香港環境保護 ENVIRONMENT 2019 Table of Contents

03 Foreword By The Secretary 60 Sustainable Development For The Environment 64 Cross-boundary and 05 Permanent Secretary / International Co-operation Director’s Message 07 Pollution Prevention and Control

Air 08 Noise 13 Water 17 Environmental Assessment 21 Environmental Compliance 25 29 Resource Management Waste Reduction 30 Waste Facilities 36 Energy 40 Nature Conservation 46 50 Stakeholder Engagement Building Partnerships 08 Community Awareness 55 ENVIRONMENT HONG KONG 2019


Foreword By The Secretary For The Environment


Climate change is one of the world’s most pressing Not only will these measures help reduce Hong Kong’s energy respectively. They follow the T·PARK which environmental issues. All of us therefore have a duty carbon emissions, they can also improve local and started its operation in 2016 to reduce the bulk of to contribute positively to mitigating climate change. regional air quality. The Government has carried on with sewage sludge using waste-to-energy technology, We have committed to reducing Hong Kong’s carbon its longstanding efforts to require cleaner emissions generate renewable energy for its own use and export intensity by 65%-70% by 2030 compared with 2005. To from vehicles, power plants and other sources, and to the surplus electricity to the power grid. All these achieve that, the Government has introduced a number tighten the statutory emission standards in phases. We major recycling facilities have been completed and of initiatives, including signing the new Scheme of have also been working on these issues with our regional commissioned successively. In the coming years, Control Agreements with the two power companies, counterparts. In 2018, we completed a review of Air the O·PARK2 and the Integrated Waste Management which took effect on 1 October 2018 and 1 January Quality Objectives and we are examining the feasibility of Facilities Phase 1 designed for treating MSW will join the 2019 respectively, to increase significantly the proportion further tightening the standards. forces of our infrastructure for turning waste into energy. of natural gas in the fuel mix, and to encourage the two companies to promote energy efficiency and conservation On waste management, we are undertaking multiple and In 2018, we conducted a study on ways to enhance the as well as the development of renewable energy. concurrent actions to promote waste reduction at source recreation and education potential of country parks, such

and clean recycling, through introducing the legislation as introducing treetop adventures and open museums At the user end, we are also encouraging businesses to implement municipal solid waste (MSW) charging for historic relics. We also established a new Countryside and individuals to minimise their carbon footprints. and implementing various policies and regulations on Conservation Office to co-ordinate and promote The new Building Energy Codes issued in 2018 have waste reduction in phases, including a series of producer conservation and revitalisation in remote countryside. set much enhanced energy efficiency standards. We responsibility schemes (PRS). In November 2018, we Moreover, we planned to set up a funding scheme to have also expedited the provision of tax reduction as a introduced the bill on MSW charging into the Legislative support non-profit-making organisations and villagers financial incentive for builders to invest in environmental Council. In parallel, we will continue to strengthen the in organising diverse and innovative activities which help protection installation. Members of the public are work on further promoting waste reduction and recycling. conserve the natural environment, built heritage and encouraged to assess their carbon emissions and In 2018, we implemented a PRS for waste electrical and cultural assets. take on board some low carbon living tips in respect electronic equipment (WEEE) that requires dealers to be of clothing, food, living and travel in their daily life registered and to provide consumers with free removal To combat global climate change and build a more through the use of the Low Carbon Living Calculator service to dispose of their abandoned equipment. liveable environment in Hong Kong, the Government, the launched in 2018. We have also invited the Council for business sector and the community must work hand Sustainable Development to conduct a territory-wide Two advanced recycling facilities commenced operation in hand to reduce carbon emission and conserve our public engagement exercise in 2019 to gauge public in 2018 − the WEEE·PARK for recycling WEEE and the environment by, among other things, stepping up efforts views on Hong Kong’s long-term decarbonisation O·PARK1 (Organic Resources Recovery Centre Phase 1) in energy conservation, green commuting, and practising strategy up to 2050 for deeper decarbonisation. for treating food waste, showcasing the concept of “use less, waste less”, to treasure this very home of ours. Mr. Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP turning waste into resources and turning waste into Secretary for the Environment

Foreword By The Secretary For The Environment



Permanent Secretary / Director’s Message


In 2018, we continued to step up efforts to improve Hong and consumers) to share responsibility for the collection, impact on Hong Kong’s carbon emissions. Kong’s environment. recycling, treatment and disposal of end-of-life products.

A PRS on glass is also being implemented progressively Improvements to our local and regional environment also On waste, we have a multi-pronged strategy to reduce and plans are being mapped out for a PRS on plastic continued in 2018. Programmes to control emissions waste at source, recycle and treat the remainder, and beverage containers. from power plants, vehicles, vessels and other sources promote a waste reduction mindset among Hong Kong have resulted in significant reductions in a range of air residents. In 2017 (the most recent year for figures), these Although these programmes will help to reduce waste at pollutants. As a result, we now plan to consult the public efforts helped to reduce domestic waste loads by 1.9% source, other measures are still needed to reduce waste in 2019 on tightening local Air Quality Objectives. Water over 2016. However, commercial and industrial waste volume and recover useful resources, such as energy, quality continued to be very good in 2018 so we are now rose by 4.1%. This was in part due to a buoyant economy. compost, metals, etc. In 2018 the WEEE•PARK opened to focused on reducing near-shore and shoreline pollution. But it also is a sign we need to be more aggressive in treat WEEE, as well as the Organic Resources Recovery promoting waste reduction. Centre Phase 1 (O•PARK1) to treat up to 200 tonnes of The examples of both air quality and water quality show it food waste per day. More such facilities are planned, is possible to improve our environment. But it is not cheap Several new measures announced in 2018 will move us including other phases of the O•PARK and the Integrated or easy, and everyone must do their share. The coming towards that goal. A bill on municipal solid waste (MSW) Waste Management Facilities Phase 1, which will treat up years will require all of us to do more to reduce waste and charging was introduced into the Legislative Council to 3 000 tonnes of MSW per day after its commissioning lower our carbon impacts. The Government will support that provides financial incentives to reduce waste. in 2024. The Government is also making progress in these efforts every step of the way. The Government will also provide additional recurrent expanding the capacity of existing landfills to receive resources to strengthen waste reduction and recycling, the residues of these facilities and other non-recyclable starting at around HK$300-400 million for the financial waste. year 2019-20 and increasing to no less than HK$800- 1,000 million when MSW charging is implemented. On energy efficiency, the Government has set an example This funding will support on-site assistance for waste to the community by reducing our energy consumption by reduction and recycling; free territory-wide collection for 4.9% compared to 2013-14. In 2018 we also introduced waste plastics and food waste from various sources, new standards for Building Energy Codes (BECs) that subject to the outcomes of pilot schemes; and a pilot represent an 18% enhancement on energy efficiency scheme to assess the effectiveness of reverse vending compared to the original BECs of 2012. New Scheme of machines for recycling plastic beverage containers. 2018 Control Agreements that came into effect in October 2018 also saw the launch of a Producer Responsibility Scheme and January 2019 provide additional incentives for the (PRS) for waste electrical and electronic equipment two power companies to promote energy efficiency in the Ms. Cheng Mei Sze, Maisie, JP Permanent Secretary for the Environment / Director of (WEEE), which requires stakeholders (e.g. manufacturers community. Together, these measures will have a positive Environmental Protection

Permanent Secretary / Director’s Message



Pollution Prevention and Control


AIR Highlights

Completed a review of AQOs. Raising the Bar ❖

Hong Kong’s air quality has been steadily improving as Passed legislation requiring new ❖ non-road vehicles to meet the same a result of higher standards for acceptable emissions emission standards as vehicles on from vehicles, power plants and other sources. The the street. Government continued along this path in 2018 with the Announced stricter requirements introduction of tighter standards for marine fuel and off- ❖ on the sulphur content of fuel for road vehicles and for environment-friendly commercial ocean-going vessels in local waters. vehicles to qualify for tax breaks. Stricter Air Quality Tightened qualifying standards for Objectives (AQOs) and tighter emission caps for power ❖ environment-friendly commercial ve- plants are also looming on the horizon. Together, these hicles to receive tax breaks. measures will help to ensure cleaner and healthier air for Hong Kong.

Clear sky in Hong Kong

Pollution Prevention and Control


Air Quality in 2018

Local : Most major pollutants measured at Trend of air pollutant concentrations at roadside in Hong Kong Trend of air pollutant concentrations in ambient air in Hong Kong roadsides and in the ambient air continued from 1999 to 2018 80 900 140 1600 their steady decline in 2018. Over the past 800 70 120 1400 two decades, levels of sulphur dioxide (SO ), 2 700 60 1200 ) ) 3 nitrogen dioxide (NO2), respirable suspended 100 3 ) ) 3 600 3 50 1000 particulates (RSP/PM10) and fine suspended 500 80 particulates (FSP/PM2.5) have fallen by 17%- 40 800 400 74%. These achievements were reflected in 60 30 600 300 the review of the AQOs, which aims to identify 40 Concentration (µg/m Concentration 20 (µg/m Concentration 400 200 Concentration of Concentration CO (µg/m new air quality improvement measures and of Concentration CO (µg/m 10 20 200 determine the possible scope for further 100 tightening AQOs in order to better protect 0 0 0 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 public health. The review was completed 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 RSP FSP SO2 O3 NO2 CO RSP FSP SO2 O3 NO2 CO at the end of 2018 and revealed that there Year Year Note: Measurement of roadside O3 started from 2011 is scope to tighten the AQOs for SO2 and Trend of air pollutant concentrations in ambient air in Hong Kong Trend of air pollutant concentrations at roadside in Hong Kong FSP. The review report will be submitted to Regional: Regional air quality is an important Trend of air pollutant concentrations in Delta Regional Air the Advisory Council on the Environment in Quality Monitoring Network from 2006 to 2018 part of Hong Kong’s air picture. Since 2006, 80 early 2019, after which a three-month public regional concentrations of SO , NO and RSP consultation will be launched. 2 2 70 have been measured by the - 60 Hong Kong-Macao Air )

Despite those achievements, some 3 Quality Monitoring Network. By 2018, 50 challenges remain. Roadside NO2 is still concentrations of these pollutants had 40 high – about double the AQOs, even though fallen by 28%-81% over 2006 levels. FSPs it has been on a declining trend. Ambient 30 The AQOs Review Working Group completed their review in 2018. The Working Group comprised 60 have been monitored since 2015 and have ozone, which is formed by the photochemical (µg/m Concentration 20 members from air sector, health sector, green groups, fallen by 13% since then. Nonetheless, the reaction of nitrogen oxides and volatile academics, chambers of commerce, professional 10 bodies and relevant trades, as well as Government average annual concentration of ozone has organic compounds under sunlight, has been representatives steadily increased and further alleviation of 0 increasing. The EPD is continuing with efforts

regional photochemical pollution is required 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 to reduce these emissions, as described in RSP FSP SO2 O3 NO2 (see also Cross-boundary and International this report. Year Note: Measurement of FSP started from 2015 Co-operation). Trend of air pollutant concentrations in Pearl River Delta Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network

Pollution Prevention and Control


Lowering Emissions from Motor Vehicles

Motor vehicle emissions are a major source of pollutants, the tax break, while heavy-duty commercial vehicles especially at roadsides, and therefore a major focus of (except buses with a design weight of not more than EPD’s air pollution control efforts. This work continued 9 tonnes and light buses with a design weight of more to roll forward in 2018 with the implementation of than 3.5 tonnes) need to be of Euro VI standard plus NOx increasingly tighter controls on a variety of vehicles. emissions at least 30% lower.

Existing vehicles A new “One-for-One Replacement” Scheme was also A programme to retire about 82 000 pre-Euro IV diesel launched in 2018. Car owners receive additional incentive commercial vehicles by the end of 2019 pressed ahead, to switch to electric, with a new first registration tax with 66 800 retired by the end of 2018. The eligible concession of up to $250,000 if they scrap and de- owners receive an ex-gratia payment for removing their register their old car (either private car with an internal vehicles from the road. combustion engine or electric private car) for an electric one. The incentive will last until 31 March 2021. Meanwhile, more polluting vehicles were detected through a remote sensing system that detects gross emissions Charging an electric vehicle by petrol and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) vehicles. The Green technologies coverage of this system was expanded in 2018 when it Trials of green innovative transport technologies have processed 920 000 vehicle counts, up 66% over 2017, and been funded by the Government through the $300 million resulted in EPD issuing about 5 800 emission test notices Pilot Green Transport Fund since 2011. By the end of to vehicle owners, up 94% over 2017. 2018, 140 trials had received a total subsidy of $139 million to try out various types of technologies such Tax breaks for new vehicles as electric and hybrid commercial vehicles, solar air- The Government tightened the qualifying standards for conditioning system and electric inverter air-conditioning tax breaks on environment-friendly commercial vehicles systems for buses, as well as seawater scrubber and in 2018. These tax breaks allow reductions on the first diesel-electric propulsion systems for in-use ferries. registration tax of 30%-100%, subject to specific caps Separately, the Government also funds trials of electric per vehicle type. Newly registered light-duty commercial buses by franchised bus companies. By the end of 2018, vehicles now have to meet the Euro VI standard plus have 30 single-deck electric buses were in use on Hong Kong’s NO emissions at least 50% lower than Euro VI to receive X Electric vehicles and charging facilities roads. Pilot Green Transport Fund

Pollution Prevention and Control


Cleaner Fuel for Marine Vessels

Non-road vehicles Marine vessels are one of the major sources of air

Under legislation passed in 2018, the statutory emission pollution and they accounted for 52% of SO2 emissions in standards of newly approved non-road vehicles will be 2017 (the most recent year for figures). A statutory cap of tightened in phases starting from 1 January 2019. The 0.05% has been imposed on the sulphur content of locally new standards are intended to prevent owners from supplied marine light diesel, which is generally used by transferring old vehicles that are no longer roadworthy to local vessels and river trade vessels. However, ocean- non-road applications. Newly approved non-road goods going vessels (OGVs) have required special attention. vehicles, petrol private cars, buses with design weight of These vessels often use heavy fuel oil with a sulphur more than 9 tonnes and light buses with design weight content as high as 3.5%. Single-deck battery-electric bus Ocean going vessel not exceeding 3.5 tonnes will be required to comply with Euro VI emission standards, while newly approved non- In 2015, Hong Kong was the first Asian port requiring road diesel private cars will be required to comply with OGVs to use low-sulphur marine fuel (with sulphur California LEV III emission standards. content not exceeding 0.5%) while at berth. To further improve our air quality, a new regulation was enacted requiring all vessels to use compliant fuel (including low sulphur marine fuel) within Hong Kong waters starting from 1 January 2019. Ship owners and masters must keep on board all records related to the use of compliant fuel, and offenders will face prosecution if they fail to Double-deck hybrid bus comply with this. The new requirement also dovetails with the implementation of a coastal emission control area in

Mainland waters, which is expected to reduce SO2 and RSP emissions from OGVs in Hong Kong waters by about 76% and 71% respectively in 2020, compared with 2016 emission levels.

