Hindawi BioMed Research International Volume 2019, Article ID 4943150, 10 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/4943150

Research Article Rhizosphere Bacterial Community Characteristics over Different Years of Sugarcane Ratooning in Consecutive Monoculture

Xiaoning Gao , Zilin Wu, Rui Liu, Jiayun Wu, Qiaoying Zeng, and Yongwen Qi

Guangdong Bioengineering Institute (Guangzhou Sugarcane Industry Research Institute), Guangdong Key Lab of Sugarcane Improvement and Biorefinery, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510316, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Xiaoning Gao; [email protected] and Yongwen Qi; [email protected]

Received 6 June 2019; Revised 17 September 2019; Accepted 26 September 2019; Published 11 November 2019

Academic Editor: Jose´ L. Campos

Copyright © 2019 Xiaoning Gao et al. /is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. To understand dynamic changes in rhizosphere microbial community in consecutive monoculture, Illumina MiSeq sequencing was performed to evaluate the V3-V4 region of 16S rRNA in the rhizosphere of newly planted and three-year ratooning sugarcane and to analyze the rhizosphere bacterial communities. A total of 126,581 and 119,914 valid sequences were obtained from newly planted and ratooning sugarcane and annotated with 4445 and 4620 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), respectively. Increased bacterial community abundance was found in the rhizosphere of ratooning sugarcane when compared with the newly planted sugarcane. /e dominant bacterial taxa phyla were similar in both sugarcane groups. accounted for more than 40% of the total bacterial community, followed by and . /e abundance of Actinobacteria was higher in the newly planted sugarcane, whereas the abundance of Acidobacteria was higher in the ratooning sugarcane. Our study showed that Sphingomonas, Bradyrhizobium, Bryobacter, and Gemmatimonas were dominant genera. Moreover, the richness and di- versity of the rhizosphere bacterial communities slightly increased and the abundance of beneficial microbes, such as Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Streptacidiphilus, in ratooning sugarcane were more enriched. With the consecutive monoculture of sugarcane, the relative abundance of functional groups related to energy metabolism, glycan biosynthesis, metabolism, and transcription were overrepresented in ratooning sugarcane. /ese findings could provide the way for promoting the ratooning ability of sugarcane by improving the soil bacterial community.

