar to those in Taipei City and Seoul and are as described in the next sections.

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Spreading the Word

Experiences in other cities show that public education is the key to successful implementation of MSW charging and the Government has been proactively reaching out to various sectors: The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing (front row, • Around 90 liaison sessions, meetings, seminars sixth right), is pictured with other guests at the launch ceremony of the second batch of Community Involvement Projects for municipal and forums were organised to brief the community solid waste charging and various stakeholders on the implementation arrangements. • A large-scale public education campaign on the theme “Dump Less, Save More” was announced, which will raise awareness about waste reduction and separation at source and clean recycling across

the community. Recyclables collection at Sham Shui Po Community Green Station Environmental Protection Department and the trade have jointly launched the Removal Service Trial Scheme • Three more Community Green Stations were opened, modes of quantity-based charging in real settings, strengthening support for waste reduction and such as housing estates with property management recycling at the district level and promoting a “green companies, single-block residential buildings, commercial living” culture. The plan is to have a Community buildings and shopping malls. The first batch was Green Station in every district; thus far, five have awarded in 2016 and the second in March 2017. As of opened. December 2017, more than 50 projects received a total • The EPD plans to establish outreach teams to provide funding of about $55 million. on-site guidance and assistance to residents and Wood Up-cycling workshop at Kwun Tong Community Green Station property management companies in implementing MSW charging and practicing clean recycling.

The public is also helping to try out different arrangements to implement MSW charging through the Community Involvement Projects funded by the Environment and Conservation Fund. These are run by non-profit organisations to gain experience of different Yuen Long Community Green Station collecting glass bottles from housing estates

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New Producer The operators are required to establish a collection Responsibility Schemes network of waste glass containers for commercial and industrial outlets as well as residential premises, arrange Producer responsibility schemes (PRSs) are the key policy re-use or recycling, and offer a participation incentive tool to implement the “polluter pays” principle. Hong scheme. The contract for Kowloon is expected to be Kong’s first PRS on plastic shopping bags, introduced in awarded around mid-2018. The operator will collect glass 2009, was a great success and has drastically reduced beverage containers as well as other properly-rinsed the use of these bags. After several years of preparation, Loading WEEE onto collection vehicle glass containers, such as food containers. After the full the Government is about to implement new PRSs for implementation of the PRS on glass containers in Hong waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and Kong, it is expected that about 50,000 tonnes of waste WEEE·PARK buffer storage glass beverage containers. glass containers can eventually be collected every year.

The WEEE PRS will require sellers of air-conditioners, The next PRS being explored would cover waste plastic refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, computers, containers for beverages and/or personal care products. printers, scanners and monitors to arrange a free service A feasibility study was commissioned in October 2017 Refurbished washing machine donation for their customers to collect and dispose of their old to look into the regulatory approaches and treatment equipment when it is replaced or no longer wanted. A options in other places. It will also assess if the regulatory trial scheme was launched in November 2017 to enable framework for the glass PRS could be applied to plastic participating sellers to familiarise themselves with the containers, with modifications. The study is expected to relevant arrangements. The Government also developed take about 18 months to complete. the WEEE Treatment and Recycling Facility, known as WEEE·PARK processing lines WEEE·PARK, which began initial operation in October 2017. This will provide Hong Kong with the capacity and Construction of WEEE·PARK Jan 2017 advance technologies to turn such WEEE into resources through a series of detoxification, dismantling and recycling processes.

The PRS on glass beverage containers is expected to be implemented gradually in 2018/19. Glass management contracts were awarded in November 2017 for Hong Kong Island (including Islands District) and the New Territories. Glass container collection bin at shopping centre

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Support for Recycling Operations such sites covering a total area of 4.8 hectares that are Reducing Food Waste occupied by recyclers. LOOKING AHEAD To complement MSW charging and ensure there are Food waste makes up 35% of MSW and efforts to reduce Fully implement the WEEE PRS in 2018 and sufficient outlets for recyclable waste, the Government is The street-level infrastructure for recycling is also being this waste are advancing. The Food Waste Recycling commence full operation of the WEEE·PARK. providing support to the recycling industry and enhancing enhanced, as endorsed by the Steering Group on the Projects in Housing Estates programme, introduced in Award a Glass Management Contract for recycling facilities. The $1 billion Recycling Fund, set Modification of Recycling and Refuse Collection Facilities 2011, provides on-site composters at 32 estates covering Kowloon and put in place territory-wide up in 2015 to help the industry upgrade and expand in Public Places. The number of litter containers will about 67,000 households, and in 2017 collected 490 glass collection by the end of 2018 to facilities and technical know-how, had 115 projects either be reduced by 40 per cent by the time MSW charging is tonnes of source-separated food waste from households support implementation of the Glass PRS. completed, in progress or ready to commence by the end expected to be implemented, and the ratio of recycling that was recycled into about 59 tonnes of compost. Conduct a pilot project to source separate of 2017 involving a total funding of about $90 million. bins to litter containers in public places may increase food waste from wet markets, cooked food centres from the current 1:14 to 1:6. A study is also being Businesses have also begun to take action to reduce food and shopping malls managed by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and The Recycling Fund also played a key role in helping to commissioned to recommend new designs for recycling waste. By the end of 2017, about 720 organisations had the Hong Kong Housing Authority. address a new but challenging opportunity for Hong bins and litter containers in public places, and the public signed the Food Waste Charter and pledged to reduce Kong’s recycling industry: the progressive tightening are consulted. food waste in their daily operations, and 710 outlets had Conduct a pilot scheme to provide of requirements on the import of recyclables to the earned gold or silver class recognition under the Food on-site composters for around 100 primary and secondary schools to treat food waste. Mainland. A series of facilitation measures was launched Wise Eateries Scheme for offering portioned meals in September 2017, including $20 million earmarked to and carrying out other food waste reduction measures. Bring Community Green Stations (CGSs) into expand the list of fundable equipment in order to help The Food Wise Hong Kong campaign provides training public service in Tuen Mun and Kwai Tsing, and complete construction of CGSs in recyclers process waste paper, or turn waste plastics into and district-level programmes on how people can Tai Po and Islands districts. plastic products or raw materials. Another $50 million reduce waste in their daily lives, and the EPD publicises was earmarked to encourage recyclers to use compactor the message through the Big Waster Facebook page, trucks to enable more efficient collection of waste plastics Instagram and television and radio Announcements in the and waste paper. Public Interest. The EPD is also developing new facilities to treat food waste and convert it into energy or compost Recycling bins Land is also provided to recyclers. The 20-hectare (see Waste Facilities chapter). EcoPark at Tuen Mun Area 38 provides long-term land at an affordable cost and as of December 2017, 11 lots totalling about eight hectares had been leased to private recyclers. In addition, the Government has been allocating suitable land for short-term tenancies, through exclusive bidding by recycling industries. Currently, there are 32