Leaflet of the Air Pollution Control (Non-Road Mobile Machinery) Single-deck supercapacitor bus (Emission) Regulation

Pollution Prevention and Control


Other Developments Power plant emissions: New development plans for the LOOKING AHEAD power plants were approved by the Government in 2018 and will increase the use of natural gas for electricity Submit the report on the AQOs review to the generation through the construction of new gas-fired Advisory Council on the Environment and conduct a units (see Energy). With that in mind, the Government three-month public consultation on the outcome. will review the Seventh Technical Memorandum (TM), which was issued in 2017, to further tighten the caps on Commence trials of new general air quality monitoring emissions of SO2, NOX and RSP from power plants. stations at North District and Southern District.

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs): The VOC content in products has been progressively controlled since 2007. Review the scope of the Pilot Green Transport In 2018, this control was extended to fountain solutions Fund to facilitate wider use of green innovative technologies by the transport trade. and printing machine cleaning agents, bringing the total number of product types covered to 172, including architectural paints, printing inks and six categories of Prepare to launch an incentive-cum-regulatory consumer products. The Government is exploring with Organisations whose premises have joined the IAQ Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places for 10 years at the IAQ Certificate scheme to progressively phase out about Award Ceremony cum Technical Seminar 40 000 Euro IV diesel commercial vehicles. stakeholders the feasibility of tightening VOC content limits for architectural paints.

Prepare to tighten the emission standards of first Review of the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Objectives: The registered motorcycles and first registered light buses. current IAQ objectives, under the IAQ Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places, were established 15 years Launch the revised IAQ objectives under the IAQ ago in 2003. Since then, the World Health Organization certification scheme for offices and public places. has published guidelines on dampness and mould, and on selected pollutants. In light of this, the Government has Complete a review of the Seventh Technical reviewed and revised the IAQ objectives and is prepared to Memorandum (TM) to further tighten implement the new IAQ objectives in 2019. emission caps of power plants.

Pollution Prevention and Control


NOISE Highlights

Resurfaced 76 local road sections Modern Approaches ❖ with low-noise road surfacing materials by the end of 2018, to Noise Control benefiting 134 000 people. As a crowded urban centre, Hong Kong faces big Retrofitted noise barriers at 17 challenges in controlling noise. Planning, legislation and ❖ existing road sections, benefiting mitigation measures can help reduce noise problems about 56 000 people by the end of and the EPD keeps constant watch on innovations that 2018. Began retrofitting works at three other sections. will make these approaches more effective. Recently, it has promoted virtual reality for noise mitigation design to help planners, project proponents and others better understand the noise impacts and the possible solutions. We also welcomed adaptations to a planned helipad to be built on the roof of Queen Mary Hospital, which will minimise the helicopter noise affecting residents. Both cases demonstrate that where there is a will, a way can be found to lower the volume of noise in urban living.

The Secretary for the Environment shared his vision of QUIET

Pollution Prevention and Control


In the Picture with Virtual Reality

Planning against noise is the best solution to pre-empting forces with the Housing Department and research noise nuisance to residents, but Hong Kong’s high-density institutions such as the Hong Kong Polytechnic University development sometimes renders it difficult to apply to develop a baffle-type acoustic window and enhanced traditional solutions such as noise barriers. The enormous acoustic balcony, while private developers have created demand for housing and shortage of available sites a top-hung acoustic window and an enhanced acoustic means many new residential buildings unavoidably must balcony incorporating a baffle-type acoustic window. be built close to roads with heavy traffic. Reducing noise These innovations can provide a relative noise reduction nuisance at these sites requires “out-of-the-box” thinking, of 8-12 dB(A) when compared to a traditional openable so the EPD has been promoting the use of innovative window, while allowing occupants to enjoy natural noise mitigation designs to mitigate traffic noise while ventilation. maintaining natural ventilation. The latest tool to be added to the kit is the use of virtual reality (VR) technology to The 4D VR technology has also been used in the EPD’s encourage and facilitate the development of innovative Environmental Academy and can enrich understanding noise mitigation designs. for trainees, professionals such as architects, engineers Sliding Pane of the Baffle Type Acoustic Window in Open Position - The air and traffic noise can enter directly into the room and acoustic consultants, and even the general public. The EPD has developed a 4D VR application as part of It is also being promoted online by the EPD and through its effort to promote innovative noise mitigation designs. workshops and presentations to professionals on When a user puts on the VR device, they see a residential the latest innovations for reducing noise and helping unit that can be configured with different noise mitigation residents to enjoy a quieter environment. designs and has windows that can be opened and closed. Users will experience noise calibrated to simulate the actual environment in the virtual photorealistic room under different operating conditions, so they can appreciate the noticeable changes in noise levels as a result of mitigating designs, components, combination of components and operational features.

4D VR is especially helpful in demonstrating the effectiveness of several recent innovative noise mitigation The user of VR goggles can experience the difference of a much reduced noise by closing the sliding pane of the Baffle Type Acoustic With Sliding Pane Closed (Acoustic Mode) - The user will experience a much reduced traffic noise. It can reduce noise entering indoor while measures developed in Hong Kong. The EPD joined Window allowing air flow (blue arrows) into the room via the air gap between the two layers of windows

Pollution Prevention and Control


Meeting the Noise Challenge of a Hospital Helipad

Queen Mary Hospital is one of Hong Kong’s premier standard, while enabling the hospital to provide crucial hospitals, providing a 24-hour emergency medical medical services for Hong Kong. The helipad is expected service, as well as being a major referral centre for many to start operation in 2024. advanced and complex cases. Despite its importance, it has never had a helipad for receiving patients in need of urgent care, meaning they must use roads and be at the mercy of traffic congestion. The hospital’s proximity to high-rise residential developments and existing site constraints have been a major hindrance in building a helipad. However, a re-development of the hospital has provided the opportunity to address this gap in a way that minimises helicopter noise impact on neighbours.

The EIA process played a crucial role in achieving this goal, through careful consideration of the constraints and alternatives. It was decided to locate the helipad on the roof of a new high-rise hospital building that is being built at the north end of the hospital, which will create a larger separation distance from nearby residential developments and allow for noise barriers to be installed and equipped with noise reducers. Flight paths with a steeper glide slope and larger take-off angle will be one-directional Aerial view of flight sectors for the proposed helipad away from residential developments to further minimise noise impact. In addition, the Government’s Helicopter Layout of the proposed helipad of Queen Mary Hospital Replacement Programme, which started in phases in 2018, will mean quieter helicopters with more advanced engines will serve the hospital.

These measures will help to ensure the operation of the helipad complies with the relevant noise planning

Pollution Prevention and Control


A “Quiet” Gathering

The annual Hong Kong Eco-Expo brings together LOOKING AHEAD environment professionals and businesses from around the world to share the latest developments and experiences. The EPD, Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics Continue to leverage smart technologies to enhance the noise planning process including the and Hong Kong Construction Association made use promotion of innovative noise mitigation designs. of this gathering to focus attention on noise at the 3rd Symposium on Quiet Construction, which was held alongside Eco-Expo Asia in October 2018. Through the EIA process, continue to practice proactive and preventive planning to

The theme of the Symposium was “Smart Construction Group photo of the guests and speakers at Symposium on Quiet The Secretary for the Environment visited the hybrid power excavator address public concerns and reduce noise. Construction for Quiet” to promote new quiet technologies and good noise management practices. The Symposium comprised a one-day conference, a pavilion and site demonstrations. Continue to liaise and collaborate with industry stakeholders to improve practices and About 300 participants attended the Conference, including promote wider adoption of quiet construction experts from Australia, the Netherlands, Singapore, Japan, methods and equipment. the UK and other jurisdictions, as well as local experts. They gave presentations on topics such as smarter and innovative design for manufacture and assembly, innovative quiet construction and demolition methods, control practices at construction sites, noise control management systems and regulatory strategies. The Secretary for the Environment, Mr. Wong Kam-sing, JP, also shared his vision of “QUIET” in a keynote speech. A “Smart Construction for Quiet” pavilion was set up together with the Eco-Expo Asia Exhibition to showcase innovative quiet construction products and equipment, including two quiet excavators, one of which operated on hybrid power. More than 14 000 people visited the Exhibition.

Two eye-catching excavators in display

Pollution Prevention and Control


WATER Highlights

Achieved 100% compliance with Cleaning the ❖ Water Quality Objectives at all 41 Shorelines gazetted beaches.

Hong Kong’s water quality – at beaches and in Revamped the Interdepartmental ❖ Working Group on Clean Shorelines rivers, streams and marine waters – continued to be into the Interdepartmental Working good in 2018, following years of sewerage and other Group on Marine Environmental improvement works. However, rubbish washing up Management, to reflect its wider focus. on shorelines has become a growing and unsightly problem. The Interdepartmental Working Group on Took action to reduce near-shore ❖ Marine Environmental Management has brought together pollution and enhance the quality of the coastal waters of Victoria expertise from across the Government to address the Harbour. problem. In 2018 their achievements included organising joint departmental enforcement actions, co-ordinating massive clean-up operations after Typhoon Mangkhut swamped Hong Kong, working with regional counterparts on emergency response and notification, and engaging with the community.

The cozy Kwun Yam Beach in the Islands District

Pollution Prevention and Control


Thumbs Up for Water Quality Managing Shorelines

The Government has made massive investments in The success in improving water quality has enabled sewage treatment, collection and disposal as well as the Government to turn its attention to the shoreline sewerage collection systems over the years, and these environment. Large quantities of refuse wash up on Hong continued to pay dividends in 2018. All 41 gazetted Kong’s shores every day. The problem was driven home beaches were 100% in compliance with bacteriological when Super Typhoon Mangkhut struck Hong Kong in water quality objectives for the ninth year in a row, while September 2018, leaving massive piles of marine refuse the compliance rate in marine waters and rivers and on beaches and shorelines, a mess that took weeks to streams was a very high 88%. clean up.

The centrepiece of Hong Kong’s water quality programme The work was made smoother through the co-ordination Victoria Harbour has been the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS), efforts of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Marine which collects and treats sewage from around Victoria However, near-shore pollution has been a concern. The Environmental Management, which was renamed in 2018 Harbour. In December 2015 Stage 2A was commissioned Consultancy Study on Further Enhancing Quality of from the Interdepartmental Working Group on Clean and from 2016 to 2018, E. coli counts in the harbour Coastal Waters identified polluted stormwater discharges Shorelines in recognition of its wider scope. The Working dropped to 350 per 100 ml, meeting the Water Quality as the main source of the problem. It recommended Group has members from nine departments under the Objective for secondary contact recreational activities. actions including rectifying the misconnection of sewers steer of the Environment Bureau. Its activities in 2018 to stormwater drains, installing dry-weather flow covered public engagement and clean-up operations. interceptors, and enhancing departmental collaboration and public awareness of the problem. These measures

can effectively reduce coastal pollution and the works are Engagement session with community groups already underway. Public engagement included launching a Facebook page for the Clean Shorelines Liaison Platform to enhance Further away from the harbour, sewage from village communication and interaction with the public; increasing houses contributes to pollution in rivers, streams and Shorelines Clean-up Days to twice a month (these are co- coastal waters. Ongoing work has focused on diverting organised with various community groups); and holding the sewage to public sewers and sewage treatment an engagement session with community groups and Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) works. By the end of 2018, about 13 000 houses in 242 the public to present the Government’s work and seek villages had been connected. feedback and input.

Pollution Prevention and Control


Clean-up operations in 2018 included a joint departmental enforcement action at Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter where 14.5 tonnes of marine refuse were collected and seven fixed penalty notices were issued against littering. This operation was in addition to regular patrols and enforcement actions at beaches, coastal facilities, typhoon shelters and other coastal locations, and the introduction of drinking fountains and education and publicity campaigns to reduce waste at these sites. The Working Group also co-ordinated a joint clean-up at Silverstrand Beach in the wake of Mangkhut, where more than 150 volunteers collected 1 250 kilogrammes of refuse.