1. Introduction development of new methods to extend the ratooning period has become a major focus in sugarcane production. /e Sugarcane (Saccharum officenarum L.) is the most important reasons behind challenges associated with consecutive sugar crop in China. Cane sugar accounts for approximately monoculture are complex and are the result of long-term 90% of the total sugar produced in China, and it plays an interactions between a plant, soil, and microbes [2]. Plant important role in ensuring sugar safety and meeting the daily cultivation is a viable means to manipulate the composition needs of people. At the same time, the sugar industry has and function of resident soil microbial communities. /e become the primary source of income for many farmers in microflora imbalance between the soil and roots leads to the region, enabling them to cast off poverty and set out on reduced microbial diversity and number of beneficial bac- the road to prosperity [1]. Consecutive monoculture is a teria present and increases the number of pathogens and common method for sugarcane cultivation; it can increase then hinders normal plant growth and development [3]. efficiency and lower costs, while reducing the requirement Hiltner first proposed the concept of rhizosphere in for seeds and labor. However, there are challenges associated 1904, suggesting that the surface of the root system and the with the consecutive monoculture of ratooning sugarcane, soil area directly affected by the root system be called the including low yields, degradation of quality over time, and rhizosphere [4]. Metabolites present in the rhizosphere, such the increased presence of pests and diseases. /erefore, the as organic acids and carbohydrates secreted by plant roots, 2 BioMed Research International provide favorable conditions for the growth and re- CA, USA). Afterwards, DNA concentration was measured production of microorganisms. /erefore, many soil mi- by a spectrophotometer (NanoDrop 2000, /ermoScientific, crobes are active in the rhizosphere, making it the primary USA) and the quality of DNA extracts was detected by 0.8% area for plant-soil-microbe interactions, material and energy agarose gel electrophoresis. exchanges, and signal communication [5]./erefore, many soil microbes are active in the rhizosphere, making this area 2.3. PCR Amplification and Illumina MiSeq Sequencing. the primary location for interactions among plants, mi- /e bacterial community composition was assessed by se- croorganisms, and soil and their environment. /e rhizo- quencing the V3-V4 region of 16S rRNA gene using specific sphere is an important interface for plant-soil-microbe primers 338F (5′⁃ACTCCTACGGGAG -GCAGCA⁃3′) and interactions, material and energy exchange, and signal 806R (5′⁃GGACTACHVGGGTWTCTAAT⁃3′). /e PCR communication [5]. /e number and variety of microor- reactions were carried out in a 25 μL reaction mixture ganisms within the rhizosphere are much higher than those containing 1.0 μL each primer, 0.5 μL dNTP, 10 μL Buffer, outside it [5, 6]; rhizosphere microorganisms can affect plant 0.25 μL Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase, 5 μL High GC growth and development, resistance to biotic and abiotic Enhancer, and 20 ng soil DNA template. /e PCR condi- stresses (by altering osmotic potential), signal exchange tions for were initiated at 98°C, 5 min (initial de- rates, and enzyme activity during plant cell metabolism naturation); 98°C, 10 s; 50°C, 30 s; 72°C, 30 s (for 25 cycles); [7–10]. A large number of studies have shown that the 72°C, 5 min (final extension), and then at 4°C hold. Next, the microbial community structure in the rhizosphere is affected PCR products were equally mixed. After full mixing, 2% by many factors, such as the growth environment and the agarose gel electrophoresis was used to detect the target characteristics and developmental stages of the microbes bands, and QIAamp DNA Micro Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, present [11–13]. USA) was used to recover the target band products. Se- For the consecutive monoculture of sugarcane, it is of quencing libraries were prepared by TruSeq Nano DNA LT great importance to understand dynamic changes in rhi- Library Prep Kit (Illumina, USA). /e constructed libraries zosphere microbial community in order to artificially in- were checked by Agilent Bioanalyzer, and the qualified li- tervene and improve ratooning ability. In this study, high- braries were sequenced by Illumina MiSeq platform throughput sequencing was used to study the rhizosphere (Shanghai Personal Biotechnology Co., Ltd, China). bacterial community of newly planted and three-year ratooning sugarcane. /e characteristics of bacterial com- munity in the rhizosphere of sugarcane were analyzed, and 2.4. Data Analysis. Paired-end sequencing of community changes in the bacterial community of the newly planted and DNA fragments was carried out on the Illumina MiSeq ratooning sugarcane were investigated. /e results of our platform. /e raw sequencing data were screened for quality study could provide a new idea for overcoming the diffi- and merged by FLASH software. /e merged reads were culties of ratooning sugarcane and promote sugarcane identified and assigned to the corresponding samples to production. obtain the valid sequences of each sample. QIIME pipeline was used to identify the questioning sequence, to check and 2. Materials and Methods filter the chimeric reads, and to count the high-quality se- quence numbers. /e UCLUST sequence-matching tool was 2.1. SamplingLocationand SamplesCollection. Sampling was used to merge the high-quality sequences and assign op- carried out in Dongsancun, Guandu Town, Wengyuan erational taxonomic units (OTUs) at 97% similarity. /e County, Shaoguan City, one of the major sugarcane planting number of OTUs shared by each sample was calculated using areas in Guangdong Province (24°16′59″N, 113°56′24″E). R software, and the proportion of common and unique /e sugarcane variety used in our study was Yuetang 08- OTUs for each sample was presented by the Venn diagram 196, which has good ratooning ability. In November 2018, [14, 15]. Mothur software and the statistical algorithm of rhizosphere soil samples of newly planted (planted in March, Metastats [16] were used to perform a pairwise comparison 2018) and three-year ratooning (planted in March, 2015) of the differences in sequence quantity (i.e., absolute Yuetang 08-196 were collected. /e five-point sampling abundance) between the samples (groups) of each taxon at method was used, and three plants were selected from each the phylum and genus levels. /e UniFrac distance of dif- sample point. Litter and soil around the root were removed ferent groups can be presented in boxplots. Combined with with a shovel. At a depth of 20–30 cm from the surface, the the statistical results, boxplots are helpful to comprehen- soil attached to the root was collected and placed in a 50 mL sively describe the differences between the structures of sterilized centrifuge tube. Samples from different sample microbial communities within and between groups, and to points were mixed and numbered and brought back to the analyze the taxonomic composition of the community at the laboratory in an ice box. /e samples were stored at –80°C phylum and genus levels, thus showing the main distribution for DNA extraction and high-throughput sequencing. characteristics of the community samples. /e top 50 most abundant genera were clustered and analyzed to plot the heatmap. A linear discriminant analysis (LDA) effect size 2.2. DNA Extraction. /ree replicates of rhizosphere soil (LEfSe) was performed to evaluate the bacterial taxa dif- DNA from different treatments were extracted according to ferentially represented between the different treatments [17]. Fast DNA SPIN extraction kits (MP Biomedicals, Santa Ana, /e PICRUSt method was used to compare the 16S rRNA BioMed Research International 3 sequencing data with the KEGG database and to compare 2015 2018 the abundance differences of metabolic pathway.