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Solutions for • Awarded the design-build-operate contract for the Integrated Waste Hong Kong’s Waste Management Facility Phase 1, which is scheduled for commissioning in Sustainable waste management has two central 2024. aims. One is to reduce waste, a goal towards which • Awarded the design-build-operate the Government is actively driving Hong Kong (see contract for the Food Waste / Waste Reduction Chapter). The other is to find an Sewage Sludge Anaerobic Co- environmentally-acceptable solution for the remaining digestion Trial Scheme in 2017. waste given that it is currently not possible to eliminate • Celebrated the first anniversary of waste entirely. Hong Kong has been relying almost T·PARK, which greatly reduced entirely on landfill disposal for its waste, but this is special waste disposal at landfills. unsustainable. In 2017, several milestones were reached T·PARK also received the highest on the path to better waste management. Platinum Rating in the Provisional Assessment Stage under the BEAM Funding was approved to design and build modern Plus New Buildings (V1.1). facilities to treat municipal waste, which would • Neared completion of the Organic substantially reduce the bulk of waste. The sludge Resources Recovery Centre Phase 1 treatment facility T·PARK completed its first year of (O·PARK1) to treat commercial and full operation and showed how waste treatment can industrial food waste, as well as the tendering process of Phase 2. successfully reduce the volume of residual waste that requires landfilling, while also achieving other environmental benefits. And landfill extension schemes continued to unfold, which will ensure Hong Kong has sufficient capacity for the next decade and beyond. The development of these initiatives is underpinned by a commitment to community and stakeholder engagement, and a determination to make new facilities green, attractive and a benefit to the community beyond the waste management loop. Ngau Chi Wan Park (restored Ngau Chi Wan Landfill)

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Waste Treatment Takes Hold IWMF was awarded in 2017 and stipulates that the air, visual and other impacts be carefully controlled and Waste treatment can reduce the bulk of waste requiring monitored. An advanced air cleaning system will be landfilling and turn some of that waste into beneficial installed to ensure emissions comply with Hong Kong uses, such as electricity and compost. The Government and European Union standards, and three air quality is progressively introducing different kinds of waste monitoring stations will be set up nearby. The facility’s technologies for different kinds of wastes and needs. The design is expected to embrace a “green, clean and lean” highlights of 2017 included: philosophy to blend in with the environment and achieve green building accreditation of BEAM Plus Gold or higher.

T·PARK A Christmas flash mob music performance (T·MUSIC) in T·PARK The recovery of energy from the waste will also curtail The Environmental Protection Department has produced a set of T·PARK celebrated its first anniversary in 2017, an event four commemorative postcards for free distribution to T·PARK Hong Kong’s greenhouse gas emissions by 440,000 visitors to mark its first anniversary marked by upcycling workshops for the public and the tonnes per year. issuance of commemorative postcards and stamps. Integrated Waste The facility opened in stages from 2015 and was fully Management Facilities (IWMF) commissioned by 2016 to showcase the state-of-the-art T·PARK’s success serves as a model for the larger-scale incineration process which reduces the bulk of sludge by waste treatment planned for the IWMF, which is being up to 90%. In 2016, the latest year for statistics, it treated built on an artificial island near Shek Kwu Chau. Phase I of 1,000-1,200 tonnes per day of sewage sludge and was the IWMF will also use high-temperature incineration and the main reason why special waste disposal at landfills treat up to 3,000 tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW) fell 24.1% over 2015. Natural indigo dye workshop in T·PARK per day. The recovered energy will be used in electricity Design of IWMF Phase 1 to harmonize with natural surrounding generation for the facility and off-site. Once fully operating T·PARK is outfitted with stringent environmental controls, in 2024, it will export up to 480 million kilowatt hours such as waste-to-energy recovery, and attractive of surplus electricity to the power grid each year – architectural and green features that earned it the equivalent to 400 times that generated by Hong Kong’s highest Platinum Rating in the Provisional Assessment largest solar farm at Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Plant. Stage under the BEAM Plus New Buildings (V1.1) in A mechanical sorting and recycling facility will also be 2017, among other awards. It also has public amenities, built on-site to recover useful resources from up to 200 including an environmental education centre with tonnes of MSW per day. exhibition areas, a spa, an eco-cafe, outdoor gardens and a bird sanctuary, that brought more than 80,000 visitors to The design-build-operate contract for Phase 1 of the the facility during its first year. Viewing gallery T·SKY in T·PARK Visitor experience and viewing gallery in IWMF Phase 1

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Food Waste Treatment

Alongside food waste reduction programmes, including on-site composters in some places (see Waste Reduction chapter), the EPD is working with the Drainage Services Department to test the feasibility of using existing sewage treatment facilities to treat food waste. A design-build- Aerial photo of SENT Landfill operate contract for the Food Waste / Sewage Sludge Anaerobic Co-digestion Trial Scheme was awarded in 2017. Pre-treatment facilities for food waste will be built at the Shuen Wan Leachate Pre-treatment Works in Tai Po to treat up to 50 tonnes of food waste per day, which will then be taken to the sewage sludge anaerobic digestion system at Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works for co-digestion. The six-year trial will confirm the technical Aerial view of Organic Resources Recovery Centre Phase 1 Aerial photo of NENT Landfill feasibility and installation requirements of the scheme and get underway in 2019. Landfill Extensions The landfill extensions are at various stages of development. The SENT Landfill Extension has made the Hong Kong landfills carry a heavy burden as the sole In addition, the EPD is building an Organic Resources most progress. In 2017, contract details and terms were solution, for now, for Hong Kong’s waste. In 2016, they Recovery Centre to turn food waste from the commercial being developed, and works are expected to commence in received 10,345 tonnes per day of MSW, up 1.8 per and industrial sector into renewable energy and 2018. For NENT Landfill Extension, the tender documents cent from 2015. The relatively buoyant local economy compost for landscaping and agricultural applications. are being prepared. For WENT Landfill Extension, the contributed in part to the increase, as did fluctuations outline design and site investigation works are underway. Construction of Phase 1, now known as O·PARK1 at Siu Aerial photo of WENT Landfill in waste recycling (see Waste Reduction chapter). The Ho Wan in North Lantau, which will treat 200 tonnes of In all cases, the EPD has maintained close contact three strategic landfills – Southeast New Territories food waste per day, was nearly completed in 2017; the with District Liaison Groups in North, Tuen Mun, Yuen (SENT), Northeast New Territories (NENT) and West New facility is expected to be commissioned in 2018. Phase Long and Sai Kung Districts, to keep local communities Territories (WENT) – must continue to be the main outlet 2 will be built in Sha Ling in North District to treat 300 informed and address their concerns. for waste until waste treatment facilities are built, and a tonnes per day and is targeted to be operating in 2021. significant outlet for waste beyond then. The Government has been seeking to maximise their potential through landfill extension projects. SENT Landfill Gas Utilisation Comissioning Ceremony

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A Community Asset: Revitalised Landfills LOOKING AHEAD

Hong Kong has 13 restored landfills, which served Hong Proceed with the design and construction work of the Integrated Waste Management Facility Phase 1. Kong’s landfill needs in the past. These sites are suitable for activities such as sports and recreation and six Commence works on the Southeast New Territories restored landfills have been converted to such uses. To Landfill Extension project and continue with tendering and other preparatory work to extend the promote conversion of the remainder, the Government Northeast New Territories Landfill and earmarked $1 billion to the Restored Landfill Revitalisation West New Territories Landfill. Funding Scheme and in 2017 announced the selected organisations from the first batch of 27 applications. Commission the Organic Resources Recovery Centre Phase 1 (O·PARK1).

The Tung Wah Group of Hospitals was selected to Seek funding approval for ORRC Phase 2 and revitalise the Tsueng Kwan O Stage I Landfill in Sai Kung begin an engineering feasibility study and environmental impact assessment for ORRC Phase 3. into a camp site and green education centre, featuring tent camping grounds, green exhibition and activity Continue to identify additional waste facilities for facilities, a plant maze adventure zone and an outdoor development to meet Hong Kong’s future needs. recreational platform. The Christian Family Service Centre Continue to develop restored landfills is selected to develop a detailed proposal comprising for beneficial uses. a community services and activities centre, an outdoor adventure area, a farming area, a horticultural therapy garden, etc. at the Ma Yau Tong Central Landfill in Kwun Tong for further consideration.