Silverstrand Beach Cleanup after Typhoon Mangkhut Marine refuse collection vessel

Pollution Prevention and Control


Regional engagement: Marine refuse can travel large distances and there are two regional bodies to address this problem: the Hong Kong-Guangdong Marine LOOKING AHEAD Environmental Management Special Panel and the Hong Kong-Guangdong Cross Boundary Notification and Roll out more measures to enhance Alert Mechanism. In 2018, the latter saw Hong Kong the nearshore water quality of Victoria Harbour. authorities notify Guangdong eight times about refuse surges, while Hong Kong departments were notified 12 times. The Working Group also sent representatives to Strengthen interdepartmental efforts to the Guangdong Provincial Maritime Search and Rescue tackle marine refuse and handle marine Centre and Anti-pollution Base in to exchange environmental incidents. knowledge on techniques and equipment used to handle incidents in the marine environment. Continue to monitor the performance of HATS Stage 2A and improvements in Victoria Harbour’s water quality.

Photos taken at Guangdong Provincial Maritime Search and Rescue Photos taken at Anti-pollution base in Gaoland Port, Zhuhai Centre

Pollution Prevention and Control



ASSESSMENT Approved the Environmental Impact ❖ Assessment reports for the Hong Kong Offshore Liquefied Natural Gas Taking the terminal, Lei Yue Mun Waterfront Enhancement Project and other Extra Step major projects.

Hong Kong is a modern metropolis and global financial Provided environmental advice centre. As such, it is constantly striving to ensure its ❖ on “Hong Kong 2030+: Towards infrastructure meets its economic and development a Planning Vision and Strategy Transcending 2030” and other goals, while also protecting its abundant resources. The strategic studies. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process provides the framework for achieving both goals, as illustrated Vetted the environmental ❖ implications of 303 funding and by three diverse cases: the construction of the Three policy proposals submitted to Runway System at the airport, which is being adapted the Executive Council, Legislative to protect the Chinese White Dolphin; the Shuen Wan council and other important bodies. Golf Course, which is considering designs to protect bird Continued to organise an exchange roosting sites and avoid adverse water quality impact due ❖ and attachment programme with the to agrochemicals; and the installation of the important Appraisal Centre for Environment and Engineering under the Ministry telecommunications submarine cable system, Asia- of Ecology and Environment Africa-Europe 1, in a manner that protects sensitive areas. to foster connections and collaborations between Hong Kong and Mainland .

Third Runway Complex System

Pollution Prevention and Control


Project Runway

The Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) is expanding White Dolphins. Since more than 200 vessels are involved into a Three Runway System (3RS) to meet the city’s in the construction works and about 125 high-speed future aviation needs. However, construction of this ferries travel each day between the HKIA’s SkyPier and major project entails complex civil engineering works and Zhuhai/Macau, noise from vessels and potential collision environmental impacts, including potential ecological (both between vessels and with the Chinese White impact on the habitat of the treasured Chinese White Dolphins) are major concerns. Several measures have Dolphin (which often appears pink in colour). Moreover, been introduced to minimise the impacts: Pelican barge the scale and complexity of the issues are not easily • Speed limits of 10 knots per hour within work areas addressed through individual mitigation measures. The and dolphin hotspots have been imposed, and project is therefore the first in Hong Kong to require diversions introduced for high-speed ferries. The A pair of "happy" Chinese white dolphins dedicated full-time environmental professionals employed number of ferries using the narrowing water body on-site during construction as one of the conditions of its north of the HKIA has been reduced by about half to • Less disruptive construction methods are being environmental permit. minimise the collision risk and noise disturbance to adopted, such as non-dredged methods for land the dolphins. Speeds and routes are also monitored formation, avoiding marine-bored piling during the An Environmental Team (ET) has been appointed to round-the-clock and non-compliant vessels are dolphins’ peak calving season and adapting quieter Deep cement mixing barges carry out comprehensive environmental monitoring reported to the 3RS Maritime Control Centre. equipment to reduce noise. and auditing in connection with the dolphins, ecology, • 250-metre Dolphin Exclusion Zones have been air, noise, water and other impacts. An Independent established around activities expected to be noisy, Together, these measures will help in avoiding potential Environmental Checker (IEC) has also been appointed such as seawall construction. Trained dolphin environmental impacts from the 3RS. Based on past to audit and verify all environmental monitoring and observers scan the zone for 30 minutes before experience, while the number of dolphin sightings auditing data and other submissions. Both the ET work starts; if no dolphins are spotted, the work can may temporarily drop during the construction phase, and IEC are actively implementing all mitigation and proceed. If a dolphin is spotted during work activity, the animals are expected to return to the 3RS vicinity enhancement measures as stipulated in the approved EIA, the observer will inform the construction supervisor afterwards as there will be a 2 400-hectare marine park Environmental Permit requirements and Environmental and noisy works will cease immediately. The dolphin around the 3RS to protect their habitat. Monitoring and Audit Manual, as well as other relevant observer will continue watching out for dolphins and environmental requirements, to achieve full compliance work can only be resumed after the area is clear for with statutory environmental legislation. 30 minutes.

One important strategy focuses on protecting the Chinese

Pollution Prevention and Control


Teed Up for Conservation

An EIA of the Shuen Wan golf course project has helped Of particular concern has been protection of the Collared The Shuen Wan Golf Course offers a win-win solution that to identify suitable designs and mitigation measures Crow and Black Kite birds that roost at night in the protects the ecology at the restored landfill, while allowing to avoid and minimise environmental impacts. The restored landfill. To minimise disruption to them, tree a golf course development to proceed that will offer measures include providing on-site underground storage groups frequently used by the birds as roosts will be recreational enjoyment for members and the public alike tanks so there will be no discharge of first flush surface preserved and new tree groups will be compensated on- (at least 20% of total tee time will be for use by the general run-off from the golf course to Tolo Harbour, optimising site. The size and orientation of the driving range has public). the use of agrochemicals to reduce their impact, keeping also been reduced and construction will be implemented freshwater consumption to a minimum by harvesting in phases with time restrictions on the use of powered rainwater and stormwater flows, planting new trees on mechanical equipment. In addition, no night-time golfing site including native and locally-adapted species, and will be allowed. implementing numerous other measures to achieve energy saving, waste minimisation, visual improvement and other goals. Tentative layout of the golf course

Black Kite (Milvus migrans) Collared Crow (Corvus torquatus)

Artist impression of the golf course

Pollution Prevention and Control


Submarine Solution The Asia-Africa-Europe 1 (AAE-1) is one of the largest LOOKING AHEAD cable systems ever built. It will provide a 25 000-kilometre telecommunications connection linking Hong Kong with 18 countries across Southeast Asia, the Indian Work with the Airport Authority Hong Kong sub-continent, the Middle East, Africa and Europe. The to ensure all potential environmental impacts benefits include helping to advance Hong Kong’s goal as of the 3RS project are properly avoided, minimised and compensated, including measures a hub for technology, upgrading Hong Kong’s domestic to protect the marine ecology in the area infrastructure, and bringing economic benefits through and the Chinese White Dolphin. faster and more diverse telecoms services and increased bandwidth.

Promote stakeholder liaison and However, the laying of the cable itself has the potential professionalism to enhance the EIA process. to disrupt the seabed and have environmental impacts at the landing site. The project proponent explored multiple options and mitigation measures during the Strengthen connections with Mainland China, early planning stages and came up with a proposal that in particular the Greater Bay Area, and international authorities and experts addressed the concerns sufficiently such that a direct on EIA systems and strategic application for an Environmental Permit could be made to environmental assessment practices. expedite the process, without the need for an EIA. Submarine cable installation by horizontal directional drilling

Seven options for the landing site of the AAE-1 cable at Continue to provide environmental advice Cape D’Aguilar were explored before settling on a location on Government policies, plans and programmes at an early stage. in Lap Sap Bay, which would avoid direct impact on the area’s environmentally sensitive sites. Various cable installation methods were used to cater for the different Explore applications of smart technologies circumstances within the site and minimise impacts, in the field of EIA and environmental planning such as horizontal directional drilling, laying by divers in Hong Kong. and a cable burial tool. Overall, the cable laying project will not cause adverse environmental impacts during its construction and operation and will bring benefits to Hong Cable laying barge Sledge tool for submarine cable installation Kong as a telecommunications hub.

Pollution Prevention and Control



COMPLIANCE Implemented the Mandatory ❖ Producer Responsibility Scheme on waste electrical and electronic Deterrence equipment.

through Outreach Deployed surveillance camera ❖ systems to about 70 illegal waste Effective deterrence relies in large part on ensuring disposal black spots by the end of operators know their obligations. With that in mind, the the year. EPD conducted intensive engagements with industry Stepped up enforcement control in 2018 to smooth the way for new controls on waste ❖ against noise nuisance generated by electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), which came shops when promoting their wares. into effect at the end of the year. The EPD also flexibly deployed more surveillance cameras to help detect illegal waste disposal in places that are difficult to access.

EPD staff member gathering evidence at a recycling site suspected to have illegally handled hazardous electronic waste

Pollution Prevention and Control


Preparing to Control WEEE How to distinguish between e-waste and second-hand REE

The improper handling, disposal and storage of WEEE REE# operations to quickly detect possible offences. As the

Becomes e-waste once abandoned can result in potentially serious problems such as by original owner or user 31 December deadline loomed, blitz operations were

E-waste land contamination and other environmental impacts. conducted with other relevant Government departments

Properly handled (e.g. Undergone testing Yes Destined for reuse for Yes protected by appropriate its originally intended The solution is to control the problem at source and confirmed to be packaging or measures, to at 11 fly-tipping spots and general surveillance visits purpose locally or functioning properly* prevent damage during overseas@ storage or transportation) Yes provide proper recycling outlets for WEEE. In 2018, new No No were paid to 160 potential e-waste dumping spots. The No

Undergone repairing Yes regulations came into effect for handling this waste. This and confirmed to be EPD also visited recycling sites and industrial buildings. functional* was preceded by intensive promotion and preparation to No On 31 December itself, the first round of enforcement

E-waste Second-hand REE* ensure Hong Kong can deal with WEEE in a systematic inspections got underway, revealing one case of illegal # REE includes air-conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, computers, printers, scanners and monitors. The EPD raided two recycling sites at Shek Wu Wai in Yuen Long in * Functionality tests and repairing records shall be properly kept for checking by relevant departments. How@ to distinguish between e-waste and second-hand REE way. The Environmental Protection Department may request relevant operators to provide proof. storage/disposal of e-waste and another involving March and April this year. It was found that the sites illegally stored waste printed circuit boards (PCBs) For downstream control of the WPRS, the Government chemical waste. The first measure to take effect was the Mandatory took steps to regulate the disposal (including storage, Producer Responsibility Scheme on WEEE (WPRS), which treatment, reprocessing and recycling) and transboundary In general, the message to properly handle e-waste received legislative approval in March 2016 and came movement of e-waste. Commencing from 31 December seems to be getting through. No major increases were into effect on 1 August 2018. The WPRS covers regulated 2018, handlers of e-waste have to obtain waste disposal detected in the illegal dumping of e-waste at black spots, electrical equipment (REE), including air-conditioners, licences, except for operators involved in small-scale recycling sites or refuse collection points, suggesting refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, computers, disposal processes including storage, or storage at multi- most of this waste is being funnelled through the correct printers, scanners and monitors. Sellers of REE must storey buildings, while importers and exporters need channels. This is good news for the environment. The EPD conducted enforcement operations in the New Territories and seized hazardous electronic waste at a recycling site in Ta Kwu provide a free service for consumers to remove old permits. By that date, eight licences had been issued, Ling, North District equipment of the same type that they purchased, and while no export or import permit had yet been issued. deliver it to a recycler for proper disposal. The enforcement of these new requirements is being In advance of the WPRS, the EPD visited more than 2 000 done with a carrot-and-stick approach. On the one hand, shops in June and July 2018 and distributed a “Dos and the Government has provided a channel for treating Don’ts” package to enable retailers to get prepared. After and recycling WEEE through the WEEE·Park, which was 1 August 2018, EPD staff inspected about 1 000 shops established in October 2017 and had processed more and received 28 complaints against sellers by the end of than 11 700 tonnes of WEEE by the end of 2018, and held The EPD conducted an inter-departmental enforcement operation on The EPD staff intercepted an imported container from Indonesia at 12 October and detected the illegal handling of hazardous electronic 2018. Some 27 suspected illegal cases were detected, a series of briefings for the trade starting in February the Kwai Chung Container Terminals in May 2018 waste by a recycling site at Ping Shan in Yuen Long with summonses issued to three sellers and the other 2017 to ensure they are aware of their responsibilities. On cases under investigation. the other hand, the Government has organised targeted

Pollution Prevention and Control


Camera Action

Fly-tipping, in which offenders dump rubbish (often construction waste) then hurry off, can be difficult to prosecute. It is usually done in remote places and at late hours when there are unlikely to be witnesses nearby. The EPD therefore has been using surveillance cameras to support its enforcement work in this area.

By the end of 2018, the EPD had flexibly deployed surveillance camera systems at about 70 illegal waste disposal black spots. These systems are equipped with advanced technologies such as photovoltaic panels, small batteries and mobility. The images they capture help to identify offenders and in 2017 and 2018, which resulted in a total 31 successful prosecutions and the issuing of A mobile surveillance camera system installed in a lane (left) and auto-detection of fly-tipping activity as 15 fixed penalty notices against fly-tipping of construction viewed on a portable device (right) waste. The images are also useful in intelligence- gathering to detect patterns and methods of fly-tipping.