3. Results 3.1. Sequencing Results and Microbial Diversity Analysis. A total of 126,581 and 119,914 valid sequences were obtained 2589 2031 2414 from newly planted and ratooning sugarcane valid se- quences from the raw data after splicing (Table S1). Se- quences were clustered by OTUs at 97% similarity, and the abundance of different OTUs in all samples was obtained. /e Venn diagram (Figure 1) shows that there were 4,445 OTUs in rhizosphere soil samples of newly planted sugar- Figure 1: Venn diagram of OTUs between the three-year cane and 4,620 OTUs in samples from three-year ratooning ratooning sugarcane (2015) and the newly planted sugarcane sugarcane, which indicated that the rhizosphere bacterial (2018). community of ratooning sugarcane was richer than that of the newly planted sugarcane. /e bacterial richness (Chao1 and ACE) and community Table 1: Calculations of Chao1, ACE, and Shannon indices for diversity (Shannon index) were estimated. /ere were no treatments of three-year ratooning sugarcane (2015) and the newly significant differences of bacterial richness and community planted sugarcane (2018). diversity in the rhizosphere soil of the three-year ratooning Treatments Chao1 ACE Shannon sugarcane compared with the newly planted sugarcane 2015 2847.81 ± 560.84 2922.89 ± 659.04 9.81 ± 0.10 (Table 1). 2018 2779.16 ± 545.64 2865.55 ± 572.70 9.73 ± 0.17 Values indicate the means followed by standard error of the mean. 3.2. Microbial Community Structure. A principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) based on the Bray–Curtis algorithm clearly revealed that the soil microbial community structures varied PCA among treatments (Figure 2). Two treatments were clearly 2018 − 1 separated from each other. Of the total variance in the dataset, the first two principal components together explained 80.80% of the total bacterial communities. In 0.2 addition, the first principal component (PC1) was the most important, accounting for 60.24% of the total variation of the bacterial communities. NMDS were obtained to compare and analyze the dif- 2015 – 1 2018 – 2 ferences between and within groups, which can directly 2015 – 2 reflect the differences in bacterial community structure. /e 0.0 PC2 (20.56%) structure of rhizosphere bacterial communities pertaining to newly planted sugarcane and three-year ratooning sugarcane were compared between and within groups. Figure 3 shows 2015 – 3 that there was a significant difference between sugarcane groups and that this difference was significantly higher than –0.2 2018 – 3 the differences within groups. /ese results suggested that there were significant differences in rhizosphere bacterial community between the newly planted sugarcane and the –0.2 –0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 three-year ratooning sugarcane. PC1 (60.24%) Group 2015 3.3. Rhizosphere Bacterial TaxonomicComposition. Based on 2018 the analysis of the top 20 most abundant , the Figure dominant phyla in the two sugarcane groups included 2: Principal component analysis based on the distance Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Chloroflexi, matrix calculated using the Bray–Gurtis algorithm for soil samples , , , and collected from the rhizosphere of the three-year ratooning sug- arcane (2015) and the newly planted sugarcane (2018). Patescibacteria (Figure 4(a)). Proteobacteria was the most dominant phylum, accounting for more than 40% of the total number of species present, followed by Acidobacteria ratooning sugarcane, Acidobacteria accounted for a higher and Actinobacteria. In the same habitat, the proportion of proportion, while Actinobacteria accounted for a lower each phylum in the sugarcane rhizosphere varied between proportion when compared to the rhizosphere of the newly different ratooning years. In the rhizosphere of three-year planted sugarcane. 4 BioMed Research International