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Add Fuel to Green • Signed the post-2018 Scheme of Control Agreements with the two Actions power companies, which include provisions to promote energy Hong Kong’s environmental goals of reducing air pollution efficiency and conservation and and combating climate change received a boost in 2017 renewable energy. with the signing of new Scheme of Control Agreements • Introduced a legislative amendment (SCAs) with the two power companies, which will come for Phase III of the Mandatory into effect upon expiry of the current SCAs in 2018. Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme New measures under the post-2018 SCAs will help to extend coverage to five more types of electrical products. promote energy efficiency and conservation as well as the development of renewable energy, and will help Hong • Launched the Energy Saving for All Kong achieve its new target of reducing carbon intensity 2017 campaign, which included the new 4T Charter on setting and by 65-70% by 2030 as compared with 2005 (see Cross- achieving energy-saving targets; boundary chapter). The Government is also continuing more than 1,000 premises have to promote green buildings and energy efficiency and signed up. conservation in the community to support the target. • Awarded Platinum Awards to more than 3,000 participants who are fulfilling a pledge to switch off external lights from 11pm-7am, and Gold Awards to more than 1,200 who switch off from midnight-7am.

The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing (centre), is pictured with the representatives from the two power companies at the press conference held on 25 April 2017 after the signing of the New Scheme of Control Agreements

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New Regime for Power Plants RE systems and generation . At the same time, the power published on retro-commissioning in buildings to make companies will sell RE Certificates for RE-sourced units of them more energy efficient, which will be introduced to The post-2018 SCAs were signed in 2017 with each electricity to the community, which will enable members local stakeholders through a collaborative initiative by the of the two power companies, CLP Power Hong Kong of the public to show their support for RE. The revenue Government and the Hong Kong Green Building Council. A Limited and Castle Peak Power Company Limited (known generated from RE Certificates can help alleviate the tariff review was undertaken on the Code of Practice for Energy collectively as CLP), and The Hongkong Electric Company impact resulting from the introduction of the FiT Scheme. Efficiency of Building Services Installations. Television Limited (HEC). The post-2018 SCAs will help achieve Separately, there will be incentive schemes to encourage and radio Announcements in the Public Interest were The new Scheme of Control Agreement was signed between the Hong Kong’s environmental goals while continuing to the power companies to develop RE and facilitate the Government and the Hongkong Electric Company Limited and Hong launched to promote the Buildings Energy Efficiency Kong Electric Investments Limited on 25 April 2017 allow for the provision of safe, reliable and affordable development of distributed RE. The promotion of energy Ordinance and draw attention to the statutory energy- electricity. efficiency and conservation will also be expanded, for efficiency requirements for major retrofitting works. Greener from the Inside example, through additional funds made available under Meetings were held with SMEs involved in renovation

The post-2018 SCAs cover a term of about 15 years, until power companies’ existing energy efficiency funds and Energy efficiency and green buildings can help reduce works. The private sector has also been encouraged by 31 December 2033, with a permitted rate of return of 8%, through the introduction of new energy-saving funds. carbon emissions and electricity consumption. The the Government to adopt the “4T” framework to achieve that provides a stable and certain environment for power Government has been steadfast in fleshing out and energy saving (see details below). companies to make long-term investments to replace the The new SCAs fully reflect the Government’s promoting these measures in the community, and its retiring coal plants with generating units using natural gas commitments to reducing energy intensity and combating efforts continued in 2017: Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme (MEELS): and non-fossil fuel sources in the next decade. This will climate change. They also meet the public aspirations MEELS was first introduced in 2009 and has been help maintain a reliable electricity supply and meet our for enhanced promotion of RE and energy efficiency Government commitment: The Government has set a implemented in phases. For Phase III, the Government new target of reducing Hong Kong’s carbon intensity by and conservation as expressed during the 2015 public target to reduce electricity consumption in its buildings proposed legislative amendments in 2017 to expand 65-70% by 2030 as compared with the 2005 level, which consultation on the future development of the electricity by 5% by 2019-20, using 2013-14 as the baseline. Among coverage by adding five more types of electrical products: will ultimately benefit the community. market. the measures to achieve that goal, energy audits were televisions, washing machines with a capacity of 7-10kg, conducted for about 350 major Government buildings reverse-cycle room air-conditioners (i.e., with both Other means of achieving that goal are also supported with comparatively high annual electricity consumption heating and cooling functions), electric storage water in the post-2018 SCAs. The development of distributed (more than 500,000 kWh). The audits were completed heaters, and induction cookers. The change is expected to renewable energy (RE) will be promoted through the Feed- in 2017 and will be used to identify energy management take effect in 2018 with an 18-month transitional period. in Tariff (FiT) Scheme, under which the private sector opportunities. Once fully implemented, the scheme will provide potential and community will be encouraged to install distributed annual energy savings of about 600 million kWh.

RE systems at their premises. They will then be able to Private sector mobilisation: The Electrical and sell the power generated by these systems to the power Mechanical Services Department targeted the private companies at a rate higher than the normal electricity The new Scheme of Control Agreement was signed between the sector with several initiatives in 2017 that encouraged Government and the CLP Power Hong Kong Limited and Castle Peak tariff rate so as to cover the cost of investment in their Power Company Limited on 25 April 2017 energy-saving actions. Technical guidelines were

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Greener from the Outside total power consumption. More than 3,300 organisations have signed the Charter, which was expanded in 2017 The Charter on External Lighting was launched in to include additional pledges to switch off electrical 2016. Participants were invited to switch off lighting appliances when not in use and procure energy-efficient installations with decorative, promotional or advertising ones. purposes that affect the outdoor environment during pre-set times, so as to reduce light nuisance and energy 4T Charter: The 4T Charter – for Target-Timeline- The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing (fifth Guests and representatives from relevant sectors joined a group wastage. In June 2017, an award ceremony was held to right, front row), and the Chairperson of the Working Group on the Transparency-Together – was launched in 2017 to photo at the beginning of the signing ceremony for the Energy Promotion of the Charter on External Lighting, Ms Caroline Mak Saving Charter 2017and the 4T Charter commend organisations that complied with the Charter’s (sixth right, front row), pictured with recipients of the Platinum promote commitment and follow-through on energy- Award of the Charter on External Lighting at the award ceremony requirements. More than 3,000 participants who had saving targets. Signatories committed to setting a target signed up in 2016 had fulfilled their pledge to switch off with a timeline, ensuring transparency in tracking energy- external lights from 11pm-7am and received a Platinum savings, and encouraging people to work together to Award, and more than 1,200 who switched off from achieve the target. More than 1,000 premises had signed midnight-7am received a Gold Award. Another 300 new up before the end of 2017. participants who signed up in 2017 received certificates.