The potential of surveillance camera systems does not stop there. The EPD is developing a mobile system that will allow cameras to be quickly deployed at constrained sites, such as back lanes or dimly lit-locations, where it might be difficult to install conventional surveillance cameras on lampposts. It also plans to deploy smart surveillance cameras that are equipped with advanced technologies, renewable energy and other features and could send automatic, real-time push notifications for swift investigation. With these tools, prosecution against A fly-tipping black spot in Ma On Shan before (above) and after (below) the installation of a surveillance fly-tippers will be more effective. camera system

Pollution Prevention and Control


Turning Down the Volume Shops that use loudspeakers to promote their wares LOOKING AHEAD have become a growing nuisance and in 2018 the EPD responded by conducting more than 2 000 inspections and taking legal action in 35 cases. Other shop owners Continue to investigate suspected cases were advised to lower their volume. As a result, noise involving illegal activities and enforce the WPRS strictly. nuisance from shopfront loudspeakers has been reduced.

A loudspeaker located near a residential dwelling

Joint departmental operation

Pollution Prevention and Control



Resource Management



Continued to facilitate the scrutiny Preparing to ❖ of the amendment bill on MSW Pay the Price charging by the Legislative Council. Partnered with some 20 Waste generation has continued to increase in Hong ❖ organisations to conduct MSW Kong, despite a plethora of waste reduction programmes charging trial projects in such sectors as public rental housing introduced into the community. Experience elsewhere estates, rural areas, shopping malls shows that paying for waste disposal is a powerful and the catering trade. incentive to reduce waste. In 2018, the government Earmarked additional funding to introduced a bill for municipal solid waste (MSW) ❖ be spent annually on strengthening charging and continued to strengthen waste reduction waste reduction and recycling, starting from 2019-20. programmes, including the implementation of Producer

Responsibility Schemes (PRS), education and publicity, Continued to provide funding ❖ support for community-initiated programmes and other support for Community Involvement Projects by non-profit-making activities. organisations that focus on MSW charging. By the end of 2018, more than 80 projects had received a total of $75 million via the Environment and Conservation Fund.

Implemented a new PRS on waste ❖ electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The WEEE treatment and recycling facility, WEEE∙PARK, was developed and commenced full operation in 2018 to underpin the PRS on WEEE.

MSW charging promotion booth at Lunar New Year fairs

Resource Management


Waste on the Rise Waste loads in Hong Kong are high by international disposal charges that took effect in April 2017, providing Charging programme Highlights standards. Over the past 30 years, MSW disposal strong evidence that economic measures can be an MSW charging will be implemented in two ways: pre-paid increased by about 78% even though the population effective way to reduce waste. Most inert construction designated bags and labels, and a gate fee based on the Opened the Organic Resources rose by only 32% and waste loads continued to rise in materials were delivered to public fill reception facilities weight of waste disposed. The first method will apply to ❖ Recovery Centre Phase 1 (O·PARK1) to receive food waste from the 2018 (the most recent year for figures). This is putting and other outlets, rather than landfills. most residential buildings, village houses, street-level commercial and industrial sector for enormous strain on our landfills and denting efforts to shops, and institutional premises, covering about 80% recycling and turning into energy improve Hong Kong’s sustainable development. of the daily MSW disposed of at landfills. The MSW will and compost.

have to be properly wrapped in designated bags, which Launched a pilot programme to In 2018, the total quantity of MSW disposed of at landfills come in sizes from 3 litres to 100 litres. A family of three ❖ provide 90 primary and secondary schools with small food waste rose by 6.5% to 11 428 tonnes per day. On a per capita would likely pay about $33-$51 per month for the bags. composters and education kits. basis, daily waste disposed increased to 1.53kg, up from Oversized waste disposed of through the Food and 1.45kg in 2017. This increase was partly attributed to the Environmental Hygiene Department would be disposed Opened two new Community Green ❖ Stations (CGSs) in Tuen Mun and increase in waste as a result of the extensive damage of with a designated label affixed, which will be charged Kwai Tsing. caused by super typhoon Mangkhut, which hit Hong Kong a uniform rate of $11 per piece. The penalty for non- in September 2018, as well as the growth of the local MSW charging trial launch compliance will be a minimum $1,500 fixed penalty – far economy in 2018. If data from September to November higher than the cost of the bags. An Incentive to are excluded (the disposal quantity of these three months ‘Dump Less, Save More’ was more affected by Mangkhut), the MSW disposal rate The gate fee will apply to the remaining 20% of MSW would have been 1.50 kg/person/day. MSW charging sits at the centre of the Government’s disposed of which is collected by private waste collectors overall waste reduction strategy, with good reason. Apart using waste collection vehicles without compactors. On a more positive note regarding waste loads, the from the local example of construction waste charges, They will pay a waste charge of $365-$395 per tonne, disposal of food waste and WEEE fell by 2.6% and experience in other major cities, such as Seoul and Taipei depending on which waste facility the waste is disposed 7.8% year-on-year respectively, coinciding with the City, has shown that quantity based MSW charging is a of. commissioning of the Organic Resources Recovery powerful incentive to reduce waste. In November 2018, Centre Phase 1 (O·PARK1) at Siu Ho Wan and the an amendment bill was introduced into the Legislative Once the bill is enacted, there will be a preparatory period implementation of the PRS on WEEE. Meanwhile, the Council that would enable MSW charging to be of 12-18 months to allow all parties, including the public, overall amount of construction waste disposed of at implemented in Hong Kong. This is being backed up with Government and other stakeholders, to get prepared. landfills fell by 3.0% compared to 2017. This could be programmes to promote waste reduction and separation partly attributed to the increase in construction waste at source.

Resource Management


Preparing for MSW charging In addition, the Government has earmarked additional While MSW charging will be a welcome and necessary annual resources to make recycling easier and more step forward, the Government recognises that the key to accessible for people, starting in 2019-20 and gradually success will be community awareness and education. increasing to no less than $800 million-$1 billion in The public indicated its support for MSW charging in the year that MSW charging is implemented after the the 2014 public engagement process by the Council amendment bill is passed. The amount of this annual for Sustainable Development. The task now is to provision will be commensurate with the estimated gross demonstrate how it can work. A series of activities were revenue to be generated from MSW charging, so as to underway in 2018 to show the community that MSW achieve the effect of a "dedicated-fund-for-dedicated- charging is feasible. use". The earmarked funding will support the expansion of pilot schemes to collect waste plastics from non- • MSW charging trial projects. In November commercial and industrial (C&I) sources and food waste

Different sizes of designated garbage bags wrapped with waste for 2018, the Government partnered with around from certain government and public institutions, schools, illustrative purposes 20 organisations to launch trial projects in such tertiary institutions, non-government organisations, and sectors as public rental housing estates, rural areas, Community Involvement Projects – trial use and monitoring of the private estates. The EPD will also set up outreaching usage of designated garbage bags shopping malls and the catering trade. The EPD teams to provide on-site support to the community in has provided mock designated garbage bags and practicing waste reduction at source and clean recycling. publicity and other support. All these measures will be supported by a publicity • Community Involvement Projects. Since 2015, the campaign, the theme of which drives home the message Environment and Conservation Fund has provided clearly: “Dump Less, Save More” funding support for non-profit-making organisations to try out MSW charging in different settings on a voluntary basis. By the end of 2018, more than 80 projects had received a total of about $75 million.

Display of different designs and sizes of designated garbage bags About 30 of these projects have been completed and resulted in a 10% reduction in waste disposal and a 20% increase in recyclables collected.

Municipal Solid Waste Charging trial project for shopping malls - promotion booth

Community Involvement Projects - promotion and education activities

Resource Management


washing machines, televisions, computers, printers, These measures have been accompanied by extensive scanners and monitors – collectively referred to as outreach and inspection work by EPD (see Environmental regulated electrical equipment (REE). All REE suppliers Compliance). The Government also developed the must register with the EPD and pay a recycling levy. WEEE·PARK to provide an outlet for WEEE in Hong Kong Registered sellers must also fulfil other statutory and underpin the PRS. It came into full operation in March obligations, including the availability of a removal service 2018 and by the end of the year had treated over 10 000 plan endorsed by the EPD before selling REE. When a tonnes of WEEE. This treatment included recycling the seller sells REE and if requested by the customer, the WEEE into secondary raw materials such as copper, seller must arrange a free removal service to dispose of aluminium, iron and plastic, with an overall recovery rate Promotion poster shown in an e-panel of a participating shopping Measurement of the weight of waste wrapped in designated garbage mall bags the same class of equipment in accordance with the exceeding 80% (see Waste Facilities). endorsed plan. In addition, any person who is engaged

Targeted Programmes in storing, treating, reprocessing or recycling abandoned The Government has also begun to implement the PRS on Apart from promoting waste reduction and recycling REE must have an e-waste disposal licence and all glass beverage containers progressively. Regional waste generally, the Government is targeting specific kinds of importers and exporters of REE must have a permit. glass containers collection and treatment services were problematic waste with mandatory recovery programmes provided by two contractors in 2018 and collected more and tailored infrastructure. than 13 000 tonnes of waste glass containers, which was 60% higher than the quantity collected through voluntary WEEE, glass and plastic recycling programmes in 2017. Meanwhile, the number PRS enshrines the “polluter pays” principle by requiring of glass beverage collection points for catering premises relevant stakeholders, including manufacturers, importers, tripled in 2018 and the number of residential collection Briefing on the trial project for participating restaurants wholesalers, retailers and consumers, to share the points exceeded 1 500. responsibility for the collection, recycling, treatment and disposal of end-of-life products. It also helps to close the

loop for a circular economy. The PRS on WEEE, covering air-conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, computers, printers, scanners and monitors (collectively referred to as REE), came into effect on 1 August 2018 The first PRS implemented in Hong Kong is the Plastic Shopping Bag Charging Scheme, which was introduced in 2009 and fully implemented to cover the entire retail sector in 2015. The PRS on WEEE is the second PRS, which came into force in 2018. It controls the collection, Measurement of size of waste bins for considering suitable sizes of designated garbage bags for participating restaurants treatment and recycling of air-conditioners, refrigerators, Glass bottle recycling bin

Resource Management


beverage sector to launch the "Plastic-Free Takeaway, began operating in 2018 to treat up to 200 tonnes per day Space is also a grave concern for recyclers. The Use Reusable Tableware" campaign to encourage of food waste. The second phase (O·PARK2) will open in Government has established the 20-hectare EcoPark members of the public to go plastic-and-disposable-free 2022 to treat up to 300 tonnes per day. In addition, the in Tuen Mun Area 38 to provide long-term land at an for takeaway orders (see Community Awareness). EPD and Drainage Services Department began a trial of affordable cost. Since 2007, 12 lots have been leased to anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and sewage sludge. private recyclers, including a lease approved in 2018 for a Food waste (See Waste Facilities for more details of these facilities). local waste paper recycler. The WEEE·PARK is also located More than one-third of MSW is comprised of food waste. With better public education, collection and treatment, inside the EcoPark. In addition, the Government has been But just like metals, glass and other wastes, food waste there are promising signs that Hong Kong can reduce allocating suitable land for short-term tenancies that are can also be turned into beneficial products, such as food waste and save landfill space. exclusively open to bidding by recycling industries. By the Glass bottle recycling bin at shopping centre compost and biogas. The Government therefore has end of the year, 22 such sites had been awarded. Moving forward, the Chief Executive undertook in her been developing programmes and facilities to reduce and Supporting Recyclers

2018 Policy Agenda to press ahead with a PRS on recover food waste. Recycling is an important component of the circular plastic beverage containers, which account for 60% of economy because it means waste can be turned into waste plastic containers disposed of in Hong Kong. The Food waste collection programmes started in 2011, value. The Government has been supporting Hong Kong’s Government will make reference to the arrangements when on-site composters were provided to housing recyclers through the Recycling Fund and the EcoPark, in other jurisdictions and consider providing economic estates. Since then, 35 housing estates with about 82 000 and by encouraging people to practice clean recycling so incentive to encourage the public to return used plastic households have joined the programme and in 2018 they collected items are useable by the industry. beverage containers for recycling. The application of collected 415 tonnes of source-separated food waste that reverse vending machines is also being explored to was recycled into about 44 tonnes of compost. Schools In 2015 the Government established a $1 billion Recycling enhance the recovery efficiency of used plastic beverage are another target. In December 2018, the Government Fund to help recyclers upgrade their operational containers. launched a pilot programme to provide small food capabilities and efficiency. The scope of this programme waste composters and education kits to 90 primary and was expanded in 2018 by increasing the maximum In parallel, the Government has been reviewing the Plastic secondary schools, to cultivate a “food wise” culture and amount of funding for equipment from $20 million to $50 Shopping Bag Charging Scheme as well as planning demonstrate food waste recycling. Businesses are yet million, and expanding the types of eligible equipment to a consultancy study on the feasibility of regulating another target – about 850 organisations have signed the treat not only waste paper and waste plastics but also disposable plastic tableware in future. With that in mind, Food Wise Charter and pledged to reduce food waste, for waste metals and food waste. By the end of 2018, some a “Plastic Free Beach, Tableware First” campaign was example by offering portioned meals. The Government 170 projects had been supported with total funding of launched at public beaches in the summer of 2018 to has also announced a pilot programme to offer free about $127 million. The Government also conducted a encourage beach vendors and visitors to reduce their collection of food waste from C&I sources. mid-term review of the Recycling Fund and drafted a use of plastic straws and tableware. The EPD also joined basket of enhancement measures that will be rolled out The EcoPark administrative building the Environmental Campaign Committee and food and The first treatment facility for food waste, the O·PARK1, gradually in 2019.

