FINAL REPORT FINAL REPORT October - November 2020 International Election Observation Mission Ukraine Local Elections October-November 2020 1 IEOM LOCAL ELECTIONS - UKRAINE 2020 2 FINAL REPORT International Election Observation Mission Ukraine Local Elections October-November 2020 FINAL REPORT The English version of this report is the only official document of ENEMO IEOM. 3 IEOM LOCAL ELECTIONS - UKRAINE 2020 4 FINAL REPORT International Election Observation Mission Ukraine Local Elections October-November 2020 ENEMO Bul. Josipa Broza 23A 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro Email:
[email protected] Published by: ENEMO - European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations Editors: Zlatko Vujovic Pierre Peytier Authors: Zlatko Vujovic Pierre Peytier Beatrix Boonekamp Mirjana Grbac Ana Nenezic Nino Rizhamadze Kristina Kostelac ENEMO’s international observation mission for the 2020 Local Elections in Ukraine is financially supported by USAID through the National Democratic Institute (NDI). The content of the document is the sole responsibility of ENEMO and does not necessarily represent the position of the donors. 5 IEOM LOCAL ELECTIONS - UKRAINE 2020 6 FINAL REPORT Contents I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 9 II. INTRODUCTION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 11 III. BACKGROUND 13 IV. LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND ELECTORAL SYSTEM 14 A. Legal Framework 14 B. Electoral System 15 Mayoral Elections 16 Council Elections 16 V. ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODIES 18 A. Central Election Commission (CEC) 18 B. Territorial Election Commissions (TECs) 20 C. Precinct Election Commissions (PECs) 21 VI. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS 22 VII. CANDIDATE NOMINATION AND REGISTRATION 24 VIII. ELECTORAL CAMPAIGN AND CAMPAIGN FINANCE 27 A. Electoral Campaign 27 B. Campaign Finance 30 IX. MEDIA 32 X. GENDER REPRESENTATION 35 XI.