Energy Saving Championship Scheme: Participants Photo shows the Secretary for the Environment, Mr. Wong Kam- sing, the then-Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services Signatories came from a wide range of sectors, such The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing (right), of this scheme are recognised for achieving their targets Department, Mr. Frank Chan and the members of the Hanson Grand accompanied by Hanson (left), announces the launch of a new Award winning teams from all categories as property development, building management, hotels partnership scheme to better promote the Charter on External to reduce energy consumption and promoting green Lighting at Platinum Award of the Charter on External Lighting at and catering, retail, laundry, banking, travel and cinemas, the award ceremony building design and management. In 2017, elements of as well as schools, public utilities and public/non- 4T were also incorporated into the assessment criteria. LOOKING AHEAD encouragement. It targets a wide range of premises, from governmental organisations. To better promote the An Award Presentation Ceremony was also held for the Work out implementation details for schemes large ones such as shopping malls, hotels, hospitals and Charter, a Partnership Scheme was launched in 2017 to 2016 winners, who had taken the lead in sharing their relating to energy efficiency and conservation and commercial and industrial buildings, to smaller ones such renewable energy under the post-2018 Scheme of invite advertising companies and trade / professional experiences in seminars and uploading energy-saving as shops, restaurants, non-government organisations and Control Agreements (SCAs), with a view to launching bodies to become Charter Partners and encourage their measures to the Energy Saving for All website. the schemes upon commencement of the new SCAs. kindergartens. There are three main components: clients and contacts to sign up. Implement Phase III of the Mandatory Energy Saving Charter on Indoor Temperature: Everyone Can Pitch In Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme. Signatories of this Charter agree to maintain indoor

Everyone in the community can and should use energy temperatures between 24-26 degrees Celsius in the more efficiently and the Energy Saving for All campaign summer months – a significant pledge given air- aims to show operators how to do so and give them conditioning accounts for about 30% of Hong Kong’s

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Protection for Our • Continued to implement the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Natural Resources 2016-2021.

Efforts to protect natural resources continued to snowball • Progressed with an exceptional in 2017 in the wake of the Biodiversity Strategy and Action non-in-situ land exchange proposal that will protect the ecologically- Plan 2016-2021 (BSAP) that was launched in 2016. significant Sha Lo Tung site. Studies, campaigns and other measures were underway to take forward the BSAP’s actions. Meanwhile, a decision • Introduced a bill in the Legislative Council to phase out the ivory trade was reached on the long-term conservation of Sha Lo and impose heavier penalties on the Tung, one of Hong Kong’s most ecologically-significant illicit trade in endangered species. sites. The Government also moved forward with plans to • Celebrated the 40th anniversary of th ban all commercial trade in ivory and celebrated the 40 Hong Kong’s country parks. anniversary of the establishment of country parks, which protects these areas for nature conservation, countryside • Initiated a study on coral bleaching in Hong Kong waters. recreation and outdoor education.

"Nature Around Us" art exhibition under Hong Kong Biodiversity Festival 2017

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Promoting Conservation Action flagship event organised in 2017 in partnership with non- Conservation Department (AFCD) will take over the active government organisations (NGOs), tertiary institutions conservation management of SLT and will explore engaging Despite its reputation as a dense urban city, Hong Kong and other public and private organisations. Funding is a non-governmental organisation to implement the has a remarkably rich biodiversity. The combination also provided to NGOs to organise educational activities conservation plan and provide suitable facilities and services of the urban and the natural, however, needs careful to promote biodiversity. for the public. management to protect sensitive sites and species. In 2017, the Government took that goal forward with the A crested goshawk, which is found in SLT implementation of the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2021 (BSAP) and the in-principle agreement on a non-in-situ land exchange to step up protection of Sha Lo Tung.

BSAP progress: The BSAP has four areas of action. One Biodiversity workshops under the BSAP public engagement Sha Lo Tung has diverse habitat types including fung shui is to enhance conservation. The Government has begun programme woodland, secondary woodland, agricultural land, grassland, shrubland, marshes and streams a series of enhancement projects for protected areas Sha Lo Tung protection: Sha Lo Tung (SLT) is a breeding A species of firefly found in SLT - Abscondita terminalis and has been taking forward the designation of new ground for 76 dragonfly species, representing more than country and marine parks. A Countryside Conservation 60% of local species including a number of rare, endangered Ban on Ivory Trade Office will be established in 2018 to co-ordinate projects and endemic ones. Its rich vegetation and food sources, to promote sustainable development of the remote and relatively unpolluted streams, marshes and woodland, The possession of all ivory for commercial purposes countryside. The Government is also incorporating support a multitude of butterflies, fireflies, freshwater fish, (except antique ivory) will be banned in phases under biodiversity conservation into relevant policies and mammals, amphibians, reptiles and birds. As SLT is located an amendment bill introduced to the Legislative Council in June 2017 to support international efforts to protect projects and sharing knowledge with relevant sectors to on private land, after careful deliberation and taking into A dragonfly species of conservation value found in SLT - the Chinese tiger achieve the second area of action, which is biodiversity account its unique ecological value, the Government has elephants, which are under threat of extinction. This ban mainstreaming. come to an in-principle agreement to pursue a non-in- will take full effect from 31 December 2021 through a situ land exchange proposal to protect SLT’s ecologically- three-step approach: The third area is to improve knowledge, for which the important habitats. This is a unique, exceptional and isolated • First, as soon as the amendment to the Protection Government has commissioned studies, earmarked arrangement, justified on conservation policy grounds as an of Endangered Species Ordinance (Cap586) takes additional funding and strengthened communication exception to the agreed framework for the Public-Private- effect on 1 May 2018, there will be a ban on the with the research community. The fourth action area is Partnership scheme under the New Nature Conservation import and re-export of all elephant hunting trophies to promote community involvement through activities Policy. Upon exchange of the Shuen Wan Restored Landfill and those remaining post-Convention ivory items such as the third Hong Kong Biodiversity Festival, a for SLT in due course, the Agriculture, Fisheries and A very rare butterfly species found in SLT - the metallic cerulean (acquired after the Convention on International Trade

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in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora The AFCD also commenced a study on ways to enhance (CITES) started to apply to elephants) that currently the recreational and educational potential of country are allowed to be imported, exported and re-exported parks. under CITES. Study on coral bleaching and bio-erosion: Following • Second, three months after the amendment takes reports of coral bleaching and bio-erosion by Reef Check effect, i.e. 1 August 2018, there will be a ban on the exercises and local divers and researchers, the AFCD has import and re-export of pre-Convention ivory (except Go Green family camping commissioned a multi-institutional team to investigate antique ivory). The commercial possession of this the bleaching and bio-erosion of major coral communities ivory will also be subject to a licensing control similar in Hong Kong waters and make recommendations for to that for post-Convention ivory. appropriate management measures and long-term • Third, from 31 December 2021, there will be a ban monitoring. The 18-month study will be completed in mid on possessing any ivory (except antique ivory) for 2019. commercial purposes. LOOKING AHEAD

The amended Ordinance will also impose higher penalties Go Green family camping night show Continue to implement the BSAP together with that will apply to all endangered species in addition stakeholders. to elephants, to provide a stronger deterrent to the smuggling and illegal trading of endangered species. Secure passage of a legislative amendment to phase out the ivory trade and impose heavier penalties on the illicit trade in endangered species. Celebrating Country Parks

The photos show (part of) the exhibit seized from an incoming sea Explore options to enhance the recreational Forty years ago, in 1977, the Government established container in July 2017. 7 tonnes of ivory was found behind the and educational potential of country parks boxes of frozen fish. It was the largest ivory seizure so far in Hong Hong Kong’s first country parks, which protect the Kong and special areas. Interactive green games at night show environment and have provided a recreational and The events included hiking and family camping events, Designate the proposed Southwest Lantau educational outlet for millions of people over the years. The “Take Your Litter Home” campaign also continued excursions with experts, plantation enrichment projects, Marine Park and South Lantau Marine Park Today there are 24 country parks and 22 Special Areas to encourage country parks users to take good care of by 2019 and 2020 respectively. trail maintenance workshops, a recreational tree-climbing designated under the Country Parks Ordinance. To these amenities. The campaign was launched in 2015 fun day, a carnival, and roving exhibitions and seminars. and implemented in phases. By the end of 2017, all litter celebrate the 40th anniversary milestone, a series of The anniversary was also an opportunity to reinforce containers and recycle bins along hiking trails in country festivities were organised on the theme “Country Parks, the Government’s other initiatives to protect the natural parks had been removed to tie in with the publicity and Our Legacy”. environment, including biodiversity conservation and education efforts. waste reduction.