Resource Management


Community Green Station Community Green Stations (CGSs) are progressively being set up to strengthen the support for waste LOOKING AHEAD reduction and recycling at district level. In 2018, two new

CGSs opened in Tuen Mun and Kwai Tsing (in additional Provide support to the Legislative Council to Review the effectiveness of the to those in Shatin, Eastern, Kwun Tong, Yuen Long and scrutinise the amendment bill for MSW charging. Plastic Shopping Bag Charging Scheme. Sham Shui Po districts), bringing the total to seven.

Continue to conduct MSW charging trial projects Conduct a feasibility study on controlling or and community involvement projects. banning disposable plastic tableware.

Implement pilot outreaching services to strengthen Roll out enhancement measures for the Recycling on-site support for waste reduction and recycling in Fund, which have been drawn up based on a mid- Eastern, Kwun Tong and Sha Tin districts. term review carried out in 2018.

Roll out a pilot programme for free collection of Cease providing plastic straws or polyfoam lunch The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing (third right), The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing (right), attends presents awards to the winners of the open group at the Design Idea the Design Idea Competition for Wan Chai Community Green Station waste plastics from non-C&I sources in Eastern, boxes in Government canteens serving Competition for Wan Chai Community Green Station award ceremony award ceremony and sees the design concepts entries on display Kwun Tong and Sha Tin districts. Government employees, and include provisions in new or renewed contracts requiring operators of Government canteens, restaurants and eateries to stop using plastic disposable tableware as far as Roll out a pilot programme for free collection of practicable. food waste starting with C&I food waste.

Prepare for the opening of new Map out the way forward for a PRS on plastic Community Green Stations in Tai Po, beverage containers and explore the application of the Islands, Sai Kung and Wan Chai districts. reverse vending machines to enhance recovery efficiency of used plastic beverage containers.

Prepare relevant subsidiary legislation for implementing the PRS on glass beverage containers.

The Tuen Mun Community Green Station launched full services from on 13 November 2018 to encourage members of the public to practise waste reduction and clean recycling, and to foster a green community

Resource Management



Commissioned Hong Kong’s first Value Added to ❖ O·PARK to treat food waste from the Our Rubbish commercial and industrial sector. Opened the WEEE·PARK to treat What people throw away as “waste” often has value, ❖ this waste and turn it into reusable either for reuse or recycling or for turning into products materials.

such as compost and electricity. The Government has Proceeded with building food ❖ been ramping up treatment facilities for Hong Kong’s waste pre-treatment facilities for co-digestion with sewage sludge at waste to extract maximum value from it and reduce the the Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works. quantity that needs to be landfilled. In 2018, two new Set up a temporary yard waste facilities opened, the Waste Electrical and Electronic ❖ shredding facility to handle the large Equipment Treatment and Recycling Facility (WEEE·PARK) quantities of felled trees that resulted to handle waste electrical and electronic equipment and from Super Typhoon Mangkhut as well as other yard waste. the Organic Resource Recovery Centre Phase1 (O·PARK1) to treat food waste. Progress was also made towards Received a Merit Award for T·PARK ❖ in the Hong Kong Institute of commissioning a large treatment facility for municipal Landscape Architects Design solid waste and expanding the capacity of our landfills. Awards.

Continued with design and ❖ construction works for the Integrated Waste Management Facility, which will open in 2024.

Commenced construction of the ❖ extension of the Southeast New Territories Landfill and continued with construction of a landfill gas utilisation plant at the West New Territories Landfill.


Resource Management


Treating Waste

The Government’s priority for waste management is The waste is dismantled, detoxified and recycled into to reduce and recycle as far as possible. The waste reusable materials. Its opening followed that of Hong reduction and collection programmes described in the Kong’s first sewage sludge treatment facility, the Waste Reduction chapter help address the problem at T·PARK, which was fully commissioned in 2016 and source. But once waste is collected, we still need to treat uses waste-to-energy technology to reduce the bulk of it to extract any remaining value from it and reduce its sewage sludge by up to 90%. Both facilities have been bulk as much as possible to save landfill space. The designed with green building features and the T·PARK Government has earmarked several facilities to meet this is also a community amenity, with features such as an need. environmental education centre, spa pools, café and bird sanctuary. In 2018, T·PARK won a Merit Award in Integrated Waste Treatment Facility (IWMF): The IWMF the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects Design is the centrepiece of our waste treatment plans and it will Awards. be built on an artificial island near Shek Kwu Chau to treat WEEE·PARK processing lines up to 3 000 tonnes of municipal solid waste each day with high-temperature incineration. The process will extract energy from the waste that will be used to generate electricity at the IWMF, with the surplus exported to the power grid each year (expected to amount to about 480 million kilowatt hours). Another 200 tonnes of waste will be handled by a mechanical treatment facility to recover useful resources therefrom. Design and construction T time - Coffee grounds body scrub workshop T Time - Tote bag X’mas tree workshop works are proceeding with the goal of commissioning the facility in 2024.

WEEE·PARK and T·PARK: Other treatment facilities target specific types of waste. One of the two prominent examples is the WEEE·PARK, which opened in March 2018 to support the implementation of the producer responsibility scheme on WEEE (see Waste Reduction). WEEE·PARK buffer storage T time - Natural balm workshop Summer party – Denim remake

Resource Management


The Special Case Of Yard Waste

Food Waste: Food waste accounted for 31% of MSW Super Typhoon Mangkhut struck Hong Kong in Mangkhut had a silver lining in that Hong Kong now has in 2018, the largest share of any type of waste. The September 2018, the most powerful storm to hit in additional means for treating yard waste, Christmas trees Government has been encouraging people to reduce food decades. In its wake, it left thousands of tonnes of felled and peach blossom trees from the holiday season. After and other organic waste while also developing facilities to trees and other debris. The EPD was called on to provide shredding, the treated waste is used for such things as a treat this waste. In 2018 the O•PARK1 was commissioned a rapid response. It established a temporary yard waste bulking agent in the composting process at O•PARK1, as at Siu Ho Wan in North Lantau to treat up to 200 tonnes shredding facility to handle the tree waste and recover solid fuel, as mulch and compost for planting purposes, per day of food waste from the commercial and industrial valuable resources. About 1 300 tonnes of the tree waste or as alternative cover for use at landfills. The havoc sector. It is the first facility of its kind in Hong Kong and were shredded for reuse or recycling following the storm. wreaked by the short-lived storm has been harnessed for one of the largest in Asia, and it uses advanced anaerobic Some of the tree waste was collected by the public and a longer-term good. digestion and composting technologies to convert food interested parties for upcycling. waste into biogas for power generation. Once it is fully operational, it is expected to generate about 14 million kilowatts of surplus electricity per year, equivalent to the energy consumption of about 3 000 households, as well as about 6 500 tonnes of compost.

Food waste

The EPD is now developing O•PARK2, which will open at Sha Ling in North District in 2022 with a capability to treat 300 tonnes per day of food waste, and a Food Waste/ Sewage Sludge Anaerobic Co-digestion Trial Scheme in collaboration with the Drainage Services Department. The latter will pre-treat food waste then mix it with sewage sludge. Special pre-treatment facilities are under construction at the Shuen Wan Leachate Pre-treatment Works in Tai Po. The six-year trial will get underway in 2019 when the pre-treated waste will be combined with The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing (left), visited an area set aside for temporary wood waste collection in the Kai Tak Food waste sewage sludge at Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works. Development Area to learn more about its operation

Resource Management


Landfills for the Remnants

Landfill capacity is an ongoing concern in Hong Kong, stop receiving waste. 13 retired landfills have been LOOKING AHEAD which has limited options for developing new landfills. Our restored and some of them have been converted to other waste loads have increased over the past two decades, uses, such as a golf driving range and a football training due in large part to a growing population and vibrant centre. In 2018, approval in principle was given to the Commence the Food Waste/Sewage Sludge Anaerobic Co-digestion Trial in Tai Po. economy. In 2018, the most recent year for statistics, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals to develop a camping and MSW disposed at landfills reached 11 428 tonnes per green education ground at the restored Tseung Kwan O day, up 6.5% over 2017. Waste reduction, recycling and Stage 1 Landfill. Just like waste itself, landfills can have Continue with design and construction treatment programmes aim to reduce the quantity of value beyond their intended use. of IWMF Phase 1. waste to be landfilled. But we still need landfills with Waterfront of the former Tseung Kwan O Stage I Landfill was adequate capacity for the leftovers. developed into a cycle track cum footpath and was opened to the public in June 2012 Commence operation of the landfill gas utilisation The EPD therefore has developed plans to expand the plant at West New Territories Landfill. capacity of each of Hong Kong’s three strategic landfills. In 2018, construction works began on the Southeast Seek funding approval for the O·PARK2 and New Territories Landfill Extension (SENTX), tender continue to search for suitable sites for the documents were being prepared for the Northeast New remaining phases. Territories Landfill Extension (NENTX), and design and site investigation works were underway for the West New Territories Landfill Extension (WENTX). District Liaison Continue with the extension works of the strategic landfills. Groups have been established to keep local communities informed and address any concerns they may have.

Develop a yard waste handling and In addition, since landfill gas is a valuable energy source, processing centre for government yard waste. landfill gas utilisation plants have been installed at Ma Yau Tong West - Part of the site has been developed into a sitting-out area SENT Landfill and NENT Landfill and a new one is being developed at WENT Landfill. Surplus landfill gas from Explore production of biochar from yard waste WENT will be used for electricity generation. with a view to turning yard waste into energy and useful products.

Landfill sites can also be put to gainful uses after they

Resource Management


ENERGY Highlights

Tightened energy efficiency Progressing to a ❖ standards in the Building Energy Code by 18% compared with those Low Carbon Future in 2012.

The Government has deployed multiple initiatives to Accelerated tax deductions for ❖ mitigate Hong Kong’s impacts on climate change and renewable energy and energy- efficient installations in buildings. advance our goal of reducing Hong Kong’s carbon intensity by 65-70% by 2030, compared with 2005 Reduced electricity consumption ❖ levels. The initiatives in 2018 included approving the in Government buildings by 4.9% compared with 2015-16. power companies’ Development Plans for 2018-23 which include essential capital projects to increase Added five new types of products ❖ to the Mandatory Energy Efficiency the proportion of natural gas in the fuel mix for Labelling Scheme. electricity generation, finalising various programmes to be implemented under the new Scheme of Control Launched the Energy Saving for All ❖ 2018 Campaign. Agreements (SCAs) that promote renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency; improving the energy-efficiency Announced programmes to be ❖ implemented under the new SCAs standards for new and existing buildings and offering to take effect from 1 October 2018 incentives to do so; and engaging the community to and 1 January 2019. contribute to Hong Kong’s transformation into a low- carbon city.

The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing (first right), viewed the solar energy system at Tsuen Wan Sports Centre

Resource Management


Focused on Power

Electricity generation accounts for 66.9% of Hong Leading by example: Internally, the Government aims Kong’s greenhouse gas emissions (as of 2017, the most to reduce electricity consumption by 5% within its own recent year for figures), making it a big target for carbon buildings from 2015-16 to 2019-20, using 2013-14 as emissions. The Government is working on that goal by the base year. By the end of 2018 we were nearly there, using cleaner fuels for electricity generation and reducing having achieved a reduction of about 4.9%. Within the energy consumption, both through policy measures and EPD and ENB, electricity consumption fell even further, through leading by example. by 5.8%. Several measures have helped in achieving the Government targets, including conducting energy SCAs: SCAs are agreements with the two power audits of 340 Government buildings with relatively companies laying out the terms for providing safe, high annual electricity consumption and implementing reliable and affordable electricity while also helping to energy-saving projects worth about $900 million, such achieve Hong Kong’s environmental goals. In 2018, as retrofitting greener central air-conditioning systems the Government, together with the power companies, and installing LED lighting. We also established a $1 finalised and announced the programmes to be billion fund to support the installation of small-scale RE implemented under the latest SCAs, including those on facilities in Government buildings, venues and community the promotion of energy efficiency and conservation and facilities. In addition, Government departments are the development of RE in the community, effective from 1 actively developing large-scale RE projects, such as October 2018 and 1 January 2019 respectively. Regarding the installation of larger-scale solar energy systems at Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation RE, the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) has been introduced to provide suitable locations in reservoirs and landfills. incentives for the community to invest in distributed RE (see below). The Government also approved the power companies’ Development Plans for 2018-23 in regards to the new SCAs, which cover essential capital projects that contribute positively to reducing carbon emissions in Hong Kong and improving our air quality, including new gas units to reduce the use of coal in electricity. generation.

The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing visited the arena at Tsuen Wan Sports Centre, which uses daylight sensors to enhance energy efficiency

Resource Management


Promoting RE adoption in the community: Apart from developing RE within the Government, we are also creating the conditions to encourage the private sector to follow suit. The FiT Scheme introduced in 2018 has been accompanied by a series of other measures to help the public to develop RE, such as relaxing restrictions on the installation of photovoltaic (PV) systems on rooftops in New Territories Exempted Houses, announcing a new scheme to install small-scale RE systems for eligible schools and welfare non-governmental organisations, revamping the “HK RE Net” to provide relevant information on RE and its installation, setting up a hotline to handle enquiries about RE from the private sector, arranging seminars and briefings for the trade, etc. These initiatives have contributed to an enthusiastic response to the FiT Schemes, under which the power companies received about 1 500 applications by the end of December 2018. That compares favourably with only about 200 private RE systems connected to the power companies’ grids over the decade before the FiT Schemes were introduced, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of the FiT Schemes in promoting RE in the community.