Group distances Group distances 1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 Distance Distance 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0 2015 vs. 2018 vs. 2015 vs. 2018 2015 vs. 2018 vs. 2015 vs. 2018 All within group All within group All within All between group All between group Grouping Grouping (a) (b)

Figure 3: NMDS plot comparison based on Unweighted UniFrac distance (a) and Weighted UniFrac distance (b).

At the genus level, the dominant genera of the two the rhizosphere bacterial community of ratooning sugarcane sugarcane groups included Sphingomonas, Bradyrhizobium, compared to newly planted sugarcane. Bryobacter, Gemmatimonas, Burkholderia, Occallatibacter, and Chujaibacte (Figure 4(b)). Sphingomonas, Bradyrhi- zobium, Bryobacter, and Gemmatimonas were the most 3.4.RhizosphereMicrobialCommunityFunction. Predictions of dominant genera. However, the proportion of dominant the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) bacterial genera in the rhizospheres of newly planted sug- orthologs (KOs) and pathways were performed on the 16S arcane and ratooning sugarcane were significantly different. rRNA gene soil bacterial composition data by using the In the rhizosphere of three-year ratooning sugarcane, the PICRUSt (Figure 7). /e relative abundance pathways re- proportion of Sphingomonas decreased from 9.7% (present lated to metabolism, genetic information processing, envi- in rhizosphere of newly planted sugarcane) to 2.7%, whereas ronmental information processing, and cellular processes the proportion of Bradyrhizobium and Bryobacter increased were higher in the two treatments. Compared with the newly with the extension of ratooning. planted sugarcane, the relative abundance of five pathways, Bacterial taxa with significantly different abundances were including glycan biosynthesis and metabolism, enzyme detected by using LEfSe between the rhizosphere of three-year families, energy metabolism, biosynthesis of other secondary ratooning sugarcane and newly planted sugarcane (Figure 5). metabolites, and transcription was significantly higher in the /e most differentially abundant bacterial taxa in the newly ratooning sugarcane. planted sugarcane rhizosphere soils belong to the Actino- bacteria phylum, whereas the phylum Acidobacteria, Planc- 4. Discussion tomycetes, , and were more abundant in the three-year ratooning sugarcane rhizosphere soils In our study, Illumina MiSeq high-throughput sequencing (Figure 5). Moreover, at the genus level, 69 genera showed was used to analyze the differences between the rhizo- significant differences between the rhizospheres of the newly spheres bacterial communities of the newly planted and planted and ratooning sugarcane. /e abundance distribu- three-year ratooning sugarcane. Previous studies have tions of the top 20 genera with the greatest significant dif- found that plants can interact with soil and microorgan- ferences were analyzed (Figure 6). /e genera Bacillus, isms [7, 18, 19]. /e results from our study showed that Bauldia, Coxiella, Dongia, Iamia, Minicystis, Pseudomonas, there were some similarities in bacterial community Pseudonomia, and Streptacidiphilus were overrepresented in composition between the newly planted and ratooning BioMed Research International 5

100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40 Relative abundance (%) Relative abundance (%)

20 20

0 0 2015.1 2015.2 2015.3 2018.1 2018.2 2018.3 2015.1 2015.2 2015.3 2018.1 2018.2 2018.3

Proteobacteria Sphingomonas Jatrophihabitans

Acidobacteria Bradyrhizobium Mucilaginibacter

Actinobacteria Dependentiae Bryobacter Pseudolabrys

Chloroflexi Firmicutes Gemmatimonas Devosia FCPU426 Gemmatimonadetes Burkholderia−caballeronia Haliangium Bacteroidetes −paraburkholderia Acidothermus Planctomycetes Nitrospirae Occallatibacter Rhodanobacter Patescibacteria Chujaibacter Reyranella WPS−2 GAL15 Acidibacter Granulicella Candidatus_ solibacter Others Others Massilia Singulisphaera