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Stakeholder Engagement

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Good Advice and • Collaborated with the Hong Kong Construction Association (HKCA) a Helping Hand on a practice guide promoting proper disposal of construction and Legislation puts the onus on polluters to take demolition waste from private works projects. responsibility for their pollution. But this does not solve the problem on its own. The EPD has formed close • Organised forums and seminars partnerships with four key sectors over the past two to promote best environmental practices in the construction decades that are the subjects of numerous pollution industry with the HKCA, complaints – construction, property management, Government departments, Mass Transit Railway Corporation Limited restaurants and vehicle repair workshops – to provide and other partners. them with advice and information on how and why they need to green their operations. The partnerships have • Conducted 16 environmental building audits for the Quality also been a forum for exchanging views and experiences Building Management Competition and recognising good practices, and in 2017 a variety of organised by District Council. activities were organised for all four sectors. Separately, the EPD also continued to work with the Hong Kong • Organised hands-on workshops Productivity Council to develop green alternatives to the for the vehicle repair trade demonstrating the use of vehicle ritual paper burning associated with the Yu Lan festival. refinishing paints that are water- based and have low volatile organic compounds content.

• Conducted a seminar on equipment and systems to control cooking fumes for the restaurant trade.

• Tested alternative forms of worship to ritual burning during the Yu Lan festival.

Keynote speeches delivered by honored guest and various speakers at the Joint Safety, Health and Environmental Seminar

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Green Engagement with Department (CEDD), Mass Transit Railway Our Partners Corporation Limited (MTRCL), and consultancy

Construction Trade groups. The talks and discussions covered such The EPD works closely with the Hong Kong Construction topics as implementing ecological mitigation Association (HKCA) and many others engaged in measures in major projects, stakeholder engagement construction work to promote environmental compliance over a project’s lifecycle, and ecological survey and address any concerns and difficulties encountered. practices. Lively group discussion session with all participants having the opportunities to share and contribute The highlights of 2017 included: • Joint Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) • A Practice Guide to promote proper construction Seminar 2017. This event was jointly organised and demolition waste disposal in private works by CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd, EPD, Highways

projects. This guide was launched in October 2017 Department, Hong Kong Institute of Engineers to provide a trip ticket-type system for managers (HKIE), MTRCL and Vocational Training Council, of private construction projects to monitor the and supported by the Development Bureau and amount of waste generated at their sites, keep track Institute for Vocational Education (IVE). The seminar is held annually and in 2017 attracted about 600 AFCD staff shared experience and suggestions on environmental of its disposal, and establish a chain of custody monitoring and auditing (EM&A) Mechanism to enable the re-use of surplus inert material on participants, including contractors, consultants, HKIE other construction projects or its proper delivery members, IVE staff, professionals and staff from to Government waste disposal facilities. The guide the Government. IVE engineering students were was produced by the HKCA for its members, who also invited. The EPD delivered a talk on the topic of were encouraged to apply it in a voluntary trial of “Responsible Management of Construction Waste”. the system in private works projects. A joint seminar • Awarding good practices. The EPD participates by the EPD and HKCA will be held in 2018 to share in two annual exercises to award good practices. Awards were given to honour contractors for their outstanding experiences from the trial and promote the guide. The HKCA Environmental Awards is a collaboration achievements in environmental performance • MTR-EPD Joint Environmental Forum. This of the EPD and HKCA and in 2017 attracted 160 forum has been organised annually since 2014 to participants from the construction industry to honour share knowledge and views and cultivate mutual contractors who had commendable achievements understanding on environmental issues. In 2017 in environmental protection. The EPD also the theme was “New Era of EIA – Ecology” and participated in the annual Considerate Contractors more than 130 participants attended from the EPD, Site Award Scheme organised by the Development Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Bureau, which includes the category Outstanding Practice Guide on Construction and Demolition Waste Disposal Snapshots of keynote speeches delivered by honoured guest and - HKCA Airport Authority, Civil Engineering and Development Environmental Management and Performance Award. various speakers at the Joint SHE Seminar

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Property Management Vehicle Repair Workshops The EPD was invited by the Wong Tai Sin District Council The Pro-Act Training and Development Centre to be an environmental assessor of its Quality Building (Automobile) was commissioned by the EPD to conduct Management Competition in 2017. The EPD conducted workshops in 2017 on techniques for applying water- 16 environmental audits and noted improving green based and low-volatile organic compound vehicle management efforts, evidenced by the adoption of such refinishing paints, through demonstrations and hands- new technologies and programmes as green roofing, use on spraying practice. The workshops, which were based of renewable energy, food waste composting, green ritual on similar successful experiences in 2015, were attended burning and electric vehicle charging stations, as well by 66 in-service practitioners. In addition, the EPD visited more established measures to reduce waste and water vehicle repair workshops in Yuen Long to promote consumption and save energy. environmental practices and enhance awareness.

Restaurants Cooking fumes were the subject of a seminar organised by the EPD for about 100 attendees in January 2017. The seminar introduced the legal requirements, ventilation system design, and equipment for controlling cooking fumes in restaurant kitchens. The Hong Kong Productivity Council also delivered a talk at the seminar.

Vehicle repair trade practitioners participated in a paint application workshop

Quality Building Management Competition (QBMC) awards presentation ceremonies of the Wong Tai Sin District

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Ritual Offerings Go Green In 2017, the trial was taken to the next level by promoting two alternatives to burning at two separate Yu Lan LOOKING AHEAD Since 2015, the EPD and Hong Kong Productivity Council venues. One alternative was to offer merit certificates to Collaborate with the HKCA to organise (HKPC) have been collaborating in experiments to reduce replace burnt paper offerings. Worshippers bought these a joint seminar promoting the HKCA’s practice guide on construction and demolition waste disposal air pollution caused by burning joss papers and paper certificates and earned merit because the proceeds in private works projects. artefacts during the annual Yu Lan event. In 2015, we were donated to charity. The merit was transferred to deployed a tailor-made mobile furnace with air pollution the donor’s ancestors through a religious rite performed control equipment (APCE) to three Yu Lan venues and by a Taoist priest, who had been invited to participate showed that it could indeed control pollution. However, in the programme. In the second alternative, additional the furnace had limited capacity and could not handle all ceremonial activities were organised to supersede the Merit certificate joss papers and paper artefacts generated at the event. ritual burning of paper. Both schemes ran smoothly and helped reduce the quantity of paper offerings burned That problem was addressed in 2016 when the project at the two venues by about 15 per cent. The HKPC also was expanded by including off-site burning in addition managed booths to promote green forms of worshipping to deploying the mobile furnace to three different Yu Lan at each of the trial sites and at the Yu Lan Cultural Festival venues. Furnaces with APCE were used both on- and off- in Victoria Park organised by the Hong Kong Chiu Chow site and the project went smoothly. Community Organisation.