The Feed-in Tariff (FiT) Scheme

Resource Management


Greener Buildings

Buildings account for about 90% of electricity Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance (BEEO): Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme: Tax incentive: Building owners and operators can claim consumption in Hong Kong. Making them more energy In 2012, the BEEO came into effect, establishing This scheme requires energy labels be affixed to a tax deduction for capital expenditure on environmental efficient will help significantly reduce Hong Kong’s mandatory energy-efficiency standards for central air- electrical appliances, so consumers can make informed protection installations, including renewable energy and carbon emissions. The Government has therefore rolled conditioning, lighting, electrical, and lift and escalator choices. The appliances include various types of room energy-efficiency installations. In 2018, the tax deduction out measures to reduce building energy consumption, services installations in new buildings and in buildings air-conditioners, refrigerating appliances, compact period was shortened from five years to one year, in including mandatory requirements, incentives and the undergoing major renovation. These standards are set fluorescent lamps, washing machines, dehumidifiers, order to promote more investment in these installations. promotion of energy efficiency practices. out in the Building Energy Code (BEC), which was last televisions, storage-type electric water heaters and To be eligible, claimants should be registered under the updated in 2018 to enhance energy efficiency standards induction cookers. Looking ahead, the scheme will voluntary Energy Efficiency Registration Scheme for by 18% compared with the standards set in 2012. The continue to be expanded in phases to cover more types of Buildings, which recognises buildings that outperform the contribution of these measures is expected to be huge appliance. statutory BEC standards. – saving Hong Kong about 27 billion kWh in electricity consumption by the end of the coming decade and Outreach: To promote energy efficiency in buildings, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 19 million the Government has conducted outreach with small tonnes. The Government will continue to review the Code and medium enterprises involved in renovation works and tighten the standards on a regular basis. and organised visits to companies and business organisations. One initiative includes promoting retro- commissioning (RCx) of buildings, which is a cost- effective practice for energy efficiency and conservation. Among other things, the Government has been organising training and briefing sessions and updating the related technical guidelines. We also promoted RCx at the regional level in November 2018 by signing a Memorandum of Co-operation with counterparts and professional bodies in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.

The Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance

Energy Label Newsletter

Resource Management


Promoting Energy Saving

Energy Saving for All: The annual Energy Saving Finally, the campaign recognised premises that adopt for All campaign encourages the public to combat innovative approaches and/or renewable energy through climate change by saving energy. In 2018, the focus the Energy Saving Championship Scheme. At a June was on fostering intersectoral collaboration between 2018 ceremony, the winners of the 2017 scheme were the Government, business sector, non-governmental announced from a field of 317 premises that included organisations, schools and tertiary education institutions. shopping malls, offices, commercial & industrial buildings, These sectors were all encouraged to sign the Energy residential buildings and housing estates, hospital, hotels, Saving Charter, which asks that they maintain average shops, restaurants, NGOs and educational institutions. indoor temperatures at 24-26 degrees Celsius in the The 2018 round was also launched with the introduction summer months, switch off electrical appliances when of a new category for students to inspire their creativity they are not in use, procure energy efficient appliances, and imagination in helping Hong Kong to advance to a and engage staff and students to adopt energy saving low-carbon future. practices. The Charter has more than 3 900 signatories.

The Energy Saving for All campaign also comprised the 4T Charter, which asks premises to set a target for energy saving, include a timeline, apply transparency in tracking progress, and encourage people to work together to achieve the target. Some 1 300 premises have pledged to support the Charter.

The Energy Saving for All 2018 Campaign, co-organised by the Environment Bureau and the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

Energy Saving Charter

Resource Management


Promoting energy-related innovation and technology Lights off: An award ceremony in June 2018 commended (I&T): Promotion of I&T can help combat climate change. 4 800 organisations from a wide range of sectors that are In this connection, the Electrical and Mechanical Services supporting the Charter on External Lighting. Participants LOOKING AHEAD Department (EMSD) launched the E&M InnoPortal in agree to switch off lighting installations with decorative, June 2018, which lists the service needs of various promotional or advertising purpose during the preset Continue to implement measures to government departments, public organisations and the time, to reduce the effect on the outdoor environment and promote energy efficiency and green buildings. trade. Universities and start-ups can propose related I&T save energy. More than 3 300 participants are Platinum solutions for meeting these service needs. For matched Awardees who switch off their installations from 11pm- solutions, the EMSD will carry out field trials at EMSD 7am and 1 200 are Gold Awardees who switch off theirs Continue to monitor the development of RE Headquarters or other suitable government premises to from midnight-7am. in both the public and private sectors and introduce additional measures to further assess the efficacy and effectiveness of the proposed encourage the adoption of RE as appropriate. solutions and provide post-trial reports to the solution In August 2018, the Working Group on External Lighting providers. was set up to review the effectiveness of measures to

manage external lighting and advise the Government on Continue to engage the public through more measures to better manage these installations. different community outreaching events.

The E&M InnoPortal launched in June 2018

The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing officiated the Award Presentation Ceremony for the Charter on External Lighting

Resource Management


NATURE Highlights

CONSERVATION Established the Countryside ❖ Conservation Office (CCO) to co-ordinate and promote Nurturing Our countryside conservation and Natural World revitalisation. Conducted a study to formulate Hong Kong has abundant natural resources, from deep ❖ proposals for enhancing the valleys that are home to a rich variety of species, to recreation and education potential of country parks and special areas. mangroves, dozens of beaches and many green hillsides. These resources require protection and enhancement to Continued implementing a three- ❖ step plan to phase out the ivory ensure they will be in good shape for future generations trade and increase penalties for illicit to enjoy. In 2018, the Government continued rolling out trade in endangered species. programmes to achieve that goal, as well as to inspire Continued implementing the the public’s appreciation of the natural world. In addition, ❖ Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan we took actions to fulfil our international obligations to 2016-2021. protect endangered species with the implementation of a Continued pursuing an exceptional, phase-out plan for the trade in ivory. ❖ non-in-situ land exchange proposal to protect the ecologically significant Sha Lo Tung site, and identified suitable minor improvement works at Sha Lo Tung and Lai Chi Wo.

Pyramid Hill - Ma On Shan Country Park

Resource Management


New Conservation Initiatives

A major new development in 2018 was the establishment After considering the views collected, four proposals were of the CCO to co-ordinate conservation projects and shortlisted, namely enhancing existing facilities, setting promote sustainable development in the remote up open museums for historical relics, introducing tree countryside. Some $1 billion has already been earmarked top adventure activities, and providing glamping sites to implement minor improvements works and support and eco-lodges. These proposals will be put forward in a non-profit-making organisations (NPOs) to engage public consultation in 2019 to collect public opinions. villagers in conservation and revitalisation activities in the remote countryside.

An initial priority for the CCO is to focus on revitalisation Sha Lo Tung comprises a diversity of habitats including stream, marsh and woodland around Lai Chi Wo and ecological conservation of the rich habitat around Sha Lo Tung. Sha Lo Tung is subject to a unique and exceptional non-in-situ land Wartime communal stoves at Tai Tam Country Park (Quarry Bay exchange to protect its special habitat. The exchange Extension) arrangements are still in discussion, but in the meantime, the Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF) Committee approved funding in January 2018 for implementing a Nature Conservation Management Agreement project for the site. This will enable an NPO to conduct proactive conservation management of the habitat and species at Sha Lo Tung. The CCO also began preparatory work Wetland habitats in Sha Lo Tung support a rich biodiversity of ecological significance Enjoy camping at campsites in country parks to establish the Advisory Committee on Countryside Enhancing the Potential of Country Parks and Special Conservation and launch the Countryside Conservation Areas Funding Scheme to support NPOs and villagers in In 2018, the AFCD commissioned a consultancy study to implementing diverse and innovative conservation explore opportunities for enhancing the recreation and activities in the remote countryside. Both initiatives are education potential of country parks and special areas. expected to be up and running in 2019. Various public engagement activities, such as interviews with stakeholders, surveys and engagement workshops, were organised under the study. Ecotour on introducing Chinese Herbs in Country Parks

Resource Management


Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan • And to promote community involvement, the The framework for the Government’s efforts to conserve Government organised the 2018 Hong Kong biodiversity is the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Biodiversity Festival with the support of 48 partners. 2016-2021 (BSAP), which we continued to implement The theme was “City within Nature”, to help people in 2018. The BSAP has four action areas – to enhance appreciate natural features within the city and conservation, mainstream biodiversity by incorporating the urban interaction with nature. More than 100 it across all sectors, improve knowledge and promote activities were offered from October to December, The fruits of Aquilaria sinensis (also commonly known as Heung tree The tiny fragrant flower of Aquilaria sinensis contains five spreading or Incense tree) are obovoid in shape and covered with dense short calyx lobes with scale-like reduced petals community involvement – and we made progress in each such as guided eco-tours to projects such as slope hairs area. and vegetation works, green premises, and heritage sites. There was also a film screening, the Mr B • To enhance conservation, we published the Adventure Truck which travelled around the city and Incense Tree Species Action Plan in 2018 to provide brought biodiversity-related games to residents, a pragmatic framework of conservation measures for workshops, exhibitions, seminars, volunteer sustaining this tree species, from which Hong Kong programmes and family days. Separately, the derives its name. Preparatory work also proceeded Government also produced educational packages on A highlight of the HKBF 2018 was the Mr B Adventure Truck. The Truck travelled around different areas in Hong Kong to interact with the public, towards designating the new Southwest Lantau nature conservation for pre-schoolers. enabling them to learn about biodiversity in the city through games Marine Park in 2020. • To mainstream biodiversity, the Government has been proceeding with several drainage projects that adopt the concept of revitalising water bodies, with an aim to promoting greening, biodiversity and water- friendliness while achieving efficient drainage. • To improve knowledge, we commissioned various studies in 2018 on priority topics such as invasive alien species, territorial habitat mapping, and developing an online information-sharing platform.

With the support of 48 partners including government departments, universities and organisations from various sectors, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department organsied the Hong Kong Biodiversity Festival 2018. The three-month festival themed "City within Nature" offered more than 100 fun-filled activities to enhance public awareness of local biodiversity and cultivate appreciation of nature in urban areas

Resource Management


Phasing out the Ivory Trade The Government is committed to contributing to global conservation aims, particularly the enforcement of the LOOKING AHEAD Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). On 31 January 2018, a Establish the Advisory Committee bill was passed that enables Hong Kong to phase out on Countryside Conservation. the lingering ivory trade with a three-step approach and impose higher penalties for offences.

Launch the Countryside Conservation Funding Three pieces of illegal worked ivory seized at the airport. The Step 1, which came into effect on 1 May 2018, bans the specimens were covered in paint to evade detection Scheme to support community-initiated conservation and revitalisation projects. import and export of all elephant hunting trophies that had previously been permitted and any remaining ivory items acquired after elephants were listed under CITES Consult the public on recommendations to (i.e., post-Convention ivory items). Step 2, effective enhance the recreation and education from 1 August 2018, bans the import and re-export of potential of country parks and special areas. pre-Convention ivory except antique ivory and requires that the commercial possession of this ivory be subject Celebrate the 40th anniversary of to a licensing control similar to that for post-Convention the MacLehose Trail. ivory. The third step, which will be effective from 31 A three-step approach was adopted to phase out the ivory trade. The December 2021, will ban possession of any ivory except highest penalties for illegal trade in endangered species were raised to a $10 million fine and 10-year imprisonment to provide stronger antique ivory for commercial purposes. deterrent effects Continue implementing the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. The increase in penalties also came into effect on 1 May 2018. The maximum penalties for smuggling and illegal trade in endangered species were increased to a $10 Continue preparations to designate a new country park and three new marine parks million fine and 10-year imprisonment to provide stronger deterrent effects.

Implement and monitor the phasing out These measures are intended to support international of the ivory trade. efforts to protect endangered species, including elephants, which are in danger of extinction.

Resource Management



Stakeholder Engagement


BUILDING Highlights

PARTNERSHIPS Collaborated with the Hong Kong ❖ Construction Association to produce a trip-ticket guide for construction Team Efforts and demolition waste from private works projects. Anti-pollution laws signal to operators that they

must improve their environmental performance, but Conducted 52 environmental ❖ compliance is more complex than simply enacting laws. building audits for Quality Building Management Competitions in Wong Often, polluters need assistance, advice and a friendly Tai Sin, Kowloon City and Kwun ear to understand their challenges and how these can Tong districts. be overcome. The EPD’s partnership programme has Visited about 50 vehicle repair been operating for two decades to build bridges and ❖ workshops to promote good demonstrate that improving the environment is a team environmental practices. effort. The partnerships have also provided a template for Implemented a plan with other addressing specific pollution problems, such as efforts in ❖ Government departments to reduce 2018 to reduce air pollution from ritual on-street burning. air quality nuisance from ritual burning.

