Bills Seek Tighter Tax Audit Rules for State Public, Private Groups Unite To
20130422-NEWS--0001-NAT-CCI-CD_-- 4/19/2013 6:43 PM Page 1 ® Vol. 29, No. 16 APRIL 22 – 28, 2013 $2 a copy; $59 a year ©Entire contents copyright 2013 by Crain Communications Inc. All rights reserved Page 3 SECURITY: A MARATHON, NOT A SPRINT Bills seek tighter tax audit rules Couple of gold ones inspire brewers to make cold ones for state Detroit firms run over by water dept. runoff fees Teams for the Target Taking aim at Fireworks, Detroit With Gilbert at table, casinos Electronic Music Festival and the partial reviews may battle over branding Thanksgiving parade review security plans ARA HOWRANI Joe Johnson, director of global security for Compuware, is part of the corporate security BY CHRIS GAUTZ before each event. Inside teams behind the public-private security effort called Project Lighthouse. CAPITOL CORRESPONDENT A package of bills being consid- Biz leaders offer hail and ered in the Legislature would set farewell to UM president, stronger, more specific parame- ters for state tax audits. Page 21 Public, private groups House Bills 4288-92 deal with several issues but take the most di- rect aim at the practice of indirect Crain’s Lists auditing, where the Department of Biotech companies, Page 15; unite to keep crowds safe Treasury determines liability by a partial review of records. Trea- intellectual property firms, sury opposes the bills as they have BY SHERRI WELCH keep everyday life in the city’s core safer. been introduced, because it says Page 17 CRAIN’S DETROIT BUSINESS INSIDE Before, and during, events in Detroit such they would degrade the depart- as the Target Fireworks, Movement Electronic ment’s ability to conduct efficient Even before tragedy struck last week in Security: There’s Music Festival and America’s Thanksgiving Pa- and effective audits.
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