The promotion booth at Victoria Park during Yu Lan Culture Carnival Additional ceremonial activities to supersede part of paper offerings 2017 burning

Stakeholder Engagement

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Calls to Action • Organised the Clean Recycling Campaign and World Environment Community awareness-raising permeates the Day Zero Carbon Fun Fair to mobilise community support for Government’s greening efforts. While we often organise waste reduction, clean recycling and campaigns around specific topics, such as energy saving, low carbon living. we also have regular, structured programmes to promote • Provided more than $171 million to policies and behavioural change within the community support 150 community-initiated as a whole as well as in schools and businesses. In 2017, projects through the Environment and Conservation Fund. the themes for these programmes centred on low-carbon living, waste reduction and green lifestyles. • Received 1,674 entries for the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence and Hong Kong Green Innovation Awards and honoured 180 winners from 2016.

• Welcomed more than 98,000 visitors to the Fanling, Wan Chai and Mobile Environmental Resource Centres, and the Lung Fu Shan Environmental Education Centre. In addition, 288,000 visitors were welcomed in the five Community Green Stations (see Waste Reduction chapter).

• Enrolled more than 10,200 students in the Schools Environmental Protection Ambassador Scheme and awarded 56 schools with the Hong Kong Green School Award.

Game booths were set up to promote the message of "Use Less, Waste Less" in an interactive manner

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Getting the Community On-board Clean Recycling Campaign: Clean recycling is necessary to ensure recyclable waste is not contaminated The EPD, often in partnership with the Environmental and can be easily recycled. The first Clean Recycling Campaign Committee (ECC), organises activities for Campaign was launched in 2015 and has been picking up the community that provide opportunities to enjoy the momentum. In 2017, five non-government organisations environment and learn more about how to protect it. In were engaged to carry out educational and promotional 2017, these activities included: activities on clean recycling at more than 200 private housing estates. In December 2017, the Government also A festive promotional booth was set up at the “Green Lunar The “Zero Carbon Fun Fair” involved a variety of activities to New Year Fair” at Cheung Sha Wan Playground to spread green announced the launch of the “Dump Less, Save More, promote "Climate Ready and Low Carbon Living" messages to the visitors Recycle Right” campaign to promote waste reduction, with an emphasis on clean recycling (see also Waste Reduction chapter).

World Environment Day: 5 June has been designated

as World Environment Day (WED) by the United Nations. The Government organises community events to celebrate WED every year, which in 2017 culminated in SEN and representatives from both the public and private sectors Green Lunar New Year messages were designed as photo props and participating in the Friends of EcoPark scheme at the "Dump Less, a Zero Carbon Fun Fair. The theme was on low-carbon encouraged public to practice waste reduction and enjoyed having a Save More, Recycle Right" Kick-off Ceremony cum 2017 Friends of SEN and ECC Chairman visited the green booths Green Lunar New Year EcoPark Award Presentation Ceremony living through such daily life choices as clothing, food Green Lunar New Year Fair: Every year, Lunar New Funding support: The Environment and Conservation and travelling. Nearly 40 Government departments, Year Fairs generate a lot of waste which puts much Fund was established in 1994 to provide funding for non-government organisations, green groups, schools pressure on landfills. To address this problem, the EPD, educational, research and other projects. Since 1994, and public utilities were involved in the Fun Fair, which ECC and Conservancy Association (CA) launched a pilot it has provided a total of $2.7 billion to more than 5,200 included interactive educational booths, workshops, programme at the Cheung Sha Wan Playground Lunar projects, including 150 projects in 2017 that received a performances and seminars. The winners of the ECC- New Year Fair to promote waste reduction, resources total of more than $171 million. In addition, funding has MTR Environmental Award for Schools were also sharing and the re-use and recycling of waste materials. been earmarked for projects that prepare the community presented with their prizes. Stall operators were invited to sign a Green Pledge to for municipal solid waste charging and gather useful reduce waste, visitors could make use of a shopping bag- information on its implementation (see also Waste sharing stand and receive festive tips such as re-using Facilities chapter). By the end of 2017, about 50 projects red packets, and the CA collected unsold dry goods for had received $55 million for this purpose. re-distribution.

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Cultivating a Green Ethos on Lamma Island Clean Air and You A pilot project was launched by the ECC in November A second series of videos was launched on the EPD 2016 to encourage a green community ethos on website and a YouTube channel in 2017 on air quality Lamma Island and promote waste reduction at topics such as green transport technologies, the source, clean recycling, energy saving, and protection impacts of regional air pollution, photochemical smog of the natural environment. Activities in 2017 included and tropical cyclones on local air quality, and how enhancing or refurbishing existing waste recycling people can improve air quality in their daily lives. facilities; organising a Green Fun Day featuring upcycling workshops, game booths and a theatre

th performance; organising an eco-heritage tour of the The 15 HKGSA Award Presentation Ceremony was held in September 2017 to present awards to winning schools island with Green Hong Kong Green; and organising a green slogan competition for primary students there. Greening Schools

The Hong Kong Green Schools Award (HKGSA) is organised every year to honour schools that show a

Clean Air and You videos available for public access tangible commitment to improving the environment. In 2017, 45 schools were awarded gold, silver and bronze awards from among 184 entries. The schools are judged specifically on their environmental policy and campus environment; environmental management measures,

The "Lamma Island as a Green Community" Fun Day was held environmental education plan and implementation; and to call for joint efforts to build a green community environmental education effectiveness. Apart from the awards, they are also referred to the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence in the Schools sector.

Pre-schools are also honoured in the HKGSA in a separate assessment. In 2017, 11 pre-schools were honoured as “Green Schools” and each received a cash prize of $5,000. The HKGSA ceremony also honoured 260 schools with Waste Less School Awards for their waste reduction efforts.

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The Best in Business year at the HKAEE presentation ceremony. The 2017 the HKAEE ceremony from 60 entries. ISO 14001 certification. Since 2008, more than 11,000 ceremony saw 48 firms receive gold, silver or bronze certificates have been issued and more than 1,000 Businesses that seek to improve their environmental awards and 126 receive certificates of merit, from a Hong Kong Green Organisation. This designation is companies have obtained the title of Hong Kong Green performance are honoured each year for their record 1,445 entries. bestowed on companies that fulfil environmental criteria Organisation. Collectively, participants have recycled more achievements, innovations and efforts. In 2017, the such as possessing Hong Kong Green Organisation than 310,000 tonnes of waste paper, metal and plastics; awards included: Hong Kong Green Innovation Awards: Businesses are Certification (HKGOC) certificates, which benchmark saved 118 million kilowatt hours of energy; and reduced encouraged to try new ways of tackling environmental performance in waste reduction, energy saving, carbon carbon dioxide emissions by more than 277,000 tonnes. Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence challenges through this award which is based on three reduction, improving indoor air quality and enhancing (HKAEE): Businesses that demonstrate outstanding criteria: level of innovation, environmental achievements environmental attributes of products; winning an HKAEE LOOKING AHEAD performance in green leadership, programme and and cost-effectiveness, and practicability and contribution award; signing environment-related charters launched Continue to collaborate with stakeholders to promote performance, and partner synergy, are honoured each to society. In 2017 six companies received the award at or supported by the Government; or possessing valid environmental awareness and behavioural change.

Promote the Government’s new environmental initiatives through campaigns and funding for community involvement.

Continue to organise environmental commendation schemes and other activities targeting different sectors of the community.

Photos with representatives of winning organisations of the Gold Award at the 2016 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence Presentation Ceremony

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Sustainable Development

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Sustainable • Acted on the report from the Council for Sustainable Development on the Consumption Public Engagement on Promotion of Sustainable Consumption of on the Menu Biological Resources.

th Biological resources are an essential component of • Launched the 13 round of applications under the Sustainable almost every element of our daily lives, from food and Development Fund. clothing to school and office supplies to building materials nd and medicines. These resources can come under threat • Launched the 2 round of the Sustainable Development Promotion when they are used excessively. In 2017, the Government Award for Students of Higher unveiled new strategies to promote the sustainable Education Institutions. consumption of biological resources that aim to drive a paradigm shift in behaviour across the whole community. The strategies are based on recommendations received from the Council for Sustainable Development following a public engagement exercise on the issue carried out in 2016-17.