Keynote speeches delivered by honoured guest and various speakers at the Joint SHE Seminar

Stakeholder Engagement


Partnership Progress

The EPD has formal partnerships with the construction Finally, EPD participated in industry awards programmes. industry, property managers, restaurants and vehicle The HKCA Environmental Awards Presentation was jointly repair workshops. Every year, EPD officers reach out organised by the HKCA, Development Bureau (DevB)and and engage with operators in these four industries and EPD, and EPD served on the judging panel with the DevB. collaborates with them on specific projects. This work More than 160 participants attended the presentation continued in 2018. ceremony. EPD also helped out in the Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme organised by the DevB, Construction Industry which has a category on Outstanding Environmental The Joint EPD-HKCA Seminar 2018 The Hong Kong Construction Association (HKCA) was Management and Performance.

the EPD’s first formal partner and it has been a significant The EPD also continued to participate in professional focus of activity ever since. The partnership has involved seminars for the trade. A joint Environmental Forum

new initiatives, regular seminars, and award schemes. among Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD); EPD and MTR Corporation Limited A highlight of the year was the trip-ticket system (MTRCL) was held in November 2018, focusing developed by the HKCA and EPD, called the HKCA Practice on environmental monitoring and audit. About Guide on Construction and Demolition Waste Disposal in 130 participants attended from other government Private Works Projects. The guide shows how to monitor departments, the Hong Kong Airport Authority, the amount of waste generated, keep track of its disposal, consultants, contractors and the MTRCL. Another event, Awards were given to honour contractors for their outstanding achievements in environmental performance and establish a chain of custody, similar to the system the Joint Safety, Health and Environment Seminar, was used in public works projects. Such a system is not only jointly organised by CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd, EPD, Civil good for the environment but also operators, because it Engineering and Development Department, Highways enables them to identify surplus inert materials for use in Department, the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers, MTRCL other construction sites that might otherwise have been and Vocational Training Council. The seminar drew an disposed at landfills. The trip-ticket system was promoted audience of about 700 and EPD gave a keynote speech to the trade at a joint EPD-HKCA seminar in June 2018 on environmental monitoring and audit in reclamation attended by about 120 participants. projects.

Snapshots of keynote speeches delivered by honoured guest and various speakers at the Joint SHE Seminar

Stakeholder Engagement


Other Partnerships • Restaurants. Public talks on air pollution control • Vehicle repair workshops. The EPD continued Regular visits and activities were organised with EPD’s equipment to remove cooking fumes were offered to have regular contact with vehicle repair trade other key partners. Some of the highlights included: throughout the year for potential restaurant license associations and visited about 50 individual • Property management. The EPD was an assessor applicants. The talks reminded participants of the workshops in Happy Valley and Tai Hang to promote in the Quality Building Management Competitions need to control cooking fumes from the outset to good environmental practices. organised by the , Kowloon City and avoid causing air pollution. Kwun Tong District Councils, and conducted 52 environmental audits of buildings. There was a notable improvement in the standard of building management and number of green measures being implemented in buildings, such as green roofing, use of solar energy systems and food waste composting. Separately, a number of talks were delivered to property management companies on environmental laws and practical prevention and mitigation measures.

Cooking fume emission control for the restaurant and catering Promotional visits to vehicle repair workshops trade

Quality Building Management Competition (QBMC) Awards Presentation Ceremonies of the Wong Tai Sin District

Stakeholder Engagement


Green Ritual Burning Air pollution caused by burning joss papers in improperly public and raises concerns among Kowloon City District LOOKING AHEAD designed furnaces has been a recent target for improving Council Members. After discussion, the FEHD arranged to local air quality. The joss papers are burned during accommodate paper burning at its Public Funeral Parlour the annual Yu Lan (Hungry Ghost) Festival and other from 4 hours per day in 2018 to 5.5 hours per day before Continue to collaborate with the ancestral and funeral rites. Previously, the EPD took and after festivals, when paper burning tends to increase. construction trade and related stakeholders to organise activities that promote actions to reduce burning during the Yu Lan Festival. In This applied to the Ching Ming and Chung Yeung Festivals good environmental practices. 2018, it collaborated with the Food and Environmental in 2018. Hygiene Department (FEHD) to address this problem around funeral homes. That initiative was backed up by a joint publicity exercise Collaborate with vehicle repair by the EPD, FEHD, Fire Services Department and Hong trade associations to organise a seminar on environmental legislation and Their target was undertakers in Hung Hom, where about Kong Police that asked operators to reduce street-side good practices relevant to the trade. 100 shops provide funeral services including about 50 burning. A letter and leaflet on best practices was also undertakers licensed by the FEHD. Paper offerings are issued by the EPD and FEHD. The result was encouraging: frequently burned on the street, adversely affecting fewer complaints were received during the Ching Ming Continue to collaborate with FEHD the local residents. This attracts complaints from the and Chung Yeung Festivals. to provide a free paper offering burning service at the Public Funeral Parlour and extend this to other festivals, such as Yu Lan that feature a high demand for ritual burning.

Joint publicity exercise by EPD, FEHD, FSD and Police in Oct 2018

Stakeholder Engagement


COMMUNITY Highlights

AWARENESS Launched the Reusable Tableware ❖ Lending Programme for organisers of large events, as well as a promotion A Helping Hand to encourage the public to use plastic-free, reusable tableware. The EPD and Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) have been working with partners in Government and the Organised the Zero Waste Fun Fair ❖ community to bring home the message that everyone to celebrate World Environment Day, and the Green Lunar New Year Fairs must join forces to help protect our environment. The Programme. focus for 2018 was firmly on waste reduction, particularly Provided more than $216 million to reducing the use of plastics and disposables. We ❖ support 174 community-initiated provided a full range of support that included funding, projects through the Environment organisational support, recognition of green efforts, and Conservation Fund.

and strong messaging to ensure everyone is aware of Received 2 034 entries for the ❖ their responsibility in helping Hong Kong to achieve a 2018 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence and Hong sustainable future. Kong Green Innovation Awards, and honoured 201 winners from 2017.

Welcomed more than 122 000 ❖ visitors to the Fanling, Wan Chai and Mobile Environmental Resources Centre and the Lung Fu Shan Environmental Education Centre, as well as 288 000 to the five Community Green Stations (see Waste Reduction chapter).

Enrolled more than 10 100 students ❖ in the Schools Environmental Protection Ambassador Scheme and awarded 59 schools with the Hong A wide selection of reusable tableware for lending to large-scale event organisers for free Kong Green School Award. Use reusable tableware to reduce waste at source

Stakeholder Engagement


Say ‘No’ to Plastic Tableware

Plastic waste is a growing global concern, so much so In November 2018, the Plastic-Free Takeaway, Use In December 2018, the EPD and ECC launched the that the United Nations declared “Beat Plastic Pollution” Reusable Tableware Campaign (Phase I) was jointly Reusable Tableware Lending Programme to minimise as the theme for the 2018 World Environment Day (WED). kicked off by the EPD, ECC and Hong Kong Catering the use of single-use plastic tableware at large-scale The Hong Kong Government has taken that message to Industry Association to promote the concept of “Go events and enhance the public’s environmental heart. Several programmes were progressively rolled out Plastic-free” to the general public. Three major fast awareness. With funding from the Environment and to encourage both caterers and the public to reduce the food chains – Café de Coral, Fairwood and Maxim’s Conservation Fund (ECF), 5 000 sets of reusable use of single-use plastic tableware, while the Government MX – joined the Phase I Campaign and gave a sticker tableware were produced, including a bowl, cup, spoon, also began to explore the possibility of introducing to customers for each disposable-free takeaway order. fork and pair of chopsticks, that organisers of large events Volunteer ambassadors promote the message of plastic-free beaches controls. to members of the public at Repulse Bay Beach after the launch Customers who collected six stickers could redeem a set can borrow for free. Free delivery, collection and cleaning ceremony of the "Plastic Free Beach, Tableware First" campaign of reusable stainless-steel cutlery or complimentary hot service are provided to make it easy and affordable for First, the Plastic-Free Beach, Tableware First campaign drink provided by the fast food chains. event organisers to go green. was launched by the EPD in the summer of 2018 to encourage catering outlets and beach visitors to reduce the use of disposable plastic tableware at beaches and help achieve a plastic-free ocean. Eateries on or near beaches agreed to avoid handing out disposable tableware as far as possible, ranging from fish ball stalls The Government collaborated with the food and beverage sector to hold the “Plastic-Free Takeaway, Use Reusable Tableware” publicity to high-end eateries. and education campaign since November

Poster to encourage the public to reduce the use of disposable plastic tableware when they order takeaways by providing suitable (Above and Below) Reusable Tableware Lending Programme was The Government held the "Plastic Free Beach, Tableware First" campaign at all public beaches in July to October incentives launched in December 2018

Stakeholder Engagement


There will be more developments on the plastic-free front booths, enjoy food and drinks, participate in upcycling The programme helped to promote waste reduction and to come. The Government plans to take the lead in 2019 workshops and art jamming, join a book-crossing, and the conservation of resources to both stall operators and to ban plastic straws and polyfoam food containers in listen to live music, story-telling and talks, among other visitors of the Lunar New Year Fairs. canteens and premises serving mainly Government staff activities. Kwun Tong Community Green Station was and to require tenderers for canteens and restaurants in also a partner in the Fun Fair and organised a swap party Government-managed venues to pledge to avoid using and green workshops, while other Community Green disposable plastic tableware. Investigations are also Stations and several public libraries also organised underway on how to implement a producer responsibility parallel activities to celebrate World Environment Day. The scheme for plastic product containers, starting with Zero Waste Fun Fair also featured a prize presentation Secretary for the Environment interacted with workshop participants plastic beverage containers (see Waste Reduction for winners of the ECC MTR Environmental Award for The Green Lunar New Year Fairs programme, which had chapter). Getting the whole community on board to say no Schools, which involved poster design and short video a pilot run in Cheung Sha Wan in 2017 and was expanded to plastic tableware and reduce this type of waste will be competitions on the “Dump Less, Save More” theme. to five fairs in 2018 (Cheung Sha Wan, Kwun Tong, Tsuen the long-term goal. The-then Chairman of the Environmental Campaign Committee, Mr Wan, Yuen Long and Victoria Park), promotes waste Lam Chiu-ying and Big Waster visited green stalls at Tsuen Wan Green Lunar New Year Fair Engaging the Community reduction and recycling and the sharing of resources.

Raising awareness is not simply a matter of creating a Before the fairs kicked off, a Green Entrepreneurship compelling message. The way it is disseminated can Programme was organised to provide workshops and deepen its impact. The EPD and ECC have on-going advice to young entrepreneurs, particularly secondary and new programmes to enhance their message school and tertiary institution students, on how to dissemination to the widest possible audience. incorporate green elements into their business operations at the fairs. During the fairs, Green Ambassadors shared Secretary for the Environment tried snacks made of unsold food World Environment Day has become a signature green collected from wet markets green tips, shopping bag-sharing stands were set up event in the city’s calendar. In 2018 the activities involved where people could donate or pick up reusable bags multiple sectors and activities, under the theme “Dump for use, and stall operators pledged to reduce waste at Unsold goods and other useful resources were collected by NGOs for Less, Save More”. A Zero Waste Fun Fair was organised at source and practice clean recycling. Afterwards, unsold redistribution the Zero Carbon Building involving nearly 40 Government goods and other used materials, such as marquees and departments, non-government organisations, green furniture, were collected for on-site redistribution or groups, community groups and public utilities. The fair donation to charities, while other recyclables including was divided into four zones – Green Eating, Green Playing, bamboo sticks, wooden pallets, unsold peach blossom Green Learning and Green Handicrafts – where members trees, in addition to waste paper, plastics and metals, were of the public could visit the interactive promotional also collected at the fair sites for recycling or upcycling. Participants had fun at Zero Waste Fun Fair

Stakeholder Engagement


Waste Reduction Challenge Honours for Schools and Businesses

Green events in general have also become a focus for Some 21 celebrities from different spectrums were invited Role models are important in demonstrating that the EPD. The Reusable Tableware Lending Programme to take the lead and carry out an online waste reduction environmental sustainability is an achievable goal. The mentioned above is one initiative. So is the Green Event challenge against the Government’s waste mascot, Big Government has long-established awards programmes to Guidebook that the EPD published in late 2017, targeting Waster, and encouraged to nominate friends to take up recognise and promote these role models in the schools waste reduction at community events of all scales. At a the challenge, too. Participants can join the challenge and business sectors. ceremony in 2018, representatives from more than 40 freely by posting their waste reduction action and hashtag organisations, including banks, property development #wastereductionchallenge on social media to spread the Schools: The Hong Kong Green School Award (HKGSA) companies, the convention and exhibition industry, public message to their friends, relatives and followers. held its 16th award ceremony in September 2018, when and non-profit making organisations, community groups, 59 schools were honoured for their achievements in

th universities and district organisations, pledged to use The 14 Tai Kok Tsui Temple Fair with its plastics free Poon Choi environmental policy and green campus environment; Banquet implemented the green measures of the Green Event the Guidebook to guide their future event planning. The Guidebook such as using reusable tableware, reusable tablecloth, no environmental management, environmental education bottle water or wet wipes were distributed to the participants; the ceremony also featured a mini green services exhibition food waste collected was delivered to the Pilot Composting Plant at plan and implementation; and environmental education the Kowloon Bay Waste Recycling Centre for further treatment to introduce participants to companies providing these effectiveness. 49 of the honourees were primary and services in the Hong Kong market. secondary schools who competed in a field of 181 entries, while 10 pre-schools were selected from 48 entries. The primary and secondary HKGSA schools were also eligible to compete in the Schools category of the Hong Kong

Secretary for the Environment kicked-off the 21-day online Waste Environmental Awards for Excellence (HKAEE). Reduction Challenge with celebrities at World Environment Day 2018 Zero Waste Fun Fair

In addition, 25 schools received Green Lunch School Awards at the HKGSA ceremony for their efforts to reduce food waste and avoid use of disposable tableware. The The Hong Kong Rugby Sevens 2018 continued adopting its waste reduction plan based on the green measures suggested in the Green ECC, EPD and Education Bureau also launched the NO Event Guidebook and showcased many green initiatives such as “$10 discount for beer jug refills” and “no plastic straws” in the event Disposables Campus Award for primary schools to raise awareness and go plastic-free. The result will be announced in 2019.