(a) (b)

Figure 4: /e relative abundance of the top 20 bacterial phyla (a) and genera (b) for rhizosphere from the three-year ratooning sugarcane (2015) and the newly planted sugarcane (2018). sugarcane rhizospheres. Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, and We found that the difference between the bacterial Actinobacteria were the main phyla in rhizosphere bac- communities of newly planted and ratooning sugarcane terial communities. /is finding roughly corresponded rhizospheres were most apparent in Acidobacteria, Acti- with those of previous articles that investigated agricultural nobacteria, Firmicutes, and Spirochetes (Figure S1), among or other type soils in which these phyla of the sequences which, the proportion of Actinobacteria in the rhizosphere that were examined using deep 16S rRNA pyrosequencing bacterial community of ratooning sugarcane was 41.4% [20–22]. Proteobacteria is a relatively abundant phylum lower than that of newly planted sugarcane. Actinobacteria that is commonly found in soil [23], and its relative are believed to play an important role in promoting plant abundance is much higher than those of other phyla in this growth in rhizosphere soils and to regulate the biological study. Acidobacteria is a phylum that widely exists in the interactions between plants, pathogens, and the microen- plant rhizosphere, can degrade polysaccharides, and may vironment [30, 31]. In this study, the relative abundance of play an important role in carbon cycling [24]. Actino- Actinobacteria dramatically decreased with the extension of bacteria in rhizosphere is likely to be determined by several sugarcane ratooning. /erefore, further research is needed different selective factors that influence the growth and the to confirm whether Actinobacteria communities play a size of different Actinobacterial structures [25]. Actino- similar role in sugarcane rhizospheres. bacteria phylum was consistently associated with disease /e abundance of soil microbes reflected the diversity of suppression, since they have higher abundances in many soil microbial community. /e dominant genera detected in disease-suppressive soils than in disease-conducive soils this study differed greatly between the rhizospheres of newly [26–29]. planted and ratooning sugarcane (Figure S2). /e difference 6 BioMed Research International


a: Acidicapsa b8: Pseudonocardiales g2: Candidatus_Jorgensenbacteria_bacterium_GW2011_GWA1_48_13 b: Bryobacter b9: Streptacidiphilus g3: Candidatus_Jorgensenbacteria_bacterium_GW2011_GWA1_48_13 c: Candidatus_Solibacter c0: Actinobacteria g4: Candidatus_Kaiserbacteria d: Paludibaculum c1: Gaiellales g5: Parcubacteria e: Solibacteraceae_Subgroup_3_ c2: Termoleophilia g6: Phycisphaeraceae f: Solibacterales c3: Flavisolibacter g7: Phycisphaerales g: Subgroup_2 c4: Paraflimonas g8: Phycisphaerae h: Acidobacteriia c5: Chryseolinea g9: Singulisphaera i: Subgroup_7 c6:Microscillaceae h0: Planctomycetacia j: IMCC26256 c7: h1: vadinHA49 k: Iamia c8: Flavobacteriales h2: Craurococcus l: Iamiaceae c9: CWT_CU03_E12 h3: Rhodopila m: Microtrichaceae d0: Roseifexaceae h4: Inquilinus n: Jatrophihabitans d1: Chlorofexales h5: Inquilinaceae o: Frankiaceae d2: Chlorofexia h6: Asticcacaulis p: Blastococcus d3: Dehalococcoidia h7: Dongia q: Geodermatophilus d4: B12_WMSP1 h8: Dongiaceae r: Geodermatophilaceae d5: C0119 h9: Dongiales s: Sporichthya d6: JG30_KF_AS9 i0: Holosporaceae t: Quadrisphaera d7: 1921_3 i1: Holosporales u: Kineosporiaceae d8: FCPS473 i2: Micavibrionaceae v: Kineosporiales d9: JG30a_KF_32 i3: Micropepsis w: Cellulomonas e0: Ktedonobacter i4: Micropepsaceae x: Cellulomonadaceae e1: Termosporothrix i5: Micropepsales y: Janibacter e2: Ktedonobacterales i6: Reyranella z: Phycicoccus e3: Ktedonobacteria i7: Reyranellaceae a0: Terrabacter e4: NLS2_31 i8: Reyranellales a1: Tetrasphaera e5: Sericytochromatia i9: 1174_901_12 a2: Intrasporangiaceae e6: Vermiphilaceae j0: Methylocapsa a3: Cryobacterium e7: Babeliales j1: Microvirga a4: Klugiella e8: Babeliae j2: Roseiarcus a5: Leifsonia e9: Lineage_IV j3: Methylopilaceae a6: Arthrobacter f0: Elusimicrobia j4: Bauldia a7: Kocuria f1: Bacillus j5: Nordella a8: Paenarthrobacter f2: Bacillaceae j6: Rhizobiales_Incertae_Sedis a9: Pseudarthrobacter f3: Bacillales j7: Bradyrhizobium b0: Sinomonas f4: Bacilli j8: Pseudolabrys b1: Micrococcaceae f5: Ruminococcaceae j9: Xanthobacteraceae b2: f6: Clostridia k0: Rhizobiales b3: Micromonospora f7: Nitrospira k1: Rhodospirillales b4: Actinophytocola f8: Nitrospiraceae k2: AB1 b5: Crossiella f9: Nitrospirales k3: Candidatus_Jidaibacter b6: Pseudonocardia g0: Nitrospira k4: Midichloriaceae b7: g1: Candidatus_Levybacteria 2015