Trendy picture cards to illustrate the concepts of sustainable consumption of biological resources

Sustainable Development

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Making Sustainable Consumption of The second goal is to facilitate consumers in making Biological Resources a Reality smart choices, such as encouraging quasi- / non- government organisations with funding support to establish In 2016, the Council for Sustainable Development (SDC) an information platform and developing a webpage on embarked on a bottom-up and stakeholder-led public sustainable consumption of biological resources. Third engagement on how to establish more sustainable is to promote best practices among businesses, such as consumption of biological resources. 64 public engagement promoting the Government’s Green Procurement Guidelines events were organised, ranging from regional and youth to businesses and launching a voluntary charter scheme. forums to school talks and briefings with advisory bodies And fourth is for the Government to take the lead by, among and residents’ organisations. These events focused on other things, regularly reviewing its list of foods to avoid three key questions: How can Hong Kong facilitate smart serving at official banquets (such as shark’s fin, bluefin tuna choices for consumers? How can it promote best practices and black moss). among businesses and the public sector? And what kinds of education and publicity should be pursued? More than The Government welcomed the SDC’s recommendations 3,000 people participated in the events and about 3,600 and by the end of the year had settled on two organising views collection forms and written submissions were Public engagement report A guided shopping tour for products of sustainable biological strategies for steering Hong Kong towards more sustainable resources received. The SDC drew on this input and formulated 20 consumption behaviour: “Community Engagement" and recommendations that were put forward to the Government “Facilitating Access to Knowledge”. Some early targets for in June 2017. The Government has welcomed the action include sharing the Green Procurement Guidelines recommendations and is acting on them in the context of with major suppliers, business associations and quasi- the Hong Kong Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP) government organisations; developing a webpage to provide 2016-2021. information, good practice guidelines and links to relevant online materials; and developing teaching materials and The SDC recommendations were grouped under four training for teachers to inspire students’ awareness of goals. The first goal is to foster a culture of sustainable sustainable consumption. The measures will help support consumption of biological resources. Suggestions for the Government’s broader goals outlined in the BSAP to doing this included devising a long-term strategy to induce minimise our impacts and protect biodiversity in Hong Kong behavioural change, launching promotional campaigns, and the planet as a whole. providing training to teachers, and encouraging schools to promote sustainable consumption of biological resources A school in action to engage local community towards sustainable development under the Sustainable Development School Award through daily activities. Programme

Sustainable Development

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Community Action LOOKING AHEAD

Schools and universities are important targets for cultivating Launch new rounds of applications for sustainable habits and the Government supports several the Sustainable Development School programmes to achieve that aim. The new Sustainable Outreach Programme and the Sustainable Development School Award Programme. Development Promotion Award for Students of Higher

Education Institutions encourages local undergraduates to Process the 13th round of applications initiate their ideas for sustainable actions, and in February under the Sustainable Development Fund. 2017 presented its first set of awards to five projects: a Process a new round of entries for vegetable bouquet, a knowledge vending machine, an the Sustainable Development Promotion Award organic farming scheme to bridge schools, farmers and for Students of Higher Education Institutions. the community, a proposal for promoting low-carbon tourism, and a second-hand exchange platform for students, including clothes and other items. The latter was also granted the Outstanding Project Award. Meanwhile the Sustainable Development School Award Programme, Winners of the first Sustainable Development Promotion Award for Students of Higher Education Institutions launched in 2007, recognised more than 50 schools for their efforts in 2017. And the Sustainable Development Outreach Programme organised talks, workshops and interactive dramas for more than 90 secondary schools.

Community groups are also supported in promoting and implementing sustainable development initiatives through the Sustainable Development Fund (SDF), which launched its 13th round of applications in 2017. To date, the Fund has provided a total of $69 million to 67 projects. A seminar held by SDF Grantee for the catering industry to promote A talk held by SDF Grantee on the conservation of biological sustainable seafood resources

Sustainable Development

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Cross-boundary and International Co-operation

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INTERNATIONAL • Released Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2030+ setting a target CO-OPERATION to reduce carbon intensity by 65- 70% by 2030, using 2005 as the On Common baseline.

Ground • Established the Hong Kong- Guangdong Cross Boundary The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Notification Mechanism on Marine Refuse and launched a trial of the Government works extensively with its Mainland Notification and Alert System on counterparts to jointly address our shared environmental Marine Refuse. concerns. In 2017, attention was focused in particular on • Met with the then Ministry of regional air quality, solid waste imports and marine refuse. Environmental Protection (now Hong Kong also addressed its international obligations by renamed as the Ministry of Ecology undertaking to step up its actions on climate change, as and Environment) to exchange views on the Central Government's outlined in Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2030+, which coming tighter restrictions on solid sets out our goals and strategies to mitigate and adapt to waste imports. climate change and strengthen the city’s resilience. • Signed a Co-operation Agreement for the establishment of a -Hong Kong Office for Marine Emissions Control with Shenzhen authorities, including the Maritime Safety Administration, the then Human Settlements and Environment Commission (now renamed as the Ecology and Environment Bureau), and Transport Commission.

Shenzhen viewed from Ma Tso Lung, North District

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Working with Regional Counterparts recorded by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Pearl both sides deploy resources in a timely manner for River Delta Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network, tackling surges of marine refuse (see also Water

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) reflected a decreased in SO2, NO2, and PM10 levels but chapter).

Government has long-standing and fruitful working an increase of O3 was observed. • Solid waste imports. The Central Government relationships on the environment with its regional • Marine emissions. The Government signed is tightening up on solid waste imports to protect counterparts, the most prolific being the Hong Kong- a Co-operation Agreement with the Shenzhen public health and safeguard ecological safety. In Guangdong Joint Working Group on Sustainable Maritime Safety Administration and the then 2017 the Environment Bureau met with the then Development and Environmental Protection. The areas of Human Settlements and Environment Commission Ministry of Environmental Protection (now renamed progress in 2017 included: of Shenzhen Municipality (now renamed as the as the Ministry of Ecology and Environment) to 17th meeting of the Hong Kong-Guangdong Joint Working Group on • Air quality. The mid-term review on air pollution Shenzhen Municipal Ecology and Environment exchange views on the new policy and reflect the Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection was held in Hong Kong on 15 December 2017. Representatives from the Hong emission reduction targets for 2015 and 2020 was Bureau) and the Transport Commission of Shenzhen situation in Hong Kong. Both sides agreed to step up Kong side and the Guangdong delegation are pictured after the meeting jointly completed with the Guangdong Provincial Municipality to establish the Shenzhen-Hong communications on appropriate measures that will Government. The review confirmed that the 2015 Kong Office for Marine Emissions and Control to enable the Hong Kong community and the recycling emission reduction targets were attained. It also collaborate on studies with a view to implementing trade to cope with the Mainland solid waste import finalised the emission reduction targets for 2020, the domestic emission control area in the waters of regime. taking into account the 2015 achievements and on- the Pearl River Delta. going and planned control measures. In addition, • Marine refuse. The Hong Kong-Guangdong Marine In addition, the HKSAR Government continued to participate the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Joint Regional Environmental Management Special Panel was in other regular, on-going regional collaborations on the established in October 2016. In May 2017, it launched environment with the Guangdong, Macao, and Shenzhen PM2.5 Study was completed and the draft Final Report was submitted to the three Governments for review. a trial of the Notification and Alert System on Marine administrations and in the Pan-Pearl River Delta Regional Meanwhile, regional annual air pollution in 2017, as Refuse, which will help relevant departments of Environmental Protection Co-operation Joint Conference. The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing (right), is pictured with the Vice Director-General of the then Economic and Information Commission of Guangdong Province, Mr He Rong, after Annual Averages of Air Pollutants in the Pearl River Delta the fourth meeting of the Hong Kong-Guangdong Joint Working Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network from 2006 to 2017 (µg/m3) Group on Cleaner Production on 27 October 2017