Stakeholder Engagement


Businesses: The HKAEE celebrated its 10th anniversary Eligible companies or organisations can also apply for at an award presentation ceremony in May 2018, when Hong Kong Green Organisation (HKGO) Certification if 48 firms received gold, silver or bronze awards and 146 they demonstrate multiple environmental achievements, LOOKING AHEAD firms received certificates of merit for their performance such as possessing ISO 14001 certificate, possessing in green leadership, programme and performance, certificates in waste reduction, energy saving, carbon Continue to encourage the public to and partner synergy. In addition, 24 companies and reduction, indoor air quality, and/or enhancing the reduce waste, particularly in avoiding the use of organisations received a 10th Anniversary Special Award environmental attributes of products. Since 2008, more disposable plastics and recycling properly for their continued support of the HKAEE and their than 14 900 certificates have been issued and more than sustained commitment to environmental protection. 1 800 companies have obtained the HKGO title, including The HKAEE event also saw seven companies receive 460 awarded in 2017. Collectively, participants have Continue to engage the community and promote the Government’s the Hong Kong Green Innovations Award based on their recycled more than 330 000 tonnes of waste paper, metal new environmental initiatives. level of innovation, environmental achievement and and plastics, saved 121 million kilowatt hours of energy, cost effectiveness, and practicability and contribution to and reduced carbon dioxide emission by more than

society. 379 000 tonnes. Continue to organise environmental commendation schemes and other activities targeting different sectors of the community.

Green activity of the participating school of 16th HKGSA

Officiating guests kick-started the Presentation Ceremony of 2017 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence

Representatives of Gold Award winning organisations shared the stage with the Chief Excecutive at the Presentation Ceremony of 2017 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence Secretary for the Environment presented awards to one of the winning schools of the Hong Kong Green School Award

Stakeholder Engagement



Sustainable Development



DEVELOPMENT Supported the SDC in preparing to ❖ engage the public on a long-term decarbonisation strategy for Hong Preparing to Kong.

Engage on Carbon Awarded a total $6.5 million to ❖ seven projects in the 13th round of Reduction applications under the Sustainable Climate change is a global challenge that affects Development Fund.

everyone. Under the influence of climate change, Selected the best five proposals Hong Kong experienced the damaging effects of Super ❖ for the Proposal Award under the Typhoon Mangkhut in 2018. The Government has Sustainable Development Promotion Award for Students of Higher been endeavouring to combat the impacts of climate Education Institutions. change and has pledged to formulate a long-term decarbonisation strategy by 2020 that will be reviewed every five years. To help the Government fulfil this commitment, the Council for Sustainable Development (SDC) has begun preparations for a territory-wide public engagement exercise that will be launched in 2019.

A literary walk in a country park organised by the award winning team, “Criss Cross Country Parks” under the Sustainable Development Promotion Award for Students of Higher Education Institutions

Sustainable Development


Getting Everyone on Board Support for Community Actions

The Paris Agreement was signed by 196 signatories a low-carbon society; reducing energy use and further The Government provides funding and organises various • Schools. Two ongoing programmes provide in 2015, who pledged to act promptly to reduce decarbonising electricity generation; and low-carbon schemes to encourage schools and community groups incentives for schools to embrace sustainable global warming. As China is a signatory to the pact, transport in a smart city. to participate in, take action and initiate sustainable development. The Sustainable Development School it also applies to Hong Kong. To fulfil this obligation, development programmes in their institutions and Award Programme honoured more than 50 schools the Government plans to formulate a long-term Public views on these areas will be sought during the neighbourhoods. The highlights in 2018 included: in 2018 for their efforts to raise awareness and decarbonisation strategy to reduce Hong Kong’s carbon three-month public interaction phase of the engagement • Higher education. The second round of the promote action among students and the nearby emissions. But it also needs the public to be involved and exercise. There will also be forums and briefings with Sustainable Development Promotion Award for community. And the Sustainable Development engaged in this issue, which will require all members of members of the public and stakeholders, as well as Students of Higher Education Institutions was School Outreach Programme organised seminars, society to do their part. The SDC therefore is planning a public education and publicity campaigns. The collected launched in December 2017. Projects are awarded workshops and interactive dramas for about 80 public engagement exercise to raise awareness about the views will be analysed by an independent agency and at the proposal and implementation stages. The five secondary schools in 2018. impact of carbon emissions and gauge the views of the incorporated into the recommendations that the SDC will recipients of the Proposal Award in 2018 covered community in developing strategies and measures for make to the Government – recommendations that will be such topics as country parks and waste reduction, carbon reduction. based on a concerted effort to get everyone on board in and four were implemented by the end of the year. the battle to mitigate climate change. The Implementation Award and an Outstanding The exercise, to be launched in 2019, will adopt a bottom- Project Award will be announced in 2019. up and stakeholder-oriented approach. Preparations in 2018 included setting up a Support Group on Long-term Prize Presentation Ceremony of the 2016-2018 Sustainable Decarbonisation Strategy with experts from different Development School Award Programme fields to assist in planning and implementation. Six focus • Sustainable Development Fund. In the 13th round group meetings were held during the year with more than of applications, seven projects were awarded a total 100 stakeholders from 88 organisations in a wide range of of about $6.5 million on such topics as sustainable Meeting of the Support Group on Long-term Decarbonisation A dragon boat made from used plastic bottles by the award sectors, including academia, professional organisations, Strategy winning team, “WasteChange HK” under the Sustainable consumption behaviour study, no plastic campaign Development Promotion Award for Students of Higher youth groups, non-governmental organisations, green Education Institutions and promoting sustainable development to ethnic groups, District Councils, chambers of commerce, energy minorities. Since its establishment in 2003, the Fund audit and energy technology organisations, transport, has awarded a total of $76 million to 74 projects. property management, and advisory bodies on the environment.

From this input, the SDC identified three key areas for more in-depth public discussion: the transition towards Technical seminar on decarbonisation opportunities

Sustainable Development



Support the SDC in launching a public engagement exercise on a long-term decarbonisation strategy for Hong Kong.

Drama of the 2018/2019 Sustainable Development School Outreach Prepare to launch the 14th round of applications Programme to promote low-carbon living under the Sustainable Development Fund.

Hold the prize presentation ceremony for the Sustainable Development Promotion Award for Students of Higher Education Institutions.

A game booth by Sustainable Development Fund Grantee to promote sustainable use of resources

Briefing Session for the 13th round of Sustainable Development Fund applications

An organic planting activity to work with the nature organised by the school given with the Outstanding Performance Award

An exhibition held by Sustainable Development Fund Grantee to promote sustainable seafood

Sustainable Development



Cross-boundary and International Co-operation



AND International

INTERNATIONAL Invited the Council for Sustainable ❖ Development to launch a public CO-OPERATION engagement exercise on Hong Kong’s long-term decarbonisation Think Global, strategy. Launched the Low Carbon Living Act Local ❖ Calculator. Climate change and air pollution are separate yet related Introduced controls on short-chain problems. Both result in large part from emissions – ❖ chlorinated paraffins and tributyltin climate change from greenhouse gas emissions and compounds to the Hazardous air pollution from emissions of air pollutants. Since Chemicals Control Ordinance, in accordance with the listing of emissions do not respect boundaries and have regional those chemicals in Annex III to the and global effects, they require collaborative solutions. Rotterdam Convention. The Government has been working closely with our regional counterparts on air pollution and upholding our international obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In 2018, among our many initiatives was the launch of a joint study with Guangdong on post-2020 air pollutants emission reduction targets and the launch of the Low Carbon Living Calculator to help people understand and reduce their carbon emissions.

Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge

Cross-boundary and International Co-operation


Carbon Reduction Reducing Hong Kong’s carbon emissions is a prominent Highlights concern for the Government. Our total greenhouse gas emissions in 2017 (the most recent year for figures) was Regional 40.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, down 2.4% compared with 2016, while the population grew by Jointly established a science team ❖ about 0.75% during the same period. The Government will with Guangdong to launch a study on post-2020 regional air pollutants continue to bring these emissions down much further. emission reduction targets and concentration levels for Hong Kong To develop a long-term decarbonisation strategy in and Guangdong. line with the goal of the Paris Agreement, in 2018 Completed the Guangdong-Hong the Government invited the Council for Sustainable ❖ Kong-Macao Joint Regional PM2.5 Visit the Low Carbon Living Calculator dedicated website (www. Development (SDC) to launch a public engagement Study. exercise (see Sustainable Development). The exercise will Held meetings with regional be held in 2019 and the views collected will inform the ❖ counterparts from and SDC’s recommendations to the Government. Macao.

Organised an environmental The Government also wants to raise people’s awareness ❖ technology workshop on the of what they can do to minimise their carbon footprint. In regional movement of hazardous 2018, we launched the Low Carbon Living Calculator to waste for the Pan Pearl River Delta Regional Environmental encourage the public to assess their carbon emissions in Co-operation Joint Conference. regards to living, travel, food and clothing. The calculator also offers carbon reduction tips to promote a low carbon The Low Carbon Living Calculator is featured in the Eco Expo Asia lifestyle. Moreover, $5 million has been reserved under the 2018 to promote the new theme of "Waste Less, Save More for a Low-carbon Future” Environment and Conservation Fund to support non-profit organisations in carrying out public education activities and demonstration projects to combat climate change. The Government also held a Carbon Audit Seminar for listed companies in 2018. Climate change is clearly an issue that the Government cannot address on its own. Everyone will have to do more.

Cross-boundary and International Co-operation


Regional Co-operation

Hong Kong and Guangdong have been collaborating including the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Joint National engagement: The Government also engages

on environmental matters for more than two decades Regional PM2.5 Study that was finalised in 2018. Hong with national authorities on issues of interest. In 2018, through the Hong Kong and Guangdong Joint Working Kong and Guangdong have also established a new team we held meetings with the Ministry of Environmental Group on Sustainable Development and Environmental to study new emission reduction targets that will take Protection on how we can support and prepare for tighter Protection. One of the key achievements in recent years effect after 2020. The aim in all cases is to work towards new requirements on imports of recyclables to Mainland has been our success in setting joint air pollution targets achieving healthy, sustainable air quality across the Pearl China. and reducing emissions. This trend continued in 2018. At River Delta region.

the same time, the Working Group is preparing to set new Cleaner production: Hong Kong-owned enterprises targets towards achieving healthier air quality across the Other regional events: The Government meets regularly operating in Guangdong and Hong Kong have been The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing (sixth left), entire Greater Bay Area. with several of our counterparts in the region. In July officiated at the opening ceremony of the 2018 Macao International encouraged to adopt cleaner production technologies Environmental Co-operation Forum & Exhibition with Macao Special 2018 we held the 10th Hong Kong-Macao Environmental Administrative Region Government officials and other guests in since 2008, when the Cleaner Production Partnership Macao Regional air quality has been steadily improving, as Protection Liaison Meeting to exchange views on various Programme was jointly initiated by the Hong Kong and measured through the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao environmental issues, and in October organised an Guangdong governments. More than 3 100 funding PRD Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network. From environmental technology workshop in the Pan Pearl projects have been approved to help operators adopt 2006 to the end of 2018, annual concentration levels of River Delta Regional Environmental Co-operation Joint cleaner technologies and practices, and about 550

sulphur dioxide (SO2) fell by 81%, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) Conference on the cross-province and cross-boundary technology promotion activities have been organised. by 28% and respirable suspended particulates (RSP) by movement and disposal of hazardous waste. Closer Enterprises pursuing cleaner production are honoured 36%. Since 2015 we have also measured fine suspended to home, the 26th Hong Kong-Shenzhen Environmental through the Hong Kong-Guangdong Cleaner Production particulates (also known as PM2.5) and carbon monoxide Co-operation Forum was held in December with our Partners Recognition Scheme. In 2018, 153 enterprises (CO) and both have fallen regionally by 13%. Despite this Shenzhen colleagues, where we discussed air and water were commended. progress, ozone (O ) concentrations, which contribute to quality improvement measures and environmental 3 The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing (first left), regional smog, have increased by 21%, indicating further monitoring and management. We also continued to called on the Office for the Development of the Energy Sector of the Macao Special Administrative Region to learn about its energy policy alleviation measures are needed. operate the Hong Kong-Guangdong Cross Boundary to promote photovoltaic generation Notification and Alert Mechanism through the Hong Each party has been striving individually to reduce Kong-Guangdong Marine Environmental Special Panel. emissions of all these pollutants from all sources, including vehicles, power generation, industry and products, and the HKSAR Government’s recent efforts are described here. We are also working on joint programmes,

Cross-boundary and International Co-operation



Collaborate with the Department of Ecology and Environment of Guangdong Province to enhance co- operation in combating climate change.

The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing (first left) co- Strengthen exchanges between Hong Kong and chairs in the fifth meeting of the Hong Kong-Guangdong Joint Working Group on Cleaner Production with the Director- Guangdong on air quality forecasting and enhance General of the Department of Industry and Information Technology capabilities for forecasting atmospheric pollution in the of Guangdong Province, Mr Tu Gaokun (first right), to discuss and review the work progress in 2018 and agree on the 2019 work plan Pearl River Delta (PRD) region.

Continue to implement further control measures under the PRD Regional Air Quality Management Plan and The 10th presentation ceremony of the Hong Kong-Guangdong Cleaner Production Partners Recognition Scheme was held in Guangzhou. The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing (back row, seventh left), is pictured with the Director-General of the Department of release data from the PRD Regional Air Quality Industry and Information Technology of Guangdong Province, Mr Tu Gaokun (back row, eighth left), as well as other officiating guests and Monitoring Network. representatives of commended enterprises

Cross-boundary and International Co-operation

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