2018 Figure 5: Comparison of microbial variations based on the LEfSe analysis in the three-year ratooning sugarcane (2015) and the newly planted sugarcane (2018). Differences are represented by the color of the taxa (green indicating the three-year ratooning sugarcane and red indicating the newly planted sugarcane).

1174−901−12 Bacillus Bauldia Coxiella Dongia 10.0 30 25 30 20 9 7.5 20 15 20 5.0 6 10 10 10 2.5 3 5

0.0 0 0 0 0 FCPS473 Flavisolibacter Geodermatophilus Iamia Janibacter

30 6 80 60 15 70 4 20 60 40 10 50 2 20 10 5 40 30 0 0 0 Leifsonia Minicystis mle1−7 Phycicoccus Pseudomonas

50 8 4

Taxa abundance 7.5 40 6 3 20 30 5.0 2 4 20 10 1 2.5 10 2 0 0 0 0.0 Pseudonocardia Sinomonas Sphingomonas Streptacidiphilus Terrabacter 35 4 100 30 150 1500 3 75 25 100 20 1000 2 50

15 50 1 25 500 10 0 0 Group

2015 2016 Figure 6: /e abundance distributions of the top 20 genera between the rhizospheres of the three-year ratooning sugarcane (2015) and the newly planted sugarcane (2018). BioMed Research International 7

Poorly characterized Metabolism Genetic information processing Cellular processes and signaling Sensory system Nervous system Immune system Excretory system Environmental adaptation Endocrine system

Organismal systems Unclassified Digestive system Circulatory system Xenobiotics biodegradation and metabolism Nucleotide metabolism Metabolism of terpenoids and polyketides Metabolism of other amino acids Metabolism of cofactors and vitamins Lipid metabolism Glycan biosynthesis and metabolism

Metabolism Enzyme families Energy metabolism Carbohydrate metabolism Biosynthesis of other secondary metabolites Amino acid metabolism Neurodegenerative diseases Metabolic diseases Infectious diseases Immune system diseases Cardiovascular diseases Human diseases Cancers Translation Transcription Replication and repair Genetic processing information Folding, sorting, and degradation Signal transduction Signaling molecules and interaction on ental