% Difference % Difference Pollutants 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (2017 vs 2006) (2017 vs 2016)

RSP 74 79 70 69 64 64 56 63 56 49 46 49 -34% 7%

NO2 46 45 45 42 43 40 38 40 37 33 35 34 -26% -3%

SO2 47 48 39 29 25 24 18 18 16 13 12 11 -77% -8%

O3 48 51 51 56 53 58 54 54 57 53 50 58 21% 16%

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The Outcomes of Co-operation Progress on Cleaner Production New Goals to Combat Climate Change The booklet Full Co-operation by Hong Kong- The Cleaner Production Partnership Programme is a

Guangdong: Environmental Outcomes for All to Share joint initiative by the EPD and the then Economic and In 2017, the Government laid out a bold new target to highlights the achievements of the Hong Kong- Information Commission of Guangdong Province address climate change that will reach into every corner Guangdong Joint Working Group on Sustainable (now renamed as the Department of Industry and of society. Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2030+ aims Development and Environmental Protection Information Technology of Guangdong Province) to reduce Hong Kong’s carbon intensity by 65-70% by (JWGSDEP) in protecting air quality, water quality, to encourage Hong Kong-owned enterprises in 2030, using 2005 as a baseline – which is equivalent to forests and the marine eco-system. Hong Kong Guangdong and Hong Kong to adopt cleaner an absolute reduction of 26-36%, or a reduction in per- and Guangdong have been working together for 16 production technologies in order to improve the capita emissions from 5.7 tonnes in 2015 to 3.3-3.8 years with fruitful achievements. The booklet was quality of the regional environment. Since 2008, the tonnes by 2030. The Action Plan also sets out in detail a commemorative publication of the JWGSDEP. Programme has approved more than 2,900 funding the key measures on mitigation, adaptation and resilience applications and organised about 500 technology to combat climate change (for details see https://www. promotion activities. Enterprises are awarded for their climateready.gov.hk/files/report/en/HK_Climate_Action_

efforts through the Hong Kong-Guangdong Cleaner Plan_2030+_booklet_En.pdf ). Production Partners Recognition Scheme. In 2017,

184 enterprises were commended – 87 Hong Kong- The Action Plan was developed by the Steering Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan 2030+ owned manufacturers were named Excellent Partners Committee on Climate Change, chaired by the Chief and 79 were named Partners, and recognition was Secretary for Administration and comprising all 13 Policy also bestowed on two sourcing enterprises and 16 Secretaries, following a review of relevant experience in environmental technology service providers. other places, consideration of public and stakeholders’ views, and a review of the scope for enhancing our climate action. To enhance public understanding, $10 million has been set aside under the Environment and Conservation Fund for non-profit organisations to The booklet Full Co-operation by Hong Kong-Guangdong: Environmental Outcomes for All to Share conduct public education activities and demonstration

projects on climate change. A new climate change The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing (third left), hosted a press conference on 20 January 2017 to announce Hong website[ https://www.climateready.gov.hk/ ], leaflet, videos, Kong's Climate Action Plan 2030+. Also pictured at the press conference are (from left) the Deputy Secretary for Development The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing (front poster and television and radio announcements have also (Works), Mr Vincent Mak; the then Director of Civil Engineering row, centre), is pictured with other officiating guests and and Development, Mr Lam Sai-hung; the then Under Secretary for representatives of Hong Kong enterprises commended as been produced. Transport and Housing, Mr Yau Shing-mu; the then Director of Excellent Partners under the Hong Kong-Guangdong Cleaner Electrical and Mechanical Services, Mr Frank Chan; and the then Production Partners Recognition Scheme on 27 October 2017 Assistant Director of the Hong Kong Observatory (Development, Research and Administration), Mr Edwin Lai

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Regional collaboration on climate change: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Intensity in Hong Kong The Hong Kong-Guangdong Joint Liaison Group on LOOKING AHEAD

Combating Climate Change has been co-ordinating action Carbon Intensity Complete joint projects with Guangdong to Total GHG emissions Per capita emissions at the regional level since 2012. Activities in 2017 included Year (kg CO2-e per HK Dollar GDP in enhance abilities in forecasting atmospheric (kilotonnes CO2-e) (tonnes CO2-e) chained (2015) dollars) pollution in the Pearl River Delta. research on influenza and weather; exchanges on short- term climate forecasting techniques, urban drainage 1990 35,200 6.2 0.037 Launch a joint study with Guangdong on 1991 38,700 6.7 0.039 system design, slope safety management, near-zero post-2020 air pollutant emission reduction 1992 42,800 7.4 0.040 carbon emissions building design, and carbon labelling; targets and concentration levels. 1993 43,100 7.3 0.038 and an exploration of Hong Kong’s options in light of the 1994 35,600 5.9 0.030 Prepare to implement the Minamata Convention establishment of the National Carbon Market. on Mercury in Hong Kong and attend 1995 36,600 5.9 0.030 the 2nd Conference of Parties to 1996 35,200 5.5 0.028 the Minamata Convention on Mercury. These areas will all continue to be a focus of exchange 1997 33,700 5.2 0.025 and investigation in 2018. In addition, both sides have 1998 35,100 5.4 0.028 Commence groundwork for amending agreed to strengthen co-operation on research regarding the Hazardous Chemicals Control Ordinance 1999 32,900 5.0 0.025 (Cap 595) to include non-pesticide hazardous rising sea levels; explore co-operation on adapting to and 2000 33,300 5.0 0.024 chemicals listed in the Stockholm Convention mitigating climate change in the Guangdong-Hong Kong- 2001 33,400 5.0 0.024 at its 7th and 8th Conference of Parties held Macao Bay Area Development; and carry out exchanges in 2015 and 2017. 2002 35,000 5.2 0.025 on renewable energy technology and carbon reduction 2003 38,600 5.7 0.026 Launch the Low Carbon Living Calculator. incentives. 2004 38,700 5.7 0.024 2005 41,200 6.0 0.024 Launch the Public Engagement on Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2006 42,100 6.1 0.023 Long-term Decarbonisation Strategy. Hong Kong’s greenhouse gas emissions fell by 7.5% 2007 42,900 6.2 0.022 in 2015 (the latest year for figures) over 2014, to a 2008 41,600 6.0 0.021 total 41.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent 2009 42,300 6.1 0.022 or about 5.7 tonnes per person. The major reason 2010 40,800 5.8 0.020 was the increased use of natural gas and reduced 2011 42,600 6.0 0.020 use of coal in electricity generation. The per capita 2012 43,000 6.0 0.019 greenhouse gas emissions and carbon intensity were 2013 44,300 6.2 0.019 the lowest since 2004 and 1990, respectively. 2014 45,000 6.2 0.019 2015* 41,600 5.7 0.017

Remarks: * Provisional figures subject to revision

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