
DC5m United States in english 3 articles, created at 2016-10-15 10:04

1 Merkel: 4-way Ukraine talks next week still an option German Chancellor Angela Merkel remains open to holding top-level talks with Ukraine, and France on the conflict in eastern Ukraine next week. Senior officials from

(1.00/1) the four countries were... 2016-10-14 11:06 776Bytes

2 Fireworks, smoke-bombs in Kiev as far-right marches on national holiday — RT News Fireworks lit the streets of Kiev as thousands of Ukrainian ultranationalists including from the Azov Battalion, Right Sector and the far-right party Svoboda, marched through Kiev to mark (UPA) day, itself on a national holiday. 2016-10-14 15:14 2KB

3 Far-right Ukraine fighters create political party Members of a controversial Ukrainian far-right nationalist group that has battled pro- Russian rebels in the country's east announced on Friday they were creating a political party. 2016-10-14 13:50 2KB Articles

DC5m United States ukraine in english 3 articles, created at 2016-10-15 10:04

1 /3 Merkel: 4-way Ukraine talks next week still an option

(1.00/1) German Chancellor Angela Merkel remains open to holding top-level talks with Ukraine, Russia and France on the conflict in eastern Ukraine next week. Senior officials from the four countries were...

Kremlin: No final agreement yet on holding four-way summit on Ukraine

2016-10-14 11:06 system

2 /3 Fireworks, smoke-bombs in Kiev as far-right marches on national holiday — RT News At least 3,000 people walked in unison through the streets of Kiev on Friday, holding torches, beating drums and chanting nationalist slogans, according to media reports. Although the date, October 14, is a national holiday – Defender of Ukraine Day – the march was notable for the large contingent of Ukrainian nationalists glorifying a collaborationist past.

At about 3:00pm local time around hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Shevchenko Park, where they listened to speeches about guerrilla fighters from UPA. The UPA, led by Stepan Bandera, collaborated with the Nazis during WWII in an attempt to form an ethnically pure and independent Ukrainian state, massacring thousands of Russians, Poles and Jews. There were also prayers for the Ukrainian soldiers and volunteers killed in the conflict in Donbass. At around 4:30pm the activists, who had grown in number, left the park and marched through a pre-agreed route through the city. Present at the march was Svoboda politician Oleg Tyagnibok as well as Theodor Dyachun, an elderly veteran of the UPA guerilla war. Shouts of “glory to Ukraine, glory to the heroes!” and “Bandera, our hero!” could be heard.

The march was generally trouble-free, although police had to take a few individuals aside. According to RIA Novosti, officers had to take one activist aside who did not want to present his documents, but no arrests were made. Fireworks and smoke bombs were also lit.

Many of the demonstrators waved the black-and-red flag of the UPA, as well as the blue-and- yellow flag of Ukraine. The swastika-like flag of the far-right Azov Battalion. Azov Battalion is a volunteer militia active in the east Ukraine conflict, and has been accused of violence and numerous human rights abuses.

Although October 14 was originally a date celebrated by Ukrainian Cossacks, it was also chosen by the UPA as the date to begin their insurgency in 1942. In 2014, President decreed the day a national holiday in Ukraine.

2016-10-14 15:14

3 /3 Far-right Ukraine fighters create political party Members of a controversial Ukrainian far-right nationalist group that has battled pro-Russian rebels in the country's east announced on Friday they were creating a political party.

The Azov battalion rose to prominence as a volunteer regiment fighting alongside Ukraine's army in the east before being integrated into Kiev's official forces.

The role of the group -- which has reportedly attracted neo-Nazi fighters from Europe -- stirred fears over the increasing influence of far-right nationalists in Ukraine during its standoff with Russia.

"Today we become a party. And we must become the party of real action," Andriy Biletsky, a Ukrainian MP who heads the movement, told a meeting as they voted to create the new political bloc.

"We want Ukraine to return to the ideas of Ukrainian patriotism, Ukrainian nationalism. "

The announcement came as Kiev was marking the Defender of Ukraine Day, a public holiday declared two years ago by President Petro Poroshenko that is meant to celebrate Ukrainian troops fighting the pro-Russian insurgency in the east.

The day also coincides with the anniversary of the foundation of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), a group of Ukrainian nationalists who fought against Soviet troops in World War II alongside Nazi forces, and are accused of slaughtering Poles and Jews.

Several thousand people marched through the streets of Kiev on Friday night, brandishing torches, Ukrainian flags, as well as the flags of Azov and other far-right groups, an AFP reporter reported.

Ukraine has seen a rise in nationalism since the ouster of Kremlin-backed leader Viktor Yanukovych by protesters in 2014 sparked Russia's takeover of Crimea.

While the conflict in the east -- which the West and Kiev blame squarely on Russia -- drags on, the pro-Western political leadership in Kiev has failed to make good on pledges to reform the country's rotten political system.

But despite pledges to eliminate rampant corruption going unheeded and the economy deep in trouble, far-right candidates have remained firmly on the fringes at elections.

2016-10-14 13:50

Total 3 articles.

Created at 2016-10-15 10:04

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