informati Membrane transport Environm processing Transport and catabolism Cell motility Cell growth and death Cellular processes Cell communication e relative abundance 2018 2015 Figure 7: /e relative abundance of microbial community functions between the rhizospheres of the newly planted sugarcane (2018) and the three-year ratooning sugarcane (2015). in the distribution of dominant bacteria in rhizosphere soil and Gemmatimonas on the sugarcane ratooning ability, indicated that sugarcane engages in complex interactions nutrient uptake, and the roots growth need to be further with rhizosphere bacteria during the process of ratooning. studied. Rhizosphere microbial diversity plays a key role in the Chen et al. [41] and Wang et al. [42] showed that some promotion of plant growth and health [5]. /e results of beneficial microbial groups such as the plant growth-pro- this study showed that Sphingomonas, Bradyrhizobium, moting rhizobacteria (PGPR, mainly Bacillus and Paeni- and Gemmatimonas were the dominant genera in the bacillus) increased significantly in Achyranthes bidentate sugarcane rhizosphere bacterial community. Previous with the extension of consecutive monoculture. /e results studies have shown that Sphingomonas has a strong ability of Zhu et al. also showed that the richness and diversity of to degrade environmental pollutants and can promote the the soil bacterial community increased slightly after a long- absorption and growth of plants. It has also been shown term consecutive soybean monoculture and that the pro- that Sphingomonas is the primary antimicrobial agent in portion of Bradyrhizobium and Nitrospira, which can soil communities and that this group has an inhibitory promote the nutrient uptake and the growth of plants [43]. effect on plant pathogenic fungi [32–36]. Bradyrhizobium is In our study, we also found that some beneficial microbial a common soil microorganism that can establish mutually groups such as Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Streptacidiphilus, and beneficial symbiotic relationships with plant roots and fix Bradyrhizobium increased significantly in the rhizosphere nitrogen [37–39]. Gemmatimonas is a newly established bacterial communities of three-year ratooning sugarcane genus that exists widely in aquatic and terrestrial habitats when compared with the rhizospheres of newly planted and has been found to be highly abundant in the rhizo- sugarcane. /is indicates that beneficial microbial groups spheres of healthy plants [22, 40]. However, in sugarcane can be enriched in the rhizosphere and may play an active rhizosphere, the effects of Sphingomonas, Bradyrhizobium, role in the ratooning of sugarcane. /ese results also provide 8 BioMed Research International the way for improving the ratooning ability of sugarcane Agro-bioresources (SKLCUSA-b201810), and the Ear- through the modification of soil microbial community. marked Fund for China Agriculture Research System Understanding the function of the microbiomes is key (CARS-170107). for understanding their interrelationships with the envi- ronment. /e relatively recently developed PICRUSt pro- gram has proved to be effective at obtaining functional Supplementary Materials predictions from 16S rRNA taxonomic data [44]. Com- Table S1: good quality sequences that were used for further parisons of the same functional pathways between the analysis after basic quality control for treatments of three- rhizosphere bacteria of the ratooning sugarcane and the year ratooning sugarcane (2015) and the newly planted newly planted sugarcane showed that their abundance be- sugarcane (2018). Figure S1: the abundance distributions of tween groups was significantly different. With the consec- the seven phyla between the rhizospheres of the newly utive monoculture of sugarcane, the relative abundance planted sugarcane (2018) and the three-year ratooning related to energy metabolism, glycan biosynthesis and sugarcane (2015). Figure S2: heatmap of the top 50 classified metabolism, and transcription was greater in the rhizo- bacterial genera of the rhizosphere of the newly planted sphere of ratooning sugarcane, indicating that sugarcane sugarcane (2018) and the three-year ratooning sugarcane require more energy for metabolism and environmental (2015) and Metagenome at level 3. (Supplementary adaptation during the process of ratooning. Materials) In this study, sugarcane rhizosphere bacterial commu- nity was analyzed by high-throughput sequencing. Based on the current findings, we will further study composition and References variation of microbial communities in the rhizospheres and [1] R. K. Chen, L. P. Xu, and Y. Q. Lin, Modern Sugarcane Genetic bodies of sugarcane with different ratooning abilities and at Breeding, China Agriculture Press, Beijing, China, 2011. different developmental stages. /ese studies will help to [2] L. K. Wu, H. B. Wang, Z. X. Zhang, R. Lin, Z. 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